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Bible (Tyndale)/Numbers

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Chapter 1


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the tabernacle of witnesse the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth ad in the seconde yere after they were come out of ye londe of Egipte sayenge:

2 take ye the summe of al the multitude of the childern of Israel in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers and numbre the by name all that are males polle by polle

3 fro .xx. yere and aboue: euen all yt are able to goo forthe in to warre in Israell thou and Aaro shall nubre the in their armies

4 and with you shalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the house of his father.

5 And these are the names of ye me yt shall stode with you: in Rube Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur:

6 In Simeo Selumiel ye sonne of Suri Sadai:

7 In ye trybe of Iuda Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab:

8 In Isachar Nathaneel ye sonne of Zuar:

9 In Sebulo Eliab ye sonne of Helo.

10 Amoge ye childern of Ioseph: In Ephrai Elisama ye sonne of Amihud: In Manasse Gamaliel ye sone of Pedazur:

11 In Be Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni:

12 In Dan Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai:

13 In Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran:

14 In Gad Eliasaph the sone of Deguel:

15 In Naphtaly Ahira the sonne of Enan.

16 These were councelers of the congregacion and lordes in the trybes of their fathers and captaynes ouer thousandes in Israel.

17 And Moses and Aaron toke these men aboue named

18 and gathered all the congregacion together the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth and rekened them after their byrth and kinredes and houses of their fathers by name fro .xx. yere and aboue hed by hed:

19 as the Lorde comaunded Moses eue so he numbred them in ye wildernesse of Sinai.

20 And the childern of Ruben Israels eldest sonne in their generacions kynredes ad houses of their fathers whe they were numbred euery man by name all that were males fro xx. yere and aboue as many as were able to goo forth in warre:

21 were numbred in the trybe off Ruben xlvi. thousande and fyue hundred.

22 Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (when euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx. yeres and aboue whatsoeuer was mete for the warre:

23 were numbred in the trybe of Simeon .lix. thousande and .iij. hundred.

24 Amonge the childern of Gad: their generacion in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers when thei were tolde by name fro xx. yere and aboue all that were mete for the warre:

25 were numbred in the tribe of Gad .xlv. thousande sixe hundred and fyftie.

26 Amonge the childern of Iuda: their generacion in their kinredes and housses of their fathers (by the numbre of names) from .xx. yere and aboue all that were able to warre

27 were tolde in the trybe of Iuda .lxxiiij. thousande and sixe hundred.

28 Amonge the childern of Isachar: their generacion in their kinredes and houses of their fathers (when their names were counted) from .xx. yere ad aboue what soeuer was apte for warre:

29 were numbred in ye trybe of Isachar .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

30 Among the childern of Sebulon: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (after the numbre of names) from xx. yere and aboue whosoeuer was mete for the warre:

31 were counted in ye trybe of Sebulo lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

32 Amonge the childern of Ioseph: fyrst amoge the childern of Ephraim: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of theyre fathers (when the names of all that were apte to the warre were tolde) from .xx. yeres and aboue:

33 were in numbre in the trybe off Ephraim xl. thousande and syxe hundred.

34 Amonge the childern of Manasse: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when the names of all yt were apte to warre

35 were tolde) from .xx. and aboue were numbred in the tribe of Manasse .xxxij thousand and two hundred.

36 Amonge the childern of Ben Iamin: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (by the tale of names) from twentye yere and aboue of all that were mete for warre

37 were numbred in the trybe off Ben Iamin .xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

38 Amonge the childern of Dan: their generacion in theyr kynreddes and housses off theyr fathers (in the summe of names) off all that was apte to warre

39 from twentye yere and aboue were numbred in the trybe of Dan .lxij. thousande and .vij. hundred.

40 Amonge the childern of Aser: their generacyon in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when thei were summed by name) from .xx. yeres and aboue all that were apte to warre

41 were numbred in the tribe of Aser .xli. thousande and .v. hundred.

42 Amoge the childern of Nepthali: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathere (when their names were tolde) from xx. yeres ad aboue what soeuer was mete to warre:

43 were numbred in the trybe of Nephtali .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

44 These are the numbres which Moses ad Aaro numbred with ye .xij. princes of Israel: of euery housse of their fathers a man.

45 And all the numbres of the childern of Israel in the housses of their fathers from twentye yere and aboue what soeuer was mete for the warre in Israell

46 drewe vnto the summe of syxe hundred thousande fyue hundred and .l.

47 But the leuites in the tribe off their fathers were not numbred amonge them.

48 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

49 only se that thou numbre not the trybe of Leui nether take the summe of them amonge the childern of Israel.

50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it.

51 And when the tabernacle goeth forth the leuites shall take it doune: and when the tabernacle is pitched they shall sett it vpp: for yf any straunger come nere he shall dye.

52 And the childern of Israel shall pitch their tentes euery man in his owne companye and euery ma by his awne standert thorow out all their hostes.

