Ben King's Verse/Baby Up at Battenberg's
Heerd 'bout what's happened?
Why o' course ye has;
Baby up at Battenberg's
Hope it tain't the las'!
Doctor come at eight o'clock,
Rig all spleshed with clay;
Dad a trampin' up the hall,
Skeery?--I sh'd say!
Kind o' still 'roun' the house,
Folk on tiptoe walk
Tell the door is open
An' we hear a squawk!
Doctor whispers suthin'--
Daddy hollers: "No!"
Doctor says, "Twelve pounder!"
Daddy whoops out: "Sho!"
Daddy--happier'n a clam!
Mother doin' well;
Baby up at Battenberg's,
Haven't ye heerd tell?