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Bhagavad-Gita (Besant 4th)/Discourse 14

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3001425The Bhagavad-Gita — Discourse 14Annie Wood BesantKrishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa


श्रीभगवानुवाच ।

परं भूयः प्रवक्ष्यामि ज्ञानानां ज्ञानमुत्तमम् ।

यज्ज्ञात्वा मुनयः सर्वे परां सिद्धिमितो गताः ॥ १ ॥

The Blessed Lord said:

I will again proclaim that supreme Wisdom, of all wisdom the best, which having known, all the Sages[1] have gone hence to the supreme Perfection. (1)

इदं ज्ञानमुपाश्रित्य मम साधर्म्यमागताः ।

सर्गेऽपि नोपजायन्ते प्रलये न व्यथन्ति च ॥ २ ॥

Having taken refuge in this Wisdom and being assimilated to My own nature, they are not re-born even in the emanation of a universe, nor are disquieted in the dissolution. (2)

मम योनिर्महद्ब्रह्म तस्मिन् गर्भं दधाम्यहम् ।

सम्भवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत ॥ ३ ॥

My womb is the great Eternal; in that I place the germ; thence cometh the birth of all beings, O Bhârata. (3)

सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः संभवन्ति याः ।

तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता ॥ ४ ॥

In whatsoever wombs mortals are produced, O Kaunteya, the great Eternal is their womb, I their generating father. (4)

सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणाः प्रकृतिसंभवाः ।

निबध्नन्ति महाबाहो देहे देहिनमव्ययम् ॥ ५ ॥

Harmony,[2] Motion, Inertia, such are the qualities[3], Matter[4]-born; they bind fast in the body, O great-armed one, the indestructible dweller in the body. (5)

तत्र सत्त्वं निर्मलत्वात्प्रकाशकमनामयम् ।

सुखसङ्गेन बध्नाति ज्ञानसङ्गेन चानघ ॥ ६ ॥

Of these Harmony from its stainlessness, luminous and healthy, bindeth by the attachment to bliss and the attachment to wisdom, O sinless one. (6)

रजो रागात्मकं विद्धि तृष्णासङ्गसमुद्भवम् ।

तन्निबध्नाति कौन्तेय कर्मसङ्गेन देहिनम् ॥ ७ ॥

Motion, the passion nature, know thou, is the source of attachment and thirst for life, O Kaunteya, that bindeth the dweller in the body by the attachment to action. (7)

तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम् ।

प्रमादालस्यनिद्राभिस्तन्निबध्नाति भारत ॥ ८ ॥

But Inertia, know thou, born of unwisdom, is the deluder of all dwellers in the body; that bindeth by heedlessness, indolence and sloth, O Bharata. (8)

सत्त्वं सुखे सञ्जयति रजः कर्मणि भारत ।

ज्ञानमावृत्य तु तमः प्रमादे सञ्जयत्युत ॥ ९ ॥

Harmony attacheth to bliss, Motion to action O Bharata. Inertia, verily, having shrouded wisdom, attacheth on the contrary to heedlessness. (9)

रजस्तमश्चाभिभूय सत्त्वं भवति भारत ।

रजः सत्त्वं तमश्चैव तमः सत्त्वं रजस्तथा ॥ १० ॥

Now Harmony prevaileth, having overpowered Motion and Inertia, O Bhârata; now Motion, having overpowered Harmony and Inertia; and now Inertia, having overpowered Harmony and Motion. (10)

सर्वद्वारेषु देहेऽस्मिन्प्रकाश उपजायते ।

ज्ञानं यदा तदा विद्याद्विवृद्धं सत्त्वमित्युत ॥ ११ ॥

When the wisdom-light streameth forth from all the gates of the body, then it may be known that Harmony is increasing. (11)

लोभः प्रवृत्तिरारंभः कर्मणामशमः स्पृहा ।

रजस्येतानि जायन्ते विवृद्धे भरतर्षभ ॥ १२ ॥

Greed, outgoing energy, undertaking of actions, restlessness, desire—these are born of the increase of Motion, O best of the Bhâratas. (12)

अप्रकाशोऽप्रवृत्तिश्च प्रमादो मोह एव च ।

तमस्येतानि जायन्ते विवृद्धे कुरुनन्दन ॥ १३ ॥

Darkness, stagnation and heedlessness and also delusion—these are born of the increase of Inertia, O joy of the Kurus. (13)

यदा सत्त्वे प्रवृद्धे तु प्रलयं याति देहभृत् ।

तदोत्तमविदां लोकानमलान्प्रतिपद्यते ॥ १४ ॥

If Harmony verily prevaileth when the embodied goeth to dissolution, then he goeth forth to the spotless worlds of the great Sages. (14)

