Bible (Early Wycliffe)/Baruch

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Þe prolog of Baruch.


This boc, þat Baruch bi name is bifor notid, in Ebru canoun is not had, but onli in þe comun tranſlacioun; lyc maner and þe epiſtil of Jeremye; for þe knouleching forſoþe of rederes heer ben write; for many þingus of Criſt and of þe laſte tymes þei ſhewen.

Here begynneþ þe boke of Baruch, prophete.

Capitulum I.


And þeſe ben þe wrdus of þe boc, þat wrot Baruch, þe ſone of Neri, ſone of Maſy, ſone of Sedechie, ſone of Sedei, ſone of Elchie, in Babilon; in þe fifte ȝer, in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþ, in þe tyme þat Caldeis token Jeruſalem, and brenden it vp wiþ fyr. And Baruch radde þe wrdus of þis boc at þe eres of Jeconye, ſone of Joachym, king of Juda, and at þe eres of al þe puple comende to þe boc; and at þe eres of þe myȝti men of þe ſonus of kingus, and at þe eres of preſtus, and at þe eres of þe puple, fro þe leſte vnto þe meſte of hem, alle dwellende in Babyloyne, and at þe flod of Sodi. Þe whiche herende wepten, and faſteden, and preȝeden in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. And þei gedereden monee, after þat myȝte of eche þe hond. And þei ſenten in to Jeruſalem to Joachym, ſone of Elchie, ſone of Salen, þe preſt, and to þe preſtus, and to al þe puple þat ben founde wiþ hym in Jeruſalem; whan þei ſhulde take þe veſſeles of þe temple, þat weren take awei fro þe temple, to aȝeen clepe in to þe lond of Juda, þe tenþe dai of þe moneþ Cybam; þe ſiluer veſſelis, þat Sedechie, ſone of Joſie, king of Juda, made, after þat Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, hadde take Jeconye, and his princes, and alle þe myȝti, and þe puple of þe lond fro Jeruſalem, and broȝte þem gyued in to Babiloyne. And þei ſeiden, Lo! wee han ſent to ȝou mones, of whiche bieþ brent ſacrifiſe, and cens, and makeþ manaa, and offreþ for ſynne at þe auter of þe Lord oure God. And preȝeþ for þe lif of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and for þe lif of Balþaſar, his ſone, þat þe daȝes of þem be as þe daȝes of heuene vp on erþe; þat þe Lord ȝyue vertue to vs, and liȝtne oure eȝen, þat wee lyue vnder þe ſhadewe of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and vnder þe ſhadewe of Balþaſar, his ſone; and ſerue wee to hem manye daȝes, and fynde wee grace in þe ſyȝte of hem. And for vs ſelf preȝeþ to þe Lord oure God, for wee han ſynned to þe Lord oure God, and turned awei is not his wodneſſe fro vs, vn to þis dai. And redeþ þis boc, þat wee han ſent to ȝou, to be reherced in þe temple of þe Lord, in a ſolempne dai, and in a couenable day. And ȝee ſhul ſey, To þe Lord oure God riȝtwiſneſſe, to vs forſoþe confuſioun of oure face, as is þis dai to al Juda, and to þe dwelleris in Jeruſalem, to oure kingus, and to oure princes, to oure preſtus, and to oure profetus, and to oure faders. We han ſynned bifor þe Lord oure God, and wee han not leeued, myſtroſtende in to hym. And we wer not ſoietable to hym, and wee wel herden not þe vois of þe Lord oure God, þat wee ſhulde go in his maundemens þat he ȝaf to vs; fro þe dai þat he ladde out oure faders fro þe lond of Egipt, vn to þis dai, we weren myſtrowable to þe Lord oure God; and ſcatered we wenten awey, leſt wee ſhulde heren þe vois of hym. And þer cleueden to vs many euelis, and curſingus, þe whiche þe Lord ſette to his ſeruaunt Moiſes; þat ladde out oure faders fro þe lond of Egipt, to ȝyue to vs þe lond flowende mylc and hony, as in þis day. And wee herden not þe vois of þe Lord oure God, after alle þe wrdus of profetus, þat he ſente to vs, and to oure iugis; and we wenten awey, eche in to þe wit of oure ſhreude herte, to werche to alien godus, doende euelus bifor þe eȝen of þe Lord owre God.

