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Bible (King James Version, 1611)/Matthew

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Teſtament of
our Lord and Sauiour
Iesvs Christ.

¶ Newly Tranſlated out of the Originall Greeke: and with the former Tranſlations diligently compared and reuiſed, by his Maieſties ſpeciall Commandement.

Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moſt Excellent Maieſtie.

Anno Dom. 1611.

The Newe Testament title-page

The Gospel According to S.Matthew.




1 The genealogie of Chriſt from Abraham to Ioſeph. 18 Hee was conceiued by the holy Ghoſt, and borne of the Virgin Mary when ſhe was eſpouſed to Ioſeph. 19 The Angel ſatiſfieth the miſdeeming thoughts of Ioſeph, and interpreteth the names of Chriſt.

THE booke of the ** Luke 3. 23. generation of Ieſus Chriſt, the ſonne of Dauid, the ſonne of Abraham.

2 ** Gen. 21. 3. Abraham begate Iſaac, and ** Gen. 25. 26. Iſaac begate Iacob, and ** Gen. 29. 35. Iacob begate Iudas and his brethren.

3 And ** Gen. 38. 27. Iudas begate Phares and Zara of Thamar, and ** 1. Chro. 2. 5. ruth. 4. 18. Phares begate Eſrom, and Eſrom begate Aram.

4 And Aram begate Aminadab, and Aminadab begate Naaſſon, and Naaſſon begate Salmon.

5 And Salmon begat Boos of Rachab, and Boos begate Obed of Ruth, and Obed begate Ieſſe.

6 And ** 1. Sam. 16. 1. and 17. 12. Ieſſe begate Dauid the King, ⁊ ** 2. Sam. 12. 24. Dauid the King begat Solomon of her that had bin the wife of Urias.

7 And ** 1. Chro. 3. 10. Solomon begat Roboam, and Roboam begate Abia, and Abia begate Aſa.

8 And Aſa begate Ioſaphat, and Ioſaphat begate Ioram, and Ioram begate Ozias.

9 And Ozias begat Ioatham, and Ioatham begate Achas, and Achas begate Ezekias.

10 And ** 2. King. 20. 21. 1. chro. 3. 13. Ezekias begate Manaſſes, and Manaſſes begate Amon, and Amon begate Ioſias.

11 And ǁǁ Some read, Ioſias begate Iakim, and Iakim begat Iechonias. Ioſias begate Iechonias and his brethren, about the time they were caried away to Babylon.

12 And after they were brought to Babylon, ** 1. Chro. 3. 16, 17. Iechonias begat Salathiel, and Salathiel begate Zorobabel.

13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud, and Abiud begat Eliakim, and Eliakim begate Azor.

14 And Azor begat Sadoc, ⁊ Sadoc begat Achim, and Achim begat Eliud.

15 And Eliud begate Eleazar, and Eleazar begate Matthan, and Matthan begate Iacob.

16 And Iacob begate Ioſeph the huſband of Mary, of whom was borne Ieſus, who is called Chriſt.

17 So all the generations from Abraham to Dauid, are fourteene generations: and from Dauid vntill the carying away into Babylon, are foureteene generations: and from the carying away into Babylon vnto Chriſt, are fourteene generations.

18 ¶ Now the ** Luke 1. 27. birth of Ieſus Chriſt was on this wiſe: When as his mother Mary was eſpouſed to Ioſeph (before they came together) ſhee was found with childe of the holy Ghoſt.

19 Then Ioſeph her huſband being a iuſt man, and not willing to make her a publique example, was minded to put her away priuily.

20 But while hee thought on theſe things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame, ſaying, Ioſeph thou ſonne of Dauid, feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is conceiued in her, is of the holy Ghoſt.

21 And ſhe ſhall bring forth a ſonne, ** Luke 1. 31. and thou ſhalt call his Name Ieſus: for hee ſhall ſaue his people from their ſinnes.

22 (Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was ſpoken of the Lord by the Prophet, ſaying,

23 ** Eſai. 7. 14. Behold, a Virgin ſhall be with childe, and ſhall bring foorth a ſonne, and ǁǁ Or, his name ſhall be called. they ſhall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is, God with vs.)

