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[edit]- Belshazzar, King of Babylon (tenor)
- Nitocris, Mother of Belshazzar (soprano)
- Cyrus, Prince of Persia (alto)
- Daniel, a Jewish Prophet (alto)
- Gobrias, an Assyrian Nobleman, revolted to Cyrus (bass)
- Arioch, a Babylonian Lord (tenor)
- Messenger (bass)
- Wise Men
- Chorus of Jews
- Chorus of Babylonians
- Chorus of Medes & Persians
[edit]1. Overture
[edit]Scene 1
[edit]The Palace in Babylon.
2. Accompagnato
[edit]- Nitocris:
- Vain, fluctuating state of human empire!
- First, small and weak, it scarcely rears its head,
- Scarce stretching out its helpless infant arms,
- Implores protection of its neighbour states,
- Who nurse it to their hurt. Anon, it strives
- For pow'r and wealth, and spurns at opposition.
- Arriv'd to full maturity, it grasps
- At all within its reach, o'erleaps all bounds,
- Robs, ravages and wastes the frighted world.
- At length, grown old and swell'd to bulk enormous,
- The monster in its proper bowels feeds
- Pride, luxury, corruption, perfidy,
- Contention, fell diseases of a state,
- That prey upon her vitals. Of her weakness
- Some other rising pow'r advantage takes,
- (Unequal match!) plies with repeated strokes
- Her infirm aged trunk: she nods, she totters,
- She falls, alas, never to rise again!
- The victor state, upon her ruins rais'd,
- Runs the same shadowy round of fancied greatness,
- Meets the same certain end.
3. Air
[edit]- Nitocris:
- Thou, God most high, and Thou alone,
- Unchang'd for ever dost remain:
- Through boundless space extends thy throne,
- Through all eternity thy reign.
- As nothing in thy sight
- The reptile man appears,
- Howe'er imagin'd great;
- Who can impair thy might?
- In Heav'n or earth, who dares
- Dispute thy pow'r? — Thy will is fate.
- Thou, God most high. . . da capo
4. Recitative
[edit]- Nitocris:
- The fate of Babylon, I fear, is nigh.
- I have sought to avert it; small my skill,
- Had not the Hebrew prophet with his counsel
- Supported my weak steps. See, where he comes:
- Wisdom and goodness in his front serene
- Conspicuous sit enthron'd.
Enter Daniel.
- Nitocris:
- Oh, much belov'd
- Of God and man! Say, is there aught can save
- This sinking state?
- Daniel:
- Great Queen, 'tis not for man
- To pry into the counsels of omniscience.
- But you have done your duty, I mine.
- No more remains but to submit to what
- God, only wise and just, ordains.
5. Air
[edit]- Daniel:
- Lament not thus, O Queen, in vain!
- Virtue's part is to resign
- All things to the will divine,
- Nor of its just decrees complain.
- The sins of Babylon urge on her fate;
- But virtue still this comfort gives,
- On earth she finds a safe retreat,
- Or bless'd in Heav'n for ever lives.
- Lament not thus. . . da capo
Scene 2
[edit]The camp of Cyrus before Babylon. A view of the city, with the River Euphrates running through it. Cyrus, Gobrias, Medes and Persians
6. Chorus of Babylonians
[edit](upon the walls, deriding Cyrus, as engaged in an impractible undertaking)
- Behold, by Persia's hero made
- In ample form, the strong blockade!
- How broad the ditch, how deep it falls!
- What lofty tow'rs o'erlook the walls!
- Hark, Cyrus! Twenty times the sun
- Round the great year his course shall run:
- If there so long thy army stay,
- Not yet to dogs and birds a prey,
- No succour from without arrive,
- Within remain no means to live,
- We then may think it time to treat,
- And Babylon capitulate.
- A tedious time! To make it short,
- Thy wise attempt will find us sport.
7. Recitative
[edit]- Gobrias:
- Well may they laugh, from meagre famine safe,
- In plenteous stores for more than twenty years;
- From all assault secure in gates of brass,
- And walls stupendous; in Euphrates' depth
- Yet more secure.
