Bible (Early Wycliffe)/I. Corinþis

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Prolog to Þe firſte CorinÞies.


Corinþies ben men of Achaye, and þes alſo of þe apoſtelis hadden herd þe word of treuþe, and þei weren ouerturned in many maneris of falſe apoſtelis; ſumme of wordy eloquence of philoſophie, ſumme to þe ſecte of Jewis lawe yledd. Þes reuokeþ þe apoſtle to þe trewe and goſpels wyſdom, writynge to hem fro Effecie, by Tymoþe, his diſciple.

Here endiþ þe prolog, and bigynneþ þe epiſtele.

Þe firſte piſtle of Poul to Corinþis.

Capitulum I.


Poul, clepid apoſtle of Jheſu Criſt, bi þe wille of God, and Soſtenes, broþir, to þe chirche of God þat is at Corinþe, to þe halowid in Criſt Jheſu, clepid ſeyntis, wiþ alle þat inclepyn þe name of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, in ech place of hem and oure, grace and pees to ȝou of God, oure fadir, and of þe Lord Jheſu Criſt. I do þankyngis to my God euermore for ȝou, in þe grace of God þat is ȝouun to ȝou in Criſt Jheſu. For in alle þingis ȝe ben ryche in him, in ech word, and in ech kunnynge, or ſcience, as þe witneſſynge of Criſt is confermyd in ȝou; ſo þat no þing fayle to ȝou in ony grace, abidynge þe reuelacioun, or ſchewynge, of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt; þe which and ſchal conferme ȝou til into þe ende wiþouten cryme, or greet ſynne, in þe day of þe comynge of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt. Forſoþ God is trewe, bi whom ȝe ben clepid in to þe felowſchip of his ſone Jheſu Criſt oure Lord. Forſoþe, briþeren, I biſeche ȝou, bi þe name of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, þat ȝe alle ſeye þe ſame þing, and þat ſciſmes, or dyuyſiouns, diſſenciouns, or diſcordis, be not among ȝow; ſoþli be ȝe parfyt in þe ſame witt, and in þe ſame kunnynge. Forſoþe, briþeren, it is ſignyfied, or toold, to me of hem þat ben of Cloes, for ſtryues ben among ȝou. Forſoþ I ſeye þis þing, þat ech of ȝou ſeiþ, Forſoþ I am of Poul, forſoþ I of Appollo, treuly I of Cephas, þat is, Petre, forſoþ I of Criſt. Wher Criſt is departid? wher Poul is crucifyed for ȝou, eþir ben ȝe baptyſid in þe name of Poul? I do þankyngis to God, þat I baptiſide no man of ȝou, no but Criſpus and Gayus; leſt ony man ſeye, þat ȝe ben baptyſid in my name. Soþli and I baptyſide þe hous of Steuene, a womman, but I woot not, if I baptiſide ony oþir. For Criſt ſente me not for to baptiſe, but for to euangelyſe, or preche þe goſpel; not in wyſdom of word, þat þe cros of Criſt be not voydid awey. For þe word of þe cros is folye ſoþli to men periſchinge; forſoþ to hem þat ben maad ſaaf, þat is to ſeye, to vs, it is þe vertu of God. Soþli it is writun, I ſchal leſe þe wyſdom of wyſe men, and I ſchal reproue þe prudence of prudent men. Where is þe wyſe man? where is þe writere, or man of lawe? where is þe purchaſour of þis world? Wher God haþ not maad þe wyſdom of þis world foltiſch, or fool. Forwhi for in þe wyſdom of God þe world knew not God by wyſdom, it pleſide to God for to make men ſaaf bileuyng, by þe folie of prechinge. For and Jewis ſeken ſignes, and Greekis ſeken wiſdom; forſoþ we prechen Criſt crucified, to Jewis ſoþli ſclaundre, to heþene men forſoþ foly; forſoþ to hem clepid, Jewis and Greekis, Criſt þe vertu of God, and þe wyſdom of God. For þat þat is foly þing of God, is wyſer þan men; and þat þat is ſyk þing, or freel, of God, is ſtrenger þan men. Forſoþ ſe ȝe ȝoure clepinge, briþeren; for not manye wyſe men aftir þe fleiſch, not many myȝty, not many noble. But God chees þo þingis þat ben foltyſch of þe world, þat he confounde wyſe men; and God chees þe ſyke þingis, or freel, of þe world, þat he confounde þe ſtronge þingis; and God chees þe vnnoble þingis and diſpiſable þingis of þe world, and þo þingis þat ben not, þat he ſchulde diſtroye þo þingis þat ben; þat ech fleiſch, or man, glorie not in his ſiȝt. Forſoþ of him ȝe ben in Criſt Jheſu, þe which is maad to vs wyſdom and riȝtwyſneſſe, and hoolyneſſe, and aȝenbying; þat, as it is writun, He þat glorieþ, glorie in þe Lord.

Capitulum II.


And I, briþeren, whanne I cam to ȝou, cam not in hiȝneſſe of word, or wyſdom, tellinge, or ſchewinge, to ȝou þe witneſſing of Criſt. Soþli I ſchewide, or demyde, not me for to wite, or kunne, ony þing among ȝou, not but Criſt Jheſu, and him crucifyed. And I in ſykneſſe, and drede, and moche tremblyng, or quakyng, was anentis ȝou; and my word and my preching not in perſuable, or ſutile gloſynge, wordis of mannis wyſdom, but in ſchewynge of ſpirit and vertu; þat ȝoure feiþ be not in þe wyſdom of men, but in þe vertu of God. Forſoþ we ſpeken wyſdom among perfyt men, forſoþ not wyſdom of þis world, neþer of princes of þis world, þat ben diſtroyed; but we ſpeken þe wyſdom of God, þat is hid in myſterie, or priuyte; þe which wyſdom God bifore ordeynede bifore worldis in to oure glorie, þe which no man of þe princes of þis world knew; for if þei hadden knowen, þei ſchulden neuere haue crucified þe Lord of glorie. But as it is writun, Þat yȝe ſyȝ not, ne eere herde, neþer it ſtiȝede in to herte of man, what þingis God made redy bifore to hem þat louen him; forſoþ God ſchewyde to vs by his ſpirit. Forſoþ þe ſpirit ſekiþ alle þingis, ȝhe, þe deepe þingis of God. Soþeli who of men woot, what þingis ben of man, no but þe ſpirit of man þat is in him? So and what þingis ben of God, no man knowiþ, no but þe ſpirit of God. Forſoþ we han not reſſeyued þe ſpirit of þis world, but þe ſpirit þat is of God, þat we witen what þingis ben ȝouun to vs of God. Þe whiche þingis we ſpeken, not in tauȝt wordis of mannis wyſdom, but in doctryne of þe ſpirit, compariſonynge ſpiritual þingis to goſtly men. Forſoþ a beeſtli man perſeyueþ not þo þingis þat ben of þe ſpirit of God; ſoþli it is foly to him, and he may not vnderſtonde, for he is examyned, or aſayed, goſtly. Forſoþ a ſpiritual man demeþ alle þingis, and he is demyd, or dampned, of no man. As it is writun, Who ſoþli knew þe witt of þe Lord, or who tauȝte him? Forſoþ we han þe witt of Criſt.

Capitulum III.


