Bible (Early Wycliffe)/Daniel
Here begynneþ þe boke of Danyel, þe prophete.
Capitulum I.
[edit]In þe þridde ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Joachym, kyng of Juda, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, came in to Jeruſalem, and byſeegide it. And þe Lord bitoke Joachym, kyng of Juda, in þe hond of hym, and he toke a part of veſſels of þe hous of God; and bare hem out in to þe lond Sennaar, in to þe hous of his god, and toke þe veſſels in to þe hous of treſour of his god. And þe kyng ſaiþ to Aphanet, prepoſt, or ſouereyne, of his geldingus, þat he ſhulde brynge yn of þe ſonys of Yrael, and of þe kyngus bloode, and þe children of tyrauntis, or ſtrong men, in whom was no wem, faire in fourme, and lernd in al wiſdam, war in ſcience, and tauȝt in diſciplyne, and whiche miȝten ſtonde in paleys of þe kyng, þat he ſhulde teche hem lettris and langage of Caldeis. And þe kyng ordeynde to hem fruyte of oo ȝeer bi alle days of his metis, and of þe wijne of whiche he dranke; þat þei nuriſhid out in þree ȝeers, afterward ſhulden ſtonde in ſiȝt of þe kyng. Þerfore þere weren amonge hem of þe ſonys of Juda, Danyel, Ananyas, Myſael, and Azarias. And þe prepoſt of geldyngus puttide to hem names; to Danyel, Balþaſar; to Ananyas, Sydrac; to Myſael, Myſac; and to Azarias, Abdenago. Forſoþe Danyel purpoſide in his herte, þat he were not defoulid of þe borde of þe kyng, neþer of þe wyne of his drinke; and he preyede þe prepoſt of þe geldingis, þat he were not defoulid. Forſoþe God ȝaue grace and mercy to Danyel, in ſiȝte of þe prince of geldyngus. And þe prince of geldingus ſaide to Danyel, I dreede my lord þe kyng, whiche ordeynede to ȝou mete and drinke; whiche ȝif he ſhal ſee ȝour cheeris lener byfore oþer ȝunge men, ȝour eueneldis, ȝe ſhuln condempne myn hede to þe kyng. And Danyel ſayde to Malaſſar, whom þe prince of geldyngus hadde ordeynyd vpon Danyel, Ananye, Myſael, and Azarie, I beſeche, tempte, or aſſaie, vs þi ſeruauntis ten days, and be potage ȝouen to vs for to ete, and water for to drinke; and byholde þou oure cheeris, and þe cheeris of children þat eten þe kyngus mete; and as þou ſhalt ſee, ſo do þou to þi ſeruauntis. Whiche, ſiche manere wordis herd, temptide hem ten days. Forſoþe after ten days þe cheeris of hem apperiden betir and fuller of fleſhe, byfore alle þe children þat eeten kyngus mete. Soþeli Malaſſar toke þe metis, and wijn þe drinke of hem, and ȝaue to hem potagis. Forſoþe God ȝaue to þeſe children ſcience and diſcipline in eche boke, and wiſdam; to Danyel ſoþely vndirſtondynge of alle viſiouns and ſweuens. And ſo þe days fulfillid, after whom þe kyng ſaide, þat þei ſhulden be brouȝt yn, þe prepoſt of geldyngus brouȝte hem yn, in þe ſiȝt of Nabugodonoſor. And whan þe kyng ſpac to hem, þer ben not founden ſiche of alle, as Danyel, Ananyas, Myſael, and Azarias; and þei ſtoden in ſiȝt of þe kyng. And eche word of wijſdam and vndirſtondyng, þat þe kyng axide of hem, he fonde in hem þe tenþe folde ouer alle dyuynours and witchis, þat weren in alle þe rewme of hym. Forſoþe Danyel was vn to þe firſt ȝeer of kyng Cyrus.
Capitulum II.
[edit]In þe ſecounde ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Nabugodonoſor, Nabugodonoſor ſawȝ a ſweuen; and his ſpirit was to gydre ferid, and his ſweuen fleiȝ fro hym. Þerfore þe kyng comaundide, þat dyuynours ſhulden be clepid to gydre, and witchis, and enchauntours, and Caldeis, þat þei ſhulden ſhewe to þe kyng his ſweuens; whiche whenn þei camen, ſtoden bifore þe kyng. And þe kyng ſaide to hem, Y ſawȝ a ſweuen, and Y confuſid, or aſtonyed, in mynde, wote not what I ſawȝ. And Caldeis anſwerden to þe kyng by Siry ſpeche, Kyng, lyue þou in to wiþ outen eende; ſaye þou þi ſweuen to þi ſeruauntis, and we ſhuln ſhewe þe interpretacioun, or declaryng, þerof. And þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaiþ to þe Caldeis, Þe word wente awey fro me; no bot ȝe ſhuln ſhewe to me þe ſweuen, and þe coniecturyng, or menyng, þerof, ȝe ſhuln periſhe, and ȝour houſis ſhuln be maad commoun, or forfetid. Forſoþe ȝif ȝe ſhuln telle þe ſweuen, and coniecture þerof, ȝe ſhuln reſceyue of me meedis and ȝiftis, and myche honour; þerfore ſhewe ȝe to me þe ſweuen, and þe interpretacioun þerof. Þei anſwerden þe ſecounde tyme, and ſaiden, Þe kyng ſaye þe ſweuen to his ſeruauntis, and we ſhuln ſhewe þe interpretacioun þerof. Þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaiþ, Certis I wote, for ȝe aȝein byen þe tyme, witynge þat þe word haþ gon awey fro me. Þerfore ȝif ȝe ſhuln not ſhewe to me þe ſweuen, oo ſentence is of ȝou, þat ȝe han maad to gydre an interpretacioun, and fals, and ful of dyſceyt, þat ȝe ſpeke to me til þe tyme paſſe; and ſo ſaye ȝe to me þe ſweuen, þat Y wite, þat ȝe ſhuln ſpeke to me and þe verre interpretacioun þerof. Þerfore þe Caldeis anſweryng byfore þe kyng, ſaiden, Kyng, þer is no man vpon erþe, þat may fulfille þi word; bot neþer eny grete of kyngus and miȝti axiþ ſiche manere word of eche dyuynour, and witche, and Caldey. Soþeli þe word whom þou, kyng, ſeekiſt, is greuous, neþer eny man ſhal be founden, þat ſhal ſhew it in ſiȝt of þe kyng, out taken goddis, whos lyuyng is not wiþ men. Whiche þing herd, þe kyng, turned in to wodeneſſe and in grete wraþ, comaundide, þat alle þe wijſe men of Babyloyne ſhulde periſhe. And þe ſentence gon out, þe wijſe men weren ſlayn; and Danyel and his felawis weren ſowȝt, þat þei ſhulden periſhe. Þan Danyel enquyride of þe lawe and ſentence, of Arioch, prince of þe knyȝþode of þe kyng, whiche wente oute for to ſlea þe wijſe men of Babiloyne. And he axide hym, þat hadde taken power of þe kyng, for what cauſe ſo cruel ſentence wente out fro þe face of þe kyng. Þerfore whann Arioch hadde ſhewide to Danyel, Danyel gon yn preyede þe kyng, þat he ſhulde ȝeue hym tyme for to ſhewe þe vndoyng to þe kyng. And he entride in to his hous, and ſhewide to Ananyas, Myſael, and Azarias, his felawis, þe neede, þat þei ſhulden ſeeke mercye of þe face of God of heuen vpon þis ſacrament; and Danyel and his felawis ſhulden not periſhen wiþ oþer wijſe men of Babyloyne. Þann þe miſterie was ſhewid to Danyel by a viſioun in niȝt. And Danyel bleſſide God of heuen, and ſaiþ, Be þe name of God bleſſid fro world, and til in to world, for wijſdam and ſtrengþe is of hym; and loo! he chaungeþ tymes and ages, tranſlatiþ rewmes and ordeyneþ; ȝeuiþ wiſdam to wijſe men, and ſcience to men vndirſtondynge diſciplyne; ſhewiþ depe þingus and hid, and knewe in derkneſſis þingus ordeyned, and liȝt is wiþ hym. God of oure faders, to þee I knowleche, and Y herye þee, for þou haſt ȝouen to me wijſdam and ſtrengþe; and now þou haſt ſhewide to me whiche þingus we preyden þee, for þou haſt opnyde to vs þe word of þe kyng. After þeſe þingis Danyel wente yn to Arioch, whom þe kyng hadde ordeyned, þat he ſhulde leeſe þe wiſe men of Babiloyne, and þus ſpake to hym, Leeſe þou not þe wijſe men of Babiloyne; leede yn me in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and I ſhal telle to þe kyng þe ſolucioun, or vndirſtondyng. Þanne Arioch haſtynge ledde yn Danyel to þe kyng, and ſaide to hym, I haue founden a man of þe ſonys of tranſmygracioun of Jude, þat ſhal telle to þe kyng þe ſolucioun. Þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaide to Danyel, to whom þe name was Balþaſar, Geſſiſt þou, wher þou maiſt verrely ſhewe to me þe ſweuen þat I ſawȝ, and þe interpretacioun þerof? And Danyel anſwerde byfore þe kyng, and ſaiþ, Þe myſterie whiche þe kyng axiþ, þe wiſe men, and þe witchis, and dyuynours bi auteris, and dyuynours by lokyng of ſterris, mown not ſhewe to þe kyng. Bot þer is God in heuen, ſhewynge myſteries, whiche ſhewide to þee, þou kyng Nabugodonoſor, whiche þingus ben to cum in þe laſt tymes. Þi ſwenens and viſions of þin hed, in þi couche, ben ſiche. Þou, kyng, biganſt for to þinke in þi bed, what þing was to cummynge after þeſe þingus; and he þat ſhewiþ myſteries, ſhewide to þee what þingus ben to cummynge. And þis ſacrament, or hid trewþe, is ſhewid, not in wiſdam þat is in me more þan in alle lyuynge men, bot þat þe interpretacioun be ſhewid to þe kyng, and þat þou ſhuldiſt wite þe þouȝtis of þi ſoule. Þou, kyng, haſt ſeen, and loo! as oo grete ymage; þilk ymage grete, and in ſtature hiȝ, ſtode aȝeinus þee, and þe biholdyng þerof was dreedful. Þe hed of þis ymage was of beſt gold, forſoþe þe breſt and armys of ſyluer; forſoþe þe wombe and þiȝes of braſſe, ſoþely þe leggis of yren; forſoþe of þe feet ſum part of yren, ſum of erþe. Þou haſt ſeen þus, til a ſtoon was kit of, wiþ outen hondis, of a mount, and ſmote þe ymage in his feet of yren and erþe, and made leſſe, or brake, hem. Þanne þe yren, pott, or mater maad of erþe, braſſe, ſyluer, and gold, ben broken to gidre, and dryuen as in to a qwenchid brond of ſomer feeld, whiche ben rauyſhid wiþ wynd, and no place is foundun in hem; forſoþe þe ſtoon þat ſmote þe ymage, is maad a grete mounteyn, and fulfillide al erþe. Þis is þe ſweuen. And we ſhuln ſaye þe interpretacioun þerof byfore þe kyng. Þou art kyng of kyngus, and God of heuen ȝaue to þee kingdam, ſtrengþe, and empire, or lordſhip, and glorie, and alle þingus in whiche ſones of men dwellen, and beeſtis of þe feeld; and he ȝaue in þin hond þe foulis of heuen, and ordeynyde alle þingus vndir þi lordſhip; þerfor þou art þe golden hed. And after þee an oþer rewme ſhal ryſe to gydre, leſſe þan þou; and þe þrid rewme, an oþer of braſſe, whiche ſhal comaunde to al erþe. And þe fourþe rewme ſhal be as yrunny; hou yrun brekiþ to gydre alle þingus, and dauntiþ, or tamiþ, ſo it ſhal menuſhe, and to gydre breke alle þeſe þingus. Forſoþe þou haſt ſeen of þe feete and fyngris erþi, or cleyi, part of a potter, and a part of yren, þe rewme ſhal be departid; whiche neuerþeleſe ſhal ſprynge of þe plauntyng of yren, after þat þou haſt ſeen yren meynt of cleye and tyel, and fingris, or toon, of feet in partie of yren, in partie of erþe, þe rewme in party ſhal be ſad, and in party debruſid. Soþely þat þou haſt ſeen yren meynt to tyel of cley, forſoþe þei ſhuln be meynt to gidre by mans ſeed; bot þei ſhuln not cleue to hem ſelf, as yren may not be meynt to tyel. Forſoþe in þe days of þo rewmes, God of heuen ſhal reyſe a kyngdam, whiche ſhal not be diſtruyed in to wiþ outen eende, and his rewme ſhal not be taken to an oþer peple; it ſhal make leſſe, and waſte alle þeſe rewmes, and þe ylk ſhal ſtonde in to wiþ outen eende. Vp þat þat þou ſawȝ, þat a ſtoon is kit off wiþ outen hondis of an hill, and maad leſſe, or brake, þe tyel, and yren, and bras, and ſyluer, and gold, þe grete God ſhewide to þe kyng, what þingus ben to cummynge afterward; and þe ſweuen is trewe, and þe interpretacioun þerof feiþful. Þan kyng Nabuchodonoſor felle in to his face, and wirſhipide Danyel, and comaundide ſacrifices and encenſe, þat it were offride to hym. Þerfore þe kyng ſpekynge ſaiþ to Danyel, Verreli ȝour God is God of goddis, and Lord of kyngus, ſhewinge myſteries, for þou miȝtiſt opne þis ſacrament. Þann þe kyng enhaunſide in to heeȝ Danyel, and ȝaue to hym many ȝiftis and grete, and ordeynyde hym vpon alle prouyncis of Babiloyne prince and prefect, and maiſter vpon alle wijſe men of Babiloyne. Forſoþe Danyel axide of þe kyng, and ordeynyde vpon þe werkis of þe prouynce of Babiloyne, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago; forſoþe Danyel hym ſelf was in þe ȝatis of þe kyng.
