Bible (Early Wycliffe)/Þe firſt piſtle of Petre
Capitulum I.
[edit]Petre, apoſtle of Jheſu Criſt, to þe choſen geſtis, or comelingis, of diſperſioun, or ſcateringe abrood, of Ponte, of Galaþie, of Capadoſie, of Aſye, and of Bitynye, vp þe preſcience, or bifore knowinge, of God, þe fadir, in to halewinge of þe ſpirit, in to obedience, and ſprengynge of þe blood of Jheſu Criſt, grace and pees to ȝou be multiplied. Bleſſid be God, and þe fadir of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, þe which vp his greet mercy aȝen gendride vs in to quik hope, bi þe aȝen rijſyng of Jheſu Criſt fro deede men, in to heritage vncorruptible, and vndefoulid, and vnwelewable, þat ſhal not fade, kept in heuenes in ȝou, þat in þe vertu of God ben kept bi þe feiþ in to helþe, maad redy for to be ſhewid in þe laſt tyme. In which ȝe ſhulen ioye, if it bihoueþ now a litel for to be ſory in diuerſe temptaciouns; þat þe prouyng of ȝoure feiþ be miche preciouſer þan gold, þat is proued bi fijr; be it founde in to heriyng, and glory, and honour, in to þe reuelacioun of Jheſu Criſt. Whom whan ȝe han not ſeyn, ȝe louen; in to whom alſo now ȝe not ſeynge, bileuen; forſoþe ȝe bileuynge ſhulen haue ioye wiþ oute forþ in gladneſſe vnenarraable, þat mai not be told out, and glorified, bringynge aȝen þe ende of ȝoure feiþ, þe helþe of ȝoure ſoulis. Of whiche helþe profetes ſouȝten out, and enſerchiden, þat prophecieden of þe grace to comyng in ȝou, ſekinge which or what maner tyme þe ſpirit of Criſt ſignyfiede in hem, bifore tellinge þe paſſiouns, þat ben in Criſt, and latter glories. To whom it is ſhewid, for not to hem ſilf, ſoþeli to ȝou þei myniſtriden þo þingis, þat now ben told to ȝou bi hem þat euangelizeden to ȝou þe Holy Gooſt ſent fro heuene, in to whom aungels deſijren for to biholde. For whiche þing be ȝe gyrd þe leendes of ȝoure ſoule, ſobre, parfijt, hope in to þe ilke grace þat is offrid to ȝou in to þe reuelacioun, or ſhewinge, of Jheſu Criſt, as ſones of obedience, not to gydere liknyd to þe former deſijris of ȝoure ignoraunſe, but vp him þat clepid ȝou holy; þat and ȝoure ſilf be holy in al lyuynge; for it is write, Ȝe ſhulen be holy, for I am holy. And if ȝe inclepen him fadir, þe whiche wiþ oute accepcioun of perſonys demeþ vp þe werk of eche man, lyue ȝe in drede in tyme of ȝoure pilgrimage, or litel dwellinge in erþe; witinge þat not bi corruptible gold, or ſiluer, ȝe ben bouȝt aȝen of ȝoure veyn lyuynge of fadirs tradicioun, but bi þe precious blood of þe lomb vndefoulid and vnſpottid, Criſt Jheſu, bifore knowun ſoþeli bifore þe making of þe world, forſoþe ſhewid in þe laſte tymes, for ȝou, þat bi hym ben feiþful in God; þat reiſide him fro deede men, and ȝaf to him euerlaſtinge glory, þat ȝoure feiþ and hope were in God. Ȝe makinge chaaſt ȝoure ſoules in obedience of charite, in loue of briþerhed; of ſymple herte loue ȝe to gydre biſiloker; born aȝen, not of coruptible ſeed, but of vncoruptible, bi þe word of quike God, and dwellinge in to wiþ outen ende. For ech fleſch hay, and al þe glorie of it as flour of hey; þe hay drieþ vp, and his flour fel doun; forſoþe þe word of þe Lord dwelliþ in to wiþ outen ende. Soþeli þis is þe word, þat is euangelized to ȝou.
Capitulum II.