53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse.

54 And the childern of Israel dyd acordinge to all that the Lord commaunded Moses.

Chapter 2


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:

2 The childern of Israel shall pitch: euery man by his owne standert with the armes of their fathers houses a waye from the presence of the tabernacle of witnesse.

3 On the east syde towarde the rysynge of ye sonne shall they of the standert of the hoste of Iuda pitch with their armes: And Nahesson the sonne of Aminabab shalbe captaine ouer the sonnes of Iuda.

4 And his hoste and the numbre of them .lxxiiij. thousande and .vi hundred.

5 And nexte vnto him shall the trybe of Isachar pitche and Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar captayne ouer ye childre of Isachar:

6 his hoste and the numbre of them .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

7 And than the trybe of Zabulon: with Eliab the sonne of Helon captayne ouer the childern of Zabulon

8 and his hoste in the numbre of them: lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

9 So that all they that perteyne vnto the host of Iuda are an hundred thousande .lxxxvi. thousande ad .iiij. hundred in their companies: and these shall goo in the forefront wen they iurney.

10 And on the southsyde the standert of the hoste of Ruben shall lye with their companyes and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ruben Elizur the sonne of Sedeur

11 ad his hoste and the numbre of them .xlvi. thousande and .v. hundred.

12 And fast by him shall ye trybe of Simeon pitche and the capteyne ouer ye sonnes of Simeon. Selumiel the sonne of zuri Sadai

13 and his hoste and the nubre of them lix thousande and .iij. hundred

14 And the trybe of Gad also: And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Gad Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel

15 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xlv. thousande .vi. hundred and .l.

16 So that all ye numbre that pertayne vnto the hoste of Ruben are an hundred thousande .li. thousande iiij. hundred and fyftie with their companyes and they shall be the seconde in the iourney

17 And the tabernacle of witnesse with the hoste of the leuites shall goo in the myddes of ye hostes: as they lye in their tetes euen so shall they procede in the iurney euery man in his quarter aboute their standertes

18 On the west syde the standarte and the hoste of Ephraim shall lye with their companies. And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ephraim Elisama the sonne of Anuhud:

19 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xl. thousande and v. hundred.

20 And fast by him the trybe of Manasse and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Manasse Gamaleel ye sonne of Pedazur

21 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xxxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.

22 And the trybe of Ben Iamin also: and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ben Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni

23 ad his hoste and the numbre of the xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

24 All the nubre that perteyned vnto the hoste of Ephraim were an hundred thousand .viij. thousande and an hundred in their hostes: and they shalbe the thryde in the iurneye

25 And the standert and the hoste of Dan shall lye on the north syde with their companyes: and the captayne ouer ye childre of Dan Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai:

26 and his hoste and the nubre of them .lxij. thousande and vij. hundred.

27 And fast by him shall the trybe of Asser pitche: and the captayne ouer the sones of Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran:

28 and his hoste and the nubre of them .xli. thousande and v. hundred.

29 And the trybe of Naphtali also and the captayne ouer ye childern of Naphtali: Ahira the sonne of Enan:

30 and his hoste and the nubre of them .liij. thousande and iiij. Hudred

31 So yt the hole nubre of all that perteyned vnto ye hoste of Dan was an hudred thousande lvij. thousande and .vi. hudred. And they shalbe the last in yt iurney with their stadertes.

32 These are ye sumes of ye childern of Ysrael in the housses of their fathers: euen all the nubres of the hostes with their copanies .vi. hudred thousande .iij. thousande .v. hudred and fyftie.

33 And yet ye leuites werenot nubred amoge the childern of Ysrael as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

34 And ye childern of Ysrael dyd acordynge to all that the Lorde comauded Moses and so they pitched with their standertes and so they iurneyd: euery man in his kynred and in the houssholde of his father.

Chapter 3


1 These are the generacions of Aaron and Moses when the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai

2 and these are the names of the sonnes of Aaron: Nadab the eldest sonne and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar.

3 These are the names of the sonnes of Aaron which were preastes anoynted and their handes fylled to mynistre

4 but Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde as they broughte straunge fyre before the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Sinai and had no childern. And Eleazar and Ithamar mynistred in the syght of Aaron their father.

5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge

6 brynge the trybe of leui and set them before Aaron the preast and let them serue him ad wayte apon him

7 and apon all the multitude before the tabernacle of witnesse to doo the seruyce of the habitacion.

8 And they shall wayte apo all ye apparell of ye tabernacle of witnesse and apon ye childern of Ysrael to doo ye seruyce of the habitacio.