Capitulum II.


For whiche þing ordeynede þe Lord oure God his wrd, þat he ſpac to vs, and to oure iuges þat demeden Jeruſalem, and to oure kingus, and to oure princes, and to al Irael and Juda; þat þe Lord ſhulde bringe to vp on vs grete euelis, þat ben not do vnder heuene, as ben do in Jeruſalem; after þat ben write in þe lawe of Moiſes, þat a man ſhulde ete þe fleſh of his ſone, and þe fleſh of his doȝter. And he ȝaf hem in þe hond of alle kingus, þat ben in oure cumpas, in to repref, and in to deſolacioun in alle puplis, in whiche ſcaterede vs þe Lord. And wee ben mad vnderneþe, and not aboue; for we han ſynned to þe Lord oure God, not wel herende þe vois of hym. To þe Lord oure God riȝtwiſneſſe, to vs forſoþe and to oure faders ſhenſhipe of þe face, as is þis dai. For þe Lord ſpac vp on vs alle þeſe euelis, þat camen vp on vs. And wee louli preȝeden not þe face of þe Lord oure God, þat wee ſhulden turne aȝeen, eche of vs fro oure werſt weies. And þe Lord woc in euelis, and broȝte þem vp on vs; for riȝtwis is þe Lord in alle his werkus þat he ſente to vs. And wee herden not þe vois of hym, þat we ſhulde go in þe heſtes of þe Lord, þat he ȝaf bifor oure face. And now, Lord God of Irael, þat broȝtiſt out þi puple fro þe lond of Egipt in a ſtrong hond, and in ſignes, and wndris, and in þi grete vertue, and in an hyȝ arm, and madiſt to þee a name, as is þis day; wee han ſynned, vnpitouſly wee han born vs, wickeli wee han do, Lord oure God, in alle þi riȝtwiſneſſes. Be turned awey þy wraþe fro vs; for wee ben laft a fewe among Jentilis, wher þou haſt ſcatered vs. Heere, Lord, oure preieeres, and oure oriſounus, and bring vs out for þee; and ȝif to vs to finde grace bifor þe face of hem, þat ladden vs awey; þat al erþe wite, for þou art Lord oure God, and for þi name is inwardli clepid vp on Irael, and vp on þe kinde of hym. Bihold, Lord, fro þin hoeli hous in to vs, and bowe in þin ere, and ful out here vs. Opene þin eȝen, and ſee; for not þe deade þat ben in helle, whos ſpirit is taken fro þer bowelis, ſhul ȝyue wrſhipe and iuſtefiyng to þe Lord; but þe ſoule þat is ſori vp on þe mykilneſſe of euel, and goþ bowid, and meekid, and þe eȝen failende, and þe ſoule hungrende, ȝyueþ to þee glorie and riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord. Whiche not after þe riȝtwiſneſſe of oure faders heelden out mercy bifor þi ſiȝt, Lord oure God; but for þou ſentiſt þi wraþe and þi wodneſſe vp on vs, as þou ſpeeke in þe hondus of þi childer profetus, ſeiende, Þus ſeiþ þe Lord, Bowiþ doun ȝoure ſhuldris, and ȝoure nol, and doþ trauaile to þe king of Babiloyne; and ȝee ſhul ſitte in þe lond, þat Y ȝaf to ȝoure faders. Þat if ȝee ſhul not don, ne here þe vois of þe Lord oure God, to werche to þe king of Babiloyne, ȝoure failing Y ſhal make fro þe cites of Juda, and fro þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem; and Y ſhal take awei fro ȝou þe vois of merþe, and þe vois of ioȝe, and vois of þe man ſpouſe, and vois of þe womman ſpouſe; and ben ſhal al þe lond wiþ oute ſtep from þe dwelleres in to it. And þei herden not þy vois, þat þei ſhulde wrche to þe king of Babiloyne; and þou ſettedeſt þi wrdus, þat þou ſpeeke in þe eres of þi childer profetus, þat tranſlatid ſhulde be þe bonus of oure kingus, and þe bonus of oure faders fro þis place. And lo! þei ben caſt forþ in þe hete of þe ſunne, and in þe froſt of þe nyȝt; and þei ben dead in werſt ſorwes, in hunger, and in ſwerd, and in ſending out. And þou ſettediſt þi temple, in whiche is inwardli clepid þi name in it, as þis dai, for þe wickenes of þe hous of Irael, and of þe hous of Juda. And þou haſt don in vs, Lord oure God, after þi goodneſſe, and after al þat þi grete mercy doing, as þou ſpeeke in þe hond of þi child Moiſes, in þe dai þat þou comaundediſt to hym to write þi lawe bifor þe ſonus of Irael, ſeiende, If ȝee ſhul not here my vois, þis grete multetude ſhal be turned in to þe leſte folc of kinde, for þem Y ſhal ſcatere; for Y wot, þat mee ſhal not here þe puple. Þe puple is forſoþe wiþ an hard nol, and ſhal be turned to his herte, in þe lond of his caitifte; and þei ſchul wite, for Y am þe Lord God of hem. And Y ſhal ȝyue to þem an herte, and þei ſhul vndirſtonde, and eres, and þei ſhul here. And þei ſhuln preiſe me in þe lond of þer caitifte, and myndeful þei ſhul be of my name. And þei ſhul turnen awei þemſelf fro þer harde rig, and fro þer curſidhedus; for þei ſhul remembre þe weie of þer fadris, þat ſynneden in me. And Y ſhal aȝeen clepe hem in to þe lond, þat Y ſwor to þe fadris of hem, Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob; and þei ſhul lordſhipen of it. And Y ſhal multeplie þem, and þei ſhul not be laſſid. And Y ſhal ſette to þem an oþer teſtament euere durende, þat Y be to þem in to a Lord, and þei ſhul be to me in to a puple. And Y ſhal no more moue my puple, þe ſonus of Irael, fro þe lond þat Y ȝaf to þem.

