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Ben King's Verse/Baby Up at Battenberg's

From Wikisource

Upon the death of the late Lord Tennyson, Mr. King fancied himself an applicant for the position of Poet Laureate and produced this poem as his recommendation to the Appointing Power.

124919Ben King's Verse — Baby Up at Battenberg'sBenjamin Franklin King

Heerd 'bout what's happened?
Why o' course ye has;
Baby up at Battenberg's
Hope it tain't the las'!

Doctor come at eight o'clock,
Rig all spleshed with clay;
Dad a trampin' up the hall,
Skeery?--I sh'd say!

Kind o' still 'roun' the house,
Folk on tiptoe walk
Tell the door is open
An' we hear a squawk!

Doctor whispers suthin'--
Daddy hollers: "No!"
Doctor says, "Twelve pounder!"
Daddy whoops out: "Sho!"

Daddy--happier'n a clam!
Mother doin' well;
Baby up at Battenberg's,
Haven't ye heerd tell?