9 And thou shalt geue the leuites vnto Aaron and his sonnes for they are geuen vnto him of ye childern of Ysrael.

10 And thou shalt appoite Aaro and his sonnes to wayte on their preastes office: and the strauger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

11 And ye Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

12 beholde I haue take the leuites fro amonge ye childern of Ysrael for all the firstborne that openeth the matryce amonge the childern of Ysrael so that the leuites shall be myne:

13 because all the first borne are myne: for ye same daye that I smote all the fyrstborne in the lande of Egipte I halowed vnto me all the firstborne in Ysrael both man and beest and myne they shall be: for I am the Lorde.

14 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai sayenge:

15 Numbre the childern of Leui in ye housses of their fathers and Kynredes all yt are males from a moneth olde and aboue.

16 And Moses numbred them at the worde of the Lorde as he was comauded.

17 And these are ye names of ye childre of Leui: Gerson Cahath and Merari.

18 And yese are the names of the childern of Gerson in their kynredes: Libni and Semei.

19 And the sones of Cahath in their kynredes were Amram. Iezehar. Hebron and Vsiel.

20 And the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes were Maheli and Musi. These are the kynredes of Leui in the housses of their fathers.

21 And of Gerson came the kynred of ye Libnites and the Semeites which are the kynredes of the Gersonites.

22 And ye summe of them (when all the males were tolde) from a moneth olde and aboue were .vij. thousande and fyue hundred.

23 And the kynredes of the Gersonites pitched behynde the habitacion westwarde.

24 And the captayne of the most awnciet housse amonge ye Gersonites was Eliasaph the sonne of Lael.

25 And the office of the childern of Gerson in the tabernacle of witnesse was the habitacion and the tente with the coueringe theroff and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse

26 and the hangynges of the courte and the curtayne of the dore of the courte: which courte went rounde aboute the dwellynge and the alter and the cordes yt perteyned vnto all the seruyce therof

27 And of Cahath came the kynred of ye Amramites and the kynred of the Iezeharites and of the Hebronites and of the Vsielites: And these are the kynredes of ye Cahathites.

28 And the numbre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue was .viij. thousande and sixe hundred: which wayted on ye holy place.

29 And the kynred of the childern of Cahath pitched on ye southsyde of ye dwellynge

30 And ye captayne in ye most auncyent housse of the kynredes of the Cahathites was Elizaphan the sonne of Vsiel

31 and their office was: the arcke the table the candelsticke and the alter and the holy vessels to minystre with and the vayle with all that serued thereto.

32 And Eleazar ye sonne of Aaron the preast was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites and had the ouer syghte of them that wayted vppon the holythynges.

33 And of Merari came the kynredes of the Mahelites and of the Musites: and these are the kynredes of the Merarites.

34 And the nubre of them (when all the males fro a moneth olde ad aboue was tolde) drewe vnto .vi thousande and .ij. hundred.

35 And ye captayne of the most auncient housse amonge the kynredes of the Merarites was Zuriel the sonne of Abihail which pitched on the north syde of the dwellynge.

36 And the office of the sonnes of Merari was: the bordes of ye dwellynge and the barres pilers with the sokettes thereof and all the instrumetes there of and all that serued thereto:

37 and the pilers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes with their pynnes and cordes.

38 But on ye fore front of ye habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witnesse east warde shall Moses and Aaron and his sonnes pytch and wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of ye childern of Ysrael. And the straunger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

39 And the hole summe of the leuites which Moses and Aaron nubred at ye comaudmet of ye Lorde thorow out their kynredes euen of all ye males of a moneth olde and aboue was .xxij. thousande.

40 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Numbre all ye first borne that are males amoge the childern of Ysrael fro amoneth olde and aboue and take ye numbre of their names.

41 And thou shalt appoynte ye leuites to me the Lorde for all the firstborne amoge ye childern of Ysrael and the catell of ye leuites for the firstborne of the childern of Ysrael.

42 And Moses nubred as ye Lorde comauded him all the firstborne of ye childern of Ysrael.

43 And all the firstborne males in ye summe of names from amoneth olde and aboue were numbred .xxij. thousande .ij. hundred and .lxxiij.

44 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

45 take the leuites for all the fyrstborne of the childern of Israel ad the catell of the leuites for their catell: and the leuites shalbe myne whiche am the Lorde.

46 And for the redemynge of the two hundred and .lxxiij. whiche are moo than the leuites in the firstborne of the children of Israel

47 take .v. sycles of euery pece after the sycle of ye holy place .xx. geras the sycle.

48 And geue ye money wherewith the odde numbre of them is redemed vnto Aaron ad his sonnes.

49 And Moses toke the redempcio money of the ouerplus that were moo then the leuites amonge

50 the firstborne of the childern of Israel: and it came to a thousande .iij. hundred and .lxv. sycles of the holye sycle.

51 And he gaue that redempcion money vnto Aaron and his sonnes at the worde of the Lorde euen as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Chapter 4


1 And ye Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaro

2 and bade the take ye summe of ye childern of Cahath fro amonge ye sonnes of leui in their kynredes and housses of their fathers

3 from xxx. yere and aboue vntill fyftie all that were able to warre for to doo the worke in the tabernacle of witnesse:

4 euen in the most holy place.

