Base-Ball Ballads/The Bush Leaguer's Dream
(From our "Songs of the Spring Recruit.")
The young recruit stood dreaming where the sultry sun was beaming, With the perspiration streaming down his neck;He had missed four easy chances, which aroused some angry glances, And he saw his big league fancies were a wreck;His work had been erratic, and he heard one mad fanatic Yell in tones far from ecstatic: "Chase that cheese!"Whereupon he drew a vision that was all to the Elysian, And he spoke with much decision words like these:
"If I could run the bases like Bill Bryan, If I only had Ted Roosevelt's batting eye,If I had the reach of Thomas Fortune Ryan, I'd never let another chance get by;If I only was as cool as Charley Fairbanks; Or had control like Harriman has got,I'd be the diamond daisy, and I'd set the bleachers crazy, For I'd be the greatest player of the lot."
There had been a dearth of scoring, and the anxious Bugs were roaring In the bleachers and imploring for a hit,Until finally one fellow plucked a triple, ripe and mellow, And the way those fans did bellow in a fit!Just one little tap would cinch it, just one timely little pinch hit, And the contest would be safely on the shelf;But the bush league phenom madly swung in vain at three, then sadly Walked away and murmured softly to himself:
"If I only had a batting eye like Teddy, If I had the speed of John D. ducking fines,I'd have a big league job and hold it steady, For I'd make both Cobb and Wagner look like shines;If I could only 'steal' (in running bases) Like all these 'malefactors of great wealth',I'd be the diamond daisy, and I'd set the bleachers crazy, And I wouldn't be here playing for my health."