Bible (Early Wycliffe)/Þe firſte epiſtle of Joon

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2387816Wycliffe's Bible — Þe firſte epiſtle of Joon

Capitulum I.


Whiche þing was fro þe bigynnyng, which we herden, which we ſiȝen wiþ oure iȝen, whiche we bihelden, and oure hondes tretiden to gydere, or touchiden, of þe word of lijf; and þe lijf is ſhewid. And we ſiȝen, and we witneſſen, and tellen to ȝou euerelaſtinge lijf, þat was anentis þe fadir, and apperide to vs. Þerfore þat þing, þat we ſiȝen, and herden, þat we tellen to ȝou, þat and ȝe haue felauſhippe wiþ vs, and oure felauſchip be wiþ þe fadir, and his ſone Jheſu Criſt. And þis þing we writen to ȝou, þat ȝe haue ioye, and þat ȝoure ioye be ful. And þis is þe tellyng, þat we herden of him, and tellen to ȝou, for God is liȝt, ony derkneſſes ben not in him. If we ſhulen ſeie, for we han felauſchip wiþ him, and we wandren in derkneſſis, we liȝen, and we don not treuþe. Soþeli if we walken in liȝt, as and he is in liȝt, we han felauſchip to gydere; and þe blood of Jheſu, his ſone, clenſiþ vs fro al ſynne. If we ſhulen ſeie, for we han not ſynne, we oure ſilf deceyuen vs, and treuþe is not in vs. If we knowlechen oure ſynnes, he is feiþful and iuſt, þat he forȝiue to vs oure ſynnes, and clenſe vs from al wickidneſſe. And if we ſhulen ſeie, for we han not ſynned, we maken him a liȝer, and his word is not in vs.

Capitulum II.


Mi litle ſones, I wrijte to ȝou þes þinges, þat ȝe ſynne not. But and if ony man ſhal ſynne, we han an aduoket anentis þe fadir, Jheſu Criſt iuſt, and he is helpyng for oure ſynnes; ſoþeli not onely for oure, but alſo for of al þe world. And in þis þing we witen, for we han knowun him, if we kepen his comaundementes. He þat ſeiþ him for to haue knowe God, and kepiþ not his comaundementes, is a liȝer, and treuþe is not in hym. Forſoþe who kepiþ his word, verily in him is parfijt charite. In þis þing we witen, for we ben in him, if we ſhulen be parfijt in him. He þat ſeiþ him for to dwelle in him, and he owiþ for to walke, as he walkide. Mooſt dere, I wrijte to ȝou, not a newe maundement, but þe olde maundement, þat ȝe hadden fro þe bigynnyng. Þe olde maundement is þe word, þat ȝe herden. Eftſoone I wrijte to ȝou a newe maundement, þat is trewe and in him and in ȝou; for derkneſſes paſſeden, and verrey liȝt now ſhijneþ. He þat ſeiþ him for to be in liȝt, and haatiþ his broþer, is in derkneſſe til to ȝit. He þat loueþ his broþir, dwelliþ in liȝt, and ſclaundre is not in him. Soþeli he þat haatiþ his broþer, is in derkneſſis, and in derkneſſis wandriþ, and woot not whidir he goiþ; for derkneſſes han blyndid his iȝen. Litel ſones, I wrijte to ȝou, for ȝoure ſynnes ben forȝouun to ȝou for his name. Fadris, I wrijte to ȝou, for ȝe han knowun him, þat is fro þe bigynnynge. Ȝonge men, I wrijte to ȝou, for ȝe han ouercome þe wickid. I wrijte to ȝou, infauntis, or ȝonge children, for ȝe han knowe þe fadir. I write to ȝou, ȝonge men, or of mydle age, for ȝe ben ſtronge, and þe word of God dwelliþ in ȝou, and ȝe ouercamen þe wickid. Nyle ȝe loue þe world, neþer þo þinges þat ben in þe world. If ony man loueþ þe world, þe charite of þe fader is not in him. Forwhi al þing þat is in þe world, is coueytiſe of fleſch, and coueytiſe of iȝen, and pride of lijf, whiche is not of þe fadir, but it is of þe world. And þe world ſhal paſſe, and þe coueytiſe of it; ſoþeli he þat doiþ þe wille of God, dwelliþ in to wiþ outen ende. My litel ſones, þe laſt hour is; and as ȝe han herd, for antecriſt comeþ, now many antecriſtes ben made; wher of we witen, for it is þe laſt hour. Þei wenten forþ fro vs, but þei weren not of vs; forwhi if þei hadden be of vs, ſoþeli þei hadden dwelt wiþ vs; but þat þei be knowun, for þei ben not of vs. But ȝe han vnccioun of þe Holy Gooſt, and han knowe alle þinges. I wroot not to ȝou, as to men þat vnknowinge treuþe, but as to knowinge it, and for ech leſyng is not of treuþe. Who is a liȝer, no but þis þat denyeþ for Jheſu is not Criſt? Þis is antecriſt, þat denyeþ þe fadir, and þe ſone. Soþeli ech þat denyeþ þe ſone, neþer haþ þe fadir; forſoþe he þat knowlechiþ þe ſone, haþ and þe fadir. Þat þing þat ȝe herden fro þe bigynnynge, dwelle it in ȝou; for if it ſhal dwelle in ȝou, þe which ȝe herden at þe bigynnynge, and ȝe ſhulen dwelle in þe ſone and in þe fadir. And þis is þe aȝen biheeſt, þat he bihiȝte to vs, euerelaſtyng lijf. I wroot þes þinges to ȝou, of hem þat deceyuen ȝou; and þe anoyntyng, þe which ȝe receyueden of him, dwelle in ȝou. And ȝe han not nede, þat ony man teche ȝou, but as his anoyntyng techiþ ȝou of alle þingis, and it is trewe, and it is not leſyng; and as he tauȝte ȝou, dwelle ȝe in him. And now, ȝe litel ſones, dwelliþ in him, þat whan he ſhal appere, we han triſt, and be not confoundid of him in his comynge. If ȝe witen, for he is iuſt, wite ȝe for and ech þat doiþ riȝtwiſneſſe, is born of him.