Capitulum III.
[edit]Nabugodonoſor, kyng, made a goldyne ymage, in heiȝte of ſixty cubitis, in breede of ſix cubitis; and ſette it in þe feeld Duram, of þe prouynce of Babiloyne. And ſo Nabugodonoſor ſente for to gedre ſatrapis, or wijſe men, magiſtratis, and iugis, and duykis, and tirauntis, or ſtrong men, and prefectis, and alle þe princes of cuntrees, þat þei ſhulden cum to gydre to halewyng of þe ymage, whom þe kyng Nabugodonoſor rayſide vp. Þan ſatrapes weren gedrid, mageſtratis, and iugis, and duykis, and tirauntis, and þe beſt men þat weren ordeyned in poweris, and alle princis of cuntrees, þat þei ſhulden cum to gydre to halewyng of þe ymage, whom þe kyng Nabugodonoſor reyſide vp. Forſoþe þei ſtoden in ſiȝt of þe ymage, whiche kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde putt; and a bedel criede miȝtily, To ȝou it is ſayd, peplis, lynagis, and langagis; in þe hour in whiche ȝe ſhuln heere þe ſown of trumpe, and pipe, and harpe, ſambuke, ſautrie, and ſymfonie, and al kynde of muſikis, ȝe fallynge wirſhipe þe golden ymage, whom Nabugodonoſor, kyng, ordeynyde. Soþeli ȝif eny man not fallynge doun ſhal wirſhip, in þe ſame hour he ſhal be ſent in to a fourneyſe of fijr brennynge. Þerfore after þeſe þingus, anoon as alle peplis harden þe ſown of trumpe, pype, and harpe, ſambuke, and ſautrie, ſynphonie, and al kynde of muſikis, fallynge alle peplis, lynagis, and langagis, wirſhipiden þe golden ymage, whom Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, ordeynede. And anoon in þat tyme men Caldeis cummynge to, accuſiden Jewis, and ſaiden to Nabugodonoſor, kyng, Kyng, in to wiþ outen eende lyue þou. Þou, kyng, haſt putte a decree, or dome, þat eche man þat ſhal heere þe ſown of trumpe, pype, and harpe, ſambuke, and ſautre, and ſynfonye, and al kynde of muſykis, putte doun hym ſelf, and wirſhipe þe golden ymage; forſoþe ȝif eny man not fallynge doun ſhal wirſhipe, be he ſent in to fourneyſe of brennynge fijr. Þerfore men Jewis ben, whom þou haſt ordeynyd vpon werkis of þe cuntree of Babyloyne, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago. Þeſe men, kyng, diſpiſiden þi decree; þei honouren not þi goddis, and þei worſhipen not þe golden ymage, whom þou reyſidiſt. Þanne Nabugodonoſor in woodneſſe and in wraþ, comaundide, þat Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago ſhulden be ledde to; whiche anoon ben ledde to in ſiȝt of þe kyng. And Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, pronounſynge ſaiþ to hem, Verrely wher ȝe, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, honouren not my goddis, and wirſhipen not þe golden ymage, whom Y reiſide? Now þerfore be ȝe redy, in what euer hour ȝe ſhuln heer ſown of trumpe, pype, harp, ſambuke, ſautrie, and ſynfonye, and of al manere of muſykis, putte ȝe doun ȝou, and wirſhipe þe ymage þat Y made; for ȝif ȝe ſhuln not wirſhip, in þe ſame houre ȝe ſhuln be ſent in to þe fourneys of fijr brennynge; and who is God, þat ſhal delyuere ȝou of myn hond? Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago anſwerynge ſaiden to kyng Nabugodonoſor, It byhoueþ not vs of þis þing for to anſwere to þee. Loo! ſoþely our God, whom we wirſhipen, may delyuere vs of þe chymneye of brennynge fijre, and of þin hondis delyuere, þou kyng. For ȝif he wole not, be it knowen to þee, kyng, for we honoure not þi goddis, and we wirſhipen not þe golden ymage, whom þou haſt reyſide. Þanne Nabugodonoſor was fulfillid wiþ wodeneſſe, and þe biholdynge of his face is chaungid vpon Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago. And he bad, þat þe fourneyſe ſhulde be ſette on fijre ſeuen fold, hatter þan it was wont for to be tendid. And he badde þe ſtrongiſt men of his ooſt, þat þe feet bounden of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, þei ſhulden ſende hem in to þe fourneyſe of brennynge fijre. And anoon þe ilk men bounden, wiþ armes, and cappis, and ſhoon, and cloþis, weren ſente in to mydil of þe fourneys of brennynge fijre; for whi þe comaundyng of þe kyng conſtreynide. Forſoþe þe fourneys was tendid ful miche; forſoþe flawme of þe fijre ſlewȝ þo men, þat ſenten Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago in to þe fourneyſe. Forſoþe þeſe þree men, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, fellen doun bounden in mydil of þe chymney of brennynge fijre. And þei walkiden in mydil of þe flawme, heryinge God, and bleſſynge to þe Lord. Forſoþe Azarie ſtondynge preyede þus; and opnyng his mouþ in mydil of þe fijre, ſaiþ, Bleſſid art þou, Lord God of our fadris, and heryful, or worþi to be preyſide, and þi name glorious in to worldis; for þou art iuſt in alle þingus whiche þou didiſt to vs, and alle þi werkis trewe, and þi wayes riȝt, and alle þi domes verrey. Forſoþe þou haſt don verrey domes, after alle þingus þat þou leddiſt in vpon vs, and vpon þe holy citee of our fadris, Jeruſalem; for in trewþe and dome þou leddiſt yn alle þeſe þingus for oure ſynnes. Soþely we ſynnyden, and diden wickidly, goynge awey fro þee, and treſpaſſiden in alle þingus, and herden not þin heeſtis, neþer kepten, neþer diden as þou comaundidiſt to vs, þat it were wele to vs. Þerfore alle þingus þat þou leddiſt yn vpon vs, and alle þingus þat þou didiſt to vs, in verre dome þou haſt don; and þou haſt bitaken vs in þe hondis of enmys, wickid and warſt treſpaſſours, and to þe vniuſt kyng, and warſt ouer al erþe. And now we mown not opne þe mouþe; we ben maad confuſioun and ſhenſhip to þi ſeruauntis, and to þeſe þat wirſhipen þee. We preyen, bitake not vs in to wiþ outen eende, for þi name, and diſtruye not þi teſtament, neþer do awey þi mercye fro vs, for Abram, þi derworþe, and Yſaac, þi ſeruaunt, and Yrael, or Jacob, þin holy; to whiche þou ſpake, bihetynge þat þou ſhuldiſt multiplie þe ſeede of hem as ſterris of heuen, and as grauel þat is in þe brynke of þe ſee. For, Lord, we ben maad litil, more þan alle heþen men, and we ben meeke, or lowe, in eche lond þis day, for oure ſynnes. And þer is not in þis tyme prince, and duyke, and prophete, neþer brent ſacrifice, neþer ſacrifice, neþer offring, neþer encenſe, ne place of primiſſis byfor þee, þat we mown fynde þi mercye; bot in contrite ſoule, or ynwitt, and in ſpirit of mekeneſſe be we reſceyuyd. As in brend ſacrifice of weþeris and boolis, and as in þouſandis of fat lambren, ſo oure ſacrifice be maad to day in þi ſiȝt, þat it pleſe to þee; for confuſioun, or ſhame, is not to men triſtinge in þee. And now we ſuen þee in al herte, and dreeden þee, and ſeeken þi face. Confounde þou not vs, but do wiþ vs vp þi myldeneſſe, and vp þe mykilneſſe of þi mercy. And deliuere vs in þi merueylis, and ȝeue glorie to þi name, Lord; and confoundid be alle, þat ſhewen to þi ſeruauntis yuel þingis; be þei confoundid in al þi power, and þe ſtrengþe of hem be broken to gydre; and þei ſhuln wite, for þou art þe Lord God aloone, and glorious vpon þe roundeneſſe of erþes. And þei ceeſiden not, þe miniſtris of þe kyng, þat ſente hem, for to tende þe fourneis wiþ napte, herdis of hemp, or flaxe, and pitche, and kittyngus of vynes. And þe flawme was held out ouer þe fourneys by nyne and fourti cubitis, and brake out, and brent whom of Caldeis it fonde byſidis þe fourneis. Forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord cam doun wiþ Azarie and his felawis, in to þe fourneys, and ſmote ouere þe flawme of fijre of þe fourneis; and maade þe mydil of þe fourneis as wynde of dewe blowinge; and þe fijre touchide not hem on al manere, neþer made ſorewfull, neþer brouȝte yn eny þing of heuyneſſe. Þanne þeſe þree as of oo mouþe heryeden God, and glorifieden, and bleſſiden God in þe fourneys, ſayinge, Bleſſid art þou, Lord God of oure fadris, and worþi to be heryed, and glorious, and aboue enhaunſid in to worldis; and bleſſid þe name of þi glorie, þe whiche is holy, and worþi to be heried, and aboue reiſid in alle worldis. Bleſſid art þou in þe holy temple of þi glorie, and þou aboue preiſeful, and glorious in to worldis. Bleſſid art þou in þe trone of þi rewme, and aboue preyſeful, and aboue reyſid in to worldis. Bleſſid art þou, þat biholdiſt depneſſis, and ſittiſt vpon cherubyn, and preysful, and aboue reyſid in to worldis. Bleſſid art þou in þe firmament of heuen, and preysful, and glorious in to worldis. Bleſſe ȝe, alle þe werkis of þe Lord, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Bleſſe ȝe, aungels of þe Lord, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Bleſſe ȝe, heuens, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Bleſſe ȝe, alle watris þat ben vp on heuens, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Alle vertues of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe him into worldis. Sunne and moone, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preiſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe him in to worldis. Sterris of heuene, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preiſe ȝe, and aboue reiſe ȝe him in to worldis. Reyn and dew, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe him into worldis. Ech ſpirit of God, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Fijre and heete, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Colde and ſumer, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝee, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Dewis and whijt froſt, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe him in to worldis. Byndynge froſt and colde, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Yſſ and ſnowes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. Nyȝtis and days, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Liȝt and derkneſſes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Leitis and cloudis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. Bleſſe þe erþe þe Lord; preyſe it, and aboue reyſe hym in to worldis. Mounteyns and ſmale hillis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Alle buriownynge þingus in erþe, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Wellis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Sees and floodes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Whallis, and alle þingis þat ben moued in watris, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Alle foulis of heuen, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Alle beeſtis and etable, or litil, beeſtis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Sonys of men, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. Bleſſe Yrael þe Lord; preyſe it, and aboue reyſe him in to worldis. Preſtis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Seruauntis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Spiritis and ſoulis of iuſt men, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. Holi and meeke in herte, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. Ananyas, Azarias, Myſael, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Whiche delyuerede vs fro helle, and made ſaaf fro þe hond of deþ, and delyuerede fro þe mydil of þe brennynge flawme, and rauyſhide vs out of þe mydil of þe fyre. Knowleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world þe mercye of hym. Alle religious, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord, God of goddis; preyſe ȝe, and knowleche ȝe to hym, for in to alle worldis þe mercye of hym. Þanne kyng Nabugodonoſor wondride myche, and roſe haſtiliche, and ſaiþ to his beſt men, Wher we ſenten not þree men bounden to gidre in to mydil of fyre? Whiche anſweringe to þe kyng ſaiden, Verrely, kyng. Þanne þe king anſwerde, and ſaiþ, Loo! I ſee foure men vnbounden, and walkynge in mydil of þe fyre, and no þing of corrupcioun is in hem; and þe fourme of þe fourþe lijc to þe ſone of God. Þanne Nabugodonoſor, kyng, came to þe dore of þe fourneys of brennynge fyr, and ſaiþ, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, ſaruauntis of heeȝ lyuyng God, go ȝe out, and cume ȝe. And anoon Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, wenten out of þe mydil of fyr. And ſatrapis gedrid, and mageſtratis, and domyſmen, and miȝty men of þe kyng, biheelden þoo men, for fijre hadde no þing of power in þe bodys of hem, and an heer of hir hed was not brent to; alſo þe breechis of hem weren not chaungid, and þe ſauer of fijr paſſide not by hem. And Nabugodonoſor breſtinge out ſaiþ, Bleſſid is God of hem, þat is to ſaye, of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, whiche ſente his aungel, and delyuerde his ſeruauntis þat byleeuyden in to hym, and chaungiden þe word of þe kyng, and ȝauen her bodies, leſt þei ſeruyden, and leſt þei wirſhipiden euery god, outake her God aloone. Þerfore of me þis decree, or dome, is putt, þat eche peple, and langagis, and lynagis, who euere ſhal ſpeke blasfeme aȝeinus God of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, periſhe, and his hous be waaſtid; forſoþe þer is non oþer God, þat may þus ſaue. Þanne þe kyng auaunſide Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, in þe prouynce of Babyloyne; and in to eche lond he ſente a piſtle, conteenynge þeſe woordis.