Capitulum III.


And now, Lord God of Irael, þe ſoule in anguyſſhes, and þe ſpirit tormentid crieþ to þee. Heere, Lord, and haue mercy; for God þou art merciful. And haue mercy of vs, for wee han ſynned bifor þee, þat ſittiſt in to euermor, and wee ſhul not perſhe in to þe ſpirituel during. Lord God al myȝti, God of Irael, here now þe oriſoun of þe deade men of Irael, and of þe ſonus of hem, for þei han ſynned bifor þee, and þei herden not þe vois of þe Lord þer God, and ioyned ben to vs euelis. Wile þou not han mynde of þe wickeneſſe of oure fadris, but haue mynde of þin hond and of þi name in þis tyme; for þou art Lord oure God, and wee ſhul preiſe þee, Lord. For þat þou haſt ȝoue þi drede in oure hertes, þat wee inwardli clepe þi name, and preiſe þee in oure caitifte; for wee ſhul be turned fro þe wickeneſſe of oure fadris, þat ſynneden in þee. And lo! wee in oure caitifte ben to dai, þat vs þou haſt ſcatered, in to repref, and in to curſing, and in to ſynne, after alle þe wickidneſſis of oure fadris, þat wenten awei fro þee, Lord oure God. Here þou, Irael, þe maundemens of lif; wiþ eres parceyue, þat þou wite prudence. What is, Irael, þat in þe lond of þe enemys þou art? Þou haſt eldid in an alien lond, þou art defoulid wiþ deade men, þou art ſet wiþ men goende doun in to helle? Þou haſt forſake þe welle of wiſdam; for if in þe weies of God þou haddeſt go, þou ſhuldiſt han dwellid forſoþe in pes vp on erþe. Lerne, wher be prudence, wher be vertue, wher be vnderſtonding, þat þou wite togidere, wher be long abiding of lyf and of liflode, wher be liȝt of eȝen, and pes. Who fond his place? who entride in to his treſores? Wher ben þe princes of Jentilys, and þat lordſhipen of beſtes, þat ben vpon erþe? Þat in þe briddis of heuene pleien; þat ſiluer treſoren and gold, in whiche troſten men, and þer is noon ende of þe purchaſing of hem? Þat ſiluer forgen, and ben beſy, ne þer is finding of þe werkus of hem? Þei ben outlawid, and to helle þei wente doun; and oþyr men in þe place of hem riſen. Þe ȝunge men of hem ſawen liȝt, and dwelten on erþ. Soþely þei knewen not þe wei of diſciplyne, neþer vndirſtoden þe paþis of it; neþer þe ſones of hem reſceyueden it. Fro þe face of hem it is maad fer; it is not herd in þe lond of Canaan, neþer it is ſeen in Theman. And þe ſones of Agar, þat ſouȝten out prudence þat is of erþ, þe marchauntis of erþ, and Theman, and þe fablers, or ianglers, and ſeekers out of prudence, and of vnderſtondinge; ſoþely þei knewen not þe weie of wyſdam, neþer hadden mynde of þe paaþis þerof. O! Yrael, hou grete is þe hous of God, and hou grete þe place of his poſſeſſiounn; gret and not hauynge eende, heeȝ and wiþ outen meſure grete. Þer weren named gyauntis; þo þat fro þe bigynnynge weren in grete ſtature, witynge bataile. Þe Lord cheſe not þeſe, neþer þei founden þe weie of diſcipline; þerfor þei perſhiden. And for þei hadde not wijſdam, þei perſhiden for her vnwijſdam. Who ſteiȝede in to heuen, and toke it, and ledde it doun fro cloudis? Who paſſide ouer þe ſe, and foonde it, and brouȝt it to, vpon choſen gold? Þer is not, þat may wite þe waies þerof, neþer þat ſekiþ out þe paþes þerof; bot he þat wote alle þingis, knewȝ it, and foond it by his prudence. Þe whiche maade redy þe erþ in euerlaſtynge tyme, and fulfilled it wiþ feeld beſtes, and four footid beſtis. Þe whiche ſendiþ out liȝt, and it goþ; and he clepid it, and it obeiſchide to hym in tremblynge. Forſoþ ſterris ȝauen liȝt in her keepyngus, and gladiden; þei ben clepid, and þei ſeiden, We cummen to; and þei ſhyneden to hym wiþ mirþ, þat maad hem. Þis is our God, and oþer ſhal not ben geſſid aȝenis hym. He þis foonde al weie of diſciplyne, and bitoke it to Jacob, his child, and to Yrael, his derworþ. After þeſe þingus he was ſeen in erþis, and lyued wiþ men.