- Cyrus:
- 'Tis that security
- Shall aid me to their ruin. I tell thee, Gobrias,
- I will revenge thy wrongs upon the head
- Of this inhuman king.
8. Accompagnato
[edit]- Gobrias:
- Oh, memory!
- Still bitter to my soul! Methinks I see
- My son, the best, the loveliest of mankind,
- Whose filial love and duty above all sons
- Made me above all other fathers happy,
- I see him breathless at the tyrant's feet,
- The victim of his envy.
9. Air
- Oppress'd with never-ceasing grief,
- I drag a painful, weary life;
- Of all that made life sweet bereft,
- No hope, but in revenge, is left.
10. Air
[edit]- Cyrus:
- Dry those unavailing tears,
- Haste your just revenge to speed;
- I'll disperse your gloomy fears,
- Dawning hope shall soon succeed.
11. Recitative
[edit]- Cyrus:
- Be comforted: safe though the tyrant seem
- Within those walls, I have a stratagem,
- Inspir'd by Heav'n (dreams oft descend from Heav'n)
- Shall baffle all his strength; so strong my mind
- Th'impression bears, I cannot think it less.
12. Accompagnato
- Methought, as on the bank of deep Euphrates
- I stood, revolving in my anxious mind
- Our arduous enterprise, a voice divine,
- In thunder utter'd, to the bottom seem'd
- To pierce the river's depth. The lofty tow'rs
- Of yon proud city trembling bow'd their heads,
- As they would kiss the ground. "Thou deep," it said,
- "Be dry". No more; but instant at the word,
- The stream forsook its bank, and in a moment
- Left bare his oozy bed. Amaz'd I stood:
- Horror, till then unknown, uprais'd my hair,
- And froze my falt'ring tongue. The voice renew'd:
- "Cyrus, go on, and conquer: 'tis I that rais'd thee,
- I will direct thy way. Build thou my city,
- And without ransom set my captives free."
13. Recitative
- Now tell me, Gobrias, does not this Euphrates
- Flow through the midst of Babylon?
- It does.
- And I have heard you say, that on the west
- A monstrous lake, on ev'ry side extended,
- Four hundred furlongs, while the banks were made,
- Receiv'd th'exhausted river?
- 'Tis most true.
- Might we not then
- By the same means now drain Euphrates dry,
- And through its channel march into the city?
- Suppose this done: yet still the brazen gates,
- Which from the city to the river lead,
- Will bar our passage, always shut by night,
- When we must make th'attempt. Could we suppose
- Those gates unshut, we might indeed ascend
- With ease into the city.
- Said you not
- This is the feast to Sesach consecrate?
- And that the Babylonians spend the night
- In drunken revels, and in loose disorder?
- They do; and 'tis religion to be drunk
- On this occasion.
14. Air
- Behold the monstrous human beast
- Wallowing in excessive feast!
- vNo more his Maker's image found:
- But, self-degraded to a swine,
- He fixes grov'ling on the ground
- His portion of the breath Divine.
- Behold the monstrous human beast
- Behold. . . da capo
15. Recitative
- Can you then think it strange, if drown'd in wine,
- And from above infatuate, they neglect
- The means of their own safety?
16. Air
- Great God, who, yet but darkly known,
- Thus far hast deign'd my arms to bring;
- Support me still, while I pull down
- Assyria's proud, injurious king.
- So shall this hand thy altars raise,
- This tongue for ever sing thy praise;
- And all thy will, when clearly shown,
- By thy glad servant shall be done.
17. Recitative
- My friends, be confident, and boldly enter
- Upon this high exploit. No little cause
- We have to hope success; since not unjustly
- We have attack'd, but being first attack'd,
- We have pursu'd th'aggressor. Add to this,
- That I proceed in nothing with neglect
- Of pow'r divine: whate'er I undertake,
- I still begin with God, and gain His favour
- With sacrifice and pray'r.
18. Chorus
[edit]- All empires upon God depend;
- Begun by his command, at his command they end.
- Look up to him in all your ways,
- Begin with pray'r and end with praise.