Capitulum IIII.
[edit]Nabugodonoſor, kyng, to alle peplis, folkis, and langagis, þat dwellen in al erþe, pees be multiplied to ȝou. Heeȝ God made at me ſignis and wondirful þingus; þerfore it pleſide to me for to preche þe ſygnys of hym, for þei ben greet, and his wondirful þingis, for þei ſtronge; and his rewme euerlaſtinge rewme, and his power in to generacioun and generacioun. I, Nabugodonoſor, was quyete in myn hous, and flouringe in my paleys; I ſawȝ a ſweuen, whiche feride me; and my þouȝtis in my bed, and ſiȝtis of myn hed, to gidre troubliden me. And by me a decree was putte forþ, þat alle wijſe men of Babiloyne ſhulden be ledde yn in my ſiȝt, þat þei ſhulden ſhewe to me þe ſolucioun, or vndirſtondyng, of þe ſweuene. Þanne entriden dyuynours by auters, wicches, Caldeis, and dyuynours by ſterris; and I teelde þe ſwenen in þe ſiȝt of hem, and þei ſhewiden not to me þe ſolucioun þerof, til a felowe of office entride in my ſiȝt, Danyel, to whom þe name Balþaſar, after þe name of my god, whiche haþ þe ſpirit of holy goddis in hym ſelf; and I ſpac þe ſweuen bifore hym. Balþaſar, prince of dyuynours by autris, whom I wote, for þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of holy goddis, and eche ſacrament is not impoſſible to þee, telle þou to me þe viſions of my ſweuens, and þe ſolucioun of hem. Þe viſioun of myn hed in my couche. I ſawȝ, and loo! a tree in þe mydil of erþe, and þe heiȝt þerof ful myche. And a greete tree and ſtronge, and þe nobley, or ſtrecchinge out, þerof touchynge heuen, biholding þerof was vnto termes of al erþe. Þe leues þerof moſt faire, and þe fruyte þerof ful myche, and mete of alle þingus þeryn; vnder it beeſtis dwelliden, and wijlde beeſtis, and in bowis þerof briddis of heuen lyuyden, and eche fleſhe eete of it. Þus I ſawȝ in ſiȝt of myn heued, vpon my bed. And loo! þe waker, and holy came doun from heuen, and criede ſtrongli, and þus ſaiþ, Kitte ȝe doun þe tree, and bifore kitte ȝe þe braunchis þerof, and ſmyte out þe leeues þerof, and ſcatere ȝe þe fruytis þerof; beeſtis þat ben vndir it, flee þei, and briddis of þe braunchis þerof. Neþeleſe ſuffre ȝe buriownyng of rootis þerof in þe erþe, and be it bounden to in boond of yren and braſun, in erbis þat ben wiþ outforþ, and be it dyed in dewe of heuen, and wiþ wijlde beeſtis þe parte þerof in erbe of erþe. Þe herte þerof be chaungid fro mans, and þe herte of wijlde beeſt be ȝouen to it, and ſeuen tymes be chaungid vpon hym. As in ſentence of wakers it is demyd, and þe word of ſaintus and axing, to lyuynge men knowen, for þe heeȝ ſhal be Lord in rewme of men; and he ſhal ȝeue it to whom euere he ſhal woln, and he ſhal ordeyne þe mekiſt man vpon it. Þis ſweuen ſawȝ Y Nabugodonoſor, kyng. Þerfore þou, Balþaſar, haſtily telle þe interpretacioun, for alle þe wijſe men of my rewme mown not ſaye out to me þe ſolucioun; forſoþe þou maiſt, for þe ſpirit of þe holy goddis is in þee. Þanne Danyel, to whom þe name Balþaſar, bygan wiþ yn hym ſelf ſtilly for to þenke, as oon hour, and his þouȝtis to gydre trubliden hym. Forſoþe þe kyng anſwerynge, ſaiþ, Balþaſar, þe ſweuen and interpretacioun of it truble not þee. Balþaſar anſwerde and ſaide, My lord, þe ſweuen be to hem þat haten þee, and þe interpretacioun þerof be to þin enmyes. Þe tree whom þou haſt ſeen heeȝ and ſtronge, whos heiȝt ſtretchiþ vnto heuen, and þe biholdyng þerof vnto al erþe, and his moſt faire braunchis, and fruyte þerof ful myche, and mete of alle þingus þeryn, vndir it dwellynge beeſtis of þe feelde, and in braunchis þerof dwellynge briddis of heuen, þou art, kyng; þat art magnyfied, and haſt woxen ſtronge, and þi greetneſſe wexide, and cam fully vnto heuen, and þi power in to termis of al erþe. Forſoþe þat þe kyng ſawȝ þe waker and hooly for to cum doun fro heuen, and for to ſaye, Kitte ȝe doun þe tree, and ſcatre ȝe it, neþeleſe leue þe buriownyng of rootys þerof in erþe, and be he bounden in yren and braſſe, and in erbis wiþ out forþ, and dew of heuen be it ſpreyn to gydre, and wiþ wylde beeſtis be his mete, til ſeuen tymes be chaungid vpon hym; þis is þe interpretacioun of ſentence of þe heeiȝiſt, þat came fully vpon my lord kyng. Þei ſhuln caſt þee out fro men, and wiþ beeſtus and wijlde beeſtis þi dwellyng ſhal be, and þou ſhalt ete hay as an oxe, bot and in dewe of heuen þou ſhalt be inſhed, and ſeuene tymes ſhuln be chaungid vpon þee, til þou wite, þat þe heyȝ lordſhipiþ vpon rewme of men, and he ȝeuiþ it to whom euer he ſhal wiln. Forſoþe þat he comaundide, þat buriownyng of rootis þerof, þat is to ſaye, of þe tree, ſhulde be left, þi rewme ſhal dwelle to þee, after þat þou ſhalt knowe power for to be heuenly. Wherfore, kyng, my counſeil pleſe to þee, and aȝeinby þou þi ſynnes wiþ almes deedis, and þi wickidneſſis wiþ mercies of pore men; perauenture God ſhal forȝeue þi treſpaſſes. Alle þeſe þingus camen on Nabugodonoſor, kyng. After þe eende of twelue moneþis in þe halle of Babiloyne he walkide; and þe kyng anſwerde and ſaiþ, Wher þis not Babyloyne, þe grete citee, whiche I beeldide in to þe hous of rewme, in miȝt of my ſtrengþe, and in glorie of my fairneſſe? Þerfore whann ȝit þe word was in þe kyngus mouþe, a voice felle fro heuen, To þee it is ſaid, kyng Nabugodonoſor, Þi rewme paſſiþ fro þee, and fro men þei ſhuln caſte out þee, and wiþ beeſtis and wijlde beeſtis þi dwellyng ſhal be; þou ſhalt ete hay as an oxe, and ſeuen tymes ſhuln be chaungid vpon þee, til þou wite, þat þe heyȝ lordſhipiþ in rewme of men, and he ȝeuiþ it to whom euer he ſhal woln. In þe ſame houre þe word was fulfillid vp on Nabugodonoſor, and of men he is caſt out, and he eete hay as an oxe, and wiþ dewe of heuen his body was enfourmed, or defoulid, til his heris wexiden in to lickeneſſe of eglis, and his naylis as naylis, or clees, of briddis. Þerfore after þe eend of days, Y, Nabugodonoſor, reyſide myn eeȝen to heuen, and my wit is ȝolden to me; and I bleſſide to þe heeȝiſt, and I heriede, and glorifiede þe lyuynge in to wiþ outen eende; for his power euerlaſtynge power, and þe rewme of hym in to generacioun and generacioun. And alle dwellers of erþe anentis him ben rettid in to nouȝt; forſoþe after his wille he ſhal do, as wele in vertues of heuen, as in dwellers of erþe, and þere is not, þat ſhal aȝein ſtonde his hond, and ſhal ſaye to hym, Whi didiſt þou þis? Þat tyme my wit tourned aȝein to me, and I came fully to þe honour of my kingdam, and fairneſſe, and my figure, or ſhap, turnyde aȝein to me; and my beſt men and my mageſtratis aȝein ſouȝten me, and I am ordeyned in my kingdam, and my magnyfience, or greteneſſe, is addid to me. Now þerfore Y Nabugodonoſor herie, and magnyfie þe kyng of heuen; for alle his werkis ben trewe, and his wayes domes; and he may make meke, or lowe, men goynge in pryde.
Capitulum V.