Capitulum IIII.


This boke of þe maundementis of God, and þe lawe þat is in to wiþ outen eend. Alle men þat holden it, ſhuln perfitly cummen to lijf. Forſoþ þei þat ſhuln forſake it, in to deþ. Jacob, be þou conuertid, and cacche it; walke by þe waye to þe ſhynynge of it, aȝeinus þe liȝt of it. Bitake þou not þi glorie to an oþer, and þi dignitee to alien folk. Yrael, we ben bleſſid; for what þingus ben pleſaunt to God, ben knowen to vs. Þou peple of God, be of euener inwitt, or more ſtable, þou Yrael, worþi of mynde. Ȝe ben ſold to heiþen men, not in to perdicioun; bot for þat in wraþ ȝee terriden God to wraþfulneſſe, ȝee ben bitaken to aduerſaries. Forſoþ ȝee ſteriden to bitterneſſe þe euerlaſtyng God, þat made ȝou; offrynge to deuyls, and not to God. Soþli ȝee han forȝeeten hym þat nuriſhide ȝou, and ȝee han maad ſorewful Jeruſalem, ȝour nurſhe. Soþeli it ſawe wraþfulneſſe of God cummynge to ȝou; and ſaide, Ȝee niȝ cooſtis of Syon, heere; forſoþe God brouȝt to me grete mournynge. Forſoþ I ſeeȝ þe caitifte of my peple, of my ſones and douȝtris, whiche þe euerlaſtynge aboue brouȝte to hem. Soþeli I nuriſhide hem wiþ mirþe; forſoþe I left hem wiþ weepynge and mournynge. No man haue ioye vp on me, widue and deſolate. I am left, or forſaken, of manye, for þe ſynnes of my ſones; for þei bowiden awei fro þe lawe of God. Forſoþ þei wiſten not þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym; neþer walkiden bi weies of þe heeſtis of God, ne bi þe paaþis of treuþe of hym þei entreden wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe. Cum þe niȝ cooſtis of Syon, and biþenke þei þe caitiftee of my ſones and douȝtris, þe whiche þe euerlaſtynge aboue brouȝte to hem. Forſoþ he brouȝte vpon hem a folc fro fer, a folc vnſaciable, or vnreſtful, and of an oþer tunge; whiche dredden not wiþ reuerence an olde man, neþer hadden mercy of children; and ledden aweie þe ſones of widue, and maaden deſolat þe aloon womman fro ſonys. Forſoþ what may I help ȝou? Forſoþe he þat broȝte euyl þingus vpon ȝou, ſhal delyuere ȝou fro þe hondis of ȝour enmyes. Wandre ȝee, ſones, wandre; I ſoþli am forſaken aloon. I haue vncloþide me þe ſtole of peſe; forſoþe I cloþide me wiþ ſak of biſechynge, and I ſhal crie to þe biheſt in my days. Sones, be ȝee of betir herte, or ſtabler; crie ȝee to þe Lord, and he ſhal delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of princes, enmyes. Soþeli I hopide in to wiþ outen eend ȝour helþ, and ioye came to me of þe holy vpon mercye, þat ſhal cum to ȝou of ȝour ſaueour euerlaſtynge. Forſoþ I ſent ȝou out wiþ mournyng and weepynge; forſoþ God ſhal aȝein lede ȝou to me wiþ ioye and mirþe in to wiþ outen eende. Soþeli as þe neiȝbores of Syon ſawen ȝour caitifte of God, ſo þei ſhuln ſee and in haſt ȝour helþ of God, þat ſhal aboue cum to ȝou wiþ grete honour in euerlaſtyng ſhynynge. Sones, ſuffre ȝe pacientli þe wraþ, þat aboue commiþ to ȝou; forſoþ þin enmye purſuede þee, bot ſone þou ſhalt ſee perdicioun of hym, and vpon þe nollis of hym þou ſhalt ſteiȝ vp. My delicatis, or nurſhid in delicis, walkiden ſharp weies; ſoþeli þei weren led as a floc rauyſhide wiþ enmyes. Sones, be ȝee of euener herte, or ſtabler, and afer crie ȝee to þe Lord; ſoþeli ȝour mynde ſhal be of hym þat lediþ ȝou. Forſoþ as ȝour witt was for to erre fro God, eft ſone tenn ſo myche ȝee conuertyng ſhuln aȝen ſeeken hym. Forſoþe he þat ledde in to ȝou euyl þingus, ſhal brynge eft ſone to ȝou myrþe euerlaſtynge wiþ ȝour helþ. Jeruſalem, be þou more ſtable, or of better herte; ſoþeli he þat namede þee, moneſtiþ þee. Þei þat traueiliden þee, ſhuln apeere noyinge, or gilty; and þei þat þankiden in þi fallyng, ſhuln be punyſhide. Þe citees to whom þi ſones ſeruyden, ſhuln be puniſhid, and it þat toke þi ſones. Soþeli as it ioyide in þi fallyng, and gladdide in þi caas, or tribulacioun, ſo it ſhal be ſorewful in his deſolacion. And þe mirþ wiþ outen forþ of multitude þerof ſhal be kitt aweye, and þe ioye of it ſhal be in to mournyng. Forſoþ fijr ſhal aboue cum to it of þe euerlaſtyng, and longe duyrynge days; and it ſhal be enhabitid of deuylis, in to mychilneſſe of tyme. Jeruſalem, beholde aboute to þe eeſt, and ſee þe myrþe cummynge to þee of God. Loo! forſoþ þi ſones cummen, whom þou leftiſt ſcaterid; þei gadrid cummen to þee fro þe eeſt vn to þe weſt in þe word of þe holy, ioying in to honour of God.

Capitulum V.