5 And when ye hoste remoueth Aaron ad his sonnes shall come and take doune the vayle and couer the arcke of witnesse there with

6 and shall put there on a couerynge of taxus skynnes and shall sprede a cloth yt is altogether of Iacyncte aboue all and put the staues thereof in.

7 And apon the shewe table they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put thereo the dishes spones flat peces and pottes to poure with and the dayly bred shalbe thereon:

8 and they shall spred apon them a couerynge of purple and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put the staues thereof in.

9 And they shall take a cloth of Iacyncte and couer the candelsticke of light and hir lapes and hir snoffers and fyre pannes and all hir oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it

10 and shall put apon her and on all hir instrumentes a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put it apon staues.

11 And apon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put on hir staues.

12 And they shall take all the thiges which they occupye to minystre with in ye holy place and put a cloth of Iacyncte apon them and couer them with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues.

13 And they shall take a waye the asshes out of the alter and sprede a scarlet cloth thereon:

14 and put aboute it the fyre pannes the flesh hokes the shouels the basens and all that belongeth vnto the alter and they shall sprede apon it a coueryng of taxus skynnes and put on the staues of it.

15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse.

16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lightes and swete cens and the dayly meatofferynge and the anoyntinge oyle and the ouersyghte of all the dwellynge and of all that therein is: both ouer the sanctuary and ouer all that pertayneth thereto.

17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:

18 destroye not the trybe of the kynredes of the Cahathites from amonge the leuites.

19 But thus doo vnto them that they maye lyve and not dye whe they goo vnto ye most holy place. Aaron and his sonnes shall goo in and put them euery man vnto his seruyce and vnto his burthen.

20 But let them not goo in to se when they couer the sanctuarye lest they dye.

21 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge

22 Take the summe of the childern of Gerson in the houses of their fathers ad in their kynredes:

23 from .xxx. yere and aboue vntyll .l. all that are able to goo forth in warre for to doo seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse.

24 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the Gersonites to serue and to beare.

25 They shall bere the curtaynes of the dwellynge and the roffe of ye tabernacle of witnesse and his couerynge ad the coueryng of taxus skynnes that is an hye aboue apon it and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse:

26 and the hanginge of the courte and the hangynge of the gate of the courte that is rounde aboute the dwellynge and the altare and the cordes of them and all the instrumentes that serue vnto them and all that is made for them.

27 And at the mouth of Aaron and his sonnes shall all the seruyce of the childern of the Gersonites be done in all their charges and in all their seruyce and ye shall appoynte them vnto al their charges that they shall wayte apo.

28 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the children of the Gersonites in ye tabernacle of witnesse and their wayte shalbe in the honde of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast.

29 And thou shalt numbre the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes and in the houses of their fathers

30 from .xxx. yeres and aboue vnto .l. All that is able to goo forth in warre to doo the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnesse.

31 And this is the charge that they must wayte vppon in all that they must serue in the tabernacle of witnesse: The bordes of the dwellynge and the barres pylers and sokettes thereof

32 and the pylers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes pynnes and cordes with all that pertayneth and serueth vnto them. And by name ye shall reken the thynges that they must wayte apon to bere.

33 Thys is the seruyce of the kynreddes of the sonnes of Merari in all theyr seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse by the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast.

34 And Moses and Aaron and the princes of the multitude numbred the sonnes of the Cahathites in their kynredes and housses of theire fathers

35 from .xxx. yere and aboue vnto fyftie all that were able to goo forth in the hoste and to do seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse.

36 And the numbre of them in their kynredes were two thousande seuen hundred and .l.

37 These are the numbres of the kynredes of the Cahathites of all that dyd seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse whyche Moses and Aaron dyd numbre at the commaundment of the Lorde by the hade of Moses.

38 And the sonnes of Gerson were numbred in their kynredes and in the housses of their fathers

39 from .xxx. yere vp vnto fyftye all that were able to goo forth in the hoste for to doo servyce in the tabernacle of witnesse.

40 And the numbre of them in their kynredes and in the housses of their fathers was two thousande sixe hundred and .xxx.

41 This is the numbre of the kynredes of the sonnes of Gerson of all that dyd seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse which Moses and Aaron dyd numbre at the commaundement of the Lorde.

42 And the kynredes of the sonnes of Merari were numbred in their kynredes and in the houses of their fathers

43 from .xxx. yere vp vnto fyftie. all that were able to goo forth with the hoste to do seruice in ye tabernacle of witnesse.

44 And the numbre of them was in theyr kynredes thre thousande and two hundred.

45 This is the numbre of the kynredes of ye sonnes of Merari whiche Moses and Aaron numbred at the byddynge of the Lorde by ye hande of Moses.

