The order of words is strictly alphabetical, except in the case of compound verbs, which will be found under their simple verbs.
Past participles compounded with ge- are usually glossed under the simple verb (Sievers § 366), but there are some marked exceptions; e.g. gegongen is the pp. of gongan in 822, 3036, hut of gegongan in 893, 3085.
æ comes between ad and af.
ð and þ are treated as identical, and come after t.
Numerous cross references are given, especially for unusual forms, but not as a rule for mere flexional forms which a knowledge of grammar should suffice to trace, such as parts of verbs.
All words are glossed under forms which actually occur in the poem, not under normalised forms. When divergent forms of the same word occur and cross references are not given,
(both initial and final) should be sought under
(before nasals)„
Dative and Instrumental are not distinguished, except when they have different forms, as in the singular of adjectives and of some pronouns.
Small capitals are used for modern renderings which are directly or almost directly descended from the Old English words.
The following abbreviations alone require explanation :
past participle
N.B.All compound verbs must be sought under their simple verbs.
ā,adv., aye, ever, always, 455, etc.
ac,conj., but, 740, 773, etc.
ac,adv. interr., = Lat. nonne, used to mark a question, 1990.
ad,st. m., funeral pile, pyre, 1110, etc.
ād-faru,st. f., [pyre-faring] way to the funeral pile, 3010.
ādl,st. f., illness, sickness, disease, 1736, etc.
ǣdre, st. f., stream, canal, vein; dat. pl. swāt ǣdrum sprong, “blood sprang in streams,” 2966; blōd ēdrum dranc, “drank blood in streams,” 742.
ǣdre,adv., quickly, 354.
ǣfen,st. m., even, evening, 1235.
ǣfen-grom,adj., [even-angry] fierce in the evening, night-enemy, 2074.
ǣfen-lēoht,st. neut., even-light, 413.
ǣfen-ræst,st. f., even-rest, 1252.
ǣfen-sprǣc,st. f., even-speech, speech in the evening, 759.
æfnan, see efnan.
ǣfre,adv., ever, always, 70, etc.
aefter,prep., after, 85, 119, 931, 1320, 2816, etc.; after, for, concerning, 332, 1342, 1879, 2461; along, among, 140, 944, 995, 2832 (through), etc.; in accordance with, according to, 1049, 1720, 2179, 2753, etc.; on account of, in consequence of, 1606, 1943. Special passages:æfter beorne, “after (the death of) the hero, warrior,” 2260-1; æfter māððum-welan, “after obtaining wealth of treasure,” 2750; æfter faroðe, “with the tide,” 580.
æfter,adv., after, afterwards, 12, 1389, 315 (back), etc.
æf-þunca,w. m., mortification, vexation, annoyance, 502.
ǣg-hwā, ǣg-hwæt,pron., each, every one, every man, etc., 1384, 2624; qen. ǣghwæs, “of each kind,” 3135.
ǣg-hwæs,gen. neut. used adverbially, in every respect, altogether, 1865, 1886.
ǣg-hwǣr,adv. everywhere, 1059.
ǣg-hwæðer,pron., either, each (usu. of two), 2564, 2844. Special passages:ǣghwæðres sceal scearp scyldwiga gescād witan, worda ond worca, “a sharp shield-warrior must know the difference between words and works,” 287; earfoðlīce heora ǣghwæðrum, “with difficulty for each one of them,” 1636.
ǣg-hwylc, (1) pron., each, everyone, 1165, etc.; with gen. 1050, etc.; (2) adj., each, every, 621.
ǣglǣca, see āglǣca.
ǣ f., sea-ward, watch by the sea-coast, 241.
ǣnig,adj.-pron., any, anyone, 474, 503, etc.; nom.næs se folc-cyning ymbe-sittendra ǣnig ðāra þe, “among neighbouring folk-kings there was not one that,” 2734. For ǣnige þinga see þing.
æppel-fealu,adj., apple-fallow, apple or reddish yellow, 2165.
ǣr,adv., ERE, erst, before, formerly, 15, 642, 718, 2595, etc.; earlier, 2500; first, 3038. Special passages:nō þȳ ǣr, “none the sooner,” 754, etc.; ǣr hē feorh seleð...ǣr hē, “he will sooner give up life than he,” 1370.
ǣr,conj., ere, before: usu. with subj. 252, etc.; with indic. 2019.
Correl. with ǣr adv. (q. v.), 1371.
ǣr þon,conj., ere, 732.
ǣr-dæg,st. m., [ere-day] morning twilight, day-break, 126, etc.
ǣrende,st. neut., errand, 270, etc.
ǣrest, see ǣr.
ǣr-fæder,st. m., [ere-father] father, 2622.
ǣr-gestrēon,st. neut., [ere-treasure] ancient treasure, former gain, 1757, 2232.
ǣr-geweorc,st. neut., [ere-work] ancient work, 1679.
ǣr-gōd,adj., [ere-good] good before others, very good, 130, 989, etc.
ærn,st. neut., house, 2225.
ǣrra,compar. adj. (formed from adv. ǣr), earlier, former: dat. pl. ǣrran mǣlum, “in former times,” 907, 2237, 3035.
ǣr-wela,st. m., [ere-weal] ancient wealth, 2747.
ǣs, st. neut., carrion, carcase, corpse: dat. atol ǣse wlanc, “the dire carrion-proud creature (Grendel’s mother exulting over Æschere’s corpse),” 1332.
æsc,st. m., [ash] spear, 1772.
æsc-holt,st. neut., [ash-wood] spear, 330.
æsc-wiga,w. m., [ash-warrior] spear-warrior, 2042.
æt,prep. with dat., at, in, of time and place, 32, 45, 81, 1089, 1110, 1337, 2270, 3013, 3026, etc.; from, 629, 2860, etc. Special passage: nū is se rǣd gelaug eft æt þē ānum, “now is the rede again along of thee alone,” 1377.
ǣt,st. m., eating, meal, 3026.
æt-gæedere,adv., together, 321, etc.; after samod, 387, etc.; gāras stōdon samod ætgædere, “the spears stood all together,” 329.
æt-grǣpe,adj., groping after, grasping at, at grips with, 1269.
æt-rihte,adv., almost, 1657.
æt-somne,adv., together, 2847, 3122, etc.
ættren,adj., poisonous, 1617.
æþele,adj., noble, 198, 263, etc.
æþeling,st. m., atheling, noble, prince, 3, 33, 118, 888, 1225, 1294, 1804, 2888, etc.
æþelu,st. neut. (always pl. in “Beowulf”), noble descent, lineage, 332, etc.; dat. pl. fæder æþelum, “his father’s preeminence,” 911; æþelum gōd, dīore, “good, dear, by virtue of lineage,” 1870, 1949.
ǣðm,st. m., breath, 2593.