Jeruſalem, vncloþe þee þe ſtoole of mournynge, and of þi traueile; and cloþe þee wiþ fairneſſe, and honour of it, þat is to þee of God in euerlaſtynge glorie. Forſoþ God ſhal enuyroun þee wiþ double cloþe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and ſhal putte to þin heued a mytre of euerlaſtynge honoure. Forſoþ God ſhal ſhewe in þee his ſhynynge, þat is vndir heuen. Soþeli þi name ſhal be named to þee of God in to wiþ outen eend, Peeſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and honour of pitee. Jeruſalem, rijſe vp, and ſtoonde in heeȝ, and biholde aboute to þe eeſt; and ſee þi ſones gaderid fro þe ſune, rijſinge vn to þe weſt in þe word of þe holy, ioyinge in þe mynde of God. Forſoþ þei wenten out fro þee, led in feet of enmyes; forſoþ þe Lord ſhal brenge to þee hem born in to honour, as þe ſonnys of kyngdam. Forſoþ God ordeynyde for to meek eche heeȝ hill, and euerlaſtynge rooches, and for to fulfille þe euen valeys in to þe eueneſſe of erþe; þat Yrael walke diligentli in to honour of God. Soþely woddis and eche tree of ſwetneſſe of Iſrael ſhadewiden, or obeiden, to þe maundement of God. Forſoþ God ſhal leede to Yrael wiþ myrþe in þe liȝt of his maieſtee, wiþ mercy and riȝtwiſneſſe, þat is in hym.

Capitulum VI.