24 Then Ioſeph, being raiſed from ſleepe, did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, ⁊ tooke vnto him his wife:

25 And knewe her not, till ſhee had brought forth her firſt borne ſonne, and he called his name Ieſus.



1 The Wiſe men out of the Eaſt, are directed to Chriſt by a Starre. 11 They worſhip him, and offer their preſents. 14 Ioſeph fleeth into Egypt, with Ieſus and his mother. 16 Herod ſlayeth the children: 20 Himſelfe dyeth. 23 Chriſt is brought backe againe into Galilee to Nazareth.

NOW when ** Luk. 2. 6. Ieſus was borne in Bethlehem of Iudea, in the dayes of Herod the king, behold, there came Wiſe men from the Eaſt to Hieruſalem, Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/24 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/25 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/26 1 TAke heed that yee doe not your almes before men, to bee ſeen of them: otherwiſe yee haue no reward ‖Or, with. of your father which is in heauen.

2 Therefore, ** Rom. 12.8 when thou doeſt thine almes, ‖Or, cauſe not a trumpet to be ſounded. doe not ſound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites doe, in the Synagogues, and in the ſtreetes, that they may haue glory of men. Uerily, I ſay vnto you, they haue their reward.

3 But when thou doeſt almes, let not thy left hand know, what thy right doeth:

4 That thine almes may be in ſecret: And thy father which ſeeth in ſecret, himſelfe ſhall reward thee openly.

5 ¶And when thou prayeſt, thou ſhalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they loue to pray ſtanding in the Synagogues, and in the corners of the ſtreets, that they may be ſeene of men. Uerily I ſay vnto you, they haue their reward.

6 But thou when thou prayeſt, enter into thy cloſet, and when thou haſt ſhut thy doore, pray to they father which is in ſecret, and thy father which ſeeth in ſecret, ſhall reward thee openly.

7 But when yee pray, bſe not baine ** Ecclus. 7.16. repetitions, as the heathen doe. For they thinke that they ſhall be heard for their much ſpeaking.

8 Be not yee therefore like vnto them: For your father knoweth what things yee haue neede of, before yee aſke him.

9 After this maner therefore pray yee: ** Luke 11.2 Our Father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdome come. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heauen.

11 Giue vs this day our daily bread.

12 And forgiue vs our debts, as we forgiue our debters.

13 And lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer us from euill: For thine is the kingdome, and the power, and the glory, for euer, Amen.

14 ** Marke 11.25. For, if yee forgiue men their treſpaſſes, your heauenly father will alſo forgive you.

15 But, if yee forgiue not men their treſpaſſes, neither will your father forgiue your trſpaſſes.

16 ¶Moreouer, when yee faſt, be not as the hypocrites, of a ſad countenance: for they diſfigure their faces, that they may appeare vnto men to faſt: Uerily I ſay vnto you, they haue their reward.

17 But thou, when thou fasſteſt, anoint thine head, and waſh thy face:

18 That thou appeare not vnto men to faſt, but vnto thy father which is in ſecret: and thy father which ſeeth in ſecret, ſhall reward thee openly.

19 ¶Lay not vp for your ſelues treaſures upon earth, where moth and ruſt doth corrupt, and where theeues breake thorow, and ſteale.

20 ** Luke 12.33. I.tim 6.19. But lay vp for your ſelues treaſures in heauen, where neither moth nor ruſt doth corrupt, & where theeues doe not breake thorow, nor ſteale.

21 For where your treaſure is, there will your heart be alſo.

22 ** Luke 11.4. The light of the body is the eye: Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/28 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/29 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/30 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/31 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/32 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/33 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/34 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/35 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/36 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/37 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/38 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/39 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/40 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/41 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/42 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/43 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/44 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/45 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/46 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/47 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/48 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/49 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/50 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/51 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/52 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/53 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/54 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/55 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/56 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/57 Page:BibleKJV1611-020.pdf/58