āgan,st.-w. v., pres. āh, pret. āhte: own, possess, have, 1088, 1727, etc.; absolutely 31. Neg. form nah = ne-āh, 2252.
āgen,adj. (pp. of āgan), own, 2676.
Āgend,st. m., Owner, God, 3075.
āgend-frēa,w. m., owning lord, owner, 1883.
āglǣca, ǣglǣca,w. m., monster, monster-fighter, warrior, champion, 159, 739, etc.; acc. sg. āglǣcan, 556; gen. dat. āglæcan, 1512 (or nom. pl.?), 425; āglǣcean, 2557, 2520, etc.; āhlǣcan, 989, 646; nom. pl. āglǣcean, 2592. Used of Grendel, 433, 1269, etc.; of the dragon, 2535, etc.; of a sea-monster, 556; of Sigemund, 893; of Beowulf, 1512 (or sea-monsters?); of Beowulf and the dragon, 2592.
āglǣc-wīf,st. neut., monster-wife, monster of a woman; nom. Grendles mōdor, ides, āglǣc-wīf, 1259.
āh, āhte, see āgan.
āhsian,w. v., endure, suffer, 423, 1206.
ge-ahsian,w. v., learn by asking, learn, hear; pp. geahsod, 433.
āht ( = ā-wiht, q. v.), st. neut., aught; with gen. āht cwices, “aught living,” 2314.
aldor, see ealdor.
Al-walda, Al-wealda,w. m., the All-wielder, God, 928, 955, 1314.
al-walda,w. adj., all-wielding, all-ruling, 316.
an, 1225, pres. sg. 1st ofunnan,q.v.
an,prep., see on.
ān,num. (adj. and pron.), acc. sg. m. ānne and ǣnne:
(1) one, an, a, 100, 135, 428, 699, 2280, 3077, etc.; with the def. art. 1053, 2237; emphatic, sometimes perhaps demonstrative, 1458, 1885, 2410, 2774. Special passages: on ǣnne sīð, “once,” 1579; gen. pl. ānra gehwylces, gehwylcum, “of, to, each one,” 732, 784; (= Lat. alter) ān æfter ānum, “the one for the other,” 2461.
(2) only, alone (more usual with the weak form āna, q. v.), 46, 1377, 2964 (sole); gen. ānes hwæt, “a part only,” 3010.
āna,w. adj., only, alone, 145, 1081, 2361, 2657.
ancor,st. m., anchor, 303, 1883.
anda,w. m.
(1) indignation, defiance; dat. wrāþum on andan, “in indignation against the wroth foe,” 708.
attor,st. neut., poison, venom,
2715; gen. sg. attres, 2523.
attor-sceaða,w. m., [poison-scather] poisonous foe, 2839.
āð,st. m., oath, 472, etc.
āð-sweord,st. n., oath-swearing, oath, 2064.
āðum-swerian,w. m. pl., father-in-law and son-in-law; dat. āðum-swerian, 84.
āwa,adv., aye, ever; in āwa tō aldre, “for ever and ever,” 955.
bǣdan,w. v., beset, press, press hard, oppress, urge, incite, encourage, 2018; pp. gebǣded, 2580, 2826; strengum gebǣded, “sent by the strings,” 3117.
bǣl,st. neut., fire, burning, 2308, 2322; the fire of the funeral pile, funeral pile, pyre, 1019, etc.
bǣl-fȳr,st. neut., fire of the funeral pile, 3143.
bǣl-stede,st. m., pyre-stead, place of the funeral pile, 3097.
bǣl-wudu,st. m., pyre-wood, wood for the funeral pile, 3112.
bǣr,st. f., bier, 3105.
-bǣran,w. v.
ge-bǣran,w. v., bear oneself, behave, fare, 2824; with two comparatives, ne gefrægen ic þā mǣgþe māran weorode…sēl ge-bǣran, “I heard not that that people in greater numbers ever bore themselves better,” 1012.
bærnan,w. v., trans., burn, 2313.
bǣtan,w. v., bridle, bit; pp. gebǣted, 1399.
bæð,st. neut., bath, 1861.
balder, see bealdor.
balu,adj., baleful; dat. pl., bal-won, 977.
bān,st. neut., bone, 2692 (of the dragon’s teeth).
bana, see bona.
bān-cofa,w. m., [bone-cove] body, 1445.
bān-fæt,st. neut., [bone-vat] body; acc. pl. bān-fatu, 1116.
bān-fāg,adj., bone-dight, adorned with bones or antlers, 780.
bān-hring,st. m., bone-ring, vertebra, 1567.
bān-hūs,st. neut., bone-house, body, 2508, 3147.
bān-loca,w. m., bone-locker, flesh, 818.
bannan,st. v.
ge-bannan,st. v., order; inf. ðā ic wīde gefrægn weorc gebannan manigre mǣgþe, “then I learnt that orders for the work were given widely to many a tribe,” 74.
bāt,st. m., boat, 211, etc.
bāt-weard,st. m., [boat-ward] captain, 1900.
be, bī,prep., with dat., byin its various meanings, originally and usu. local, more rarely instrumental (nearer in meaning to Ger. bei than Eng. by): beside, near, by, 36, 814, 1191, 1537, 1722, 1872, 1905, 1950, 2219, 2243, 2538, 2717, 2756; by, along 566 (rest), 1188 (motion), 1573; by (in “I’ll do my duty by you”), in connexion with, 1723. Following its case, him big, 3047. Special passages: wǣpen hafenade heard be hiltum, “raised the sharp weapon by the hilt,” 1574; be ðē lifigendum, “during thy life,” 2665; wæs se gryre lǣssa efne swā micle, swā bið mǣgþa cræft…be wǣpned-men, “the terror was less even by so much, as is women’s power beside (in comparison with) a man, or, as women’s power is [accounted less] by a man,” 1284.
be (bī) sǣm twēonum = be-twēonum sǣm, “between the seas,” 858, 1297, 1685, 1956.
bearm,st. m., [barm] lap, bosom, 35, 1137, 2404 (possession).
bearn,st. neut., bairn, child, son, 150, 469, 3170, etc.; pl. ylda bearn, 605, gumena bearn, 878, niðða bearn(a), 1005, “the children of men.”
bearn-gebyrdo,st. f., bairn-birth, child-bearing; gen. 946.
bearu,st. m., grove, wood, 1363.
bēatan,st. v., beat, smite, paw, 2265; pp. gebēaten, 2359.
bēcn, see bēacen.
bed(d), st. neut., bed, 140, 1240, etc.
be-foran, adv., before; of place, 1412, of time, 2497.
be-foran,prep., with acc., before, 1024.
bēg, see bēag.
bēgen,m., bā,f. and neut., num. and adj.-pron., both, 536, 1305, 2196, etc.; gen. bēga folces, “of the folk of both [peoples],” 1124; bēga wēn, “expectation of both things” (Beowulf’s return home and revisiting the Danes; see ll. 1868—9), 1873.