Heer begynneþ enſaumple of þe ſame piſtle, whiche Jeremye ſente to þe caitifs led aweie in to Babiloyne, of þe Kyng of men of Babiloyne, þat he ſhulde ſhewe to hem, after þat it is comaundid to him of God. For þe ſynnes þat ȝee ſynnyden befor God, ȝe ſhuln be led caitifs in to Babiloyne, of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of men of Babiloyne. And ſo ȝe gon in to Babiloyne ſhuln be þere ful many ȝeris, and in to longe tyme, vnto ſeuen generacions; forſoþ after þis I ſhal lede out ȝou þennis wiþ peeſe. Now forſoþ ȝe ſhuln ſee in Babiloyne golden goddis, and ſilueren, and ſtonen, and treen, for to be born in ſhuldris, ſhewinge drede to folkis. Þerfor ſee ȝee, leſt and ȝee be maad liche to alien dedis, and ȝee dreede, and þat drede take ȝou in hem. And ſo þe cumpanye of peple ſeen fro bihynde and fro bifore wirſhipynge, ſaye in ȝour hertis, Lord God, it byhouiþ þee for to be worſhipid. Forſoþ myn aungel is wiþ ȝou, forſoþ I my ſelf ſhal ſeeke out ȝour ſoules. For whi þe trees of hem poliſhid of a carpenter; þei alſo engoldid and enſiluered ben falſe, and mown not ſpeke. And as to a mayden louynge ournementis, ſo gold takyn, þei ben forgid. Certeynli þe goddis of hem han golden crownes vpon her hedis; wherof preſtis drawen aweie fro hem gold and ſyluer, and ȝeuen, or ſpenden, it in hem ſelf. Forſoþ and of it þei ȝeuen to pute in bordel houſe, and ournen hooris; and eft ſone when þei han reſceyued it of hooris, þei ournen her goddis. Soþely þeſe ben not delyuerd fro ruſt and mouȝþe. Forſoþ hem couered wiþ cloþe of purpre, þei ſhuln wijpe þe face of hem, for duſt of þe hous, þat is ful myche amonge hem. Forſoþe þei han a ceptre, or kyngis ȝerd, as a man; as a iuge of a cuntree, þat ſleaþ not þe ſynnynge in to hym. Forſoþ þei han alſo in þe hond ſwerd and axe; forſoþ þei deliueren not hem ſelf fro bataile and day þeues. Wher of be it knowen to ȝou, for þei ben not goddis; þerfor worſhipe ȝe not hem. Soþeli as a veſſel of a man broken is maad vnprofitable, ſiche ben þe goddis of hem. Hem ſett to gidir in an hous, þe eeȝen of hem ben ful of duſt of þe feet of men entrynge in. And as to ſum man þat offendiþ þe kyng, þe ȝatis ben ſette aboute, and as dead man led to ſepulcre, ſo preſtes oft kepen þe dores wiþ cloſingis and lockis, leſt þei be robbed of day þeues. Þei teenden launterns to hem, and ſoþeli manye, of whom þei mown noon ſee; forſoþ þei ben as bemes in þe hous. Soþeli ſerpentis þat ben of þe erþe, ben ſayd to licke out þe hertis of hem; þe while þei eeten hem, and þe cloþing of hem, and þei feelen not. Þe faces of hem ben blac of ſmoke, þat is maad in þe hous. Aboue þe bodi of hem, and aboue þe hed of hem backis, or reremijſe, and ſwalewis fleeȝen, and briddis alſo, and alſo cattis. Wher of wite ȝee, for þei ben not goddis; þerfor ȝee ſhuln not drede hem. Alſo þe gold þat þei han, is to fairneſſe; no bot eny man ſhal wijpe awei þe ruſt, þei ſhuln not ſhyne. Forſoþe neþer þe whijle þei weren ȝooten to gidir, þei feeliden. Þei ben bouȝt of al pris, in whiche þingus ſpirit is not in hem. Wiþ outen feet þei ben born in