Scene 3
[edit]Daniel's house. Daniel, with the Prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah open before him. Other Jews.:
19. Air
- O sacred oracles of truth,
- O living spring of purest joy!
- By day be ever in my mouth,
- And all my nightly thoughts employ.
- Whoe'er withhold attention due,
- Neglect themselves, despising you.
- O sacred oracles. . . da capo
20. Accompagnato
- Rejoice, my countrymen! The time draws near,
- The long-expected time herein foretold:
- "Seek now the Lord your God with all your heart,
- And you shall surely find him. He shall turn
- Your long captivity: he shall gather you
- From all the nations whither you are driven,
- And to your native land in peace restore you."
- (after Jeremiah 29: 13-14)
- For long ago,
- Whole ages ere this Cyrus yet was born
- Or thought of, great Jehovah, by His Prophet,
- In words of comfort to his captive people
- Foretold, and call'd by name the wond'rous man.
21. Air
- "Thus saith the Lord to Cyrus, his anointed,
- Whose right hand I have holden, to subdue
- Nations before him: I will go before thee,
- To loose the strong-knit loins of mighty kings,
- Make straight the crooked places, break in pieces
- The gates of solid brass, and cut in sunder
- The bars of iron, for my servant's sake,
- Israel my chosen. Though thou hast not known me,
- I have surnam'd thee: I have girded thee:
- That from the rising to the setting sun
- The nations may confess, I am the Lord,
- There is none else, there is no God besides me.
- Thou shalt perform my pleasure, to Jerusalem
- Saying, Thou shalt be built; and to the Temple,
- Thy raz'd foundation shall again be laid."
- (after Isaiah 45: 1-6; 44: 28)
22. Chorus
[edit]- Sing, O ye Heav'ns, for the Lord hath done it!
- Earth, from thy centre shout!
- Break forth, ye mountains, into songs of joy,
- O forest, and each tree therein, for the Lord hath done it!
- Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob,
- And glorified himself in Israel.
- Hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah!
Scene 4
[edit]The Palace. Belshazzar, Nitocris, Babylonians and Jews.
23. Air
- Let festal joy triumphant reign,
- Glad ev'ry heart, in ev'ry face appear!
- Free flow the wine, nor flow in vain;
- Far fly corroding care.
- Each hand the chime melodious raise,
- Each voice exult in Sesach's praise;
- Let order vanish! Liberty alone,
- Unbounded liberty the night shall crown.
- Let festal joy. . . da capo
24. Recitative
- For you my friends, the nobles of my court,
- I have prepar'd a feast magnificent,
- Worthy of you and me. Let all my wives
- And concubines attend. Our royal mother —
- I must prevent thee, son. Who can endure
- Th'unbridled license of this festival,
- Miscall'd by the licentious, liberty?
- Where nought prevails but riotous excess,
- The noisy idiot laugh, the jest obscene,
- The scurril taunt, and drunken midnight brawl.
- My soul starts back at such brutality,
- Asserting reason's empire.
25. Air
- The leafy honours of the field,
- Before the furious driving wind,
- In giddy dissipation fly.
- To noise and folly forc'd to yield,
- The fair ideas quit the mind,
- And lost in wild confusion lie.
- The leafy honours. . . da capo
26. Recitative
- It is the custom, I may say, the law,
- By long prescription fix'd.
- (looking round and spying the Jews)
- These captive Jews!
- What do they here? They low'r upon our joys,
- And envy liberty they cannot taste.
- Yet something your perverse and wayward nation
- Shall to our mirth contribute. Bring those vessels,
- Those costly vessels my victorious grandsire
- Took from the Temple of Jerusalem,
- And in the temple of Bel laid up,
- But us'd them not: — 'tis fit they should be us'd.
- And let their God, whose pow'r was found too weak
- To save his people, serve the conquerors
- Of him and them. We'll revel in his cups:
- Their rich materials and choice workmanship
- Shall well augment the splendor of our feast.
- And as we drink, we'll praise our country gods,
- To whom we owe the prize.
- Oh, sacrilege,
- Unheard of profanation!
27. Chorus of Jews
[edit]- Recall, O king, thy rash command!