ā-bēodan,st. v., announce, 390; offer, 668. Special passages: pret. him hǣl ābēad, “bade him hail, wished him health,” 653; hǣlo ābēad, “bade farewell,” 2418.
be-bēodan,st. v., bid, command, order, 401, 1975.
ge-bēodan,st. v.
(1) bid, command; inf. hēt þā gebēodan byre Wihstānes…hǣleða monegum, “then the son of Weohstan ordered that command should be given to many heroes,” 3110.
(2) proclaim, offer, give, 603, 2369.
bēod-genēat,st. m., board-comrade, table-companion, 343, 1713.
bēon,irreg. v., be, usu. with a fut. sense, 183, etc.; be, happen, 1762, etc.; pres. sg. 3rd bið, 186, etc., byð, 1002, 2277; pl. bēoð, 1838, bīoð, 2063; imperat. sg. bēo, 386, etc., bīo, 2747.
bēor,st. neut., beer, beer-drinking, 480, 2041, etc.
beorgan,st. v., with dat., defend, protect, save, 1445, etc.; pret. pl. burgan, 2599.
be-beorgan,st. v., with refl. dat. and acc. or dat. rei, defend, protect (oneself) against, 1746 (see note on 1747), 1758.
bīdan,st. v., with gen. or absolutely,bide, abide, remain, await, wait for, 87, 400, 709, etc.
ā-bīdan,st. v., with gen., abide, await, 977.
ge-bīdan,st. v.
(1) usu. with acc. or governed clause, bide, abide, endure, experience, 264, 929, 1618, 1720, 2445, etc.; pp. gebiden, 1928; imperat. absolutely, gebīde gē, 2529.
(2) with gen., wait for; dat. inf. ōðres…tō gebīdanne…yrfeweardas, “to wait for another heir,” 2452.
on-bīdan,st. v., with gen., abide, await; inf. lætað hildebord hēr onbīdan…worda geþinges, “let your battle-boards here abide the issue of words,” 397.
or-bīdan,st. v., abide, wait, tarry, 2302.
biddan,st. v., [bid] ask, beg, pray, 29, 176, 1994, etc.; pret. sg. bæd hine blīðne, “begged him to be blithe,” 617; with acc. pers. and gen. rei, ic þē…biddan wille…ānre bēne, “I will ask of thee one boon,” 427.
big, see bī.
bil(l), st. neut., bill, sword, 40, 1567, 2777, etc.
bindan,st. v., bind: pp. bunden, 216, 1285 (see ll. 1531, 1900), 1900; gebunden, 871, 1531, 1743, 2111.
cuman,st. v., pret. c(w)ōm: come, 23, 376, 430, 569, 731, 1382, 2058, etc.; subj. pres. pl. cymen, 3106; pret. pl. cwōmon, 239, etc., cwōman, 650; pp. pl. cumene, 361. Often with foll. inf. (which is sometimes best translated by a pres. part.), 268, 710, etc.
dēað-cwealm,st. m., [death-quelling] violent death, slaughter, 1670.
dēað-dæg,st. m., death-day, 187, 885.
dēað-fǣge,adj., [death-fey] doomed to death, 850.
dēað-scūa,w. m., death-shadow, deadly sprite, 160.
dēað-werig,adj., death-weary, dead, 2125.
dēað-wīc,st. neut., [death-wick] dwelling of death, 1275.
dēman,w. v., deem; adjudge, 687; appraise, 3174.
dēmend,st. m., judge, 181.
denn,st. neut., den, 2759, 3045.
dēofol,st. m., devil, 756, etc.
dēogol, see dȳgel.
dēop,st. neut., deep, 2549.
dēop,adj., deep, 509, 1904.
dēor, dīor,adj., bold, brave, dire, 1933, 2090.
dēorc,adj., dark, 160, 275, etc.
dēore, see dȳre.
dēor-līc,adj., bold, 585.
dēð, see dōn.
-dīgan, see -dȳgan.
dīope,adv., deeply, 3069.
diore, see dyre.
disc,st. m., dish, 2775, 3048.
dōgor,st. neut., day, 219, 2200, 2573, etc.; dat. sg. dōgore, 1797, dōgor, 1395 (see note); gen. pl. dōgora, 88, dōgera, 823, dōgra, 1090.
dōgor-gerīm,st. neut., number of days, 2728.
dohtor,st. f., daughter, 375, etc.
dol-gilp,st. m., [doltish yelp] foolish boast, 509.
dol-līc,adj., rash, desperate, audacious, 2646.
dol-sceaða,w. m., doltish scather, foolish or rash foe, 479.
dōm,st. m., doom, judgment, 441, 1098, etc.; free-will, choice, 895, 2147, etc.; glory, 885, 2666, etc. Special passages: æfter dōme, “according to custom, or merit,” 1720; drēah æfter dōme, “lived, employed himself, according to right, or honour,” 2179.
dōm-lēas,adj., [glory-less] inglorious, 2890.
dōn,irreg. v., do, make, take, esteem, put, lay, 444, 1116, 1828, etc.; pres. sg. dēð, 1058; pret. sg. dyde, etc., 44, 1676, 2809, etc. Special passages: him Hūnlāfing hilde-lēoman…on bearm dyde, “the son of Hunlaf thrust the sword into his [Hengest’s] breast,” 1144 (see note); ne him þæs wyrmes wīg for wiht dyde, eafoð ond ellen, “he esteemed the worm’s warfare as naught, its strength and courage,” 2348.
duguð,st. f., doughtiness, the doughty, doughty warriors, noble warriors, 498, 2020, etc.; often coupled with geogoð, “the youthful”, 160, etc.; nom. pl. duguða, 2035; dat. pl. for dugeðum, “in virtue of doughtiness, by dint of doughty deeds,” 2501; duguðum, “doughtily, or to the doughty,” 3174.
eafora, eafera,w. m., child, son, 12, 375, etc.; pl. descendants, successors, 1710: dat. pl. eaferan, 1185.
eafoð,st. neut., strength, might, 902, etc.; acc. pl. eofoðo, 2534; dat. pl. eafeðum, 1717. Special passage: ic him Gēata sceal eafoð ond ellen…gūþe gebēodan, “I shall proclaim to him in war the strength and courage of the Geats,” 602 (see note).
ēage,w. neut., eye, 726, etc.