ſhuldris, ſhewynge her vnnobley to men; alſo be þei confoundid þat wurſhipen hem. Þerfor ȝif þei ſhuln falle in to erþe, of hem ſelf þei ſhuln not rijſe to gyder; neþer ȝif eny man ſhal ſette hym riȝt, by hym ſelf he ſhal ſtonde, bot as to dead men ſhuldris ſhuln be putte to hem. Þe preſtes of hem ſellen þe hooſtis, or ſacrifices, of hem, and myſuſen; alſo and þe wymmen of hem takynge aweie, neþer parten to ſeeke man, neþer to beggynge. Of þe ſacrifices of hem wymmen wiþ chijlde, and menſtruat, or in vncleene blode, touchen togyder. And ſo witynge of þeſe þingis, for þei ben not goddis, dreed ȝee hem not. Forſoþ wherof ben þei clepid goddis? For wymmen putten to golden goddis, ſylueren, and treenen; and in þe houſis of hem ſitten preſtis hauyng torne, or kutt, cootis, and hedis and berd ſhauen, whos hedis ben nakid. Forſoþ þei roren cryinge aȝeins her goddis, as in þe ſuper of a dead man. Preſtis taken awei þe cloþingus of hem, and cloþen her wijues, and her ſones. Neþer ȝif þei ſuffren eny þing of euyl of eny man, neþer ȝif eny þinge of good, þei ſhuln mowe ȝeelde. Neþer þei mown make a kyng, neþer do aweie. Alſo neþer þei mown ȝeue riccheſſis, neþer ȝeeld euyll þing. Ȝif eny man ſhal avowe to hem, and ſhal not ȝeelde, neþer þei requyren, or axen, þis þing. Þei delyueren not a man fro deþ, neþer delyueren a ſeeke man fro a more miȝti. Þei reſtoren not a blynde man to ſiȝt; þei ſhuln not delyuere a man fro neede. Þei ſhuln not haue mercye of þe wydue, neþer þei ſhuln do weel to þe fadreleſſe and modreleſſe. Þe treenen goddis of hem, and ſtoonen, and golden, and ſylueren, ben lijc to ſtoonys of þe mounteyn; forſoþ þei þat worſhipen hem, ſhuln be confoundid. Hou þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be ſaide, hem for to be goddis; ȝit þe ylk Caldeis not honourynge hem? Whiche whan þei ſhuln heere þe doumbe not to mowe ſpeke, offren hym to Bel, axinge of hym for to ſpeke; as þei mown feele, whiche han not mouynge. And þei whanne þei ſhuln vndirſtonde, ſhuln forſake hem; ſoþely þe ilke goddis of hem han not witt. Forſoþ wymmen ȝouen aboute, or bounden, wiþ coordis ſitten in weyes, brennynge boonys of olyues. Forſoþ whann eny of hem drawen aweye of eny man paſſinge haþ ſlept, ſhe diſpiſiþ hir neiȝbore, for ſhe is not had worþi as ſche, neþer hir coord is broken. Forſoþ alle þingis þat ben don to hem, ben fals. Hou is it to be geſſid, or to be ſaid, hem for to be goddis? Forſoþ of carpenteres and goldſmiþis þei ben maad. Þei ſhuln noon oþer þing be, no bot þe ylk þat preſtis wolen for to be. Alſo þilk goldſmyþþis þat maken hem, ben not of myche tyme; þerfor wheþer þe þingus þat ben maad of hem mown be goddis? Forſoþ þei leften fals þingus, and ſhenſhipe to men to cummynge after. For whi whenne bataile ſhal aboue cum to hem, and euyl þingis, preſtis þenken, where þei ſhuln hijde hem ſelf wiþ hem. Þerfore how own þei for to be feelid, or demyd, for þei ben goddis, whiche neþer delyueren hem fro batail, neþer delyueren hem fro euyl þingis? For whi whenne þei ben treenen, and ſtoonen, and engoldid, and enſyluered, it ſhal ben wiſt afterward, for