Capitulum III.


See ȝe what maner charite þe fadir ȝaf to vs, þat we be named þe ſones of God, and be. For þis þing þe world knew not vs, for it knew not him. Mooſt dere, now we ben þe ſones of God, and ȝit it apperide not, what we ſhulen be. We witen, for whan he ſhal appere, we ſhulen be lijk to him, for we ſhulen ſee him as he is. And ech man þat haþ þis hope in him, makiþ him ſilf holy, as and he is holy. Ech man þat doiþ ſynne, doiþ and wickidneſſe, and ſynne is wickidneſſe. And ȝe witen, for he apperide þat he ſhulde do awey ſynnes, and ſynne is not in him. Ech man þat dwelliþ in him, ſynneþ not; and ech þat ſynneþ, ſeeþ not him, ne knew hym. Litel ſones, no man deceyue ȝou; he þat doiþ riȝtwyſneſſe, is iuſt, as and he is iuſt. He þat doiþ ſynne, is of þe deuel; for þe deuel ſynneþ at þe bigynnynge. In þis þing þe ſone of God apperide, þat he vndo þe werkes of þe deuel. Ech man þat is born of God, doiþ not ſynne; for þe ſeed of God dwelliþ in him, and he mai not ſynne, for he is born of God. In þis þing þe ſones of God ben knowun, and þe ſones of þe fend. Ech man þat is not iuſt, is not of God, and he þat loueþ not his broþer. For þis is þe tellyng, þat ȝe herden at þe bigynnyng, þat ȝe loue ech oþer; not as Caym, þat was of þe yuel, and ſlow his broþer. And for what þing ſlew he him? for his werkes weren yuele, ſoþeli his broþeris iuſt. Briþeren, nyle ȝe wondre, if þe world haatiþ ȝou. We witen, for we ben tranſlatid fro deeþ to lijf, for we loue briþeren. He þat loueþ not, dwelliþ in deeþ. Ech man þat haatiþ his broþer, is a manqueller; and ȝe witen, for ech manqueller haþ not euerlaſting lijf dwellinge in him. In þis þing we han knowe þe charite of God, for he puttide his ſoule, or lijf, for vs, and we owen for to putte oure ſoules for briþeren. He þat ſhal haue þe ſubſtaunſe of þis world, and ſhal ſee his broþer for to haue nede, and ſhal cloſe his entrayles fro him, hou dwelliþ þe charite of God in him? Mi litel ſones, loue we not in word, neþer in tunge, but in werk and treuþe. In þis þing we knowen, for we ben of treuþe, and in his ſiȝt we moneſten oure hertis. For if oure herte ſhal reproue vs, or vndernyme, God is more þan oure herte, and knewe alle þinges. Mooſt dere, if oure herte ſhal not reproue vs, we han triſt to God; and what euer we ſhulen axe, we ſhulen receyue of him, for we kepen his comaundementes, and we don þo þinges þat ben pleſaunt bifore him. And þis is þe comaundement of him, þat we bileue in þe name of his ſone Jheſu Criſt, and loue ech oþer, as he ȝaf heeſt to vs. And he þat kepiþ his maundementes, dwelliþ in him, and he in him. And in þis þing we witen, for he dwelliþ in vs, of þe ſpirit, whom he ȝaf to vs.

Capitulum IIII.