ēagor-strēam,st. m., water-stream, 513.
eahta,num., eight, 1035; gen. eahta sum, “one of eight, with seven others,” 3123.
eahtian,w. v., consider, deliberate about, esteem, watch over, rule: pres. pl. ehtigað, 1222; pret. sg. eahtode, 1407; pret. pl. eahtedon, 172, eahtodan, 3173; pp. geæhted, 1885.
eal(l), adj., all, 111, 523, 652, 705, 914, 2739; nom. sg. f. eal, 1738; neut. pl. eal, 486; uninflected, 2042, 3164. In some instances it is impossible to say certainly whether the word is an adj. or an adv.: 77, 1230, 1567, 1620, 2241. Substantively, sg. and pl.: 145, 649, 2162, 2794, 1727 (all things), 2461 (everything); gen. pl. ealra, “in all,” 3170; with gen. 744, 835, 1057, 1122, 2149, 2727.
eal,adv., all, 1708, 680 (see þēah).
ealles,adv. (gen. of eall), all, altogether, 1000, 1129.
eald,adj., old, 72, 357, 1776, etc.; acc. pl. neut. ealde, 2330. Special passages: eald Metod, “our God of old,” 945; gold-māðmas hēold eald under eorðan, “the old [dragon] held gold-treasures under the earth,” 2415.
yldra,compar., elder, older, 468, etc.
yldesta,weak superl., eldest, oldest, 258, etc.
ealder-, see under ealdor-.
eald-gesegen,st. f., old saga, old tradition, 869.
eald-gesīð,st. m., old comrade, 853.
eald-gestrēon,st. neut., old treasure, 1381, etc.
eald-hlāford,st. m., old lord (Beowulf), 2778.
ealdor, aldor,st. m., [alder- in alderman] chief, lord, prince, sovereign, 56, 346, 369, 1644, 1848, 2920, etc.
aldor-lēas,adj., princeless, without a chief, 15.
aldor-þegn,st. m., [prince-thane] chief thane, 1308.
ealdor, aldor,st. neut., life, 1371, 1442, etc.; vitals, 1434. Special phrases: tō aldre, “for life, for ever, always,” 2005, 2498; āwa tō aldre, “for ever and ever,” 955.
aldor-bealu,st. neut., life-bale, death, 1676.
aldor-cearu,st. f., life-care, 906.
aldor-dæg, ealder-dæg,st. m., life-day, day of life, 718, 757.
aldor-gedāl,st. neut., life-parting, death, 805.
ealdor-gewinna,w. m., [life-winner] life-adversary, 2903.
ellen,st. m. neut., strength, courage, bravery, 573, 893, 2706, etc.; dat. sg. elne, sometimes best rendered by an adv., “courageously,” 2676; sometimes with strictly adverbial force, “quickly,” 1967, “absolutely,” 1097, “altogether,” 1129.
ellen-dǣd,st. f., [strength-deed] deed of strength or courage, 876, 900.
ellen-gǣst,st. m., [strength-ghost] powerful sprite, 86.
ellen-līce,adv., mightily, courageously, 2122.
ellen-mǣrðu,st. f., [might-greatness] fame for strength or courage, feat of strength, 824, 1471.
ellen-rōf,adj., courage-strong, famed for strength or courage, 340, 1787, etc.
ellen-weorc,st. neut., strength-work, deed of might or courage, 661, etc.
elles,adv., else, otherwise, 138, etc.
ellor,adv., elsewhither, 55, etc.
ellor-gāst, ellor-gǣst,st. m., [elsewhither-ghost] sprite living elsewhere, alien sprite, 807, 1349, 1617, 1621.
ellor-sīð,st. m., journey elsewhither, death, 2451.
elne, see ellen.
elra,adj. (compar. of *ele), another, 752.
el-þēodig,adj., of alien nation, foreign, 336.
ende,st. m., end, 822, 1734, etc.; acc. hæfde eorð-scrafa ende genyttod, “had had the last of his earth-caves,” 3046; dat. eorlum on ende, “to the earls at the end (of the high table?, i.e. the noblest),” 2021.
ende-dæg,st. m., end-day, day of death, 637, etc.
ende-dōgor,st. m., end-day, day of death, 2896.
ende-lāf,st. f., [end-leaving] last remnant, 2813.
ende-lēan,st. neut., end-reward, final reward, 1692.
ende-sǣta,w. m., [end-sitter] coast-guard, 241.
ende-stæf,st. m., [end-staff] end; acc. on ende-stæf, “towards, in, the end,” 1753.
endian,w. v.
ge-endian,w. v., end; pp. geendod, 2311.
enge,adj., narrow, 1410.
ent,st. m., giant, 1679, etc.
entisc,adj., gigantic, 2979.
ēode, ēodon, see gān.
eodor,st. m.
(1) fence, barrier; acc. pl. under eoderas, “under the barriers, into the house,” 1037,
eorð-scræf,st. neut., earth-cave; gen. pl. eorð-scrafa, 3046.
eorð-sele,st. m., earth-hall, 2410, etc.
eorð-weall,st. m., earth-wall, 2957, etc.
eorð-weard,st. m., earth-possession, land-property, locality, 2334.
eoten, eoton,st. m., eoten, giant, monster, enemy, 112, 421, 668, 761, 902, etc.
eotenisc, eotonisc,adj., gigantic, of a giant, 1558, 2979; acc. etonisc, 2616.
eoten-weard,st. f., [eoten-ward] ward or watch against a monster; acc. eoten-weard ābead, “offered watch against Grendel,” 668 (see note).
ēow,pers. pron., acc. and dat. pl. (of þū), you, 391, 2865, etc.
ēowan, see ȳwan.
ēower,pers. pron., gen. pl. (of þū), of you, 248, etc.
ēower,poss. adj., your, 257, etc.
ēowic,pers. pron., acc. pl. (of þū), you, 317, 3095.
ēst,st. f., favour, grace, 958, 2165, etc.; acc. þæt ic his ǣrest ðē ēst gesægde, “that I should first give thee his kindly greeting,” 2157; dat. pl. ēstum, with adverbial force, “graciously, gladly, kindly,” 1194, 2149,” 2378.
ēste,adj., gracious; with. gen. hyre…ēste wǣre bearn-gebyrdo, “was gracious to her in her child-bearing,” 945.
etan,st. v., eat, 444, 449.
þurh-etan,st. v., eat through; pp. pl. þurhetone, 3049.
etonisc, see eotenisc.
ēð-begēte,adj., [easy-begotten] easily got, 2861.
ēðe, see ēaðe.
ēðel,st. m., native land, fatherland, land, estate, 520, 1730, etc.
ēðel-riht,st. neut., land-right, 2198.