46 The whole summe which Moses Aaron and the lordes of Israell numbred amonge the leuites in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers

47 from .xxx. yere vpp vnto .l. euery man to doo his office and seruyce and to bere his burthen in the tabernacle of witnesse:

48 was .viij. thousande fyue hundred ad lxxx.

49 which they numbred at the commaundement of the Lorde by the honde of Moses euery man vnto his seruyce and burthen: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Chapter 5


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 commaunde the childern of Israel that they put out of the hoste all the lepers and all that haue yssues and all that are defyled apon the deed

3 whether they be males or females ye shall put them out of the hoste that they defyle not the tentes amoge which I dwell.

4 And the childern of Israel dyd so and put them out of the hoste: euen as the Lorde comaunded Moses so dyd the childern of Israel.

5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

6 speake vnto the childern of Israel: whether it be man or woman whe they haue synned any maner of synne which a man doeth wherewith a man trespaseth agenst the Lorde so that the soule hath done amysse:

7 then they shall knowlege their synnes which they haue done and restore agayne the hurte that they haue done in the hole and put the fyfte parte of it moare thereto and geue it vnto him whom he hath trespased agenste.

8 But and yf he that maketh the amendes have no man to doo itto then the amendes that is made shalbe the Lordes and the preastes besyde the ram of the attonementofferynge where with he maketh an attonemet for hymselfe

9 And all heueofferynges of all the halowed thinges which the childern of Israel brynge vnto the preaste shalbe the preastes

10 and euery mans halowed thinges shalbe his awne but what soeuer any man geueth the preast it shalbe the preastes.

11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

12 speake vnto the childern of Israell and saye vnto them. Yf any mans wyfe goo a syde and trespase agaynst hym

13 so that another man lye with her fleshely and the thynge be hydd from the eyes of hir husbonde and is not come to lighte that she is defyled (for there is no witnesse agenst her) in as moche as she was not taken with the maner

14 and the sprete of gelousye cometh apon him and he is gelouse ouer his wyfe and she defyled Or happely the sprete of gelousye cometh apon him and he is gelouse ouer hys wyfe ad she yet vndefyled.

15 The let hyr husbonde bringe her vnto the preaste and brynge an offerynge for her: the tenthe parte of an Epha of barlye meele but shall poure none oyle there vnto nor put frankencens thereon: for it is an offerynge of gelousye and an offerynge that maketh remembraunce of synne.

16 And let the preast brynge her and sett her before the Lorde

17 and let him take holy water in an erthen vessell and of the dust that is in ye flore of the habytacyon and put it in to the water.

18 And the preast shall set the wyfe before the Lorde and vncouer hir heed and put the memoryall of the offerynge in hyr handes whiche is the gelousye offerynge and ye preast shall haue bytter and cursynge water in his hande and he shall coniure her and shall saye vnto her.

19 Yf no man haue lyen wyth the nether haste gone asyde and defyled thy selfe behynde thy husbonde then haue thou no harme of this bytter cursynge water.

20 But and yf thou hast gone asyde behynde thyne husbonde and art defyled and some other man hath lyen with the besyde thyne husbonde

21 (and let the preaste coniure her with the coniuracyon of the curse and saye vnto her) the Lorde make the a curse and a coniuracyon amonge thy people: so that the Lorde make thy thye rotte and thy bely swell

22 and thys bytter cursynge water goo in to the bowels of the that thy bely swell and thy thye rotte and the wyfe shall saye Amen Amen.

23 And the preast shall wrytte this curse in a byll and wasshe it out in the bytter water.

24 And when the cursynge water ys yn her that it is bytter

25 then let the preast take the gelousy offerynge out of the wyfes hande and waue it before the Lorde and brynge it vnto the altare:

26 and he shall take an handefull off the memory all offerynge and burne it apon the alter and then make her dryncke the water

27 and when he hath made her drynke the water. Yf she be defyled and haue trespased agenst her husbond then shall the cursynge water goo in to her and be so bitter yt hir bely shall swell and hir thye shall rotte and she shalbe a curse amonge hir people.

28 And yf she be not defyled but is cleane then she shall haue no harme but that she maye conceaue.

29 This is the lawe of gelousye when a wyfe goeth a syde behynde hyr husbonde ad is defyled

30 or when the spirite of gelousye cometh apon a man so that he is gelouse ouer his wife: then he shall bringe her before the Lorde and the preast shall ministre all this lawe vnto her

31 and the man shalbe giltlesse and the wyfe shall bere hir synne.

Chapter 6


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto ye childre of Israel and saye vnto them: when ether man or woman appoynteth to vowe a vowe of abstinence for to abstene vnto the Lorde

3 he shall abstene from wyne and stronge drynke and shall dryncke no vynegre of wyne or of stronge drynke nor shal drynke what soeuer is pressed out of grapes: and shal eate no fresh grapes nether yet dryed as loge as his abstinece edureth.