And I, briþeren, myȝte not ſpeke to ȝou as to ſpiritual men, but as to fleiſchli; as to litile children in Criſt, I ȝaf to ȝou mylk drynke, not mete; ſoþli ȝe myȝten not ȝit vndirſtonde, but neþer now ſoþli ȝe mown, for ȝit ȝe ben fleiſchly. Whanne enuye and ſtryf is among ȝou, wher ȝe ben not fleiſchli, and aftir man ȝe gon? For whanne ſumme ſeiþ, I ſoþli am of Poul, anoþer forſoþ, I am of Apollo, wher ȝe ben not men? What þerfore is Apollo, what forſoþ Poul? Þei ben myniſtris, or ſeruauntis, of him, to whom ȝe han bileuyd; and to ech man as God haþ ȝouun. I plauntide, Apollo watride, or moyſtide, but God ȝaf encreſynge. And ſo neiþer he þat plauntiþ is ony þing, neiþer he þat moyſtiþ, but God þat ȝyueþ encreſynge. Forſoþ he þat plauntiþ, and he þat moyſtiþ, ben oo þing; ſoþli ech ſchal take his propre hyre, after his traueil. For we ben þe helperis of God; ȝe ben þe erþe tilyinge of God, ȝe ben þe byldinge of God. Aftir þe grace of God þat is ȝouun to me, as a wys carpenter I ſette þe fundement; forſoþe anoþer bildeþ aboue. Soþli ech man ſe, hou and what þingis he byldeþ vpon. Soþli no man may ſette anoþer foundement, bi ſydis þat þat is ſett, þe which is Criſt Jheſus. Forſoþ if eny man bylde ouer vpon þis foundement, gold, ſiluer, precyous ſtoones, ſtickis, hey, ſtuble, euery mannis work ſchal be open, þe day of þe Lord ſchal declare; for ech mannis work ſchal be ſchewid in fyer, what maner it is, þe fier ſchal proue. If þe werk of ony man ſchal dwelle, þe which he byldide vpon, he ſchal receyue mede. If eny mannis work ſchal brenne, it ſchal ſuffre peyringe; forſoþ he ſchal be ſaaf, ſo neþelees as by fyer. Wite ȝe not, for ȝe ben þe temple of God, and þe ſpirit of God dwelliþ in ȝou? Forſoþ if ony ſchal defoule þe temple of God, God ſchal diſparple him, or diſtroye; forſoþ þe temple of God is hooly, þe which ȝe ben. No man diſſeyue him ſilf. If eny man a mong ȝou is ſeyn for to be wyſe in þis world, be he maad a fool, þat he be wyſe. Forſoþ þe wyſdom of þis world is foly anentis God; forſoþ it is writun, I ſchal catche wyſe men in her fell wyſdom, or ſutil gyle; and eft, Þe Lord haþ knowyn þe þouȝtis of wyſe men, for þei ben veyn. And ſo no man glorie in men. Forſoþ alle þingis ben ȝoure, eiþer Poul, eiþer Apollo, eiþir Cephas, þat is, Petre, eiþir þe world, eiþer lyf, eiþir deeþ, eiþer þingis preſent, eiþir þingis to comynge; forſoþe alle þingis ben ȝoure, ȝe forſoþ of Criſt, Criſt ſoþeli of God.

Capitulum IIII.


So a man geſſe, or deme, vs, as myniſtris of Criſt, and diſpenderis of þe myniſteries of God. Now it is ſouȝt here a mong þe diſpenderis, þat a man be founden trewe. Forſoþ to me it is for þe leeſte þing, þat I be demyd of ȝou, or of mannis day; but neþir I deme my ſilf. Soþli I am no þing gilty to my ſilf, but not in þis þing I am iuſtified; forſoþ he þat demeþ me, is þe Lord. And ſo nyle ȝe deme bi fore þe tyme, til þat þe Lord come, þe which and ſchal aliȝtne þe hid þingis of derkneſſis, and ſchal ſchewe þe counceils of hertis; and þanne preiſynge ſchal be to ech man of God. Soþeli, briþeren, þis þing I haue transfigurid in to me and in to Apollo; þat in vs ȝe lerne, leſt þat ouer þat it is writun, oon aȝens anoþir be inblowyn wiþ pride for anoþir man. Who forſoþ demeþ þee? What ſoþli haſt þou, þat þou haſt not reſſeyued? Soþli if þou haſt reſſeyued, what glorieſt þou, as þou haddiſt not reſſeyued? Now ȝe ben fulfillid, now ȝe ben maad ryche; ȝe regnen wiþ oute vs; and I wolde ȝe regne, þat and we regneden wiþ ȝou. Soþli I wene, þat God ſchewide vs þe laſte apoſtelis, as maad redy to deeþ; for we ben maad a ſpectacle to þe world, and to aungels, and to men. We foolis for Criſt, ȝe forſoþe prudent in Criſt; we ſyke, ȝe forſoþe ſtronge; ȝe noble, we forſoþ vnnoble. Til into þis hour and we hungren, and þirſten, and ben nakid, and ben ſmytun wiþ boffatis, and we ben vnſtable, and we trauelen worchinge wiþ oure hondis; we ben curſid, and we bleſſen; we ſuffren perſecucioun, and we ſuſteynen, or abyden longe; we ben blasfemyd, and we biſechen; as clenſyngis of þis world we ben maad, þe paringis, or outcaſtinge, of alle þingis til ȝit. I write not þes þingis, þat I confounde ȝou, but I amoneſte, or warne, as my mooſt dereworþe ſones. Forwhi if ȝe han ten þouſandis of litle maiſtris in Criſt Jheſu, but not manye fadris; forwhi in Criſt Jheſu I haue gendrid ȝou by þe goſpel. Þerfore I preie ȝou, be ȝe foloweris of me, as and I of Criſt. Þerfore I ſente to ȝou Tymoþe, þat is my mooſte dereworþe ſone, and feiþful in þe Lord, þe which ſchal moneſte ȝou, or teche, my weyes, þat ben in Criſt Jheſu; as I teche euerywhere in ech chirche. As I be not to come to ȝou, ſo ſummen ben ynblowen wiþ pride; I ſchal come to ȝou ſoone, if God ſchal wylne; and I ſchal knowe not þe word of hem þat ben ynblowen wiþ pride, but þe vertu. Soþli þe rewme of God is not in word, but in vertu. What wolen ȝe? Schal I come to ȝou in a ȝerd, or in charite, and in ſpirit of bonerneſſe, or myldeneſſe?

Capitulum V.


Al out, or al maner, fornycacioun is herd among ȝou, and ſuch fornycacioun, what maner neþer among heþen men, ſo þat ſum man haue þe wyf of his fadir. And ȝe ben bolnun wiþ pride, and not more hadden weylynge, þat he þat dide þis work, be taken a wey fro þe myddil of ȝou. Soþli I abſent in body, but preſent in ſpirit, now haue demyd as preſent in þe name of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, him þat þus haþ wrouȝt, ȝou and my ſpirit gaderid togidere, wiþ þe vertu of þe Lord Jheſu, for to bitake ſich a man to Saþanas in to periſchinge of fleiſch, þat þe ſpirit be ſaf in þe day of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt. Ȝoure gloriynge is not good. Witen ȝe not, for a litil ſourdowȝ corumpiþ, or defouliþ, al þe gobet? Clenſe ȝe out oold ſourdowȝ, þat ȝe ben newe ſpryngynge to gidere, as ȝe ben þerf, or wiþoute ſour þing. Forſoþ Criſt is offrid oure paſk. And ſo ete we, not in old ſourdouȝ, neþir in ſourdouȝ of malice and weywardneſſe, but in þerf þingis of clenneſſe and treuþe. I wroot to ȝou in a piſtle, þat ȝe be not meynd, or comunen not, wiþ lecchours, ſoþli not wiþ lecchours of þis world, or coueitouſe men, or raueynours, or wiþ men ſeruynge to ydols, ellis ȝe ſchulden haue gon out of þis world. Now ſoþli I wroot to ȝou, for to not be meynd, or comune not. If he þat is namyd a broþir among ȝou, and is a lecchour, or coueitous, or ſeruynge to ydols, or curſere, or wariere, or ful of drunkenneſſe, or raueynour, wiþ ſiche neiþer for to take mete. Forſoþe what to me for to deme of hem þat ben wiþouteforþ? Wher ȝe demen not of hem þat ben wiþ ynne? Forwhi God ſchal deme hem þat ben wiþoutenforþ. Do ȝe awey yuel þing of ȝou ſilf.