ēðel-stōl,st. m., [fatherland-stool] native seat; pl. country, 2371.
feorh-cynn,st. neut., life-kin, generation or race of men, 2266.
feorg-genīðla,w. m., life-foe, deadly foe, 969, etc.
feorh-lāst,st. m., life-step, 846.
feorh-legu,st. f., laying down of life; acc. nū ic on māðma hord mīne bebohte frōde feorh-lege, “now that in exchange for the hoard of treasures I have sold the laying down of my old life,” 2800.
fyren-dǣd,st. f., crime-deed, deed of violence, 1001, 1669.
fyren-ðearf,st. f., [crime-need] dire distress, 14.
firgen-, see fyrgen-.
flǣsc,st. neut., flesh, 2424.
flǣsc-homa,w. m., flesh-covering, body, 1568.
flān,st. m., arrow, barb, 2438, 3119.
flān-boga,w. m., arrow-bow, 1433, etc.
flēah, see flēon.
flēam,st. m., flight, 1001, etc.
flēogan,st. v., fly, 2273.
flēon,st. v., flee, 755, etc.; pret. sg., with acc., flēah, 1200 (see note), 2225.
be-flēon,st. v., with acc., flee, escape from; dat. inf. nō þæt ȳðe byð to beflēonne, “that (fate or death) will not be easy to escape from,” 1003.
ofer-flēon,st. v., flee from; inf. nelle ic beorges weard oferflēon fōtes trem, “I will not flee from the barrow’s warden a foot’s space,” 2525.
flēotan,st. v., float, swim, 542, etc.
flet,st. neut., floor, floor of a hall, hall, 1025, 1086, 1540, etc.
flet-ræst,st. f., floor-rest, bed in a hall, 1241.
flet-sittend,st. m. (pres. part.), floor-sitter, hall-sitter, 1788, 2022.
flȳman,w. v., put to flight; pp. geflymed, 846, etc.
-fōh, see -fōn.
folc,st. neut., folk, nation, people, warriors, army, 14, 55, 262, 1855, 2393, etc. The plural is sometimes used with the same meaning as the singular, 1422, etc.; cf. lēod, lēode.
folc-āgend,st. m. (pres. part.), [folk-owner] folk-leader, 3113.
folc-cwēn,st. f., folk-queen, 614.
folc-cyning,st. m., folk-king, 2733, etc.
folc-rēd,st. m., folk-rede; acc. folc-rēd fremede, “did what was for the public good,” 3006.
folc-riht,st. neut., folk-right, public right, 2608.
folc-scaru,st. f., folk-share, public property?, 73.
folc-stede,st. m., folk-stead, 76 (Heorot); acc. folc-stede fāra, “the field of battle,” 1463.
folc-toga,w. m., folk-leader, 839.
fold-bold,st. neut., earth-building, hall on the earth, 773.
fold-būend,st. m. (pres. part.), earth-dweller, 309; pl. fold- būend, 2274, fold-būeude, 1355.
be-fōn, bi-fōn,st. v., seize, seize on, embrace, encircle, encompass; pp. befongen, 977, 1451, 2274, etc., bifongen, 2009, befangen, 1295, etc.
ge-fōn,st. v., with acc., seize; pret. gefēng, 740, 1563, 2215, 2609, 3090, etc.
on-fōn,st. v., usu. with dat., receive, take, seize, 911; imperat. sg. onfōh, 1169; pret. onfēng, 52, 1214, etc.; hē onfēng hraðe inwit-þancum ond wið earm gesæt, “he (Grendel) quickly seized [Beowulf] with hostile intent and sat on, fixed, came down on, his arm” (or, as Grein, “Beowulf quickly received the malignant monster, and supported himself on his arm”), 748.
þurh-fōn,st. v., with acc., [seize through] penetrate, 1504.
wið-fōn,st. v., with dat., grapple with; pret. wið-fēng, 760.
fondian, fandian,w. v., with gen., search out, prove, experience; pp. gefandod, 2301, gefondad, 2454.
(1) with dat., before, 358, 1026, 1120, 2020, 1649, 2990; before or because of, 169, 2781; for, out of, from, through, because of, on account of, about, 110, 338–9, 385, 508, 832, 951, 965, 1442, 1515, 2501 (in virtue of), 2549, 2926, 2966, etc.; for (purpose), 382, 458.
(2) with acc., for, instead of, as, 947, 1175, 2348.
foran,adv., before, to the fore, forwards, 984, 1458. Special passage: þe him foran ongēan linde bǣron, “who bare their linden-shields forwards against him,” 2364.
ford,st. m., ford, 568.
fore,prep., with dat., before, 1215; for, through, because of, 136, 2059; of, about, 1064.
ge-dryht, ge-driht,st. neut., band, troop, 118, 431, etc.
ge-fægra,compar. adj., more fair?, more dear; nom. hē…wearð…frēondum gefægra; hine fyren onwōd, “he (Beowulf) became more dear to his friends; him (Heremod) crime assailed,” 915.
ge-hwā,pron., with gen., each, each one; acc. gehwone, gehwane, 294, 2397, etc.; dat. m. gehwām, gehwǣm, 88, 1420, etc.; dat. f. gehwǣre, 25. Masc. form with dependent gen. of fem, or neut. n. 800, 1365, 2838, 2765.
ge-hwǣr,adv., everywhere, 526.
ge-hwæðer,pron., either, 584, etc.; nom. neut. an wīg gearwe ge æt hām ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þāra efne swylce mǣla, “ready for war both at home and in the field, and either (i.e. both) of them even at such times,” 1248.
ge-hwylc, ge-hwelc,adj.-pron., with gen. pl., each, 98, 148, 732, 805, 1090, 1705, etc.
ge-hygd,st. neut., thought, 2045.
ge-hyld,st. neut., protection, 3056.
ge-lāc,st. neut., play, 1040, etc.
ge-lād,st. neut., [lode] path, 1410.
ge-lang, see ge-long.
ge-lenge,adj., belonging to, 2732.
ge-līc,adj., like, 2164.
ge-līcost,superl., likest, most
like, 218, 1608, etc.
ge-strēon,st. neut., possession, treasure, 1920, 3166, etc.
gest-sele,st. m., guest-hall, 994.
ge-sund,adj., sound, safe and sound, 1628, etc.; with gen. sīða gesunde, “safe and sound on your journeys,” 318.
ge-swing,st. neut., swing, eddy, 848.
ge-sȳne,adj., evident, visible, 1255, etc.
ge-synto,st. f., soundness, health, 1869.
-get, see -gitan.
ge-tæse,adj., quiet, pleasant, 1320.
gētan,w. v., slay, destroy; inf. cwæð, hē on mergenne mēces ecgum gētan wolde, sume on galg-trēowum fuglum tō gamene, “quoth, he would destroy [them] in the morn with the edges of the sword, [hang] some on gallows-trees for a sport for birds,” 2940. [“Beiträge” x. 313.]
ge-tenge,adj., touching, lying on, 2758.
ge-trum,st. neut., troop, 922.
ge-trȳwe,adj., true, faithful, 1228.
ge-þing,st. neut.:
(1) terms, pl. 1085.