4 Moreouer he shall eate nothyng yt is made of the vynetre no not so moch as ye cornels or the huske of the grape.

5 And as longe as the vowe of his abstinece endureth there shall no rasure nor sheres come apon his heed vntill his dayes be out which he fasteth vnto the Lorde and he shalbe holy and shall let the lockes of his heer growe.

6 As longe as he abstencth vnto the Lorde he shall come at no deed bodye:

7 he shall not make him selfe vncleane at the deeth of his father mother brother or syster. for the abstinece of his God is apon his heed.

8 And therfore as longe as his abstynence lasteth he shalbe holy vnto the Lorde.

9 And yf it fortune that any man by chaunce dye sodenly before him and defyle the heed of his abstinece then must he shaue his heed the daye of his clesynge: euen the seuenth daye he shall shaue it.

10 And the eyght daye he shall brynge .ij. turtles or .ij. yonge pigeons to the preast vnto ye dore of ye tabernacle of witnesse

11 And ye preast shall offer the one for a synofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge and make an atonement for him as concernynge that he synned apon the deed and shall also halowe his heed the same daye

12 and he shall abstene vnto the Lorde the tyme of his abstinencye and shall brynge a lambe of an yere olde for a trespace offerynge: but the dayes yt were before are lost because his abstinence was defyled.

13 This is the lawe of the absteyner when the tyme of his abstinece is out. he shalbe broughte vnto ye dore of ye tabernacle of witnesse

14 and he shall brynge his offerynge vnto ye Lord: an he labe of a yere olde without blemysh for a burntofferynge and a she lambe of a yere olde without blemysh for a synofferynge a ram without blemysh also for a peaseofferynge

15 and a basket of swete breed of fyne floure myngled with oyle and wafers of swete bred anoyntyd with oyle with meatofferynges ad drynkofferynges that longe thereto.

16 And the preast shall brynge him before ye Lorde and offer his synofferynge and his burntofferynge

17 and shall offer yt ram for a peaseofferynge vnto ye Lorde with the basket of swete brede ad the preast shall offer also his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

18 And ye absteyner shall shaue his heed in ye dore of ye tabernacle of witnesse ad shall take the heer of his sober heed and put it in ye fyre which is vnder the peaseofferynge.

19 Then the preast shall take the sodden shulder of ye ram ad one swete cake out of ye basket and one swete wafer also ad put them in the hade of the absteyner after he hath shaue his abstinece of

20 and the preast shall waue them vnto the Lorde which offerynge shalbe holy vnto the preast with ye wauebrest and heue shulder: and then the absteyner maye drynke wyne.

21 This is the lawe of the absteyner which hath vowed his offerynge vnto ye Lorde for his abstynence besydes that his hade can gete And acordyng to the vowe which he vowed euen so he must doo in the lawe of his abstinence.

22 And the Lorde talked with Moses sayenge:

23 speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes sayege: of this wise ye shall blesse the childern of Ysrael saynge vnto them.

24 The lorde blesse the and kepe the.

25 The lorde make his face shyne apon the and be mercyfull vnto the.

26 The lorde lifte vpp his countenaunce apo the and geue the peace

27 for ye shall put my name apon the childern of Ysrael that I maye blesse them.

Chapter 7


1 And when Moses had full sett vp the habitacion and anoynted it ad sanctifyed it and all the apparell there of and had anoynted and sanctifyed ye alter also and all the vessels there of:

2 then the prynces of Ysrael heedes ouer the housses of their fathers which were the lordes of the trybes that stode ad numbred offered

3 ad broughte their giftes before the Lorde sixe couered charettes and .xij. oxen: two and two a charet and an oxe euery man and they broughte them before the habitacion.

4 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge

5 take it of them and let them be to do the seruyce of ye tabernacle of witnesse and geue them vnto the leuites euery man acordynge vnto his office

6 And Moses toke the charettes ad the oxen and gaue them vnto the leuites:

7 ij. charettes and .iiij. oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Gerson acordynge vnto their office.

8 And iiij. charettes and eyght oxen he gaue vnto ye sonnes of Merari acordynge vnto their offices vnder the handes of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast.

9 But vnto the sonnes of Cahath he gaue none for the office that perteyned to them was holy and therfore they must bere vppon shulders.

10 And the princes offered vnto the dedycatynge of the alter in the daye yt it was anoynted and brought their giftes before the alter

11 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: let the priches brynge their offerynges euery daye one prynce vnto the dedicatynge of the alter.

12 He that offered his offerynge ye first daye was Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab of the trybe of Iuda.

13 And his offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weight: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle both of them full of fyne whete floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge:

14 and a spone of .x. sicles of golde full of cens:

15 and an oxe a ram ad a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

16 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

17 and for pease offerynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of a yere olde, and this was the gifte of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab.