Capitulum VI.


Dar ony of ȝow, hauynge a cauſe aȝens anoþir, be demed at wickyde men, and not at ſeyntis, or hooly men? Wher ȝe witen not, for ſeyntis ſhulen deme of þis world? And if þe world ſchal be demed in ȝou, ben ȝe vnworþi þat demen of leeſt þingis? Witen ȝe not, for we ſchulen deme aungels? how moche more worldly þingis? Þerfore if ȝe ſchulen haue worldly nedis, ordeyne ȝe þo contemptyble men, or of litil reputacioun, þat ben in þe chirche, for to deme. I ſeie to ȝoure ſchame. So þer is not ony wys man, þat may deme bitwixe a broþer and his broþir; but a broþer wiþ broþir ſtryueþ in dome, and þat anentis vnfeiþful men. Now forſoþ treſpas is algatis in ȝou, for ȝe han domes among ȝou. Whi more taken ȝe not wrong? Whi not more ſuffren ȝe fraude, or diſceyt? But and ȝe don wrong, and defrauden, or bigilen, and þat to briþeren. Wher ȝe witen not, for wickide men ſchulen not welde þe kingdom of God? Nyle ȝe erre; neiþir lecchours, neþir men ſeruynge to ydols, neþer auouters, neiþer neiſche, neiþer lecchours of men, þat don ſynne of Sodom, neþir þeuys, neþer coueitouſe men, or nygardis, neþer ful of drunkeneſſe, neþir curſeris, or wariers, neþer raueynours, ſchulen weelde þe kyngdom of God. And þes þingis ȝe weren ſum tyme; but ȝe ben waiſchen, but ȝe ben halowid, but ȝe ben iuſtifyed in þe name of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, and in þe ſpirit of oure God. Alle þingis ben leefful to me, but not alle þingis ſpeden. Alle þingis ben leefful to me, but I vndir no mannis power ſchal be brouȝt down. Mete to þe wombe, and þe wombe to metis; forſoþ God ſchal diſtroye and þis and þat. Soþli þe body not to fornycacioun, but to þe Lord, and þe Lord to þe body. Forſoþe and God reyſide þe Lord, and ſchal reiſe vs by his vertu. Witen ȝe not, for ȝoure bodyes ben membris of Criſt? Þerfore takinge membris of Criſt, ſchal I make membris of an hoore? Fer be it. Wher ȝe witen not, for he þat cleueþ to an hoore, is maad oo body? Soþli he ſeiþ, Þer ſchulen be tweyne in oo fleiſh. Forſoþe he þat cleuiþ to God, is oo ſpirit. Fle ȝe fornycacioun; al ſynne what euere ſynne a man ſchal do, is wiþouten, or by ſidis, þe body; forſoþ he þat doþ fornycacioun, ſynneþ in to his body. Wher ȝe witen not, for ȝoure membris ben þe temple of þe Hooli Goſt, þat is in ȝow, whom ȝe han of God, and ȝe ben not ȝoure owne? Forſoþ ȝe be bouȝt wiþ greet prys. Glorifie ȝe, and bere God in ȝoure body.

Capitulum VII.


Forſoþe of whiche þingis ȝe han writun to me, it is good to a man for to touche not a womman. Soþli for fornycacioun ech man haue his owne wyf, and ech womman haue hir hoſebonde. Þe hoſebonde ȝelde dette to þe wyf, alſo ſoþli and þe wyf to þe hoſebonde. Þe womman haþ not power of hir body, but þe hoſebonde; alſo forſoþ þe hoſebonde haþ not power of his body, but þe womman. Nyle ȝe defraude to gidere, no but perauenture of conſent to a tyme, þat ȝe ȝyue tent to preier; and eft turne ȝe aȝen in to þe ſame þing, leſt Saþanas tempte ȝou for ȝoure incontynence. Forſoþ I ſeye þis þing vp indulgence, or forȝyueneſſe, not vp comaundement. Soþli I wole alle men for to be as mi ſilf. But ech man haþ his propre ȝifte of God; ſoþli anoþer þus, but anoþer þus. Forſoþ to not weddid and widewis, it is good to hem, if þei dwellen ſo as and I. For if þei conteynen not hem ſilf, or ben not chaſt, weddid be þei; forſoþ it is bettere for to be weddid, þan for to be brent. Forſoþ to hem þat ben ioyned in matrymonye, I comaunde, not I, but þe Lord, þe wyf for to not departe fro þe hoſebonde; for if ſche ſchal departe, for to dwell vnweddid, or for to be reconſilid, or acordid, to hir hoſebonde; and þe hoſebonde forſake not þe wyf. Forwhi to oþere I ſeye, not þe Lord. If ony broþir haue an vnfeiþful, or heþen, wyf, and ſche conſentiþ for to dwelle wiþ hym, leue he, or forſake, hir not. And if þe womman haþ an hoſebonde vnfeiþful, and þis conſentiþ for to dwelle wiþ hir, leeue ſhe not þe hoſebonde. Forſoþ þe vnfeiþful hoſebonde is halowid by þe feiþful womman, and þe vnfeiþful womman is halowid by þe feiþful hoſebonde. Ellis ȝoure children weren vnclene, now forſoþ þei ben hooly. Þat if þe vnfeiþful departiþ, departe he. Forſoþ þe broþir or ſiſtir is not ſuget to ſeruage in ſuche; forſoþ God clepiþ vs in pees. Soþli wherof woſt þou, womman, if þou ſchalt make þe man ſaaf; or wherof woſt þou, man, if þou ſchalt make þe womman ſaaf? No but as þe Lord haþ departid to ech, as God haþ clepid ech man, and ſo go, he and as I teche in alle chirchis. Sum man circumſidid is clepid, brynge he not to prepucie. Sum man is clepid in prepucie, be he not circumſidid. Circumciſioun is noȝt, and prepucie is nouȝt, but þe kepinge of comaundementis of God. Ech man in what clepyng he is clepid, in þat dwelle he. Þou ſeruaunt ert clepid, be it not to charge to þee; but if þou maiſt be fre, more vſe þou. He þat in þe Lord is clepid ſeruaunt, is fre man of þe Lord. Alſo and he þat fre man is clepid, is þe ſeruaunt of Criſt. Wiþ prys ȝe ben bouȝt; nyle ȝe be maad ſeruauntis of men. Ech man þerfor in what clepinge he is clepid, in þat dwelle he anentis God. Forſoþ of virgyns I haue not precept of God; ſoþli I ȝyue counceil, as hauynge mercy of þe Lord, þat I be trewe. Þerfor I geſſe, or deme, þis þing for to be good for preſent nede; for it is good to a man for to be ſo. Þou art boundyn to a wyf, nyle þou ſeke vnbyndyng; þou ert vnboundyn fro a wyf, nyle þou ſeke a wyf. Forſoþ if þou haſt taken a wyf, þou haſt not ſynned; and if a mayden be weddid, ſhe ſynned not; neþelees ſuche ſchulen haue tribulacioun of fleiſch. Forſoþ I ſpare ȝou. And ſo, briþeren, I ſeye þis þing, Þe tyme is ſchort. Þe toþir þing is, þat and þei þat han wyues, be as not hauynge; and þei þat wepen, as not wepynge; and þei þat ioyen, as not ioyinge; and þei þat byen, as not hauynge; and þei þat vſen þis world, as þei þat vſen not. Forſoþ þe figure of þis world paſſiþ. Forſoþe I wole ȝou for to be wiþoute biſyneſſe. Soþli he þat is wiþoute wyf is byſy what þingis ben of þe Lord, how he ſchal pleſe to God. Forſoþ he þat is wiþ a wyf, is biſy what þingis ben of þe world, how he ſchal pleſe þe wyf, and he is departid. And a womman vnweddid and mayden þenkiþ what þingis ben of þe Lord, þat ſche be hooly in body and ſpirit. Forſoþ ſhe þat is weddid, þenkiþ what þingis ben of þe world, how ſche ſchal pleſe þe hoſebonde. Soþeli I ſeye þes þingis to ȝoure profyt, not þat I caſte to ȝou a ſnare, but to þat þat is honeſt, and ȝyueþ faculte, or eſyneſſe, wiþ oute letting for to biſeche to þe Lord. Soþli if ony deme him ſilf for to be ſeyn foul on his virgyne, þat ſhe is wel old, and ſo it bihoueþ for to be don, do ſhe þat ſhe wole; ſche ſynneþ not, if ſche be weddid. Forwhi he þat ordeynede ſtable, or ſtedefaſt, in his herte, not hauynge nede, but hauynge power of his wille, and haþ demyd in his herte þis þing, for to kepe his virgyn, doþ well. Þerfor he þat ioyneþ his virgyn in matrimonye, doþ wel; and he þat ioyneþ not, doiþ bettere. Þe womman is boundyn to þe lawe, how moche tyme hir hoſebonde lyueþ; þat if hir hoſebonde ſchal ſlepe, þat is, die, ſche is delyuered fro þe lawe, be ſhe weddid to whom ſhe wole, oonly in þe Lord. Forſoþ ſche ſchal be more bleſſid, if ſche ſchal þus dwelle, aftir my counceil; forſoþ I wene, þat and I haue þe Spirit of God.