रजसि प्रलयं गत्वा कर्मसङ्गिषु जायते ।

तथा प्रलीनस्तमसि मूढयोनिषु जायते ॥ १५ ॥

Having gone to dissolution in Motion, he is born among those attached to action; if dissolved in Inertia, he is born in the wombs of the senseless. (15)

कर्मणः सुकृतस्याहुः सात्त्विकं निर्मलं फलम् ।

रजसस्तु फलं दुःखमज्ञानं तमसः फलम् ॥ १६ ॥

It is said the fruit of a good action is harmonious and spotless; verily the fruit of Motion is pain, and the fruit of Inertia unwisdom (16)

सत्त्वात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं रजसो लोभ एव च ।

प्रमादमोहौ तमसो भवतोऽज्ञानमेव च ॥ १७ ॥

From Harmony wisdom is born, and also greed from Motion; heedlessness and delusion are of Inertia and also unwisdom. (17)

ऊर्ध्वं गच्छन्ति सत्त्वस्था मध्ये तिष्ठन्ति राजसाः ।

जघन्यगुणवृत्तिस्था अधो गच्छन्ति तामसाः ॥ १८ ॥

They rise upwards who are settled in Harmony; the Active dwell in the mid-most place: the Inert go downwards, enveloped in the vilest (18)

नान्यं गुणेभ्यः कर्तारं यदा द्रष्टाऽनुपश्यति ।

गुणेभ्यश्च परं वेत्ति मद्भावं सोऽधिगच्छति ॥ १९ ॥

When the Seer perceiveth no agent other than the qualities[5], and knoweth That which is higher than the qualities,[5] he entereth into My Nature. (19)

गुणानेतानतीत्य त्रीन्देही देहसमुद्भवान् ।

जन्ममृत्युजरादुःखैर्विमुक्तोऽमृतमश्नुते ॥ २० ॥

When the dweller in the body hath crossed over these three qualities,[5] whence all bodies have been produced, liberated from birth, death, old age and sorrow, he drinketh the nectar of immortality[6]. (20)

अर्जुन उवाच ।

कैर्लिङ्गैस्त्रीन्गुणानेतानतीतो भवति प्रभो ।

किमाचारः कथं चैतांस्त्रीन्गुणानतिवर्तते ॥ २१ ॥

Arjuna said:

What are the marks of him who hath crossed over the three qualities[5], O Lord? How acteth he, and how doth he go beyond these three qualities[5]? (21)

श्रीभगवानुवाच ।

प्रकाशं च प्रवृत्तिं च मोहमेव च पाण्डव ।

न द्वेष्टि संप्रवृत्तानि न निवृत्तानि काङ्क्षति ॥ २२ ॥

The Blessed Lord said:

He, O Pândava, who hateth not radiance, nor outgoing energy, nor even delusion, when present, nor longeth after them, absent; (22)

उदासीनवदासीनो गुणैर्यो न विचाल्यते ।

गुणा वर्तन्त इत्येव योऽवतिष्ठति नेङ्गते ॥ २३ ॥

He who, seated as a neutral, is unshaken by the qualities[5]; who, saying, "The qualities[5] revolve," standeth apart immovable. (23)

समदुःखसुखः स्वस्थः समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चनः ।

तुल्यप्रियाप्रियो धीरस्तुल्यनिन्दात्मसंस्तुतिः ॥ २४ ॥

Balanced in pleasure and pain, self-reliant, to whom a lump of earth, a rock and gold are alike, the same to loved and unloved, firm, the same in censure and in praise, (24)

मानापमानयोस्तुल्यस्तुल्यो मित्रारिपक्षयोः ।

सर्वारंभपरित्यागी गुणातीतः स उच्यते ॥ २५ ॥

The same in honour and ignominy, the same to friend and foe, abandoning all undertakings—he is said to have crossed over the qualities.[5] (25)

मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते ।

स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान् ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ २६ ॥

And he who serveth Me exclusively by the Yoga of devotion, he, crossing beyond the qualities,[5] he is fit to become the Eternal. (26)

ब्रह्मणो हि प्रतिष्ठाऽहममृतस्याव्ययस्य च ।

शाश्वतस्य च धर्मस्य सुखस्यैकान्तिकस्य च ॥ २७ ॥

For I am the abode of the Eternal, and of the indestructible nectar of immortality, of immemorial righteousness,[7] and of unending bliss. (27)

इति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता॰ गुणत्रयविभागयोगो नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः ।

Thus in the glorious Upanishads of the Bhagavad-Gita, the science of the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Shri Krishna and Arjuna, the fourteenth discourse entitled:


  1. Munis.
  2. More strictly Rhythm.
  3. Gunas.
  4. Prakriti.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Gunas.
  6. The Amrita.
  7. Dharma.