(2) issue, 398, 709; gen. pl. ge-þingea, “fates,” 525.
ge-þōht,st. m., thought, resolution, 256, 610.
ge-þonc,st. m., thought, 2332.
ge-þring,st. neut., eddy, whirlpool, 2132.
ge-þwǣre,adj. gentle, 1230.
ge-þyld,st. f., patience, 1395, etc.
ge-þȳwe,adj., [thewy] wonted, customary, 2332.
ge-wǣde,st. neut., [weeds] armour, 292.
ge-wealc,st. neut., [walk] rolling, 464.
ge-weald,st. neut., wielding, power, control, 79, 808, 2221 (see mid), etc.
ge-wealden,adj. (pp.), subject, 1732.
ge-wef,st. neut., web, woof; pl. gewiofu, 697.
ge-weorc,st. neut., work, 455, etc.
ge-wider,st. neut., weather, storm, tempest; pl. 1375.
gist, gyst, gæst,st. m., guest, stranger, 102, 1138, 2228, etc.
git,pers. pron. (dual of þū), ye two, 508, etc.
git, gyt,adv., yet, still, hitherto, 536, 944, 956, etc.
-gitan,st. v., pret. -geat, -geaton.
an-gitan, see on-gitan.
be-gitan,st. v., get, get at, seize, befall, 1068, 2249, etc.; pret. sg. beget, 2872; pret. subj. (sg. for pl.) begēate, 2130. Special passage: ferhð-frecan Fin eft begeat sweord-bealo slīðen, “dire sword-bale afterwards befell the bold-minded Finn,” 1146.
for-gytan,st. v., forget, 1751.
on-gitan, on-gytan,st. v.
(1) get hold of, seize; pret. sg. angeat, 1291.
(2) get hold of with the mind, perceive, 14, 1431, 1723, 2748, etc.; inf. ongyton, 308.
gladian,w. v., glisten, 2036.
glæd,adj., [glad] gracious, 58,2025, etc.
glæd-man,adj., benignant, courteous, 367 (see note).
glæd-mōd,adj., glad of mood, 1785.
glēd,st. f., glede, ember, fire, 2312, etc.
glēd-egesa,w. m., glede-terror, terror of fire, 2650.
glēo,st. neut., glee, 2105.
glēo-bēam,st. m., [glee-beam] harp, 2263.
glēo-drēam,st. m., [glee-dream = joy] mirth, 3021.
glēo-mann,st. m., gleeman, minstrel, 1160.
glīdan,st. v., glide, 515, etc.
tō-glīdan,st. v., [glide asunder] fall to pieces, 2487.
glitinian,w. v., glitter, glisten, gleam, 2758.
glōf,st. f., glove, 2085.
gnēað,adj., niggardly, 1930.
gnorn,st. m., sorrow, 2658.
gnornian,w. v., mourn, 1117.
be-gnornian,w. v., with acc., bemoan, 3178.
God,st. m., God, 13, etc.
gōd,adj., good, 11, etc.; pl. gōde, “good men,” 2249. With gen., wes þū ūs lārena gōd, “be thou good to us in guidance,” 269.
gōd,st. neut., good, goodness, good thing, good gift, 20, 1952, etc.; dat. pl. manig ōþerne gōdum ge-grēttan, “many a one [shall] greet another with good things,” 1861.
gōd-fremmend,st. m. (pres. part.), [good-framing] framer of good, one who acts well or bravely, 299.
gold,st. neut., gold, 304, etc.
gold-ǣht,st. f., treasure in gold, 2748.
gold-fāg, -fāh,adj., golden-hued, adorned with gold, gold-brocaded, 994, 1800, 2811.
gold-gyfa,w. m., gold-Giver, 2652.
gold-hroden,adj. (pp.), gold-adorned, 614, etc.
gold-hwæt,adj., [gold-active] greedy for gold, 3074 (see note).
gold-māðum,st. m., gold-treasure, 2414.
gold-sele,st. m., gold-hall, 715, etc.
gold-weard,st. m., [gold-ward] guardian of gold, 3081.
gold-wine,st. m., gold-friend, prince, 1171, etc.
gold-wlanc,adj., gold-proud, 1881.
gombe,w. f., tribute, 11.
gomen, gamen,st. neut., game, mirth, joy, 1160, 2459, etc.
gomol, gomel, gamol,adj., old, gray, aged, ancient, 58, 2112, 3095, etc.; weak gomela, gamela, 1792, 2105, etc.; gen. pl. gomelra lāfe, “the heirlooms of their late [fathers],” 2036.
grim(m), adj., grim, 121, etc.; dat. pl. grimman, 1542.
grīm-helm,st. m., visored helmet, 334.
grim-līc,adj., grim[-like], 3041.
grimman,st. v., snort, rage, hurry; pret. pl. grummon, 306.
grimme,adv., drimly, terribly, 3012, etc.
grindan,st. v.
for-grlndan,st. v., grind down, grind to pieces, ruin, destroy; with dat., 424; with acc. 2335, 2677.
grīpan,st. v., gripe, grasp, seize, 1501.
for-grīpan,st. v., with dat., grip[e] to death, 2353.
wið-grīpan,st. v., gripe at, oppose; inf. wið ðām āglǣcean…gylpe wiðgrīpan, “maintain my boast against the monster (lit. with boast oppose),” 2521.
ā-gyldan,st. v., offer (oneself, itself); pret. þā mē sǣl āgeald, “when the opportunity offered itself to me,” 1665; so 2690.
an-gyldan,st. v., pay for, 1251.
for-gyldan,st. v., repay, requite, atone for, 114, 956, 1054.
gylden,adj., golden, 47, etc.
gylp, see gilp.
gylpan, see gilpan.
gȳman,w. v., with gen., heed, care, incline to, 1757, 1760, 2451.
for-gȳman,w. v., with acc., neglect, despise, 1751.
gyn(n), adj., wide, spacious; acc. m. sg. gynne, 1551.
gyrdan,w. v., gird, 2078.
gyrede, etc., see gyrwan.
gyrn,st. neut., sorrow, 1775.
gyrn-wracu,st. f., revenge for harm, 1138, 2118.
gyrwan,w. v., pret. gyrede, pp. gegyr(w)ed: gear, prepare, equip, adorn, 994, 1472, 2087, etc.; pp. pl. gegyrede, 1028, etc.
ge-gyrwan,w. v., gear, prepare, 38, 199; pret. pl. ge-giredan, 3137.
gyst, see gist.
gystra,adj., yester, 1334.
gyt, see git.
gȳtsian,w. v., be greedy, covet, 1749.
habban,w. v., pret. hæfde: have, 383, 658, etc.; often as auxiliary, 106, etc. Pres. 1st, hafu, 2523, hafo, 2150, 3000; 2nd, hafast, 953, etc.; 3rd, hafað, 474, etc. Negative form of subj. pres. pl. næbben, 1850.
for-habban,w. v., keep back, retain, refrain, 2609; inf. ne meahte wǣfre mōd forhabban in hreþre, i.e. he was dying, 1151.
wið-habban,w. v., withstand, resist, 772.
hād,st, m., [-hood] condition, quality, manner, wise, 1297, 1335, etc.
hador,st. m., retreat?, 414 (see note).
hādor,adj., clear-voiced, sonorous, 497.
hādre,adv., clearly, brightly, 1571.
hæf,st. neut., sea, mere; pl. heafo, 2477.
hæfen, see hebban.
hæft,st. m., captive, 2408.
hæfta,w. m., captive; acc. hæfton, 788.
hæft-mēce,st. m., [haft-sword] hilted sword, 1457.
hæg-steald,st. m., bachelor, liege-man, young warrior, 1889.
hǣl,st. f.:
(1) health, good luck, 653, 1217.