18 The seconde daye dyd Nathaneel offer ye sonne of Zuar captayne ouer Yfachar.

19 And his offerynge which he broughte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght and a syluern boule of lxx. sicles of ye holy sicle:

20 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens:

21 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges:


23 ad for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was ye offerynge of Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar.

24 The thyrde daye Eliab the sonnne of Helon the chefest amonge the childern of Zabulon brought his offerynge.

25 And his offerynge was a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx sicles weyghte and a siluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge:

26 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of ces:

27 and an oxe and a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

28 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

29 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliab the sonne of Helon.

30 The fourtdaye Elizur the sonne of Sedeur chefelorde amonge the childern of Ruben broughte his offerynge.

31 And his gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx sicles weyghte and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

32 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens:

33 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

34 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

35 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur.

36 The fyfth daye Selumiel ye sonne of Zuri Sadai chefe lorde amonge the childern of Simeon offered.

37 whose gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyghte: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

38 and a golden spone of x. sicles full of cens.

39 And an oxe a ram ad a labe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

40 ad an he goote for a synofferynge:

41 and for peaseofferiges .ij. oxen .v. rames .v. he gootes ad .v. labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai.

42 The sixte daye Eliasaph ye sonne of Seguel the chefe lorde amonge the childern of Gad offered.

43 whose gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyghte: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

44 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens.

45 And an oxe a ram ad a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

46 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

47 And for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. labes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliasaph the sonne of Seguel.

48 The seuenth daye Elisama the sonne of Amiud ye chefelorde of ye childern of Ephraim offered.

49 And his gifte was: a siluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: ad a syluern boule of lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

50 and a golden spone of .x sicles full of cens.

51 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

52 ad an he goote for a synofferynge:

53 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and v. lambes of a yere olde. And this was ye offerynge of Elisama the sonne of Amiud.

54 The .viij. daye offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur the chefe lorde of the childern of Manasse.

55 And his gifte was: a sylueren charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

56 and a golden spone of .x. sycles full of ces.

57 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

58 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

59 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur.

60 The .ix. daye Abidan ye sonne of Gedeoni ye chefelord amoge ye childern of Ben Iamin offered.

61 And his gifte was: a syluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

62 and a golden spone of x. sicles full of cens.

63 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges:

64 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

65 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni.

66 The .x. daye Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai chefelorde amoge ye childern of Dan offered.

67 And his gifte was: a syluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: a syluern boule of seuentye sicles of the holy sycle: and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

68 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens:

69 and an oxe a ra and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges

70 and an he goote for a synofferynge:

71 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And this was the offrynge of Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai.

72 The .xi. daye Pagiel the sonne of Ochran the chefe Lorde amonge the childern of Asser offered:

73 And his gifte was: a syluere charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: a sylueren boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sycle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meateoffrynge:

74 and a golden spone of .x. sycles full of cens.

75 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferinges:

76 and an he goote for a synneofferynge:

77 ad for peaceofferynges: two oxen fyue rammes v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Pagiel ye sonne of Ochran.

78 The .xij. daye Ahira the sonne of Enan chefe lorde amonge the childern of Nephtali offered.

79 And his gifte was: a sylueren charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: a sylueren boule of .lxx. sycles of the holye sycle both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:

80 and a golden spone of twentye sycles full of cens.

81 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges:

82 and an he goote for a synneofferinge:

83 and for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rames .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Ahira the sonne of Enan.

84 Of this maner was the dedicacyon of the alter when it was anoynted: vnto the whiche was broughte of the prynces of Israel .xij. chargers of syluer .xij. syluern boules and .xij spones of golde:

85 euery charger contaynynge an hundred and .xxx. sycles of syluer and euery boule .lxx. so that all the syluer of all the vessels was two thousande and .iiij. hundred sycles of the holy sycle.

86 And the .xij. golden spones which were full of cens contayned ten sycles a pece of the holy sycle: so that all the golde of the spones was an hundred and .xx. sycles.

87 All the oxen that were broughte for the burntoffrynges were .xij. and the rames .xij and the labes .xij. of a yere olde a pece with the meateofferynges: with he gootes for synneyr offrynges.

88 And all the oxe of the peaceofferynges were .xxiiij. the rammes .lx. the gootes .lx. and lambes of a yere olde a pece .lx. and this was the dedicacion of the alter after yt it was anoynted.

89 And when Moses was gone in to the tabernacle of witnesse to speke with hi he harde the voyce of one speakinge vnto him from of the mercy seate that was apon the arcke of witnesse: euen from betwene the two cherubyns he spake vnto him.

Chapter 8


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:

2 speake vnto Aaron and saye vnto hym: when thou puttest on the lampes se that they lighte all seuen apon the forefront of the candelsticke.

3 And Aaron dyd euen so and put the lampes apon the forefrot of the candelsticke as the Lorde commaunded Moses

4 and the worke of the candelsticke was of stiffe golde: both the shaft and the floures thereof. And accordinge vnto the visyon whiche the Lorde had shewed Moses euen so he made the candelsticke.