Capitulum VIII.


Forſoþe of þes þingis þat ben offrid to ydols, þat ben ſymulacris maad to mannis likneſſe, we witen, for alle we han kunnynge. Soþli ſcience, or kunnynge, inblowiþ wiþ pride; charite edifieþ. Forſoþ if ony man geſſe, or deme, him for to wyte ony þing, he haþ not ȝit knowyn how it bihoueþ hym for to kunne. Forſoþ if ony man loueþ God, þis is knowun of him. Forſoþ of metis þat ben offrid to ydols, we witen, for an ydol is no þing in þe world, and þat þer is no God but oon. Forwhy and if þer ben þat ben ſeide goddis, eþer in heuene, eþer in erþe, forſoþ þer ben many goddis, and many lordis; neþelees to vs is oo God, þe fadir, of whom alle þingis, and we in him; and oo Lord, Jheſu Criſt, by whom alle þingis, and we by him. But not in alle men is kunnynge. Soþli ſumme wiþ conſcience of ydol til now eten as þing offrid to ydols; and her conſcience is vnclene, whanne it is ſyk. Mete comendiþ vs not to God; neiþir forſoþe we ſchulen faylen, if we ſchulen not ete, neþir if we eten, we ſchulen habounde, or haue plente. Se ȝe forſoþ, leſt perauenture þis ȝoure leue be maad hirtinge, or ſclaundre, to ſyke men, or freele. Soþli if ony man ſchal ſe him þat haþ kunnynge, reſtinge in a place wher ydols ben worſchipid, wher his conſcience, ſiþ it is ſyk, ſchal not be edyfyed for to ete þingis offrid to ydols? And þe ſyke broþir, for whom Criſt deyede, ſchal periſche in þi kunnynge. Forſoþ þus ȝe ſynnynge in to briþeren, and ſmytinge hir ſyke conſcience, ſynnen in Criſt. Wherfor if mete ſclaundriþ my broþer, I ſchal not ete fleiſch in to wiþouten ende, leſt I ſclaundre my broþir.

Capitulum IX.


Wher I am not fre? Am I not apoſtle? Wher I ſyȝ not Criſt Jheſu, oure Lord? Wher ȝe ben not my work in þe Lord? And þouȝ to oþere I am not apoſtle, but neþelees to ȝou I am; forwhy ȝe ben þe ſygnacle, or litil ſigne, of myn apoſtilhed in þe Lord. My defence to hem þat axen me, is þis. Wher we han not power for to ete and drynke? Wher we han not power for to lede aboute a womman ſiſtir, as and oþere apoſtlis, and briþeren of þe Lord, and Cephas, þat is, Petre? Or I aloone and Barnabas han not power for to worche þes þingis? Who fiȝteþ, or holdiþ knyȝþod, ony tyme wiþ his owne ſoudis? Who plauntiþ a vyneȝerd, and etiþ not of his fruyt? Who feediþ, or leſuwiþ, a floc, and etiþ not of þe mylk of þe flok? Wher aftir man I ſeye þes þingis? wher and þe lawe ſeiþ not þes þingis? Forſoþ it is writun in þe lawe of Moyſes, Þou ſchalt not bynde þe mouþ of þe oxe þreiſchinge, or trauelynge. Wheþir of oxen is charge to God? Wheþer for vs ſoþli he ſeiþ þes þingis? Forwhi for vs þei ben writun; for he þat eriþ, owiþ to ere in hope, and he þat þreiſchiþ, or traueliþ, in hope for to perſeyue fruitis. Forſoþ yf we ſowen ſpiritual þingis to ȝou, it is not greet, if we repen ȝoure fleiſchly þingis? If oþere ben parceneris of ȝoure power, whi not raþere we? But we vſen not þis power, but we ſuſteynen, or ſuffren, alle þingis, þat we ȝeuen not lettinge, or ſclaundre, to þe euangelie of Criſt. Witen ȝe not, for þei þat wirchen in þe ſacrarie, þat is, a place where hooly þingis ben kept, eten þo þingis þat ben of þe ſacrarie, and þat þo þat ſeruen to þe auter, taken part wiþ þe auter? So and þe Lord ordeynede to hem þat tellen þe goſpel, for to lyue of þe goſpel. Forſoþ I vſide none of þes þingis; ſoþli I wroot not þes þingis, þat þei be don ſo in me; forſoþ it is good to me more for to deie, þan þat ony man avoyde my glorie. Forwhi if I ſchal preche þe goſpel, glorie is not to me, forſoþ nede liþ to me; forſoþ wo to me, if I ſchal not euangeliſe. Forſoþ if I willinge do þis þing, I haue mede; ſoþly if aȝens my wil, diſpenſacioun is bitake to me. What þerfore is my hyre, or mede? Þat I preching þe goſpel, putte þe goſpel wiþ oute ſpence takynge, or ſuſtenaunce þerfore, þat I myſuſe not my power in þe goſpel. Forwhi whanne I was fre of alle men, I made me ſeruaunt of alle men, þat I ſchulde wynne mo men. And to Jewis I am maad as a Jew, þat I ſchulde wynne Jewis; to hem þat ben vndir þe lawe, as I were vndir þe lawe, whanne I was not vndir þe lawe, þat I ſchulde wynne hem þat weren vndir þe lawe; to hem þat weren wiþ oute þe lawe, as I were wiþoute þe lawe, whanne I was not wiþoute þe lawe of God, but I was in þe lawe of Criſt, þat I ſchulde wynne hem þat weren wiþ oute lawe. I am maad ſyk to ſyke men, þat I ſchulde wynne ſyke men; to alle men I am maad alle þingis, þat I ſchulde make alle men ſaaf. Forſoþ I do alle þingis for þe goſpel, þat I be maad parcener of it. Witen ȝe not, þat þei þat rennen in a furlong, alle forſoþ rennen, but oon takiþ þe priys? So renne ȝe, þat ȝe catche. Ech man þat ſtryueþ in fyȝt, abſteyneþ him fro alle þingis; and þei forſoþ, þat þei take a coruptible crowne, we forſoþe vncorupt. Þerfore I renne ſo, not as into vncerteyn þing; þus I fiȝte, not as betynge þe eyr; but I chaſtiſe my body, and brynge in to ſeruage; leſt perauenture whanne I haue prechid to oþere, I my ſilf be maad reprouable.

Capitulum X.