[edit]Balþaſar, kyng, made a grete feſt to his beſt men a þouſand, and eche man dranke after his age. Forſoþe þe kyng now drunken comaundide, þat þe golden veſſels and ſylueren ſhulden be brouȝt forþ, whiche Nabugodonoſor, his fadre, bare out of þe temple þat was in Jeruſalem, þat þe kyng, and his beſt men, and wyues, and his concubynes, or ſecundarie wyues, ſhulden drynke. Þei drunken wijne, and herieden her goddis of gold, and of ſyluer, and of braſſe, and of yren, and of tree, and of ſtoon. In þe ſame houre þere apeeriden fyngris, as of hond of a man, writynge aȝeins þe candilſtike, in þe ouermer part of þe walle of þe kyngis halle; and þe kyng bihelde þe fyngris of þe hond wrijtynge. Þanne þe face of þe kyng was chaungid to gydre, and his þouȝtis al to-trubliden hym; and þe ioyntures of his reynys weren vnbounden, and his knees weren hurtlid to gydre at hemſelf. And ſo þe kyng cried ſtrongly, þat þei ſhulden leede yn witches, or wijs men, Caldeis, and dyuynours by ſterris. And þe kyng ſpekyng afer ſaiþ to þe wijs men of Babiloyne, Who euere ſhal reede þis wrytyng, and ſhal make þe interpretacioun þerof knowen to me, ſhal be cloþid wiþ purpre, and ſhal haue a golden bee in þe nek, and ſhal be þe þrid in my rewme. Þann alle wijſe men of þe kyng gon yn myȝten not reede þe ſcripture, neþer ſhewe to þe kyng interpretacioun þerof. Wherof kyng Balþaſar is trublid to gydre ynowȝ, and his cheere is chaungid, bot and his beſt men weren trublid to gydre. Forſoþe þe queen for þe þing þat bifelle to þe kyng, and beſt men of hym, wente to þe hous of feeſt; and for ſpekynge ſaiþ, Kyng, in to wiþ outen eende lyue þou. Þi þouȝtis trublen þee not, neþer þi face be chaungid. A man is in þi rewme, þat haþ in hym þe ſpirit of holi goddis, and in þe days of þi fadir ſcience and wiſdam ben founden in hym; for whi and kyng Nabugodonoſor, þi fadre, ordeynyde hym prince of witchis, enchauntris, of Caldeis, and of dyuynours by ſterris; ſoþeli, þou kyng, þi fadir, for þe more ſpirit, and more prudent, and vndirſtondynge, and interpretacioun of ſweuens, and ſhewyng of pryuy þingus, and vndoyng of bounden þingus ben founden in hym, þis is in Danyel, to whom þe kyng ȝaue name Balþaſar. Now þerfore Danyel be clepid, and he ſhal telle þe interpretacioun. Þerfore Danyel is brouȝt yn byfore þe kyng. To whom þe forſaid king ſaiþ, Þou art Danyel of þe ſonys of caytiftee of Jude, whom my fadre, kyng, ledde to fro Jude? Y herde of þee, for þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of goddis, and ſcience, and vndirſtondynge, and wiſdam gretter ben founden in þee. And now wijſe men, witches, entreden in my ſiȝt, for to reede þis writyng, and for to ſhew to me þe interpretacioun þerof; and þei miȝten not ſaye out to me þe wit of þis word. Forſoþe I herde of þee, þat þou mayſt interprete derke þingis, and vnbynde bounden þingus; þerfore ȝif þou maiſt reede þe wrijtyng, and ſhewe to me þe interpretacioun þerof, þou ſhalt be cloþid wiþ purpre, and þou ſhalt haue a golden bee aboute þi nek, and þou ſhalt be þe þridde prince in my rewme. To whiche þingus Danyel anſwerynge ſaiþ byfore þe kyng, Þi ȝiftis be to þee, and ȝeue þou to an oþer þe ȝiftus of þin hous; forſoþe, kyng, I ſhal reede to þee þe wrytyng, and I ſhal ſhewe interpretacioun þerof to þee, þou kyng. Þe heeȝiſt God ȝaue rewme, and magnyficence, glorie, and honour to Nabugodonoſor, þi fadir. And for þe magnificence whiche he ȝaue to hym alle peplis, lynagis, and tungis, trembliden and dredden hym; he ſlowȝ whom he wolde, and whom he wolde he ſmote, and whom he wolde he enhaunſide, and whom he wolde he meekide. Forſoþe whan his herte was reyſide vp, and his ſpirit ſtablid to pride, he was putt doun of þe ſeete of his rewme; and þe glorie of hym was taken awey, and he was caſt out of ſones of men; bot and þe herte of hym was putt wiþ beeſtis, and wiþ feeld aſſis his dwellynge was; and he eete hay as an oxe, and wiþ dewe of heuen his body was fourmed, or defoulid, til he knew þat þe heeȝiſt haþ power in þe rewme of men, and whom euere he ſhal wole, he ſhal reyſe on it. Forſoþe þou, Balþaſar, his ſone, mekediſt not þin herte, whann þou wiſtiſt alle þeſe þingus; bot aȝeinus þe Lord of heuen þou art reyſid vp, and þe veſſels of his hous ben brouȝt to byfore þee, and þou, and þi beſt men, and þi wyues, and þi concubynes han drunke wijne in hem; and þou heriediſt goddis of ſyluer, and of gold, and of braſſe, and of yren, and of tree, and of ſtoon, whiche ſeen not, neþer heeren, neþer feelen; forſoþe þou glorifiediſt not God, þat haþ þi wynd, or ſpirit, in his hond, and alle þi weies. Þerfore fro hym þe fyngre of an hond is ſente, whiche wrote þis þing þat is writen. Forſoþe þis is þe wrytyng þat is ordeyned, Mane, Techel, Phares. And þis interpretacioun of þe word. Mane, God haþ noumbride þi rewme, and fulfillid it; Techel, it is hangid in a balaunce, and is founden hauynge leſſe; Phares, þi kyngdam is departid, and is ȝouen to Medis and to Perſis. Þanne, þe kyng comaundynge, Danyel is cloþid wiþ purpre, and a gold bee is ȝouen aboute in his nek; and it is prechid of hym, þat he hadde power, he þe þrid in his rewme. Þe ſame niȝt Balþaſar, kyng Caldey, is ſlayn; and Darius of Mede was ſucceſſour in þe rewme, hauynge two and ſixti ȝeeris.
Capitulum VI.
[edit]It pleſide to Darius, and he ordeynyde on þe rewme ſatraps an hundrid and twenti, þat þei weren in al his rewme; and on hem þree princis, of whom Danyel was oon; þat þe ſatraps ſhulden ȝelde reſoun to hem, and þe kyng ſhulde not ſuffre eny diſeſe. Þerfore Danyel ouercame alle princis and ſatraps, for þe more ſpirit of God was in hym. Forſoþe þe kyng þouȝte for to ordeyne hym on al þe rewme. Wherfore princes and ſatraps ſouȝten for to fynde occaſioun to Danyel, of ſyde of þe kyng; and þei miȝten fynde no cauſe and ſuſpicioun, for þat þat he was feiþful, and eche blame and ſuſpicioun was not founden in hym. Þerfore þilk men ſaiden, We ſhuln not fynde to þis Danyel eny occaſioun, no bot perauenture in þe lawe of his God. Þanne princes and ſatraps falſli tyſiden, or counceyliden, to þe kyng, and þus ſpaken to hym, Darye, kyng, in to wiþ outen eende lyue þou. Alle princes of þi rewme, and mageſtratis, and ſatrapis, ſenatours, and domyſmen, maden a conceyle, þat decree, or dom, of þe emperour go out, and maundement, þat eche man þat ſhal axe eny axinge of eny god and man, vnto þritty days, no bot of þee, kyng, be ſent in to þe lake of lyouns. And ſo now, kyng, conferme þou þe ſentence, and write þe decree, þat it be not chaungid whiche is ordeynyd of Medis and Perſis, neþer be it leeful to eny man for to breke. Forſoþe kyng Darius putte forþ þe decree, and ordeynyde. Whiche þing whanne Danyel had founden, þat is to ſaye, þe lawe ordeynyd, he wente in to his hous; and þe wyndowis opnyd in his ſoupyng place aȝeinus Jeruſalem, þree tymes in þe day he bowide his knees, and wirſhipide, and knawelichide byfore his God, as he was wonte for to do byfore. Þerfore þo men more byſily enquerynge founden Danyel preyinge, and biſechynge his God. And þei cummynge to ſpaken to þe kyng on þe maundement, Kyng, wher þou ordeynidiſt not, þat eche man whiche preyde eny of goddis and men, vnto þritti days, no bot þee, kyng, he ſhulde be ſent in to þe lake of lyouns? To whom þe kyng anſwerynge ſaiþ, Þe word is trewe, vp þe decree of Medis and Perſis, whiche it is not leeful for to breeke. Þanne þei anſwerynge ſaiden bifore þe kyng, Danyel, of þe ſones of caytifte of Judee, reckide not of þi lawe, and of þe maundement, whiche þou ordeynediſt, bot þree tymes by day he preyeþ in his biſechynge. Whiche word whan þe kyng hadde herd, he was ſorewful ynewȝ, and for Danyel ſette þe herte, þat he ſhulde delyuere hym; and vnto goynge doun of þe ſunne he traueilide for to delyuere hym. Forſoþe þo men vndirſtondynge þe kyng, ſaiden to hym, Wite þou, kyng, for þe lawe of Medis and Perſis is, þat eche decree whiche þe kyng ordeyneþ, be not leeful for to be chaungid. Þanne þe kyng comaundide, and þei ledden to Danyel, and ſenten hym into þe lake of lyouns. And þe kyng ſayde to Danyel, Þi God, whom þou wirſhipidiſt euermore, he ſhal delyuere þee. And a ſtoon is brouȝt to, and is putt on þe mouþe of þe lake, whiche þe kyng markide, or ſealide, on eche ſyde wiþ his reng, and wiþ reng of his beſt men, leſt eny þing were don aȝeinus Danyel. And þe kyng wente awey in to his hous, and ſlepte vnſoupid, and metis be not brouȝt to byfore hym; more ouer and ſleep wente awey fro hym. Þanne þe kyng firſt in þe mornyng ryſynge haſtily, wente to þe lake of lyouns; and he neiȝinge to þe lake, wiþ a wepynge voice criede vn to Danyel, and ſpake to hym, Danyel, þe ſeruaunt of þe lyuynge God, geſſiſt þou, wher þi God, to whom þou ſeruiſt euermore, miȝt not delyuere þee fro lyouns? And Danyel anſwerynge to þe kyng ſaiþ, Kyng, in to wiþ outen eende lyue þou. My God ſente his aungel, and cloſide to gydre þe mouþes of lyouns, and þei anoyeden not me, for byfore hym riȝtwyſneſſe is founden in me; bot and byfore þee, kyng, Y did no treſpas. Þann þe kyng gretely ioyede vpon hym, and comaundide Danyel for to be led out of þe lake. And Danyel was led out of þe lake, and noon hirtyng is founden in hym, for he bileeuyde to his God. Forſoþe þe kyng comaundynge, þei þat accuſiden Danyel ben brouȝt forþ, and in to þe lake of lyouns ben ſent, þei, and þe ſonnys of hem, and þe wyues of hem; and þei camen not fully vn to þe pament of þe lake, tyl þe lyouns rauyſhiden hem, and braken to gydre alle her bonys. Þan Darius, kyng, wrote to alle peplis, lynagis, and langagis, dwellynge in al erþe, Pees be multiplied to ȝou. Þerfore a decre is ordeynide of me, þat in alle þe empire and my rewme þei tremble, and drede þe God of Danyel; forſoþe he is lyuynge God, and euerlaſtinge into worldis, and his rewme ſhal not be diſtruyed, and þe power of hym vnto wiþ outen eende. He is delyuerer and ſauer, doynge ſigne and merueilis in heuen and in erþe, whiche delyuerde Danyel fro þe lake of lyouns. Forſoþe Danyel duryde vnto þe kyngdam of Darius, and to þe kyngdam of Cyrus of Perſis.
Capitulum VII.