- Nor prostitute with impious hand
- To uses vile the holy things
- Of great Jehovah, king of kings.
- Thy grandsire trembled at his name,
- And doom'd to death who durst blaspheme;
- For he, like us, his pow'r had tried,
- Confess'd him just in all his ways,
- Confess'd him able to abase
- The sons of men that walk in pride.
28. Recitative
- They tell you true; nor can you be to learn
- (Though ease and pleasure have engross'd you all)
- Things done in public view. I'll not repeat
- The seven-fold heated furnace, by that God
- Whom you defy, made to his faithful servants
- A walk of recreation; nor the king,
- In height of all his pride, drove from his throne,
- And from the first of men, in thought a god,
- Reduc'd to brutal rank: all this, and more,
- Thou knows't as well as I, and shoulds't consider.
- Away! Is then my mother convert grown
- To Jewish superstition? Apostate queen!
- These idle tales might well become the dotage
- Of palsied eld, but not a queen like you,
- In prime of life, for wisdon far renown'd.
- On to the feast! I waste my time too long
- In frivolous dispute, time, due of right
- To pleasure and the gods.
29. Duet
- O dearer than my life, forbear!
- Profane not, O my son,
- With impious rites Jehovah's Name.
- Remember what His arm has done,
- The earth contains not half his fame:
- Remember, and his vengeance fear!
- O queen, this hateful theme forbear!
- Join not against your son
- With captive slaves, your country's foes.
- Remember what our gods have done
- To those who durst their pow'r oppose.
- Remember, and their vengeance fear.
- Alas! Then must I see my son
- Headlong to sure destruction run?
- Not to destruction but delight
- I fly, and all once more invite
- To reign with me this happy night.
- O dearer than my life. . . da capo
Exeunt severally.
30. Chorus of Jews
[edit]- By slow degress the wrath of God to its meridian height ascends;
- There mercy long the dreadful bolt suspends,
- Ere it offending man annoy;
- Long patient for repentance waits, reluctant to destroy.
- At length the wretch, obdurate grown,
- Infatuate, makes
- The ruin all his own;
- And ev'ry step he takes,
- On his devoted head
- Precipitates the thunder down.
[edit]Scene 1
[edit]Without the city, the river almost empty. Cyrus and Chorus of Persians and Medes.
31. Chorus of Persians and Medes
[edit]- See, from his post Euphrates flies,
- The stream withdraws his guardian wave,
- Fenceless the queen of city lies!
- Why, faithless river, dost thou leave
- Thy charge to hostile arms a prey,
- Expose the lives thou ought'st to save,
- Prepare the fierce invader's way,
- And, like false man, thy trust betray?
- Euphrates hath his task fulfill'd,
- But to divine decree must yield.
- While Babel queen of cities reign'd,
- The flood her guardian was ordain'd;
- Now to superior pow'r gives place,
- And but the doom of Heav'n obeys.
Full Chorus:
- Of things on earth, proud man must own,
- Falsehood is found in man alone.
32. Recitative
- You see, my friends, a path into the city
- Lies open. Fearless let us enter, knowing
- That those we are to cope with are the same
- We have already conquer'd, strengthen'd then
- With aid of great and numerous allies,
- Wakeful and sober, rank'd in just array;
- Now all asleep, or drunk, at best disorder'd —
- A helpless state! Still worse, when they shall hear
- We are within their walls.
33. Air
- Amaz'd to find the foe so near,
- When sleep and wine their senses drown,
- All hearts shall faint, and melt with fear,
- All hands unnerv'd fall feebly down.
- Useless the hero's valour lies,
- Useless the counsel of the wise.
- Amaz'd to find. . . da capo
34. Chorus of Persians and Medes
[edit]- To arms, to arms, no more delay!
- God and Cyrus lead the way.
Scene 2
[edit]A banquet-room, adorned with the images of the Babylonian gods. Belshazzar, his wives, concubines, and lords, drinking out of the Jewish temple-vessels, and singing the praises of their gods.
35. Chorus of Babylonians
[edit]- Ye tutelar gods of our empire, look down,
- And see what rich trophies your victory crown.