Soþeli, briþeren, I nyle ȝou for to vnknowe, for alle oure fadris weren vndir cloude, and alle paſſiden þe ſee; and alle ben baptyſid in Moyſes, in þe cloude and in þe ſee; and alle eeten þe ſame ſpiritual breed, and alle dronken þe ſame ſpiritual drynke; forſoþ þei dronken of þe ſpiritual, a ſtoon folowynge hem; forſoþ þe ſtoon was Criſt. But not in ful manye of hem it was wel pleſant to God; forwhi þei ben caſt doun in þe deſert. Forſoþ þes þingis ben don in figure of vs, þat we ben not coueyteris of yuelis, as and þei coueitiden. Neiþir be ȝe maad ydolatreris, þat is, worſchiperis of falſe mawmetis, as ſumme of hem; as it is writun, Þe peple ſat for to ete and drynke, and þei han riſun vp for to pleie. Neiþer do we fornycacioun, as ſumme of hem diden fornycacioun, and þre and twenty þouſandis felden, or deieden, in o day. Neiþer tempte we Criſt, as ſumme of hem temptiden, and periſcheden of ſerpentis. Neiþer grucche ȝe, as ſumme of hem grucchiden, and þei periſchiden of a waſtour, or diſtrier. Forſoþe alle þes þingis felden to hem in figure; ſoþli þei ben writun to oure coreccioun, or amendynge, in to whom þe endis of þe world han comen. And ſo he þat geſſiþ him for to ſtonde, ſe, þat he falle not. Temptacioun take not ȝou, no but mannus; forſoþ God is trewe, þe which ſchal not ſuffre ȝou for to be temptid ouer þat þat ȝe mown; but he ſchal make wiþ temptacioun alſo puruyaunce, þat ȝe mown ſuſteyne. Wherfore, ȝe mooſt dereworþe to me, fle fro worſchipinge of ydols. As to prudent men I ſpeke, ȝe ȝou ſilf deme þat þing þat I ſeye. Þe cuppe of bleſſynge þe which we bleſſen, wher it is not þe comenynge of Criſtis blood? and þe breed which we breken, wher it is not þe delynge, or part takynge, of þe body of þe Lord? For o breed and o body we manye ben, alle we þat taken part of o breed and of o cuppe. Se ȝe Iſrael aftir þe fleiſch, wher þei þat eten ooſtis, or ſacrifices, ben not parceneris of þe auter? What þerfore ſeye I, þat þing offrid to ydols is ony þing, or þat þe ydole is ony þing? But þo þingis þat heþene men offren, þei offren to deuelis, and not to God. Forſoþ I nyle ȝou for to be maad felowis of fendis; for ȝe mown not drynke þe cuppe of þe Lord, and þe cuppe of fendis; ȝe mown not be parceneris of þe boord of þe Lord, and of þe boord of fendis. Wher we ſuwen by enuye þe Lord? wher we ben ſtrengere þan he? Alle þingis ben leefful to me, but not alle þingis ſpeden. Alle þingis ben leefful, but not alle þingis edifyen. No man ſeke þat þing þat is his owne, but þat þing þat is of anoþer. Al þing þat comeþ in þe bocherie, ete ȝe, no þing axynge for conſcience. Þe erþe and þe plente of it, is þe Lordis. Forſoþ if ony of vnfeiþful, or heþen men, clepiþ ȝou to ſouper, and ȝe wolen go, al þing þat is ſett to ȝou, ete ȝe, noþing axynge for conſcience. If ony man ſoþli ſchal ſeie, Þis þing is offrid to ydols, nyle ȝe ete, for him þat ſchewide, and for conſcience; forſoþe I ſeie not, þi conſcience, but of anoþir. Soþli wherto is my liberte, or freedom, demyd of anoþir mannus conſcience? Þerfore if I take part wiþ grace, what am I blasfemyd, for þat I do graces, or þankyngis? Þerfore where ȝe eten, or drynken, or don any oþir þing, do ȝe alle þingis in to glorie of God. Be ȝe wiþoute offencioun, or ſclaundre, to Jewis, and heþene men, and to þe chirche of God; as and I by alle þingis pleſe to alle men, not ſechinge what is profitable to me, but þat þat to many men, þat þei be maad ſaaf.

Capitulum XI.


Be ȝe my foloweris, as and I of Criſt. Forſoþ, briþeren, I preiſe ȝou, þat bi alle þingis ȝe be myndeful of me; as and I bitook to ȝou my comaundementis, ȝe kepen. Forſoþe I wole ȝou for to wite, þat Criſt is þe heed of ech man; forſoþ þe heed of þe womman is þe man; forſoþ þe heed of Criſt, God. Ech man preyinge, or propheſyinge, þe heed hilid, defouliþ his heed. Forſoþ ech womman preiynge, or propheſyinge, þe heed not hilid, defouliþ hir heed; forſoþ it is oon, as ȝif ſche be maad ballid, pollid, or clippid. For if a womman be not veylid, or keuerid, be ſhe pollid; for if it is foul þing to a womman for to be pollid, or for to be maad ballid, veyle, or hyde, ſhe hir heed. Soþly a man ſchal not veyle, or hyde, his heed, for he is þe ymage and glorie of God; forſoþe a womman is þe glorie of man. Soþli a man is not of þe womman, but þe womman of þe man. And forſoþe þe man is not maad for þe womman, but þe womman for þe man. Þerfore þe womman ſchal haue a veyle on hir heed, and for aungels. Neþeles neiþir þe man wiþouten womman, neiþer þe womman wiþouten man, in þe Lord. Forwhi as þe womman of man, ſo and man by woman; forſoþe alle þingis of God. Ȝe ȝou ſilf deme; bicomeþ, or biſemeþ, it a womman not veylid for to preye God? Neiþer þe kynde it ſilf techiþ vs, forſoþ þat if a man noriſche long heer, it is yuel fame, or ſclaundre, to him; but if a womman noriſche long heer, it is glorie to hir, for heeris ben ȝouun to hir for veyle, or keueryng. Forſoþ if ony man is ſeyn for to be ful of ſtryf among ȝou, we han not ſuch cuſtom, neiþer þe chirche of God haþ ſich. Soþli þis þing I comaunde, not preiſynge, þat ȝe comen to gidere not in to betere þing, but into worſe. Firſt forſoþ ȝou comynge to gidere into chirche, I heere departyngis, or diſſenciouns, for to be, and of partye I bileue. Forwhi it bihoueþ hereſies for to be, þat þei þe which ben prouyd, be maad knowun in ȝou. Þerfore ȝou comynge to gidere into oon, now it is not for to ete þe Lordis ſopere; forſoþ ech man bifore takiþ his ſopere for to ete, and ſoþely anoþir is hungrie, anoþer forſoþ is drunkyn. Wher ȝe han not houſis for to ete and drynke, or ȝe diſpiſen þe chirche of God, and confounden hem þat han not? What ſchal I ſeye to ȝou? I preiſe ȝou; in þis þing I preiſe not. Forſoþe I haue takun of þe Lord þat þing, þe which and I haue bytakun to ȝou. For þe Lord Jheſu, in what nyȝt he was bytrayed, took breed, and doynge graces, or þankyngis, he brak, and ſeide, Take ȝe, and ete ȝe; þis is my body, þe which ſchal be bitrayd for ȝou; do ȝe þis þing in to my mynde. Alſo and he took þe cuppe, aftir he haþ ſoupid, ſeiynge, Þis cuppe is þe newe teſtament in my blood; do ȝe þis þing, how ofte euere ȝe ſchulen drynke, in to my mynde. Soþli how ofte euere ȝe ſchulen ete þis breed, and ſchulen drynke þe cuppe, ȝe ſchulen ſchewe þe deeþ of þe Lord, til he come. And ſo who euere ſchal ete þe breed, or drynke þe cuppe of þe Lord vnworþily, he ſchal be gilty of þe body and blood of þe Lord. Forſoþ proue a man him ſilf, and ſo ete he of þe ilke breed, and drynke of þe cuppe. Forſoþ he þat etiþ and drynkiþ vnworþily, etiþ and drynkiþ dom, or dampnacioun, to hym, not wyſely demynge þe body of þe Lord. Þerfore among ȝou manye ſyke, and vnſtronge, or feble, and manye ſlepen, or deien, For if we demeden wyſely vs ſilf, forſoþ we ſchulden not be demed; ſoþli þe while we ben demed of þe Lord, we ben chaſtyſid, þat we ben not dampned wiþ þis world. And ſo, my briþeren, whanne ȝe comen to gidere for to ete, abyde ȝe to gidere. If ony man hungriþ, ete he at hom, þat ȝe come not to gidere in to dom. Soþli I ſchal diſpoſe oþere þingis, whanne I ſchal come.