[edit]In þe firſt ȝeer of Balþaſar, kyng of Babyloyne, Danyel ſawȝ a ſweuen. Forſoþe þe viſioun of his hed in his couche, and ſweuen, he wrytynge comprehendide in ſhort word; and in ſum, or litil wordis, touchynge ſaiþ, Y ſawȝ in my viſioun by niȝt, and loo! foure wyndis of heuen fouȝten in þe mydil ſee. And foure greet beeſtis ſtieden vp of þe ſe, dyuerſe bytwixe hem ſelf. Þe firſt as a lyoneſſe, and hadde weengis of an egle. Y byheelde til hir weengis weren drawen of, and ſhe is taken vp of þe erþe, and ſhe ſtode on þe feet as a man, and þe herte of it is ȝouen to it. And loo! an oþer beeſt, lijc to a bere in party, ſtode, and þree ordris weren in mouþ þerof, and in teeþ þerof þree princis. And þus þei ſaiden to it, Ryſe þou, ete ful manye fleſhis. After þeſe þingus Y byheelde, and loo! an oþer as a pard, and hadde vp on it foure weengis of a bridd on it, and foure hedis weren in þe beeſt, and power is ȝouen to it. After þeſe þingus Y byheelde in a viſioun of niȝt, and loo! þe fourþe beeſt, dreedful, and wonderful, and ful ſtronge. It hadde greet yren teeþ, etynge and brekynge to gydre, and defoulynge oþer þingus wiþ his feet; forſoþe it was vnlijc to oþer beeſtis, whiche Y ſawȝ byfore it, and it hadde ten hornys. Y biheelde þe hornys, and loo! an oþer litil horn is ſprungen vp of þe mydil of hem, and þree of þe firſt horns ben drawen out fro þe face þerof; and loo! eeȝen as eeȝen of a man weren in þis horn, and a mouþ ſpekynge greet þingus. Y byhelde, til trones weren ſette, and þe olde of days ſat; his cloþinge white as ſnowe, and þe heris of his hed as cleen wolle, his trone of flawme of fijr, þe whelis of hym fijr tendid. A flode of fijr and faſt rennynge wente out fro his face, a þouſand of þouſandis myniſtriden to hym, and ten þouſand ſiþis an hundred þouſand ſtoden niȝ to hym; þe dom ſate, and bokis ben opnyd. Y byheelde for þe voice of grete wordis, whiche þe ylk horn ſpake; and I ſawȝ, for þe beeſt was ſlayn, and þe body þerof peryſhide, and was bytaken for to be brent in fijr. And þe power of oþer beeſtus was taken awey, and tymes of lijf ben ordeynyd to hem, vn to tyme and tyme. Þerfore Y byhelde in viſioun of niȝt, and loo! wiþ cloudis of heuen as þe ſone of man came; and vnto þe olde of days he came fully, and in his ſiȝt þei offreden hym. And he ȝaue to hym power, and honour, and rewme, and eche peple, lynagis, and tungis ſhuln ſerue to hym; þe power of hym euerlaſtinge power, whiche ſhal not be don awey, and þe rewme of hym, whiche ſhal not be corrupte, or diſtruyed. My ſpirit hidouſide; Y, Danyel, was ferd in þeſe, and þe viſiouns of my heed to gidre trubliden me. Y came to oon of þe niȝ ſtondynge, and Y axide of hym trewþe of alle þeſe þingus. Whiche ſaide to me interpretacioun of wordis, and tauȝte me. Þeſe foure greet beeſtis ben foure rewmes, þat ſhuln ryſe to gydre of þe erþe. Forſoþe þei ſhuln reſceyue þe rewme of God heeȝiſt holy, and þei ſhuln holde þe rewme, til into þe world, and in to world of worldis. After þeſe þingus Y wolde diligently lerne of þe fourþe beeſt, þat was gretely vnlijc fro alle, and dreedful ful myche, þe teeþ and naylis þerof of yren; it eete, and brake to gydre, and defoulide þe toþir þingus wiþ his feet. And of ten hornes whiche it hadde in þe hed, and of þe toþer þat was ſprungen vp, bifore whiche þree hornes fellen doun, and of þat horne þat hadde eeȝen, and mouþe ſpekinge grete þingis, and was more þan oþer; Y byheelde, and loo! þe ylk horn made bataile aȝein ſaintis, and hadde power ouer hem, til þe olde of dais came, and ȝaue dome to ſaintis hiȝe; and loo! tyme came, and ſaintis weldiden rewme. And þus he ſaiþ, Þe fourþe beeſt ſhal be þe fourþe rewme in erþe, þat ſhal be more þan alle rewmes, and ſhal deuouren al erþe, and ſhal defoule, and to gydre breke it. Forſoþe ten horns of þat kyngdam ſhuln be ten kyngus; and an oþer ſhal rijſe after hem, and he ſhal be miȝtier þan þe former, and ſhal meeke þree kyngus. And he ſhal ſpeke wordis aȝeinus þe heeȝ, and he ſhal breke to gidre þe ſaintis of þe heeȝiſt; and he ſhal wene, þat he may chaunge tymes and lawis; and it ſhal be ȝouen in to þe hondis of hym, vn to tyme, and tymes, and þe half of tyme. And dom ſhal ſitte, þat power be taken awey, and be broken to gydre, and periſhe til into þe eende. Þe rewme forſoþe, and power, and þe greteneſſe of rewme, whiche is vndre al heuen, be ȝouen to þe peple of halewis of þe heeȝiſt, whoſe rewme is euerlaſtinge rewme, and alle folkis ſhuln ſerue to hym, and obeye. Til hidre þe eende of þe word. Y, Danyel, in my þouȝtis was miche trublid, and my face is chaungid in me; forſoþe Y kepte to gidre þe word in my hert.
Capitulum VIII.
[edit]In þe þrid ȝeer of rewme of Balþaſar, kyng, a vyſioun apeeride to me. Y, Danyel, after þat þing whiche Y hadde ſeen in þe bygynnyng, ſawȝ in my viſioun, whan I was in þe caſtel Suſis, whiche is in þe cuntre of Helam; forſoþe I ſawȝ in viſioun me for to be vpon þe ȝate Vlay. And Y rayſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ; and loo! oo weþer ſtode byfore þe mareis, hauynge heeȝ horns, and oon heeȝer þan an oþer, and vndrewexinge. Afterward Y ſawe þe weþer wiþ hornys wyndowynge, or caſtynge doun, aȝeinus þe eeſt, and aȝeinus þe weſt, and aȝeinus þe norþ, and aȝeinus þe ſouþ; and alle beeſtis miȝten not aȝein ſtonde it, neþer be delyuerd fro þe hondis þerof. And he dide vp his wille, and is magnyfied. And I vndirſtode. Lo! forſoþe a buk of geet came fro þe weſt vpon þe face of al erþe, and touchide not þe erþe; forſoþe þe buk hadde a noble horn bitwixe his eeȝen; and came vnto þe ylk weþer horned, whiche Y ſawȝ ſtondynge byfore þe ȝate, and he ran to hym in bir of his ſtrengþe. And whenn he neiȝede niȝ þe weþer, he dide crueli in to hym, and he ſmote þe weþer, and he brake to gidre two hornys of hym, and þe weþer miȝte not wiþſtonde hym. And when he ſente hym in to þe erþe, he defoulide hym; and no man miȝte delyuere þe weþer of his hond. Forſoþe þe buk of geet is maad grete ful miche; and whan he hadde waxen, þe grete horn is broſten, and foure horns ben brouȝt forþ vndir it, bi foure wyndis of heuen. Eftſoone forſoþe of hem oo litil horne wente out, and it is maad grete aȝeinus þe ſouþ, and aȝeinus þe eeſt, and aȝeinus ſtrengþe. And it is magnyfied vnto þe ſtrengþe of heuen, and caſtide doun of ſtrengþe and of ſterris, and defoulide hem. And vnto þe prince of ſtrengþe he is magnyfied, and fro hym he toke þe contynuel ſacrifice, and caſtide doun þe place of halewyng of hym. Forſoþe ſtrengþe is ȝouen to hym aȝeinus þe contynuel ſacrifice for ſynnes, and trewþe ſhal be caſt doun in erþe; and he ſhal haue proſperite, and ſhal do. And Y herde oon of þe ſaintus ſpekynge; and oo ſaynt ſaide to an oþer, Y noote to whom ſpekynge, Hou longe deuyſioun, and þe contynuel ſacrifice, and ſynne of deſolacioun, or diſcoumfort, þat is maad, and ſayntuarie, and ſtrengþe ſhal be defoulid? And he ſaide to hym, Vnto euenyng and morewnynge, days two þouſand and þree hundred; and þe ſayntuarie ſhal be clenſid. Forſoþe it is don, when Y, Danyel, ſawe þe viſioun, and ſouȝte vndirſtondyng, loo! þere ſtode in my ſiȝt as þe fourme of man. And Y herde a voice of þe man bytwixe Vlay, and he criede, and ſaiþ, Gabriel, make þou þis for to vndirſtonde þe viſioun. And he came, and ſtode byſidis wher Y ſtode; and when he came, Y dreedynge felle doun in to my face. And he ſaiþ to me, Vndirſtonde þou, ſone of man, for in þe tyme of eende diuiſioun ſhal be fulfillid. And when he ſpac to me, Y ſlode to gydre doun riȝt in to þe erþe. And he touchide me, and ſette me in my degree. And he ſaide to me, Y ſhal ſhewe to þee what þingis ben to cummynge in þe laſt of curſidneſſe, for tyme haþ his eende. Þe weþer, or ram, whom þou haſt ſeen for to haue hornys, is þe kyng of Medis and Perſis. Forſoþe þe geet buk is þe king of Grekis; and þe grete horn þat was bitwix his eeȝen, is þe firſt kyng. Forſoþe þat, it broken, foure han ryſen for it, foure kyngus ſhuln to gydre ryſe of þat folc, bot not in þe ſtrengþe of hym. And after þe rewme of hem, whenn wickidneſſes ſhuln wexe, þere ſhal ryſe a king vnſhamfaſt in face, and vndirſtondynge propoſiciouns, or reſouns; and his ſtrengþe ſhal be maad miȝty, bot not in his own ſtrengþis. And ouer þat it may be byleeued he ſhal waſte alle þingus, and ſhal haue proſperite, and ſhal do. And he ſhal ſlea ſtronge men, and þe peple of ſayntus, after his wille, and gyle ſhal be dreſſid in his hond. And he ſhal magnyfie his hert, and in plente of alle þingus he ſhal ſlea ful manye. And he ſhal ryſe to gydre aȝeins þe prince of princis, and wiþ outen hond he ſhal be broken to gydre. And þe viſioun, þat is ſaid in euening and morewnyng, is trewe. Þerefore ſeale þou, or marke, þe viſyoun, for after manye days it ſhal be. And Y, Danyel, languyſhide, and was ſeeke by ful manye days; and when Y roos, Y dide þe werkis of þe kyng; and I wondride at þe viſioun, and þer was not whiche ſhulde interprete, or expoun.
Capitulum IX.