- Let our bounteous gifts, which our gratitude raise,
- Wine, gold, merry notes, pay our tributes of praise.
- Sesach, this night is chiefly thine,
- Kind donor of the sparkling wine!
36. Air
- Let the deep bowl thy praise confess,
- Thy gifts the gracious giver bless!
- Thy gifts, of all the gods bestow,
- Improve by use, and sweeter grow.
- Another bowl! 'Tis gen'rous wine,
- Exalts the human to divine.
37. Accompagnato
- Where is the God of Judah's boasted pow'r?
- Let him reclaim his lost magnificence,
- Assert his rights, prov'd ours by long possession,
- And vindicate his injur'd honour! — Ah!
As he is going to drink, a hand appears writing upon the wall over against him: he sees it, turns pale with fear, drops the bowl of wine, falls back in his seat, trembling from head to foot, and his knees knocking against each other.
- Help, help the king! He faints, he dies!
- What envious demon blasts our joys,
- And into sorrow turns?
- Look up, O king! Speak, cheer thy friends!
- Say, why our mirth thus sudden ends,
- And the gay circle mourns?
- Behold! See there!
Pointing to the hand upon the wall, which, while they gaze at it with astonishment, finishes the writing, and vanishes.
- Oh, dire portentous signt! But see, 'tis gone,
- And leaves behind it types unknown,
- Perhaps some stern decree of fate,
- Big with the ruin of our state!
- What God, or godlike man, can tell
- The sense of this mysterious spell?
38. Recitative
- Call all my Wise Men, Sorcerers, Chaldeans,
- Astrologers, Magicians, Soothsayers:
- They can perhaps unfold the mystic words,
- Dispel our doubts, and ease us of our fears.
39. Symphony
[edit]Enter Wise Men of Babylon.
40. Recitative
- Ye sages, welcome always to your king,
- Most welcome now, since needed most! Oh, minister
- To my sick mind the med'cine of your art.
- Whoe'er shall read this writing and interpret,
- A splendid purple robe behind him flows,
- A chain of gold his honour'd neck shall grace,
- And in the kingdom he shall rule the third.
Wise Men:
- Alas, too hard a task the king imposes,
- To read the characters we never learn'd!
41. Chorus of Babylonians
[edit]- Oh, misery! Oh terror, hopeless grief!
- Nor God nor man affords relief!
- Who can this mystery unveil,
- When all our wise diviners fail?
Enter Nitocris.
42. Recitative
- O king, live for ever!
- Let not thy heart its wonted courage lose,
- Nor let thy countenance be chang'd with fear,
- Though all thy wise men fail thee, in the kingdom
- There is a man, among the Jewish captives,
- In whom the Holy Spirit of God resides,
- And in thy grandsire Nebuchadnezzar's day
- Wisdom, like that of God, was found in him,
- By which he could interpret mystic dreams,
- Explain hard sentences, dissolve all doubts:
- Daniel his native name, but by the king
- Nam'd Belteshazzar. Let him now be call'd,
- He'll read the writing, and interpret it.
Enter Daniel.
- Art thou that Daniel of the Jewish captives?
- I have heard of thee.
- That thou canst find interpretations deep,
- And dissolve knotty doubts. If thou canst read
- This writing, and explain, a purple robe
- Adorns thy body, a gold chain thy neck,
- And in the kingdom thou shalt rule the third.
43. Air
- No, to thyself thy trifles be,
- Or takes thy rich rewards who will!
- Such glitt'ring trash affects not me,
- Intent on greater matters still.
44. Accompagnato
- Yet, to obey His dread command,
- Who vindicates His honour now,
- I'll read this oracle, and thou,
- But to thy cost, shalt understand.
- Thou, O king,
- Hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of Heav'n,
- Whose vessels they have brought before thee,
- And thou, thy lords, thy wives, and concubines,
- Have drunk wine in them! Thou hast prais'd the gods
- Of gold and silver, brass, iron, wood and stone,
- Which neither see, nor hear, nor aught perceive!
- But Him, the God whose hands upholds thy life,
- And in whose high dispose are all thy ways,
- Thou hast not glorified, but hast blasphem'd.