[edit]Therfore puttinge awey al malice, and al gyle, and ſymulaciouns, or feynynges, and enuyes, and al detraccioun; as now gendrid ȝonge children, reſonable, wiþ out gyle, coueyte ȝe mylk, þat in it ȝe wexe in to helþe; if neþeles ȝe taaſtiden, for þe Lord is ſwete. To whom ȝe goynge nyȝe, a quyk ſtoon, reproued ſoþeli of men, forſoþe choſen of God, and honourid, and ȝoure ſilf as quike ſtoones be aboue bildid ſpiritual houſis, holy preſþod, for to offre ſpiritual hooſtes, or offringes, acceptable to God bi Jheſu Criſt. For which þing þe ſcripture holdiþ, Lo! I ſhal putte in Syon þe hiȝeſt ſtoon, corner ſtoon, choſen, precious; and he þat ſhal belieue in to him, ſhal not be confoundid. Þerfore honour to ȝou bileuynge; forſoþe to men not bileuynge, þe ſtoon whom þei bildynge reproueden, þis is maad in to þe heed of þe corner; and þe ſtoon of offencioun, or hirtynge, and ſtoon of ſclaundre, to hem þat offenden bi word, neþer bileuen, in which and þei ben put. Forſoþe ȝe ben a kynde choſun, kyngly preſþod, holy folk, puple of purchaſinge, þat ȝe telle þe vertues of him, þat clepide ȝou fro derkneſſes in to his wondirful liȝt. Þe whiche ſum tyme not þe puple of God, now ſoþeli þe puple of God; þe which not hauyng merſy, now forſoþe hauyng merſy. Mooſt dere, Y beſeche ȝou, as comelinges, or geſtes, and pilgrimes, for to abſtene ȝou fro fleſchly deſijris, þat fiȝten aȝens þe ſoule; hauynge ȝoure conuerſacioun, or lijf, good among heþen men, þat in þat þing þat þei bacbiten, or yuele treeten, of ȝou, as of myſdoers, þei biholdinge ȝou of good werkis, and glorifie God in þe dai of viſitacioun. Be ȝe ſuget to ech creature of man, for God; oþer to þe kyng, as precellent, or more worþi in ſtaat, oþer to dukis, as ſent of him to þe veniaunce of myſdedis, or myſdoeris, forſoþe to þe preyſinge of goode dedis, or goode men. For ſo is þe wille of God, þat ȝe doynge wel, make þe vnkunnyngneſſe of vnprudent men for to be doumb. As fre men, and not as hauynge fredom þe couering of malice, but as þe ſeruauntes of God. Honoure ȝe alle men, loue ȝe briþerhed, drede ȝe God, make ȝe þe kyng honourable. Seruauntes, be ȝe ſuget in al drede to lordis, not onely to goode and mylde, but alſo to tirauntes. Forſoþe þis is grace, if for conſcience of God ony man ſuffriþ ſorewes, or heuyneſſes, ſuffringe vniuſtly. Soþeli what grace is it, if ȝe ſynnynge and buffatid ſuffren? But if ȝe wel doynge ſuffren, þis is grace anentis God. Forſoþe in þis þing ȝe ben clepid. For Criſt ſuffride for vs, leuynge to ȝou enſaumple, þat ȝe folewe þe ſteppes of him. Þe which dide not ſynne, neþer gyle is founde in his mouþ. Which whan he was curſid, curſide not; whan he ſuffride, he manaſide not; ſoþeli he bitoke him to a man demynge him vniuſtly. Which he him ſilf ſuffride, or bar, oure ſynnes in his body on þe tree, þat we deede to ſynnes, lyue to riȝtwiſneſſe, bi whois wounde ȝe ben heelid. Forſoþe ȝe weren as ſheep erringe, but ȝe ben conuertid now to þe ſhepherde, and biſchop of ȝoure ſoulis.
Capitulum III.
