Beyond Fantasy Fiction/1953

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Publisher: Galaxy Publishing Corporation

3998351Beyond Fantasy Fiction — 1953


Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for July 1953
Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for July 1953

Volume 1, Issue 1 (transcription project)

Cover art by Richard Powers

Edited by H. L. Gold

  • Beyond • essay by H. L. Gold
  • ... And My Fear Is Great ... • novella by Theodore Sturgeon (© Copyright Renewed: Theodore Sturgeon (A); 23Oct81; RE0000105544.)
  • All of You • short story by James McConnell [as by James V. McConnell]
  • The Day the World Ended • short story by Frank M. Robinson
  • The Springbird • short story by Roger Dee
  • Babel II • novelette by Damon Knight (© Copyright Renewed: Damon Knight (A); 26May81; RE0000092996.)
  • Share Alike • short story by Jerome Bixby and Joe E. Dean
  • The Wedding • short story by Richard Matheson
  • Eye for Iniquity • novelette by T. L. Sherred


Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for September 1953
Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for September 1953

Volume 1, Issue 2

Cover art by Richard Powers

Edited by H. L. Gold

  • The Wall Around the World • novelette by Theodore R. Cogswell (© Copyright Renewed: Theodore R. Cogswell (A); 4Jun81; RE0000121265.)
  • Wire-Haired Radical • short story by Joseph Shallit
  • Can Such Beauty Be? • short story by Jerome Bixby
  • Talent • short story by Theodore Sturgeon
  • The Dream Makers • novelette by Robert Bloch (© Copyright Renewed: Robert Bloch (A); 10Dec81; RE0000109334.)
  • A Little Pile • short story by M. C. Pease
  • How Do I Do? • short story by John Wyndham
  • And Not Quite Human • short story by Joe L. Hensley (© Copyright Renewed: Joe L. Hensley (A); 30Mar81; RE0000097539.)
  • Kid Stuff • short story by Isaac Asimov
  • Prediction (Beyond Fantasy Fiction, September 1953) • essay by uncredited
  • The Goddess on the Street Corner • short story by Margaret St. Clair (© Copyright Renewed: Margaret Saint Clair (A); 6May81; RE0000135041.)
  • The King of the Elves • novelette by Philip K. Dick (© Copyright Renewed: Philip K. Dick (A); 31Dec81; RE0000115661.)


Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for November 1953
Beyond Fantasy Fiction cover image for November 1953

Volume 1, Issue 3

Cover art by Richard Powers

Edited by H. L. Gold

  • The Real People • novella by Algis Budrys (© Copyright Renewed: Algis Budrys (A); 30Dec81; RE0000121255.)
  • The Helpful Haunt • short story by Richard Deming (© Copyright Renewed: Richard Deming (A); 5Jun81; RE0000094425.)
  • Hush! • short story by Zenna Henderson (© Copyright Renewed: Zenna Henderson (A); 12Feb81; RE0000084633.)
  • House ... Wife • novelette by Lyle G. Boyd and William C. Boyd [as by Boyd Ellanby]
  • Just Imagine • short story by Ted Reynolds
  • The Big Breeze • short story by Franklin Gregory
  • Sorry, Right Number • short story by Richard Matheson (© Copyright Renewed: Richard Matheson (A); 13Nov81; RE0000117494.)
  • My Darling Hecate • short story by Wyman Guin
  • Prediction (Beyond Fantasy Fiction, November 1953) • essay by uncredited