þei ben fals, to alle folkis and kyngis; whiche ben open, or knowen, for þei ben not goddis, bot werkis of mennus hondis, and no werc of God wiþ hem. Wher of þerfor it is knowen, for þei ben not goddis, bot werkis of mennus hondis, and no werk of God is in hem. Þei reiſen not a kyng to a cuntree, neþer þei ſhuln ȝeue reyn to men. Alſo þei ſhul not diſcryue, or iuge, a dome, neþer þei ſhuln delyuere a cuntree fro wronge. For þei mown no þing, as litil crowis bitwix þe mydil of heuen and erþe. And ſoþeli whenne fijre ſhal fal in to þe houſe of treenen goddis, and golden, and ſilueren, ſoþeli þe preſtis of hem ſhuln flee, and ſhuln be delyuered; bot þei as bemys in þe mydil ſhuln be brent. Forſoþ þei ſhuln not aȝeinſtonde a kyng and batail. Hou þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be reſceyued, for þei ben goddis? Þei ſhul not delyuere hem ſelf fro niȝt þeeues, neþer day þeeues, treenen goddis, and ſtoonen, and engoldid, and enſiluered, þan whiche wickid men ben ſtrenger. Þei ſhuln take awei fro hem gold, and ſyluer, and cloþing, in whiche þei ben couered, and þei ſhuln go aweie; neþer þei beren help to hem ſelf. And ſo it is beter a kyng for to be ſhewynge his vertue, or a profitable veſſelle in þe houſe, in whom he ſhal glorie þat weeldiþ it, þan fals goddis; or a dore in þe houſe, whiche kepiþ þe þingis þat ben in it, þan fals goddis. Soþely þe ſunne, and mone, and ſterris, whenne þei ben ſhynynge, and ſent out to profitis, obeyen. Alſo and leyt, whanne it ſhal apeere, is cleer. Forſoþ þe ſame þinge and ſpirit, or wynd, breþiþ in eche cuntre. And cloudis, to whiche when it ſhal be comaundid of God for to walke þorou al þe world, don what þing is comaundid to hem. Alſo fijr ſente fro aboue, þat it waaſt hillis and woddis, doþ what þing is comaundid to it; forſoþ þeſe neþer in lickeneſſe neþer vertues ben liche to oon of hem. Wher of neþer it is to be geſſid, neþer to be ſaid, hem for to be goddis, whenne þei mown neþer deeme dome, neþer do to men. And ſo witynge for þei ben not goddis, þerfor ȝee ſhuln not dreden hem. Soþeli neþer þei ſhuln curſe kyngis, neþer þei ſhuln bleſſe. Forſoþ þei ſhewen not to folkis tokenis in heuen, neþer þei ſhuln ſhyne as ſunne, neþer liȝtene as þe mone. Beſtis ben better þan þei, whiche mown flee vndir a roof, and profit to hem ſelf. And ſo by no manere it is knowen to ȝow, for þei ben goddis. For whiche þing drede ȝee not hem. For whi as dreed in place where cucumeris, þat ben bitter herbis, waxen, kepiþ no þing, ſo ben þe treenen goddis, and ſylueren, and goldid of hem. In þe ſame manere and in a ȝerd a whijt þorn, vpon whiche eche bridde ſittiþ, alſo and to a dead þing caſt in derckeneſſes, þe treenen godus of hem, and enſiluered, and engoldid, ben lijc. And of þe purpre and marble, þat þei holden aboue hem, ȝee ſhuln wite alſo, for þei ben no goddis. Alſo at þe laſt þei hem ſelf ben eten, and it ſhal be in to repreue in þe cuntre. Betir is an iuſt man, þat haþ not ſymylacris, for whi he ſhal be fer fro ſhenſhipes.

Here endiþ þe boke of Baruch, and now bigynneþ þe boke of Ezechiel, þe prophete