Capitulum XII.


Forſoþe of ſpiritual þingis, briþeren, I nyle ȝou for to vnknowe. Soþly ȝe witen, for whanne ȝe weren heþen men, as ȝe weren ledd goynge to doumbe ſymylacris. Þerfore I make knowun to ȝou, þat no man ſpekinge in þe ſpirit of God, ſeiþ departynge fro Jheſu; and no man may ſeye þe Lord Jheſu is, no but in þe Hooly Goſt. Soþli departingis of gracis ben, forſoþe þe ſame Spirit; and departyngis of ſeruyngis, forſoþe þe ſame Lord; and departingis of worchingis ben, forſoþ þe ſame God, þat worchiþ alle þingis in alle þingis. Forſoþ to ech man þe ſchewynge of ſpirit is ȝouun to profyt. To anoþir forſoþ by ſpirit þe word of wyſdom is ȝouun; to anoþir ſoþli þe word of kunnynge, aftir þe ſame ſpirit; feiþ to anoþer, in þe ſame ſpirit; to anoþer, grace of heelþis, in o ſpirit; to anoþer, þe worchinge of vertues; to anoþer, propheſye; to anoþer, diſcreſcioun, or verrey knowynge, of ſpiritis; to anoþer, kyndis of tungis, or langagis; to anoþer, interpretynge, or expownyng, of wordis. Forſoþ alle þes þingis oon and þe ſame ſpirit worchiþ, departynge to ech by him ſilf as he wole. Soþli as þer is o body, and haþ many membris, forſoþ alle þe membris of þe body, whanne þei ben manye, ben o body, ſo and Criſt. And ſoþeli in o ſpirit alle we ben baptiſid in to o body, eiþer Jewis, eiþer heþene, eiþer ſeruauntis, eiþer fre; and alle we han drunken in o ſpirit. Forwhi and þe body is not o membre, but manye. If þe foot ſchal ſeye, For I am not þe honde, I am not of þe body; not þerfore it is not of þe body. And if þe eere ſchal ſeye, For I am not þe yȝe, I am not of þe body; not þerfore it is not of þe body. If al þe body be yȝe, where is heringe? and if al þe body be heeringe, where is ſmellinge? Now forſoþ God haþ put membris, and ech of hem in þe body, as he wolde. Þat if alle weren o membre, where þe body? But now ſoþli many membris, ſoþli o body. Forſoþ þe yȝe ſchal not mowe ſeye to þe hond, I haue no nede to þi werk; or eft þe heed to þe feet, Ȝe ben not neceſſarie to me. But moche more þo þat ben ſeyn for to be more ſyke, or lowere, membris of þe body, ben more nedeful; and to hem þat we geſſen for to be vnnoblere membris of þe body, we ȝyuen more honour in cumpas; and þo membris þat ben vnhoneſt, han more honeſte. Forſoþ oure honeſt membris of noon han nede; but God tempride þe body, ȝyuynge more worſchipe to it, to whom it failide, þat debaat be not in þe body, but þat þe membris ben biſy into þe ſame þing for ech oþir. And if o membre ſuffriþ ony þing, alle membris ſuffren þerwiþ; eþir if o membre glorieþ, alle membris ioyen to gidere. Forſoþ ȝe ben þe body of Criſt, and membris of membre. And ſoþli God puttide ſumme in þe chirche, firſt apoſtlis, þe ſecunde tyme prophetis, þe þridde techeris, aftirward vertues, aftirward graces of heelingis, helpingis, gouernaylis, or gouernyngis, kyndis of langagis, interpretaciouns of wordis. Wher alle apoſtlis? wher alle prophetis? wher alle techeris? wher alle vertues? wher alle men han grace of heelingis? wher alle ſpeken wiþ langages? wher alle interpreten, or expownen? Forſoþ ſue ȝe þe bettere goſtli ȝyftis. And ȝit I ſchewe to ȝou a more excellent, or worþi, weye.

Capitulum XIII.


If I ſpeke wiþ tungis of men and aungels, ſoþli I haue not charite, I am maad as bras ſownnynge, or a ſymbal tynkynge. And if I ſchal haue propheſye, and haue knowun alle myſteries, and al kunnynge, or ſcience, and if I ſchal haue al feiþ, ſo þat I bere ouere hillis fro o place to anoþer, forſoþ if I ſchal not haue charite, I am noȝt. And if I ſchal departe alle my goodis into metis of pore men, and if I ſchal bytake my body, ſo þat I brenne, forſoþe if I ſchal not haue charite, it profitiþ to me no þing. Charite is pacient, it is benygne, or of good will, charite enuyeþ not, it doþ not gyle, it is not inblowyn wiþ pride, it is not ambicious, or coueitous of worſchipis, it ſekiþ not þo þingis þat ben her owne, it is not ſtirid to wraþþe, it þenkiþ not yuel, it ioyeþ not in wickidneſſe, forſoþ it ioyeþ togidere to treuþe; it ſuffriþ alle þingis, it bileueþ alle þingis, it hopiþ alle þingis, it ſuſteyneþ alle þingis. Charite falliþ not down, where prophecyes ſchulen be voydid, eþer langagis ſchulen ceeſſe, eþer ſcience ſchal be diſtroyed. Forſoþ of party we han knowen, and of party we propheſien; forſoþe whanne þat ſchal come þat is perfyt, þat þing þat is of party, ſchal be avoydid. Whanne I was a litil child, I ſpak as a litil child, I vndirſtood as a litil child, I þouȝte as a litil child; forſoþ whanne I was maad man, I auoydide þo þingis þat weren of a litil child. Forſoþ we ſeen now by a myrour in a derkneſſe, þanne forſoþe face to face; now I knowe of party, þanne forſoþ I ſchal knowe, as and I am knowyn. Now forſoþe dwellen feiþ, hope, and charite, þes þre; forſoþ þe mooſte of þes is charite.

Capitulum XIIII.