[edit]Alſo and wymmen be ſuget to her huſbondis; þat if ony bileuen not to þe word, bi þe conuerſacioun of wymmen be þei wonnen wiþ outen word, biholdinge in drede ȝoure holy conuerſacioun. Of þe whiche be not wiþ outforþ curious ournyng of heer, or doyng aboute of gold, or ournyng of cloþinge of veſtymentis; but þe ilke þat is þe hid man of herte, in vncorruptibilitie of quyete, or peſible, and mylde ſpirit, þe which is riche in þe ſiȝt of God. Soþeli ſo and holy wymmen hopinge in God, not in ournement of cloþinge ourneden, or maden clene, hem ſilf, ſuget to her owne huſbondes. As Sare obeſchide to Abraham, clepinge him lord; of whom ȝe ben douȝtres wel doynge, and not dredinge ony perturbacioun. Alſo men to gydere dwellinge, vp ſcience, or kunnynge, ȝeuynge honour to þe wommans veſſel, or body, as to þe more ſijk, as and to þe euene eyris of grace of lijf, þat ȝoure preyers ben not lettid. Forſoþe in feiþ alle of oon vndirſtondinge, or wille, in preyer be ȝe compacient, or eche ſuffring wiþ oþer, louers of fraternyte, merciful, mylde, meke; not ȝeldinge yuel for yuel, neþer curſyng for curſyng, but aȝenward bleſſyng; for in þis þing ȝe ben clepid, þat ȝe welde bleſſyng bi heritage. Forſoþe he þat wolde loue lijf, and ſee goode dayes, conſtreyne his tunge fro yuel, and his lijppis, þat þei ſpeke not gyle. Soþeli bowe he fro yuel, and do good; ſeke he pees, and parfijtly ſue it. For þe iȝen of þe Lord on iuſt men, and þe eres of him on þe preyeris of hem; forſoþe þe cheer of þe Lord on men doynge yuel þinges. And who is it þat ſhal noye to ȝou, if ȝe ſhulen be goode ſuers? But if ȝe ſuffren ony þing for riȝtwiſneſſe, ȝe ben bleſſid; ſoþeli drede ȝe not þe drede of hem, þat ȝe be not diſturblid. Forſoþe halewe ȝe þe Lord Criſt in ȝoure hertis, euermore redy to do ſatisfaccioun to eche man axinge ȝou reſoun of þat feiþ and hope þat is in ȝou, but wiþ myldeneſſe and drede, hauynge good conſcience; þat in þat þing þat þei bacbiten of ȝou, þei be confoundid, þe whiche chalengen falſli ȝoure good conuerſacioun in Criſt. Soþeli it is betere,if þe wille of God wole, ȝe wel doynge for to ſuffre, þan yuele doynge. For and Criſt oonys dyede for oure ſynnes, he iuſt for vniuſt, þat he ſhulde offre vs to God, maad deede ſoþeli in fleſch, forſoþe maad quike in ſpirit. In which þing and to hem þat weren cloſid to gydre in priſoun he comynge in ſþirit prechide; þe whiche weren ſumtyme vnbileueful, whan þei abiden þe pacience of God in þe dayes of Noe, whan þe ark, or ſchip, was maad, in which a fewe, þat is to ſeie, eiȝte ſoules ben maad ſaaf bi water. Þe which þing and baptym of lijk foorme makiþ vs ſaaf; not þe putting awey of fleſch of filþis, but þe axing of a good conſcience in to God, bi þe aȝenriſyng of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, þat is in þe riȝþalf of God, he ſwolewinge deeþ, or deſtriyinge, þat we ſhulde be maad eyres of euerlaſtinge lijf; he gon in to heuen, aungels, and powers, and vertues, maad ſugettes to him.
Capitulum IIII.