- From Him the hand was sent, by His appointment
- These words were written:
- MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN, which I thus interpret.
- MENE: the God, whom thou hast dishonour'd,
- The days hath number'd of thy reign, and finish'd it.
- TEKEL: thou in the balances art weigh'd,
- And art found wanting.
- PERES: thy kingdom is divided,
- And to the Medes and Persians given.
45. Recitative
- Oh, sentence too severe, and yet too sure,
- Unless repentance may reverse the doom!
46. Air
- Regard, O son, my flowing tears,
- Proofs of maternal love!
- Regard thyself; to cure thy fears,
- Regard the God above.
- Repentance sure will mercy find,
- But wrath pursues th'obdurate mind.
- Regard, O son. . . da capo
Scene 3
[edit]Cyrus, Gobrias and Chorus of Persians and Medes, within the City.
47. Air
- O God of truth, O faithful guide,
- Well hast thou kept thy word!
- Deep waves at my approach subside,
- The brazen portals open wide,
- Glad to receive their lord.
- The hostile nations scatter'd fly,
- Nor dare my presence stay.
- Where'er I go, sure victory
- Attends, for God is always nigh,
- And He prepares my way.
48. Recitative
- You, Gobrias, lead directly to the palace,
- For you best know the way. This revelling herd
- Cannot oppose our passage; those who would,
- Fall easy victims. For the rest, they fly,
- Or take us for their friends, and reeling shout
- For joy. We'll be their friends, and join the shout.
- I seek no enemy except the tyrant;
- When he is slain, our task is at an end.
- My worthy friends, let us not stain our swords
- With needless slaughter! I begin already
- To count this people mine, myself their shepherd,
- Whose office is to feed and to protect them,
- Not to destroy.
49. Chorus
[edit]- O glorious prince, thrice happy they
- Born to enjoy thy future sway!
- To all like thee were sceptres giv'n,
- Kings were like gods, and earth like Heav'n.
- Subjection free, unforc'd, would prove
- Obedience is the child of love;
- The jars of nation soon would cease,
- Sweet liberty, beatific peace
- Would stretch their reign from shore to shore,
- And war and slav'ry be no more.
[edit]Scene 1
[edit]The Palace. Nitocris, Daniel, Jews.
50. Air
- Alternate hopes and fears distract my mind,
- My weary soul no rest can find.
- My busy fancy now presents
- A gracious scene: my son repents
- And God recalls his doom.
- Now to false shame he quits his fears,
- False courage takes, and madly dares
- His impious feast resume.
- Then arms and dying groans resound,
- And streams of blood gush out around.
- Alternate hopes and fears distract my mind,
- My weary soul no rest can find.
51. Recitative
- Fain would I hope. It cannot surely be.
- Oh, that it could not! But if I may judge
- The future by the past, it were vain flatt'ry
- To bid you hope for his conversion.
52. Air
- Can the black AEthiop change his skin,
- His native spots the leopard lose?
- Then may the heart obdur'd in sin
- Grow soft, repent, and virtue choose!
- Threats or advice but move disdain,
- And signs and wonders glare in vain.
- Can the black. . . da capo
Enter Arioch.
53. Recitative
- My hopes revive, here Arioch comes! By this
- 'Tis plain the revels are broke up. Say, Arioch,
- Where is the king?
- When you had left the room,
- A while deep silence reign'd; the king sat pensive,
- As doubting whether to break up the banquet,
- Or to continue. At length some parasites,
- Those insects vile that still infest a court,
- Began to minister false comfort to him.
- With this, again
- They sat them down to drink. The bowl went round,
- The king forgot his fears, the wine inspir'd him,
- And he blasphem'd again. Not long we sat,
- When from without the gates a noise tumultuous
- Was heard, loud shouts and cries, and clashing arms.
- The king deputed some to learn the cause.
- I gladly seiz'd the opportunity,
- And fled a place to swift destruction doom'd.
Enter a Messenger.
- All's lost, the fate of Babylon is come!
- Cyrus is here, ev'n within the palace!
- Cyrus, impossible!