(2) omen, 204.
hæle,st. m., man, hero, warrior, 1646, etc.; acc. pl. 719.
haga,w. m., [haw] hedge, enclosure, entrenchment, 2892, 2960.
hāl,adj., whole, hale, safe and sound, 300, etc. Special passages: wes…hāl, “hail,” 407; with gen. heaðo-lāces hāl, “safe and sound from the strife,” 1974.
hām-weorðung,st. f., home-adorning, that which graces a home, 2998.
hand, see hond.
hangian, see hongian.
hār,adj., hoar, hoary, gray, 887, etc.; gen. hāres hyrste, “the old man’s (Ongentheow’s) harness,” 2988.
hard-, see heard-,
hāt,adj., hot, 2781, etc.; dat. sg. hāton, 849; nom. wyrm hāt ge-mealt, “the dragon melted in its heat,” 897.
hātost,superl., hottest, 1668.
hāt,st. neut., heat, 2605.
hatan,st. v.:
(1) order, command, bid, 293, 386, etc.; pret. sg. hēht, 1035, etc., hēt, 198, etc.; pp. ðā wæs hāten hreþe Heort innan-weard folmum gefrætwod, “then it was commanded that the inside of Heorot should quickly be adorned by hands,” 991.
(2) name, call, 102, etc.; subj. pres. pl. hātan, 2807.
ge-hātan,st. v., usu. with acc., promise, vow, 1392, 2024, etc.; with gen. 2989; pret. gehēt, 175, 2937, etc.
heals,st. m., neck, 1872, etc.; dat. sg. halse, 1566.
heals-bēag, -bēah,st. m., neck-ring, carcanet, 1195, 2172.
heals-gebedda,w. m. f., beloved bed-fellow, wife, 63.
healsian,w. v., entreat, 2132.
heal-sittend,st. m. (pres. part.), hall-sitter, 2015, etc.
heal-þegn,st. m., hall-thane, 142, etc.
heal-wudu,st. m., hall-wood, 1317.
hēan,adj., abject, ignominious, despised, 1274, 2183, etc.
hēan, hēanne, see hēah.
hēap,st. m., heap, band, company, 335, 400, etc.
heard,adj., hard, hardy, strong, brave, cruel, severe, 166, 322, 342, 432, 540, 1574, 1807, etc.; dat. pl. heardan, 963; gen. pl. “of the brave,” 988. With gen. “brave in,” 886, 1539, etc. Special passage: þæt hire wið halse heard grāpode, “so that the hard [sword] griped at her neck,” 1566.
heardra,compar., harder, 576, etc.
hard-fyrde,adj., hard to carry, heavy, 2245.
hearde,adv., hard, 1438.
heard-ecg,adj., hard-edged, 1288.
heard-hicgende,adj. (pres. part.), [hard-thinking] brave-minded, bold of purpose, 394, etc.
hearm,st. m., harm, insult, 1892.
hearm-scaða,w. m., [harm-acather] harmful foe, 766.
hearpe,w. f., harp, 89, etc.
heaðerian,w. v., restrain, confine; pp. hergum geheaðerod, “confined in idol-fanes (-groves), i.e. accursed,” 3072.
hēaðo-, see hēaðu-.
heaðo-byrne,w. f., battle-byrny, coat of mail, 1552.
heaðo-dēor,adj., battle-brave, bold in fight, 688, etc.
hild,st. f., battle, war, 452, etc.; prowess in battle, 2952.
hilde-bil(l), st. neut., battle-bill, sword, 557, etc.
hilde-bord,st. neut., [battle-board] shield, 397, etc.
hilde-cyst,st. f., [battle-virtue] bravery in battle, 2598.
hilde-dēor, -dīor,adj., battle-brave, bold in battle, 312, 834, 3111, etc.
hilde-freca, hild-freca,w. m., battle-wolf, 2205, 2366.
hilde-geatwe,st. f. pl., battle-trappings, equipments for war, armour, 674, 2362.
hilde-gicel,st. m., battle-iciecle; dat. pl. ðā þæt sweord ongan æfter heaþo-swāte hilde-gicelum…wanian, “then the sword began to dwindle in icicles of steel in consequence of the blood (of Grendel),” 1606.
hilde-grāp,st. f., battle-grasp, war-clutch, 1446, etc.
hilde-hlemm, -hæemm,st. m., battle-crash, crash of battle, 2201, 2351, 2544.
hilde-lēoma,w. m., battle-ray:
(1) battle-flame (of the dragon), 2583.
(2) flashing sword, 1143.
hilde-mēce,st. m., battle-sword; pl. hilde-mēceas, 2202.
hilde-mecg,st. m., battle-man, warrior, 799.
hilde-rǣs,st. m., [battle-race] rush of battle, 300.
holt-wudu,st. m., holt-wood; wood, forest, 1369; wood (material), 2340.
homer, hamer,st. m., hammer, 1285; gen. pl. homera lāfe, “leavings of hammers, i.e. swords,” 2829.
hōn,st. v.
be-hōn,st. v., trans., hang with; pp. behongen, 3139.
hond, hand,st. f., hand, 558, 656, etc.
hand-bona, -bana,w. m., [hand-bane] hand-slayer, 460, 1330.
hand-gemǣne,adj., [hand-common] hand to hand; nom. neut. þǣr unc hwīle wæs hand-gemǣne, “there we two engaged a while hand to hand,” 2137. [Ger. hand-gemein.]
hand-gewriðen,adj. (pp.), hand-wreathed, hand-twisted; pl. 1937.
hand-sporu,st. f., hand-spur, claw, 986.
hond-gemōt,st. neut., hand-meet-ing, hand to hand fight, 1526, 2355.
hond-gesella,w. m., hand-comrade, 1481.
hond-gestealla, hand-gestealla,w. m., hand-comrade, 2169, 2596.
hond-geweorc,st. neut., hand-work, 2835.