[edit]Therfore Criſt ſuffringe in fleſch, and be ȝe armed bi þe ſame þenking; for he þat ſuffride in fleſch ceeſiþ fro ſynnes, þat he lyue not now to þe deſijris of men, but to þe wille of God, þat is more of tyme in fleſch. Soþeli þe tyme paſſid is ynowȝ to þe wille of heþen men to be endid, þe whiche walkiden in leccheries, and deſijris, in miche drinkinge of wijn, ofte etyngis, drinkingis, and vnleeueful worſchepingis of ydolis. In whiche now þei ben a feerd on ech ſijde, in which þing þei wondren, ȝou to gydere not rennynge in to þe ſame confuſioun of leccherie, blasfemynge. Þe whiche ſhulen ȝiue reſoun to him, þat is redy to deme þe quike and deede. Soþeli for þis þing and to deede men it is euangelized, þat þei be demyd ſoþeli vp men in fleſch, ſoþeli þat þei lyue vp God in ſpirit. Forſoþe þe ende of alle þingis ſhal neiȝe. And ſo be ȝe prudent, and wake ȝe in preyers; bifore alle þingis forſoþe hauynge charite ech to oþer in ȝou ſilf algatis laſtinge; for charite coueriþ þe multitude of ſynnes, holdinge hoſpitalite to gydere wiþ outen grucchinge; ech man as he receyuede grace, myniſtringe it in to ech oþer, as goode diſpenderes of þe manyfolde grace of God. If ony man ſpekiþ, ſpeke he as þe wordes of God; if ony man myniſtriþ, as of þe vertu which God myniſtriþ; þat God be honourid in alle þingis bi Jheſu Criſt oure Lord, to whom is glory and lordſhip in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. Mooſt dere, nyle ȝe go in pilgrimage in feruour, þat is maad to ȝou to temptacioun, as ony of newe þing bifalle to ȝou; but ȝe comunynge to þe paſſiouns of Criſt, haue ioye, þat and ȝe gladinge wiþ oute forþ, haue ioye in þe reuelacioun of his glory. If ȝe ben deſpiſid in þe name of Criſt, ȝe ſhulen be bleſſid; for þat þat is of þe glory and vertu of God, and þe ſpirit þat is his, reſtiþ on ȝou. Forſoþe no man of ȝou ſuffre as a manſleere, or þeef, or curſer, or a deſijrer of oþere mennus þingis; forſoþe if as a criſten men, ſhame he not, ſoþeli glorifie he God in þis name. For tyme is, þat doom bigynne at Goddis hous; ſoþeli if firſt of vs, what ende of hem, þat bileuen not to þe goſpel? And ſoþeli if a iuſt man vnneþe ſhal be ſaued, where ſhal þe vnpitous man and ſynner appeere? And ſo and þei þat ſuffren vp þe wille of God, bitaken her ſoulis in good dedis to þe feiþful maker of nouȝt.
Capitulum V.
[edit]Therfore I, euene eldre, biſeche þe eldre men þat ben in ȝou, and I witneſſe of Criſtis paſſioun, which and comuner of þat glorye, þat is to be ſhewid in tyme to comynge. Fede ȝe þe flok of God, þat is in ȝou, purueiynge not conſtreynyngli, but wilfulli, vp God; not for grace, or loue, of foul wynnynge, but wilfully, neþer as hauynge lordſhipe in þe clergie, but maad foorme, or enſaumple, of þe flok, and of inwit. And whan þe prince of ſhiperdis ſhal apeere, ȝe ſhulen receyue þe vnwelewable crowne of glory, or þat ſhal neuere faade. Alſo, ȝe ȝonge men, be ȝe ſuget to eldre men, forſoþe ſchewe ȝe alle to gydere mekeneſſe; for þe Lord wiþſtondiþ proude men, forſoþe he ȝiueþ grace to meke men. Þerfore be ȝe mekid vndir þe miȝty hond of God, þat he reiſe ȝou in þe day of viſitacioun, ȝe caſtinge in to him al ȝoure biſyneſſe, for to him is cure of ȝou. Be ȝe ſobre, and wake ȝe, for ȝoure aduerſarie, þe deuel, as a roryng lyoun goiþ aboute, ſekinge whom he ſhal deuoure. To whom aȝenſtonde ȝe, ſtronge in feiþ, witynge þe ſame paſſioun for to be to þe ilke ȝoure briþerhed, þat is in þe world. Forſoþe God of alle grace, þat clepide in to his euerelaſtinge glorye, ȝou ſuffringe a litel, he ſhal parforme, conferme, and make ſad. To him glory and lordſchip, in to worldlis of worldlis. Amen. Bi Siluane, a feiþful broþer to ȝou as I deme, I wroot ſhortly; biſechinge, and witneſſinge þis for to be þe verrey grace of God, in whiche ȝe ſtonden. Þe chirche þat is gederid in Babyloyne gretiþ ȝou wel, and Markus, my ſone. Grete ȝe wel to gydere in holy coſſe. Grace be to ȝou alle þat ben in Criſt. Amen.
Here endiþ þe firſte piſtle of Petir, and here bigynneþ þe ſecounde.