Mooſt dere, nyle ȝe bileue to eche ſpirit, but proue ȝe ſpiritis, if þei ben of God; for many falſe prophetes wenten out in to þe world. In þis þing þe ſpirit of God is knowun; ech ſpirit þat knowlechiþ Criſt for to haue comen in fleſch, is of God; and ech ſpirit þat diſſolueþ, or fordoiþ, Jheſu, is not of God. And þis is antecriſt, of whom ȝe herden, for he comeþ; and riȝt now he is in þe world. Ȝe, litel ſones, ben of God, and ȝe han ouercome him; for he þat is in ȝou is more, þan he þat in þe world. Þei ben of þe world, þerfore þei ſpeken of þe world, and þe world heriþ hem. We ben of God; he þat knew God, heriþ vs; he þat is not of God, heriþ not vs. In þis þing we knowen þe ſpirit of treuþe, and þe ſpirit of errour. Mooſt dere, loue we to gydere, for charite is of God; and ech man þat loueþ his broþer, is born of God, and knowiþ God. He þat loueþ not, haþ not charite, neþer knew God; for God is charite. In þis þing þe charite of God apperide in vs, for God ſente his oon bigeten ſone in to þe world, þat we lyue bi hym. In þis þing is charite, not as we hadden loued God, but for he firſt louede vs, and ſente his ſone helpinge for oure ſynnes. Ȝe mooſt dere, if God louede vs, we owen for to loue ech oþer. No man ſiȝe euere God; if we louen to gydre, God dwelliþ in vs, and þe charite of him is parfijt in vs. In þis þing we knowen, for we dwellen in him, and he in vs; for of his ſpirit he ȝaf to vs. And we ſiȝen, and witneſſen, for þe fadir ſente his ſone ſauyour of þe world. Who euere ſhal knowleche, for Jheſu is þe ſone of God, God dwelliþ in him, and he in God. And we han knowen, and bileuen to þe charite, þat God haþ in vs. God is charite, and he þat dwelliþ in charite, dwelliþ in God, and God in him. In þis þing is þe parfijt charite of God wiþ vs, þat we haue triſt in þe day of dome; for as he is, and we ben in þis world. Drede is not in charite, but parfijt charite ſendiþ out drede; for drede haþ peyne. Forſoþe he þat drediþ, is not parfijt in charite. Þerfore loue we God, for he former louede vs. If ony man ſhal ſeie, for I loue God, and ſhal haate his broþer, he is a liȝer. Soþeli he þat loueþ not his broþer, whiche he ſeeþ, hou mai he loue God, whom he ſeeþ not? And we han þis precept of God, þat he þat loueþ God, loue and his broþer.

Capitulum V.


Eche man þat bileueþ þat Jheſus is Criſt, is born of God; and eche man þat loueþ him þat gendriþ, loueþ him þat is born of him. In þis þing we knowen, for we louen þe children of God, whan we louen God, and don his maundementes. Soþeli þis is charite of God, þat we kepe his maundementes; and his maundementes ben not greuouſe. For al þing þat is born of God, ouercomeþ þe world; and þis is þe victorie þat ouercomeþ þe world, oure feiþ. Forſoþe who is it þat ouercomeþ þe world, no but he þat bileueþ for Jheſus is þe ſone of God? Þis is Jheſu Criſt, þat cam bi watir and blood; not in water onely, but in watir and blood. And þe ſpirit is he þat witneſſiþ, þat Criſt is treuþe. For þre ben, þat ȝiuen witneſſing in heuen, þe Fadir, þe Word, or Sone, and þe Hooly Gooſt; and þes þre ben oon. And þre ben, þat ȝiuen witneſſing in erþe, þe ſpirit, water, and blood; and þes þre ben oon. If we receyuen witneſſing of men, þe witneſſing of God is more; for þis is þe witneſſing of God, þat is more, for he witneſſide of his ſone. He þat bileueþ in to þe ſone of God, haþ þe witneſſing of God in him. He þat bileueþ not to þe ſone, makiþ hym a liȝer; for he bileueþ not in þe witneſſinge, þat God witneſſide of his ſone. Þis is þe witneſſing, for God ȝaf to vs euerelaſtinge lijf, and þis lijf is in his ſone. He þat haþ þe ſone, haþ and lijf; he þat haþ not þe ſone of God, haþ not lijf. I wrijte to ȝou þes þinges, þat ȝe wite, for ȝe han euerelaſtyng lijf, þe whiche bileuen in þe name of Goddis ſone. And þis is þe triſt þat we han to God, for what euere þing we ſhal axe vp his wille, he ſhal here vs. And we witen, for he heriþ vs, what euer þing we ſhulen axe; we witen, for we han þe axynges, whiche we axen of him. He þat woot his broþer for to ſynne a ſynne not to þe deeþ, axe he, and lijf ſhal be ȝouun to him, ſynnynge not to þe deeþ. Þer is a ſynne to deeþ; not for it I ſeie, þat ony man preye. Eche wickidneſſe is ſynne, and þere is ſynne to deeþ. We witen, for ech man þat is born of God, ſynneþ not; but þe generacioun of God kepiþ him, and þe wickid touchiþ him not. We witen, for we ben of God, and al þe world is put in wickid. And we witen, for þe ſone of God cam, and cloþide fleſch for þe cauſe of vs, and ſuffride, and roos aȝen fro deede men, and toke vs to, and ȝaf to vs wit, þat we knowe verrey God, and be in þe verrey ſone of him. Þis is verrey God, and euerelaſtyng lijf. Litel ſones, kepe ȝe ȝou fro ſimulacris, or coueytiſe.

Heere endiþ þe firſt piſtle of Joon, and now bigynneþ þe ſecounde.