hond-lēan, hand-lēan,st. m., hand-requital, hand-reward, 1541, 2094.
hond-locen,adj. (pp.), hand-locked, 322, 551.
hond-rǣs,st. m., [hand-race] hand to hand fight, 3072.
hond-scolu, hand-scolu,st. f., [hand-shoal] hand-troop, followers, 1317 (see note), 1963.
hord,st. m. neut., hoard, treasure, 887, 912, etc.
hord-ærn,st. neut., hoard-hall, treasure-cave, 2279, etc.
hord-burh,st. f., hoard-burgh, wealthy city, 467.
hord-gestrēon,st. neut., hoard-treasure, 1899, etc.
hord-mādm ( = -māðum), st. m., hoard-treasure, hoard-jewel; dat. pl. nǣnigne ic under swegle sēlran hȳrde hord-mādmum hæleþa, “I heard of none better under the sky among the hoard-jewels of heroes,” 1198.
hord-weard,st. m., [hoard-ward] guardian of a hoard or treasure, 1047 (of the king), 2293 (of the dragon), etc.
hord-wela,w. m., hoard-weal, wealth of treasure, 2344.
hord-weorðung,st. f., [hoard-honouring] honouring by gifts, valuable reward, 952.
hwā,m. and f., hwæt,neut., interr. and indef. pron., who, what, any (one), somewhat, 52, 3126, etc. With gen. hwæt…hȳnðo, “what humiliation,” 474; swulces hwæt, “somewhat of such (matter),” 880; ānes hwæt, “somewhat only, a part only,” 3010. Special passages: nāh hwā sweord wege, “I have no one who may wear sword,” 2252; dat. hwām, “for whom,” 1696; instr. tō hwan syððan wearð hond-rǣs hæleða, “to what issue the hand-fight of heroes afterwards came,” 2071.
hwæder, see hwyder.
hwǣr,adv., where, anywhere, 2029. Special passages: wundur hwār þonne, “it is a wonder (mystery) anywhere when,” 3062; with swā following, “whereso-ever,” 762 (see note, and cf. 797); elles hwǣr, “elsewhere,” 138.
hwæt,adj., active, keen, bold; weak hwata, 3028; dat. hwatum, 2161; pl. hwate, 1601, etc.
hwæt,pron., see hwā.
hwæt,interj., what!, lo!, 1, 530, etc.
hwæðer,adj.-pron., whether, which of two; nom. gebīde gē…hwæðer sēl mæge…uncer twēga, “await ye whether of us twain may the better,” 2530; acc. f. on swā hwæðere hond…swā him gemet þince,” “on whichsoever hand it may seem to him meet,” 686.
hwæðer, hwæðre,conj., whether, 1314, 1356, etc.
hwæð(e)re,adv., however, yet, 555, 578, etc.; anyway, however that may be, 574; with swā þēah, 2442.
hyldo,st. f., favour, friendliness. 670, 2293, etc.; acc. hyldo ne telge…Denum unfǣcne, “I reckon not their faithfulness for the Danes sincere,” 2067. Cf. hold.
hyrstan,w. v., adorn; pp. “dight, jewelled,” 672, 2255.
hyrtan,w. v., hearten, embolden; with refl. pron., 2593.
hyse,st. m., youth, 1217.
hyt,st. f. ?, heat, 2649.
hyt,neut. of hē (q. v.).
hȳð,st. f., hythe, haven, 32.
hyðo, see note on l. 3155.
hȳð-weard,st. m., [hythe-ward] guard of the haven, 1915.
ic,pers. pron., I, 247, etc.; acc. mec, mē; gen. mīn; dat. mē; dual nom. wit; acc. uncit, unc; gen. uncer; dat. unc; pl. nom. wē; acc. ūsic; gen. ūre, ūser; dat. ūs, ūrum.
icge,adj., golden?, costly?, massive?, 1107.
īdel,adj., [idle] deprived; nom. lond-rihtes…īdel, “deprived of land-right,” 2888.
īdel-hende,adj., idle-handed, empty-handed, 2081.
ides,st. f., woman, lady, 620, 1259, etc.
iernan,st. v.
be-iernan,st. v., run, occur; pret. him on mōd bearn, “it occurred to him,” 67.
on-iernan,st. v., spring open; pret. onarn, 721.
in,prep., in, with dat. (of rest) and acc. (of motion):
(1) with dat., in, on, 13, 25, 87, 89, 324, 443, 1029, 1952, 2505, 2599, 2635, 2786, 3097, etc.; after its case, 19; of time, 1.
(2) with acc., into, 60, 185, 1210, 2935.
in innan, see innan.
in,adv., in, 386, 1037, 1644, etc.; once inn, 3090.
in,st. neut., inn, dwelling, 1300.
inc,pers. pron. (dat. dual of þū), to you two, 510.
incer,pers. pron. (gen. dual of þū), of you two, 584.
incge,adj., weighty?, 2577 (see note).
in-frōd,adj., very old, 1874, 2449.
in-gang,st. m., entrance, 1549.
in-genga,w. m., in-goer, invader, 1776.
in-gesteald,st. m., house-property, 1155.
inn, see in,adv.
innan,adv., within, inside, 774, etc.
in innan, within; with preceding dat. 1968, 2452.
on innan, within, 2715; with preceding dat. 1740.
þǣr on innan, therein, there-within, in there, 71, 2089, etc.
lust,st. m., [lust] pleasure, joy; acc. on lust, dat. pl. lustum, “with joy, with pleasure,” 618, 1653.
lȳfan,w. v.
ā-lȳfan,w. v., entrust, permit, 655, 3089.
ge-lȳfan,w. v., believe in, trust for, rely on; with dat. pers. 909; with dat. rei, 440; with acc. rei, 608; þæt hēo on ǣnigne eorl gelȳfde fyrena frōfre (acc.), “that she believed in any earl for comfort from crime,” 627; him tō Anwaldan āre (acc.) gelȳfde, “believed in favour from the Almighty for himself,” 1272.
lyfatð, lyfde, see libban.
lyft,st. m. f. neut., [lift] air, 1375, etc.
lyft-floga,w. m., [lift-flier] flier in the air, 2315.
lyft-geswenced,adj. (pp.), wind-urged, driven by the wind, 1913.
lyft-wynn,st. f., [lift-joy] joy in the air, 3043.
lȳsan,w. v.
ā-lȳsan,w. v., loose, loosen, 1630.
lystan,w. v., impers., with acc. pers., list; pret. 1793.
lȳt,neut. adj. or n., indecl., few, 2365; with gen. 1927, 2150, 2882, 2832 (dat.).
lȳt,adv., little, 2897, 3129.
lȳtel,adj., little, 1748, 2097, etc.; acc. f. lȳtle hwīle, “but a little while,” 2030.