Sue ȝe charite, loue ȝe ſpiritual þingis, more forſoþ þat ȝe prophecie. Soþli he þat ſpekiþ in tunge, ſpekiþ not to men, but to God; forſoþ no man heeriþ. Soþli þe ſpirit ſpekiþ myſteries. Forwhi he þat prophecieþ, ſpekiþ to men, to edificacioun, and moneſtynge, and comfortynge, or ſolaſynge. He þat ſpekiþ in tunge, edifieþ him ſilf; forſoþ he þat prophecieþ, edyfieþ þe chirche of God. Forſoþe I wole ȝou alle for to ſpeke in tungis, but more for to prophecie. Forwhi he þat prophecieþ, is more þan he þat ſpekiþ in tungis, or langagis; no but perauenture he interprete, or declare, þat þe chirche take edificacioun. Now forſoþ, briþeren, if I ſchal come to ȝou, ſpekynge in tungis, what ſchal I profyte, no but if I ſchal ſpeke to ȝou eþer in reuelacioun, eþir in ſcience, eþer in prophecie, eþer in techinge? Neþelees þo þingis þat ben wiþ oute ſoule, or lyf, ȝyuynge voyces, eþer pype, eþer harpe, no but þei ſchulen ȝyue diſtinccioun of ſownyngis, how ſchal it be kowd þat is ſongun, eþer þat þat is harpid? And ſoþli if þe trumpe ȝyue vncerteyn vois, who ſchal make him ſilf redy to bateil? So and no but ȝe ſchulen ȝyue an opyn word by tunge, how ſchal þat þat is ſeid be knowun? Soþli ȝe ſchulen be ſpekynge in þe eiris, ſo manye as ben tungis, or langagis, in þis world, and no þing is wiþoute voys. Þerfore if I ſchal not knowe þe vertu of vois, I ſchal be to him, to whom I ſchal ſpeke, a barbar, or not vndirſtondun; and he þat ſpekiþ, to me a barbar. So and ȝe, for ȝe ben loueris of ſpiritis, to edificacioun of þe chirche ſeke þat ȝe be plenteuous. And þerfore he þat ſpekiþ in tunge, preie, þat he interprete, or expowne. Forwhi if I preye in tunge, my ſpirit preieþ; forſoþ my mynde, or reſoun, is wiþoute fruyt. Þerfore what þing is? I ſchal preie in ſpirit, I ſchal preie and in mynde, or reſoun; I ſchal ſeie ſalm in ſpirit, I ſchal ſeye ſalm in mynde, or reſoun. Forwhi if þou ſchalt bleſſe in ſpirit, who fulfilliþ þe place of an ydiote, or vnlerid man, how ſchal he ſeie Amen vpon þi bleſſing, for he woot not, what þou ſeiſt? Forwhi þou ſoþli doiſt wel gracis, or þankyngis, but anoþer man is not edified. I do graces to my God, for I ſpeke in þe langagis of alle ȝou; but in þe chirche I wole ſpeke fyue wordis in my witt, þat and I teche oþere men, þan ten þouſandis of wordis in tunge. Briþeren, nyle ȝe be maad children in wittis, but in malice be ȝe litil; forſoþ in wittis be ȝe perfyt. Soþly in þe lawe it is writun, For in oþere tungis and oþere lippis I ſchal ſpeke to þis peple, and neþir ſo it ſchal heere me, ſeiþ þe Lord. And ſo langagis ben in to tokene, not to feiþful men, but to men out of þe feiþ; forſoþ propheſyes not to men out of feiþ, but to feiþful men. Þerfore if al þe chirche come to gidere in to oon, and alle men ſpeke in tungis, ſoþli if ydiotes entren, or men out of þe feiþ, wher þei ſeyn not, What ben ȝe wood? Forſoþ if alle men prophecien, forſoþ if ony vnfeiþful man or ydiot entre, he is conuict of alle, he is wyſeli demed of alle. Forſoþ þe hid þingis of his herte ben knowen, and ſo he fallinge doun in to þe face, ſchal worſchipe God, ſchewinge verily þat God in ȝou is. Þerfor, briþeren, what is? Whanne ȝe comen to gidere, ech of ȝou haþ a ſalm, he haþ techinge, he haþ apocalips, or reuelacioun, he haþ tunge, he haþ interpretynge, or expownynge; be alle þingis don to edificacioun. Wheþir a man ſpekiþ in tunge, aftir tweyne, or as moche þre, and by partis, þat oon interprete. Forſoþ if þer be not an interpretour, be he ſtille, or ſpeke not, in þe chirche; ſoþli ſpeke he to him ſilf, and to God. Soþli prophetis tweyne or þre ſeye, and oþere wyſely deme. Þat if ony þing ſchal be ſchewid to oon ſittinge, þe formere be ſtille. Forſoþ ȝe mown prophecie alle, by ech bi him ſilf, þat alle men lerne, and alle moneſte. And þe ſpiritis of prophetis ben ſugetis to prophetis; ſoþli God is not of diſſencioun, but of pees; as and in alle chirchis of hooly men I teche. Wymmen in chirchis be ſtille; ſoþli it is not ſuffrid to hem for to ſpeke, but for to be ſuget, as þe lawe ſeiþ. Forſoþ if þei wolen ony þing lerne, at hom axe þei her hoſebondis; forſoþ it is foul þing to womman for to ſpeke in chirche. Wheþer of ȝou þe word of God cam forþ, or to ȝou aloone it cam? If ony man is ſeyn for to be a prophete, or ſpiritual, knowe he þo þingis þat I wryte to ȝou, for þei ben þe comaundementis of þe Lord. Forſoþe if ony man vnknowiþ, he ſchal be vnknowen. And ſo, breþeren, loue ȝe for to prophecie, and nyle ȝe forbede for to ſpeke in tungis. Forſoþ be alle þingis don honeſtli, and vp ordre in ȝou.

Capitulum XV.