[edit]In þe firſt ȝeer of Darius, ſone of Aſſuerus, of þe ſeed of Meedis, whiche comaundide vpon þe rewme of Caldeis, in oo ȝeer of his rewme, Y, Danyel, vndirſtode in bokis þe noumbre of ȝeeris, of whiche þe word of þe Lord is maad to Jeremye, þe prophete, þat ſeuenty ȝeeris of deſolacioun of Jeruſalem ſhulden be fulfillid. And Y putte my face to þe Lord my God, for to preye and byſeche in faſtyngis, ſac, and aſhe. And Y preyede þe Lord my God, and I knawlechide, and ſayde, Y biſeche, þou Lord God, grete and dreedful, kepynge couenaunt and mercy to men louynge þee, and kepynge þi maundementis. We han ſynned, we han don wickidneſſe, vnpytouſly we diden, and wenten awey, and bowiden awey fro þi maundementis and domys. We obeyeden not to þi ſeruauntis, prophetis, þat ſpaken in þi name to our kyngis, oure princis, oure fadris, and to al peple of þe lond. Lord, to þee riȝtwiſneſſe, forſoþe to vs confuſioun of face, as is to day to man of Juda, and dwellers of Jeruſalem, and to al Yrael, to þeſe þat ben niȝ, and to þeſe þat ben fer in alle londis, to whom þou caſtidiſt hem out for þe wickidneſſis of hem, in whiche þei ſynnyden in þee, Lord. To vs confuſioun of face, to oure kyngis, oure princis, and to oure fadris, þat ſynneden; forſoþe to þee, Lord oure God, mercye and helpe. For we wenten awey fro þee, and herden not þe voice of þe Lord oure God, þat we ſhulde walke in his lawe, whiche he puttide to vs by his ſeruauntis, prophetis. And al Yrael braken þi lawe, and bowiden awey, þat þei herden not þi voice; and curſſe droppide on vs, and wlatyngneſſe, þat is writen in þe boke of Moyſes, ſeruaunt of God, for we han ſynned to hym. And he ordeynyde his wordis, whiche he ſpac vpon vs, and vpon oure princis, þat demyden vs, þat þei ſhulden aboue lede yn in to vs grete yuel, what maner was neuer vndir al heuen, vp þat it is don in Jeruſalem, as it is writen in þe lawe of Moyſes. Al þis yuel came vpon vs, and we preyeden not þi face, Lord oure God, þat we ſhulden turne aȝein fro oure wickidneſſis, and ſhulden þinke þi trewþe. And þe Lord wakide on his malice, and brouȝt it vpon vs; iuſt þe Lord oure God in alle his werkis whiche he dide, forſoþe we herden not þe voice of hym. And now, Lord oure God, þat leddiſt out þi peple of þe lond of Egypt in ſtrong hond, and madiſt to þee a name vp þis day, we han ſynned, we diden wickidneſſe, Lord, in to al þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Y biſeche, be þi wraþ turned awey and þi woodneſſe fro þi citee Jeruſalem, and fro þin holy hill; forſoþe for oure ſynnes, and wickidneſſis of oure fadris, Jeruſalem and al þi peple ben in ſhenſhipe, to alle men bi oure cumpas. Now forſoþe, oure God, heere þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, and preyeres of hym, and ſhewe þi face on þi ſayntuarye, þat is deſert. For þi ſelf þou, my God, bowe þin eere, and heere; opyn þin eeȝen, and ſee oure deſolacioun, and þe cite, on whom þi name is yn clepid. Forſoþe neþer in oure iuſtifiyngus we caſten forþ preeyeres byfore þi face, bot in þi manye doyngus of mercy. Heer þou, Lord; be þou pleſid, Lord, perceyue, and do; dwelle þou, or tarye, not, for þi ſelf, Lord my God, for þi name is in clepid vpon þe cytee, and vpon þi peple. And whan ȝit I ſpac, and preyede, and knowlachide my ſynnes, and ſynnys of my peple Yrael, þat Y ſhedde out preyers in ſiȝt of my God, for þe holy hill of my God, ȝit me ſpekynge in my preyer, loo! þe man Gabriel, whom I ſawȝ in viſioun fro þe bygynnynge, ſoone fleeȝinge touchide me in tyme of euen ſacrifice; and tauȝt me, and ſpac to me, and ſaide, Danyel, now Y am gon out, þat Y ſhulde teche þee, and þou ſhuldiſte vndirſtonde. Fro þe bygynnyng of þi preyers a word paſſide out. Forſoþe Y came for to ſhewe to þee, for þou art a man of deſijris; forſoþe perceyue þou þe word, and vndirſtonde þe viſioun. Seuenty weekis ben abreggid on þi peple, and vpon þin holi citee, and treſpaſſyng ſhal ben eendid, and ſynne ſhal take eend, and wickidneſſe ſhal be don awey, and riȝtwyſneſſe euerlaſtynge ſhal be led to, and þe viſioun ſhal be fulfillid, and prophecie, and þe holy of halewis ſhal be anoyntid. Þerfore wite þou, and perceyue; fro bygynnynge of þe word, þat Jeruſalem eftſone be beeldid, til to Criſt, duyk, ſeuen weekis and two and ſixti weekis ſhuln be; and eftſoone þe ſtrete ſhal be beeldid, and wallis, in anguyſhe, or ſtreytneſſe, of tymes. And after two and ſixti weekis Criſt ſhal be ſlayn. And it ſhal not be þe peple of hym, þat is to denyinge hym. And þe peple ſhal diſtruye þe citee and ſayntuarie, wiþ þe duyke to commynge; and þe eende of hym waaſtynge, and after þe eende of bataile ordeynd deſolacioun. Forſoþe he ſhal conferme þe couenaunt wiþ manye oo weeke, and in þe half of a weeke ooſt and ſacrifice ſhal fayle; and in þe temple abomynacioun of deſolacioun ſhal be, and vnto þe eendynge and eende þe deſolacioun ſhal laſt.
Capitulum X.
[edit]In þe þrid ȝeer of rewme of Cyrus, kyng of Perſis, a word is toke aȝein to Danyel, by name Balþaſar; and þe word trewe, and grete ſtrengþe, and he vndirſtode þe word; forſoþe vndirſtondyng is neede in viſioun. In þo days Y, Danyel, weilide in days of þree wekis; Y eete not deſireful breede, and fleſhe and wyne entriden not in to my mouþ, bot neþer wiþ oynement Y was anoyntid, til days of þree weekis weren fulfillid. Forſoþe in þe fourþe and twentiþe day of þe firſt moneþ, Y was byſydis þe grete flode, þat is Tigris. And I reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ, and loo! oo man cloþid in lynnen, and his reyns gird to wiþ ſhynyng gold; and his body as criſolitus, and his face as fourme of leyt, and his eeȝen as a laumpe brennynge, and his armys and whiche þing is dounward vn to þe feet as fourme of braſſe waxinge whyte, and þe voice of his wordis as voice of multitude. Forſoþe Y, Danyel, aloone ſawe þe viſioun; ſoþely þe men þat weren wiþ me, ſawen not, bot ful myche dreed felle vp on hem, and þei fledden in to an hid place. Forſoþe Y left aloone ſawe þis greet viſioun, and ſtrengþe abode not in me; bot and my fourme is chaungid in me, and Y was drye, or welewid, neþer hadde eny þing of ſtrengþis. And Y herde þe voice of his wordis, and Y heerynge laye caſtidoun, or ferd, vpon my face, and my cheer cleuyde to þe erþe. And loo! an hond touchide me, and reyſide me on my knees, and vpon þe fyngris of myn hondis. And he ſayde to me, Danyel, man of deſiris, vndirſtonde þe wordis whiche Y ſpeke to þee, and ſtonde þou in þi degree; now forſoþe Y am ſente to þee. And whenn he ſaide to me þis word, Y ſtode tremblynge. And he ſaiþ to me, Danyel, nyl þou dreede, for of þe firſt day in whiche þou puttidiſt þin herte for to vndirſtonde, þat þou ſhuldiſt tourmente þee in ſiȝt of þi God, þin wordis ben herde, and Y came for þi wordis. Forſoþe þe prince of þe kingdam of Perſis aȝein ſtode me oon and twenti days, and loo! Mychael, oon of þe firſt princis, came in to myn help, and Y abode þere byſidis þe kyng of Perſis. Forſoþe Y came for to teche þee, what þingis ben to cummynge to þi peple in þe laſt days; for ȝit þe viſioun is deferrid, or drawen alonge, in to days. And whann he ſpac to me ſiche maner wordis, Y keſte doun my cheer to þe erþe, and was ſtille. And lo! as þe licneſſe of þe ſone of man touchide my lippis; and Y opnynge my mouþ ſpac, and ſaide to hym þat ſtode byfore me, My Lord, in þi viſioun my ioyntouris ben vnbounden, and no þing of ſtrengþis aboden in me. And how may þe ſeruaunt of my Lord ſpeke wiþ my Lord? no þing of ſtrengþis aboode in me, bot and my breþe is cloſid bitwixe, or ſtoppide. Þerfore eftſoone as þe ſiȝt of man touchide me, and coumfortide me, and ſaide, Nyl þou dreede, þou man of deſyrs; pees to þee, be þou coumfortid, and be þou ſtrong. And whann he ſpac wiþ me, Y waxe ſtronge, and ſaide, Speke þou, my Lord, for and þou haſt coumfortide me. And he ſaiþ, Wher þou waſt, whi Y came to þee? And now Y ſhal turne aȝein, for to fiȝt aȝeinus þe prince of Perſis. Forſoþe whann Y wente out, þe prince of Greekis apeeride cummynge. Neþeleſe Y ſhal telle to þee, what þing is expreſſid in þe wrytyng of trewþe; and no man is myn helper in alle þeſe þingis, no bot Miȝhel, ȝour prince.
Capitulum XI.
[edit]Forſoþe fro þe firſt ȝeer of Darius of Mede Y ſtode, þat he ſhulde be coumfortid, and ſtrengþid. And now Y ſhal telle to þee trewþe. And loo! þree kyngus ſhuln ſtonde in Perſis, and þe fourþe ſhal be maad riche wiþ ful manye richeſſis ouer alle men. And whanne he ſhal be ſtronge in his richeſſis, he ſhal ſtire to gydre alle men aȝeinus þe rewme of Grece. Forſoþe a ſtronge kyng ſhal rijſe, and ſhal lordſhipe wiþ myche power, and þat, þat ſhal pleſe to hym, ſhal do. And whanne he ſhal ſtonde, his rewme ſhal be broken, and ſhal be departid in to foure wyndis of heuen, bot not in to his folewers of bloode, neþer after his power, in whiche he lordſhipide; þe rewme of hym ſhal be departid, and in to alyens, out taken þeſe. And þe kyng of ſouþe ſhal be coumfortide; and of þe princis of hym þer ſhal be ſtrengþe ouer hym, and ſhal be lord in lordſhip; forſoþe his lordſhipyng myche. And after þe eende of ȝeeris þei ſhuln be knyt in pees; and þe douȝter of kyng of ſouþ ſhal cume to þe kyng of þe norþ, for to make frenſhip. And ſhe ſhal not haue ſtrengþe of arm, neþer hir ſeed ſhal ſtonde; and ſhe ſhal be bitaken, and hir ȝunge men þat ledden hir to, and þei þat coumfortiden hir in tymes. And a plauntyng ſhal ſtonde of þe buriownyng of hir rootis; and he ſhal cum wiþ an ooſt, and ſhal entre þe prouynce of þe kyng of þe norþ, and he ſhal myſuſe hem, and ſhal weelde þe goddis of hem, and grauen þingus. And he ſhal lede þe precious veſſels of gold and ſyluer caitif, or taken in bataile, in to Egipt. He ſhal haue victorie aȝeinus þe kyng of þe norþ; and þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſhal entre in to þe kyngdam, and ſhal turne aȝein in to his lond. Forſoþe þe ſonys of hym ſhuln be ſtirid to wraþ, and þei ſhuln gadre þe multitude of ful manye ooſtis. And he ſhal cum hiȝinge and flowynge, and he ſhal turne aȝein, and ſhal be ſtirid, and go to gydre wiþ ſtrengþe of hym. And þe kyng of þe ſouþ terrid to wraþ, ſhal go out, and fiȝte aȝeinus þe kyng of þe norþ, and ſhal make redy a ful grete multitude; and multitude ſhal be ȝouen in þe hond of hym. And he ſhal take multitude, and þe horn of hym ſhal be enhaunſid; and he ſhal caſt doun many þouſandis, bot he ſhal not haue victorie. Þe kyng of þe norþ ſhal be conuertid, and ſhal make redy a multitude, miche