- It is too true;
- A tumult heard without, the gates unbarr'd,
- Disclos'd a dreadful scene: the guards overpow'rd
- By numbers far superior, fell before them
- With faint resistance. The victorious foe
- No sooner saw the gates set open wide,
- But rush'd at once, and easy entrance gain'd.
54. Chorus of Jews
[edit]- Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth!
- How is Sesach taken,
- And how is the praise of the whole earth surpris'd!
- Thy counsel stands, O Lord,
- And thou dost all thy pleasure!
Scene 2
[edit]Belshazzar, his lords, and other Babylonians, with their swords drawn.
55. Air
- I thank thee, Sesach! Thy sweet pow'r
- Does to myself myself restore.
- Thy plenteous heart-inspiring juice
- All my courage lost renews.
- I blush to think I shadows fear'd.
- Cyrus, come on, I'm now prepar'd!
Exeunt to meet Cyrus.
56. A Martial Symphony
[edit](during which a battle is supposed, in which Belshazzar and his attendants are slain)
Scene 3
[edit]Cyrus, Gobrias and Chorus.
57. Air
- To pow'r immortal my first thanks are due;
- My next, great Cyrus, let me pay to you,
- Whose arm this impious king laid low,
- The bitter source of all my woe.
- Tears, sure, will all my life employ,
- E'en now I weep, but weep for joy.
58. Recitative
- Be it thy care, good Gobrias, to find out
- The queen, and that great Jew, of whom thou tolds't me.
- Guard them in safety hither; if harm befall them
- I shall repent, and curse my victory.
Exit Gobrias.
59. Air
- Destructive war, thy limits know;
- Here, tyrant death, thy terrors end.
- To tyrants only I'm a foe,
- To virtue and her friends, a friend.
- Destructive war. . . da capo
Re-enter Gobrias, with Nitocris, Daniel, and Jews.
60. Duet
- Great victor, at your feet I bow,
- No more a queen, your vassal now!
- My people spare! Forgive my fears,
- I mourn a son, indulge my tears,
- Resistless nature bids them flow.
- Rise, virtuous queen, compose your mind,
- Give fear and sorrow to the wind.
- Safe are your people if they will;
- Be still a queen, a mother still,
- A son in Cyrus you shall find.
61. Recitative
[edit]Cyrus (to Daniel):
- Say, venerable prophet, is there aught
- In Cyrus' pow'r by which he can oblige
- Thee, or thy people?
- O victorious prince,
- The God of Israel, Lord of Heav'n and earth,
- Long ere thy birth, foretold thee by thy name,
- And shew'd thy conquests! 'Tis to Him thou ow'st,
- To Him thou must ascribe them. Read those lines,
- The great prediction which thou hast already
- In part accomplish'd, and, we trust, will soon
- Fulfil the rest.
62. Soli & Chorus
[edit]- Tell it out among the heathen,
- That the Lord is King.
63. Accompagnato
- Yes, I will rebuild thy city, God of Israel!
- I will release thy captives, not for price,
- Not for reward, but to perform thy pleasure.
- Thus prostrate I confess, Thou art the Lord,
- There is none else, there is no God beside Thee.
- Thou condescendest to call me thy shepherd,
- And I will feed thy flock. To me Thou hast giv'n
- The kingdoms of the earth; and shall I suffer
- Thy kingdom to lie waste, Thy chosen people
- In exile and captivity to wander?
- Far be from Cyrus such ingratitude!
- Hear, holy people! Hear, elect of God!
- The God of Israel (he alone is God)
- Hath charg'd me to rebuild his house and city,
- And let his exil'd captive people go.
- With transport I obey! Be free, ye captives,
- And to your native land in peace return.
- Thou, O Jerusalem, shalt be rebuilt;
- O Temple, thy foundation shall be laid.
- No thanks to me; to God return your thanks,
- As I do mine! We all are to his goodness
- Indebted deep, to Him be all the praise.
64. Soli & Chorus
- I will magnify Thee, O God my king!
- And I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Daniel, Nitocris:
- My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord,
- And let all flesh give thanks
- Unto His holy name for ever and ever.
- Amen
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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