Soþeli, briþeren, I make þe goſpel knowun to ȝou, þe which I haue prechid to ȝou, þe which and ȝe han takun, in which and ȝe ſtonden, by which and ȝe ben ſaued; by which reſoun I haue prechid to ȝou, if ȝe hoolden, if ȝe han not bileuyd ydeli. Forſoþ I bitook to ȝou in þe firſte þat þing þat and I took; for Criſt was deed for oure ſynnes, vp þe ſcriptures; and for he was biried, and for he roos aȝen in þe þridde day, vp þe ſcripturis; and for he was ſeyn to Cephas, þat is, Petre, and aftir þis þing to enleuene; aftirward he was ſeyn to mo þan fyue hundrid briþeren to gidere, of þe whiche manye dwellen til to ȝit, forſoþe ſumme han ſlepte, or dyede; aftirward he was ſeyn to James, aftirward to alle apoſtlis. Forſoþ at þe laſte of alle, he was ſeyn and to me, as to a myſborn child. Forſoþ I am þe leeſte of apoſtlis, þat am not worþi for to be clepid apoſtle, for I purſuede þe chirche of God. Forſoþe by þe grace of God, I am þat þing þat I am; and his grace was not voyde, or ydel, in me. But I trauelide more plenteuouſly þan alle þei; forſoþ not I, but þe grace of God wiþ me. Soþli wheþer I, wheþer þei, ſo we han prechid, and ſo ȝe han bileuyd. Forſoþ if Criſt is prechid, þat he roos aȝen fro deed ſpiritis, hou ſumme ſeyn in ȝou, for þe aȝen ryſinge of deed men is not? Forſoþ if þe aȝen ryſinge of deed men is not, neþer Criſt roos. Soþli if Criſt roos not, oure prechinge is veyn, oure feiþ is veyn. Forſoþ and we ben found fals witneſſis of God, for we han ſeyd witneſſynge aȝens God, þat he reyſide Criſt, whom he reiſide not, if deed men ryſen not aȝen. Forwhy if deede men ryſen not aȝen, neþer Criſt roos aȝen; þat if Criſt roos not aȝen, oure feiþ is veyn; forſoþ ȝit ȝe ben in ȝoure ſynnes. Þerefore and þei þat ſlepten, or dyeden, in Criſt, han periſchid. If in þis lyf oonly we ben hopinge in Criſt, we ben more wrecchis þan alle men. Now forſoþ Criſt roos aȝen, fro deede men, þe firſte fruytis of ſlepynge men, or deyinge; for ſoþli bye a man deeþ, and bye a man aȝen ryſinge of deed men. And as in Adam alle men deyen, ſo and in Criſt alle men ſchulen be quykenyd. Ech man forſoþe in his ordre; firſt fruytis, Criſt, aftirward þei þat ben of Criſt, þat bileueden in þe comynge of Criſt; aftirward an ende, whanne he ſchal bitake þe kyngdom to God and to þe fadir, whanne he ſchal auoyde al princehede, and power, and vertu. Soþli it bihoueþ him for to regne, til he putte alle his enemyes vndir his feet. Forſoþ at þe laſte, þe enemy deeþ ſchal be diſtroyed; forſoþ he haþ maad ſuget alle þingis vndir his feet. Forſoþ whanne he ſeiþ, alle þingis ben ſugetis to him, wiþouten doute out taken him þat ſugettide alle þingis to him. Soþli whanne alle þingis ſchulen be ſuget to hym, þanne he þe ſone ſchal be ſuget to hym, þat ſugettide alle þingis to him, þat God be alle þingis in alle þingis. Ellis what ſchulen þei don, þat ben baptyſid for deede men, if in al manere deede men ryſen not aȝen? Wherto and we ben in perel euery hour? Ech day I deie for ȝoure glorie, briþeren, þe which glorie I haue in Criſt Jheſu oure Lord. If vp man I haue fouȝte to beeſtis at Epheci, what profitiþ it to me, if deede men ryſen not aȝen? Ete we, and drynke we, to morwe forſoþ we ſchulen deye. Nyle ȝe be diſſeyued; forſoþ yuele ſpechis corumpen, or diſtroyen, goode þewis, or vertues. Awake ȝe, iuſte men, and nyle ȝe ſynne; forſoþe ſumme han ignoraunce of God, to reuerence I ſpeke to ȝou. But ſumman ſeiþ, How ſchulen deede men ryſe aȝen, or in what maner body ſchulen þei come? Vnwyſe man, þat þing þat þou ſowiſt, is not quykenyd, no but it deie firſt; and þat þing þat þou ſowiſt, not þe body þat is to come þou ſowiſt, but a nakid corn, as of whete, or of ſum of þe oþir; forſoþe God ȝyueþ to it a body as he wole, and to ech of ſeedis þe propre body. Not ech fleiſch þe ſame fleiſch, but forſoþe anoþir of men, anoþir ſoþli of beeſtis, anoþir forſoþe of briddis, anoþir of fiſchis. And heuenly bodyes, and erþeli bodyes; but forſoþe anoþir glorie of heuenli bodies, anoþir forſoþ of erþeli. Anoþir clereneſſe of þe ſunne, anoþir clereneſſe of þe mone, and anoþir clereneſſe of þe ſterris; forſoþe a ſterre diuerſiþ fro a ſterre in clereneſſe. So and þe aȝen ryſinge of deede men. It is ſowun in corupcioun, it ſchal ryſe in vncorupcioun; it is ſowun in vnnobley, it ſchal ryſe in glorie; it is ſowun in infirmyte, it ſchal ryſe in vertu; it is ſowun a beeſtly body, it ſchal ryſe a ſpiritual body. If þere is a beeſtly body, þer is and a ſpiritual body; as it is writun, Þe firſte man Adam is maad in to a ſoule lyuynge, þe laſte Adam in to a ſpirit quykenynge. But not firſt þat þat is ſpiritual, but þat þat is beeſtlich, aftirward þat þat is ſpiritual. Þe firſte man of erþe, erþeli; þe ſecunde man of heuene, heuenli. What maner þe erþeli man, ſuch þe erþeli men; and what maner þe heuenli man, ſuch þe heuenli men. Þerfore as we han born þe ymage of þe erþeli man, bere we and þe ymage of þe heuenly. Briþeren, I ſeye þis þing, for fleiſch and blood mown not welde þe kyngdom of God, neþir corupcioun ſchal weelde incorupcioun. Lo! I ſeye to ȝou myſterie, or priuyte, of hooly þingis. Forſoþe alle we ſchulen ryſe aȝen, but not alle we ſchulen be inchaungid; in a moment, in þe ſmytinge of an yȝe, in þe laſte trumpe; forſoþ þe trumpe ſchal ſynge, and deede men þat ben in Criſt ſchulen ryſe aȝen, þe firſte incorupt, and we ſchulen be inchaungid. Forſoþ it byhoueþ þis coruptible þing cloþe incorupcioun, and þis deedly þing for to cloþe vndeedlyneſſe. Forſoþe whanne þis deedly þing ſchal cloþe vndeedlyneſſe, þanne ſchal be maad þe word þat is writun, Deeþ is ſopun vp in victorie. Deeþ, wher is þi victorie? Deeþ, wher is þi pricke? Forſoþ þe pricke of deeþ is ſynne; forſoþ þe vertu of ſynne is lawe. Forſoþ þankingis to God, þat ȝaf to vs victorie by oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, þat was deed for vs. And ſo, my dereworþe briþeren, be ȝe ſtidefaſt and vnmouable, beynge plentenous in work of þe Lord, euermore witynge þat ȝoure trauel is not ydel in þe Lord.

Capitulum XVI.


Forſoþe of þe collectis, or gaderingis of moneye, þat ben maad in to ſeyntis, as Y ordeyned in þe chirchis of Galaþi, ſo and do ȝe, by oon of þe woke. Ech of ȝou kepe, or leye vp, at hym ſilf, kepinge þat þat ſchal pleſe to him, þat not whanne I ſchal come, þanne be maad collectis. Forſoþe whanne I ſchal be preſent, whom ȝe ſchulen proue bi epiſtlis, hem I ſchal ſende for to perfytly bere ȝoure grace in to Jeruſalem. For if it ſchal be worþi þat and I go, þei ſchulen go wiþ me. Soþli I ſchal come to ȝou, whanne I ſchal paſſe by Macedonye; forwhi I ſchal paſſe by Macedonye. Soþli perauenture I ſchal dwelle at ȝou, or alſo dwelle by wyntir, þat and ȝe lede me whidir euere I ſchal go. Soþli I wole not now ſe ȝou in paſſynge, forſoþe I hope ſum what of tyme for to dwelle at ȝou, if God ſchal ſuffre. Forſoþ I ſchal dwelle at Effecy, til to Witſuntide. Soþli a greet dore and euident, or opyn, is openyd to me, and manye aduerſaries. Soþli if Tymoþe ſchal come, ſe ȝe þat he be wiþoute drede at ȝou, for he worchiþ þe work of þe Lord, as and I. Þerfore no man diſpiſe him; forſoþ lede ȝe him in pees, þat he come to me; forſoþ I abyde hym wiþ briþeren. Forſoþ, briþeren, I make knowun to ȝou of Apollo, for I preiede hym moche, þat he ſchulde come to ȝou, wiþ briþeren. And ſoþli it was not his wille, þat he ſchulde come now; forſoþ he ſchal come, whanne it ſchal be able to hym. Wake ȝe, and ſtonde ȝe in þe feiþ; do ȝe manly, and be ȝe coumfortid in þe Lord, and be alle ȝoure þingis don in charite. Forſoþe, briþeren, I beſeche ȝou, ȝe han knowen þe hous of Sþeuene, þe womman, and of Fortunati, and Acaye, for þei ben þe firſte fruytis of Acaye, and in to mynyſterie of ſeyntis þei han ordeyned hem ſilf; þat and ȝe be ſugettis to ſuch, and to ech worchinge to gidere and trauelinge. Forſoþe I enioye in þe preſence of Sþeuene, þe womman, and of Fortunate, and Acaye; for þei fulfilliden þat þing þat faylide to ȝou; forſoþ þei han fulfillid and my ſpirit and ȝoure. Þerfore knowe ȝe hem, þat ben ſuche maner men. Alle þe chirchis of Aſye greeten ȝou wel. Aquyla and Priſca greeten ȝou moche in þe Lord, at þe whiche and I am herborid, wiþ her homely chirche. Alle briþeren greeten ȝou wel. Grete ȝe wel to gidere in hooly coſſ. My greetynge by Poulis hond. If ony man loue not oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, be he curſid, Maranaþa, þat is, in þe comynge of þe Lord. Þe grace of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt be wiþ ȝou. My charite be wiþ ȝou alle in Criſt Jheſu oure Lord. Amen.

Here endiþ þe firſt piſtle to þe Corynþies, and now bigynneþ þe ſecounde.