more þan byfore; and in þe eende of tymes and ȝeeris he ſhal cum hiȝinge wiþ þe moſt ooſt, and ful many richeſſis. And in þo tymes many ſhuln ryſe to gydre aȝeinus þe kyng of ſouþ; and ſones of treſpaſſours of þi peple ſhuln be enhaunſid, þat þei fulfille þe viſioun, and ſhuln falle to gydre. And þe kyng of þe norþ ſhal cum, and ſhal bere to gydre hepis of erþe, and ſhal take ſtrengiſt cytees; and þe armys of þe ſouþ ſhuln not ſuſteyne. And þe choſen of hym ſhuln ryſe to gydre, for to wiþſtonde, and ſtrengþe ſhal not be. And he cummynge vp on hym, ſhal do vp his likyng; and þer ſhal not be, whiche ſhal ſtonde aȝeinus his face. And he ſhal ſtonde in þe noble lond, and it ſhal be waaſtid in hond of hym. And he ſhal putte his face, þat he cum for to holde al þe rewme of hym, and he ſhal do riȝt þingus wiþ hym. And he ſhal ȝeue to hym þe douȝtre of wymmen, þat ſhe turne hym vpſadoun; and it ſhal not ſtonde, neþer ſhal be his. And he ſhal turne his face to ylis, and ſhal take manye. And he ſhal make prince for to ceſe, and þe ſhendſhip of hym ſhal be turned in to hym. And he ſhal turne his face to þe empire of his lond, and he ſhal hurtle, and ſhal falle, and ſhal not be founden. And þe fouliſt and vnworþi to kyngis fairneſſe ſhal ſtonde in place of hym, and in fewe days he ſhal be broken to gydre, not in wodeneſſe, neþer in batel. And a diſpiſid man ſhal ſtonde in his place, and kyngus honour ſhal not be ȝouen to hym; and he ſhal cum priuely, and ſhal weelde þe rewme in fraude doynge. And armys of þe fiȝtynge ſhuln be ouercummen of his face, and ſhuln be broken to gydre, more ouer and þe duyke of pees. And aftir frendſhip wiþ hym, he ſhal do gyle. And he ſhal ſtiȝe vp, and ouercume litil peple; and he ſhal entre plenteuous and grete citees, and ſhal do whiche þingis þe fadris of hym diden not, and fadris of fadris of hym. He ſhal ſcatere raueyns, and prayes, and riccheſſis of hem, and he ſhal bygynne, or go yn, counſeile aȝeinus ſaddiſt þouȝtis, and þis þing vn to tyme. And þe ſtrengþe of hym ſhal be ſtirid, and þe herte of hym, aȝeinus þe kyng of ſouþ in grete ooſt. And þe kyng of ſouþ ſhal be terrid to bateil wiþ manye helpis, and ſtronge ful myche; and þei ſhuln not ſtonde, for þei ſhuln go in to counſeilis aȝeinus hym. And þei etynge breede wiþ hym ſhuln breke hym to gydre; and his ooſt ſhal be oppreſſid, and his ſlayn men ful manye ſhuln falle. And þe herte of two kyngus ſhal be, þat þei do yuel, and at oo bord þei ſhuln ſpeke leſyng, and þei ſhul not profite; for ȝit þe eende in to oþer tyme. And he ſhal turne aȝein to his lond wiþ manye riccheſſis, and his herte aȝeinus þe holy teſtament, and he ſhal do, and ſhal turne aȝein in to his lond. In tyme ordeynyd he ſhal cum aȝein, and ſhal cum to þe ſouþ, and þe laſt ſhal not be lijc to þe former. And grete ſhippis, and Romayns, ſhal cum vpon hym, and he ſhal be ſmyten. And he ſhal turne aȝein, and be wroþe aȝeinus þe teſtament of þe ſayntuarie, and ſhal do. And he ſhal turne aȝein, and ſhal þinke aȝeinus hem þat forſoken þe teſtament of ſayntuarye. And þe armes of hym ſhuln ſtonde, and ſhuln defoule þe ſayntuarie of ſtrengþe, and ſhuln take awey þe contynuel ſacrifice, and ſhuln ȝeue abominacioun in to deſolacioun. And vnpitous men ſhuln feyne gylfuly a teſtament; forſoþe þe peple witynge her God ſhal weelde, and do. And tauȝt men in peple ſhuln teche ful manye, and ſhuln falle in ſwerd, and in flawme, and in caitiftee, and in to rauyn of days. And whanne þei ſhuln falle to gidre, þei ſhuln be reyſid vp wiþ litil help; and ful many ſhuln be applied, or putt to, to hem gylfully. And of lerned men ſhuln falle, þat þei be wellyd to gydre, and be choſen, and be maad whijt unto þe tyme determynyd; for ȝit an oþer tyme ſhal be. And þe kyng ſhal do after his wille, and ſhal be reyſid vp, and magnyfied aȝeinus eche god, and aȝeines God of goddis he ſhal ſpeke great þingus; and he ſhal be dreſſid, til wraþ be fulfillid. Forſoþe diffinicioun, or dome, is fully don. And he ſhal not rette þe God of his fadris, and he ſhal be in coueityngis of wymmen, neþer he ſhal recke eny of goddis, for aȝeinus alle þingus he ſhal ryſe to gydre. Forſoþe he ſhal wirſhipe god of Maoſym in his place, and he ſhal honoure god, whom his fadris knewen not, in gold, and ſyluer, and precious ſtoon, and precious þingus. And he ſhal do þat he make ſtronge Maoſym, wiþ an alien god whom he knewe not. And he ſhal multiplie glorie, and ſhal ȝeue to hem power in many þingus, and he ſhal departe erþ at his wille. And in tyme ſett þe kyng of ſouþ ſhal fiȝt aȝeinus hym, and þe kyng of þe norþ as a tempeſt ſhal cum aȝeinus hym, in chaaris, and horſmen, and grete nauee. And he ſhal entre londis, and ſhal breke to gydre; and ſhal paſſe by, and ſhal entre in to glorious lond, and many ſhuln falle. Forſoþe þeſe aloone ſhuln be ſaued fro þe hond of hym, Edom, and Moab, and of þe princis of þe ſonys of Amon. And he ſhal ſende his hond in to londis, and þe lond of Egypt ſhal not ſcape. And he ſhal be lord of treſours of gold, and ſyluer, and in alle precious þingis of Egypt; and he ſhal paſſe by Libie and Eþiopie. And fame ſhal truble hym fro eeſt and norþ; and he ſhal cum in grete multitude, for to breke to gydre, and ſlea ful manye. And he ſhal ſette his tabernacle fro Feduo, bitwixe ſeeſe, vpon a noble hille and holy; and he ſhal cum vnto þe heeȝ þerof, and no man ſhal help hym.
Capitulum XII.
[edit]Forſoþe in þat tyme Myȝhel ſhal rijſe, þe grete prince, þat ſtondiþ for ſonys of þi peple. And tyme ſhal cum, what maner was not, fro þat ſiþen folkis bygunen for to be, vn to þat tyme. And in þat tyme þi peple ſhal be ſaued, eche þat ſhuln be founden wrijten in þe boke of lijf. And manye of þeſe þat ſlepten in duſt of erþe, ſhuln wake out, oþer in to euerlaſtinge lyf, and oþere in to ſhenſhip, þat þei ſe euermore. Forſoþe þei þat ſhuln be tauȝt men, or wijſe, ſhuln ſhyne as ſhynyng of þe firmament, and þei þat lernen, or enfourmen, manye to riȝtwijſneſſe, as ſterris in to euerlaſtyngneſſis. Forſoþe þou, Danyel, cloſe þe wordis, and ſeale þe boke, vn to þe tyme ordeynyd; ful manye ſhuln paſſe, and ſcience manyfold ſhal be. And Y, Danyel, ſawȝ, and loo! as two oþer ſtoden; oon ſtode on þis ſyde, vpon þe ryuere of floode, and an oþer on þat ſyde, on þe toþer part of þe floode. And I ſayde to þe man, þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen, whiche ſtode vpon þe watris of þe floode, Hou longe þe eende of þeſe merueylis? And Y herde þe man, þat was cloþid in lynnen, whiche ſtode vpon watris of þe floode, whann he hadde reyſide vp his riȝt and left half in to heuen, and ſwore by þe lyuynge in to wiþ outen eende, For in to tyme, and tymys, and þe half of tyme. And whan ſcateryng abrood of þe lond of holy peple ſhal be fulfillid, alle þeſe þingus ſhuln be eendid. And Y herde, and vndirſtode not; and ſaide, My lord, what ſhal be after þeſe þingus? And he ſaiþ, Go þou, Danyel, for þe wordis ben cloſid and ſealid, vn to tyme ordeynyd. Þei ſhuln be choſen, and be maad whijt, and as fijr many ſhuln be proued, and vnpytous men ſhuln do vnpytouſly, neþer alle vnpitouſe men ſhuln vndirſtonde; forſoþe tauȝt men ſhuln vndirſtonde. And fro tyme in whiche contynuel ſacrifice ſhal be don awey, and abomynacioun in to deſolacioun ſhal be ſett, days a þouſand two hundrid and nynty. Bleſſid is he, þat abydiþ, and fully cummeþ, vn to days a þouſand þre hundrid and þritty and fyue. Forſoþe go þou to determynd; and þou ſhalt reſte aȝein, and ſhalt ſtonde in þi ſort, or part, in þe eende of days.
Hidre to we reeden Danyel in Ebru; oþer þingis þat ſuen, til in to þe eende of þe boke, ben tranſlatid of þe making of Theodoſyon.
Capitulum XIII.
[edit]A man was in Babiloyne, and þe name of hym Joachym. And he toke a wijf, Suſanne by name, þe douȝtir of Elchie, ful faire, and dreeding þe Lord. Forſoþe þe fadir and modir of hir, when þei weren iuſt, lerneden her douȝter after þe lawe of Moyſes. Forſoþe Joachym was ful riche, and to hym was a gardyne nyȝ to his hous; and Jewis camen to gidre to hym, for þat he was more honourable of alle. And two olde domeſmen ben ordeynyd in þat ȝeer, of whiche þe Lord ſpac, for wickidneſſe wente out of Babyloyne, of þe eldre iugis whiche weren ſeen for to rewle þe peple. Þeſe ofte hauntiden þe hous of Joachym; and alle þat hadden domis camen to hem. Forſoþe whenn þe peple turnyde aȝein after mydday, Suſanne entride, and walkide in þe gardyne of hir huſbond. And þe eldre men ſawen hir eche day entrynge, and walkinge; and þei brennyden in þe coueitiſe of hir. And þei turnyden awey her witt, and bowiden awey her eeȝen, þat þei ſhulden not ſee heuen, neþer ſhulde haue mynde of iuſt domys. Forſoþe boþe weren woundid in loue of hir, neþer ſhewiden to hem ſelf her ſorewe; forſoþe þei ſhameden for to ſhewe to hem ſelf her coueitiſe, willynge for to ligge wiþ hir. And þei aſpieden eche day byſilier for to ſee hir. And þe toþer ſaide to þe toþer, Go we home, for oure of mete is. And þei gon out, departiden fro hem ſelf. And whann þei hadden departid, þei camen in to oon; and þei axinge cauſe eche of oþer, knawlechiden her coueitiſe. And þann in comoun þei ordeynyden tyme, whann þei miȝten fynde hir aloon. Forſoþe it is don, whanne þei aſpieden a couenable day, ſche entride ſum tyme, as ȝiſterday and þree days gon, wiþ two damiſels aloone, and wolde be waſhen in þe gardyne; ſoþely heete was. And no man was þere, out taken two olde men hid, byholdyng hir. And ſhe ſaide to þe maydens, Brenge ȝe to me oyle, and ſope, or oynement; and ſhitte ȝe þe doris of þe gardyne, þat Y be waſhen. And þei diden as ſhe comaundide; and þei cloſiden þe doris of þe gardeyn, and wenten out by a poſtern, for to brenge whiche þingus ſhe bad. And ſhe wiſte not olde men for to be hid wiþ yn forþ. Soþely when þe damyſels weren gon out, þe two olde men ryſen, and runnen to hir, and ſaiden, Loo! doris of þe gardyne ben cloſid, and no man ſeeþ vs, and we ben in coueitiſe of þee. Wherfore accorde to vs, and be ioyned wiþ vs. Þat ȝif þou wilt not, we ſhuln ſaye witneſſyng aȝeinus þee, þat a ȝung man was wiþ þee, and for þis cauſe þou ſentiſt out þe damyſels fro þee. And Suſanne inwardly ſorewide, and ſaiþ, Anguyſhis ben to me on eche ſyde; forſoþe ȝif Y ſhal do þis þing, deþ is to me; ſoþely ȝif Y ſhal not do, Y ſhal not aſcape ȝoure hondis. Bot bettir it is to me for to falle wiþ outen werk in to ȝour hondis, þan for to ſynne in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. And Suſanne criede wiþ a grete voice, forſoþe and þe olde men crieden aȝeinus hir. Soþely þe ton ran, and opnyde þe dore of þe gardeyn. Forſoþe ſeruauntes of þe hous fellen yn by þe poſterne, whan þei herden cry in þe gardeyne, for to ſee what it was. Forſoþe after þat þe olde men ſpaken, þe ſeruauntis ſhamyden gretely, for ſiche word was neuer herd of Suſanne. And þe morewe day is maad. And whanne þe peple cam to hir huſbond Joachym, and þe two preſtis camen ful of yuel þouȝt aȝeinus Suſanne, for to ſlea hir. And þei ſeiden byfore alle þe peple, Sende ȝe to Suſanne, douȝter of Elchie, wyf of Joachym. And anoon þei ſenten. And ſhe came wiþ fadir, and modir, and ſonnys, and alle hir coſyns. Forſoþe Suſanne was ful delicate, and faire of fourme, or ſhap. And þe ylke wickid men comaundeden, þat ſhe ſhulde be vnkeuered, ſoþely ſhe was hillid; þat or ſo þei weren fulfillid wiþ fairneſſe of hir. Þerfore hern wepten, and alle þat knewen hir. Soþeli two preſtis rijſyng to gydre in mydil of þe peple, puttiden hir hondis vpon þe hed of hir. Whiche wepynge byhelde to heuen, forſoþe þe hert of hir was hauynge triſt in þe Lord. And þe preſtis ſaiden, Whann we walkiden aloon in þe gardeyn, ſhe þis came yn wiþ two maydens dameſels; and cloſide þe dore of þe gardeyn, and lefte þe damyſels. And a ȝung man, þat was hid, came to hir, and dide lechorie wiþ hir. Forſoþe we, whanne we weren in a corner of þe gardeyn, ſeeynge wickidneſſe, runnen to hem, and we ſawen hem for to be mengid to gidre. And ſoþely we miȝten not cacche hym, for he was ſtrengre þan we; and þe doris opnyd, he lepte out. Soþely when we hadden cauȝt þis, we axiden, who was þat ȝunge man; and ſhe wolde not ſhewe to vs. Of þis þing we ben witneſſes. Þe multitude byleeuyde to hem, as to eldre men of þe peple and iugis, and condempnyden hir to deþ. Forſoþe Suſanne criede wiþ grete voice, and ſaide, Lord God euerlaſtinge, þat art knower of hid þingus, þat haſt knowen alle þingus byfore þei be maad; þou woſt, for þei han born fals witneſſinge aȝeines me. And loo! Y dye, whann Y dide nouȝt of þeſe þingus, whiche þeſe maliciouſly maken to gydre aȝeinus me. Forſoþe þe Lord herd þe voice of hir. And whann ſhe was ledde to deþ, þe Lord reyſide a ſpirit of a ȝungir chijld, whoſe name Danyel. And he cryede wiþ greete voyce, Y am cleene of þe blood of þis. And al þe peple to gyder turnyd to hym ſaide, What is þis word, whom þou haſt ſpoken? Whiche, whanne he ſtode in þe mydil of hem, ſaide, So ȝe, foolis, ſonys of Yrael, not demynge neþer knowynge þat þing þat is iuſt, condempneden þe douȝter of Yrael. Turne ȝe aȝein to dome, for þei han ſpoke fals witneſſyng aȝeinus hir. Þerfore þe peple turned aȝein wiþ hiȝyng. And þe olde men ſaiden to hym, Cum þou, and ſitt in mydil of vs, and ſhewe þou to vs; for God ȝaue to þee honour of eelde. And Danyel ſaide to hem, Departe ȝe hem fro a twynne, or eche fro oþer, fer, and Y ſhal wyſely deme hem. Þerfore, whanne þei weren departid þe toþer fro þe toþer, he clepide oon of hem, and ſaide to hym, Þou olde of yuel days, nowe þi ſynnes camen on þee, whiche þou wrouȝtiſt byfore, demynge vniuſt domys, oppreſſinge innocentis, and delyuerynge gylti, ſayinge þe Lord, Þou ſhalt not ſlea þe innocent and iuſt man. Now forſoþe ȝif þou ſawiſt hir, ſaye þou, vndir what tree þou ſawȝ hem ſpeekynge to hemſelf? Whiche ſaiþ, Vndir a ſloo tree. Soþely Danyel ſaide, Riȝtly þou leeȝiſt in to þin hed; loo! forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord, þe ſentence token of hym, ſhal kitte þee þe mydil. And hym remoued awey, he comaundide þe toþer for to cum, and ſaide to hym, Seed of Canaan, and not of Juda, fourme, or fairneſſe, diſceyuyde þee, and coueitiſe turnyde þin hert vpſadoun; þus ȝe diden to douȝtris of Yrael, and þei dredynge ſpaken wiþ ȝou, bot þe douȝter of Juda ſuffride not ȝour wickidneſſe. Now þerfore ſaye to me, vndir what tree þou ſawiſt hem ſpekynge to hem ſelf? Whiche ſaiþ, Vndir a plum tree. Soþely Danyel ſaide to hym, Riȝtly and þou leeȝiſt in þin hed; forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord dwelliþ, hauynge a ſwerd, þat he kitte þee þe mydil, and ſlea ȝou. And ſo alle þe peple criede wiþ grete voyce, and bleſſiden þe Lord, þat ſaueþ men hopynge in hym. And þei ryſen to gidre aȝeins two preſtis; ſoþely Danyel hadde conuicte hem of her mouþ, for to haue ſaide fals witneſſyng; and þei diden to hem, as þei hadden do yuel aȝeines þe neiȝbour, þat þei diden after þe lawe of Moyſes, and ſlewen hem. And þe giltleſſe blode is ſaued in þat day. Forſoþe Elchie and his wyf preyſiden God in þat day, for her douȝter Suſanne, wiþ Joachym, hir huſbond, and alle hir coſyns, for foule þing was not found in hir. Forſoþe Danyel was maad greet in ſiȝt of þe peple, fro þat day and afterward.
Capitulum XIIII.
[edit]And kyng Aſtriages is putt to his fadris, and Cyrus of Perſe reſceyuyde þe kyngdam of hym. Forſoþe Danyel was meete feere of þe kyng, and honoured aboue alle þe freendis of hym. And an ydol, Bel by name, was anentis men of Babyloyne, and þere weren ſpendid in it by alle days twelue meſuris artabis, and oon conteyneþ þree buſſhels of floure, and fourty ſheep, and of wijn ſixe amphoris. And þe kyng wirſhipide hym, and wente by alle days for to honoure it; forſoþe Danyel honourede his God. And þe kyng ſaide to hym, Whi honoureſt þou not Bel? Whiche anſwerynge ſaiþ to hym, For Y wirſhipe not ydolis maad by hond, bot lyuyng God, þat made of nouȝt heuen and erþe, and haþ power of eche fleſhe. And þe kyng ſaide to hym, Wher Bel is not ſeen to þee a lyuynge God? wheþer þou ſeeſt not, hou many þingus he etiþ and drynkiþ eche day? And Danyel leiȝinge ſaiþ, Kyng, erre þou not; þis is wiþynforþ of cley, and wiþ outforþ of braſſe, neþir etiþ eny tyme, neþer drynkyþ. And þe kyng wroþ clepide þe preſtis of hym, and ſaide to hem, No bot ȝe ſhuln ſaye to me, who etiþ þeſe ȝiftis, ȝe ſhuln dye. Forſoþe ȝif ȝe ſhuln ſhewe for Bel etiþ þeſe, Danyel ſhal dye, for he blasfemyde Bel. And Danyel ſayde to þe kyng, Be it don vp þi word. Forſoþe þere weren of Bel ſeuenty preſtis, oute taken wijues, and litil children, and ſonys. And þe kyng wiþ Danyel came into þe temple of Bel. And preſtis of Bel ſaiden, Loo! we ſhuln go out, and þou, kyng, putte metis, and meynge wyne, and ſhitte þe dore, and ſeale wiþ þi ryng. And whan þou ſhalt cum yn erly, no bot þou ſhalt fynde alle þingus eten of Bel, by deþ we ſhuln dye, or Danyel, þat leeȝide aȝeinus vs. Forſoþe þei diſpiſiden, for þei hadden maad an hid entryng vndir þe bord, and þerby þei entriden euermore, and deuoureden þo þingus. Forſoþe it is don, after þat þey wenten out, and þe kyng puttide metis byfore Bel, Danyel comaundide his children, and þei brouȝten to aſhe, and by al þe temple he ridlide byfore þe kyng. And þei gon out cloſiden þe dore, and ſealynge wiþ ryng of þe kyng wenten awey. Soþely þe preſtis wenten yn in nyȝt, after her cuſtome, and wijues, and ſonys of hem, and eeten alle þe þingus, and drunken. Soþeli þe kyng rooſe in þe heeiȝiſt ſpring of day, and Danyel wiþ hym. And þe kyng ſaiþ, Danyel, wher þe ſealis ben ſaaf? Whiche anſweride, Kyng, ſaaf. And anoon whan þei hadden opnyd þe dore, þe kyng byhelde þe bord, and he criede wiþ grete voyce, Grete art þou, Bel, and no gyle is anentys þee. And Danyel leiȝide, and he heelde þe kyng, leſt he entride wiþ ynforþ; and ſaide, Loo! þe pament, perceyue whos ſteppis þeſe ben. And þe kyng ſaide, Y ſee ſteppis of men, and wymmen, and ȝunge children. And þe kyng is wroþ. Þanne þe kyng cauȝte þe preſtis, and wijues, and ſones of hem; and þei ſhewiden to hym ſmale doris hid, by whom þei entriden, and waſtiden what þingus weren on þe bord. Þerfore þe kyng ſlewȝ hem, and bytoke Bel in to power of Danyel, whiche diſtruyide hym and his temple. And a grete dragoun was in þat place, and men of Babyloyne wirſhipiden hym. And þe kyng ſaide to Danyel, Loo! now þou maiſt not ſaye, þat þis is not god lyuynge; þerfore wirſhipe hym. And Danyel ſaide to þe kyng, Y wirſhipe þe Lord my God, for he is lyuynge God; þis is not god lyuynge. Þou forſoþe, kyng, ȝeue to me power, þat Y ſlea þe dragoun, wiþ oute ſwerd and ſtaff. And þe kyng ſaiþ, Y ȝeue to þee. Þerfore Danyel toke picche, and fatneſſe, and heris, and ſeeþide to gydre; and he made gobettis, and ȝaue in to mouþe of þe dragoun, and þe dragoun is borſtun. And Danyel ſayde, Loo! whom ȝe wirſhipiden. Whiche þing whanne men of Babyloyne herden, þei hadden indignacioun gretely; and þei ben gadrid aȝeinus þe kyng, and ſayden, Þe kyng is maad a Jewe; he diſtruyede Bel, and ſlewȝ þe dragoun, and killide preſtis. And þei ſaiden, whanne þei camen to þe kyng, Ȝeue to vs Danyel, þat diſtruyede Bel, and ſlewȝ þe dragoun; ellis we ſhuln ſlea þee, and þin hous. Þerfore þe king ſawȝ, þat þei fellen in to hym gretely; and by neede he conſtreyned ȝaue to hem Danyel. Whiche ſenten hym in to þe lake of lyouns, and he was þere ſeuen days. Forſoþe in þe lake weren ſeuen lyouns, and eche day two bodyes and two ſheep weren ȝouen to hem. And þanne þei weren not ȝouen to hem, þat þei ſhulde deuoure Danyel. Forſoþe Abacuc was a prophete in Judee, and he hadde ſoþen potage, and hadde ſette yn looues in a litil veſſel, and wente in to þe feeld, for to bere to repers. And an aungel of þe Lord ſaide to Abakuc, Bere þou þe mete, þat þou haſt, in to Babyloyne, to Danyel, þat is in þe lake of lyouns. And Abakuc ſaide, Lord, I ſawȝ not Babyloyne, and I knewe not þe lake. And þe angel of þe Lord toke hym in þe poll of hym, and bare hym in an her of his hed, and putte hym in to Babyloyne, on þe lake, in bir of his ſpirit. And Abakuc criede, ſayinge, Danyel, ſeruaunt of God, take þou þe mete, þat God ſente to þee. And Danyel ſaiþ, Lord God, þou haſt mynde of me, and forſakiſt not men loouynge þee. And Danyel ryſynge eet; forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord reſtoride anoon Abakuc in his place. Þerfore þe kyng cam in þe ſeuenþe day for to weile Danyel; and he came to þe lake, and lookide wiþ ynne, and loo! Danyel ſittynge in þe mydil of lyouns. And þe kyng criede wiþ grete voice, ſaiynge, Grete art þou, Lord God of Danyel; and drouȝ out him of þe lake. Forſoþ he ſente yn in to þe lake hem, þat weren cauſe of his perdicioun, and þei ben deuoured in a moment byfore hym. Þann þe kyng ſaiþ, Men dwellynge in al erþe, dreede þe God of Danyel; for he is deliuerer, and ſauere, doynge ſygnes and merueyles in heuen and in erþe, þat delyuerede Danyel of þe lake of lyouns.
Here endeþe þe boke of Daniel, and here bigynneþ Oſee.