5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

6 take the leuites from amonge the childern of Israel and clense them.

7 And this doo vnto them when thou clensest them sprinckle water of purifyenge apon them and make a rasure to runne alonge apon all the fleshe of them and let them washe their clothes and then they shall be cleane.

8 And let them take a bollocke and his meatofferynge fyne floure myngled with oyle: and another bollocke shalt thou take to be a synneofferynge.

9 Than brynge the leuites before the tabernacle of witnesse and gather the hole multitude of the chyldern of Israel together.

10 And bringe the leuites before the Lorde and let the childern of Israel put their handes apon the leuites.

11 And let Aaron heue the leuites before the LORDE for an heueofferynge geuen of the childern of Israel ad the let them be appoynted to wayte apon the seruyce of the Lorde.

12 And let the leuites put their handes vpo the heedes of the bollockes and then offer them: the one for a synneofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde to make an attonement for the leuites.

13 And make the leuites stonde before Aaron and hys sonnes and heue them to be a heueofferynge vnto the Lorde.

14 And thou shalt separate the leuites from amonge the childern of Israel that they be myne:

15 and after that let them goo and do the seruice of the tabernacle of witnesse. Clense them and waue them

16 for they are geuen vnto me from amonge the childre of Israel: for I haue taken them vnto me for all ye firstborne that ope any matrice amoge the childern of Israel.

17 For all the fyrstborne among the childern of Israel are myne both man and beest: because the same tyme that I smote the fyrstborne in the lande of Egipte I sanctyfyde them for my selfe:

18 and I haue taken the Leuites for all the fyrstborne amonge the childern of Israel

19 and haue geuen them vnto Aaron and his sonnes from amonge the childern of Israel to doo the seruyce of the childern of Israel in the tabernacle of witnesse and to make an attonement for the chyldern of Israell that there be no plage amonge the childern of Ysraell yf they come nye vnto the sanctuary.

20 And Moses and Aaron and all the congregacion of the childern of Israel dyd vnto the leuites acordynge vnto all that ye Lorde commaunded Moses.

21 And the leuites purifyed them selues and wasshed their clothes. And Aaron waued them before ye Lorde and made an attonement for them to clense them.

22 And after that they went into doo their seruyce in the tabernacle of wytnesse before Aaron and his sonnes. And acordinge as the Lorde had commaunded Moses as concernynge the leuites euen so they dyd vnto them.

23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

24 this shalbe the maner of the leuites: from xxv. yere vppwarde they shall goo in to wayte vppon the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse

25 and at fyftye they shall ceasse waytynge apon the seruyce thereof and shall laboure no moare:

26 but shall ministre vnto their bretheren in the tabernacle of witnesse and there wayte but shall doo no moare seruyce. And se that thou doo after this maner vnto the leuites in their waytynge tymes.

Chapter 9


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the fyrste moneth of the seconde yere after they were come out of the londe of Egipte sayeng:

2 let ye childern of Israel offer Passeouer in his season:

3 euen the .xiiij. daye of this moneth at euen they shall kepe it in his season accordynge to all the ordinaunces and maners thereof.

4 And Moses bade the childern of Ysrael that they shulde offer Passeouer

5 and they offered Passeouer the .xiiij. daye of the first moneth at euen in the wildernesse of Sinai: and dyd acordinge to all that the Lorde commaunded Moses.

6 And it chaunced that certayne men whyche were defyled with a deed corse that they myghte not offer Passeouer the same daye came before Moses and Aaron the same daye

7 and sayde: we are defyled apon a deed corse wherfore are we kepte backe that we maye not offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde in the due season amonge the childern of Israell ?

8 And Moses sayde vnto them: tary that I maye heare what the Lorde wille commaunde you.

9 And the Lord spake vnto Moses sayenge:

10 speake vnto the childern of Israell and saye. Yf any man amonge you or youre childern after you be vncleane by the reason of a corse or is in the waye ferre of then lett hym offer Passeouer vnto ye Lorde:

11 the .xiiij daye of the seconde moneth at euen and eate it with swete bred and soure herbes

12 ad let them leaue none of it vnto the mornynge nor breake any boone of it. And acordynge to all the ordinaunce of the Passeouer let them offer it.

13 But yf a man be cleane and not let in a iurney and yet was negligent to offer Passeouer the same soule shall perish from his people because he brought not an offerynge vnto the Lorde in his due season: and he shall bere his synne.

14 And when a straunger dwelleth amonge you and will offer Passeouer vnto the Lorde accordynge to the ordinaunce of Passeouer and maner thereof shall he offre it. And ye shall haue one lawe both for the straunger and for him that was borne at home in the lande.

15 And the same daye that the habitacio was reered vpp a cloude couered it an hye apon the tabernacle of witnesse: and at euen there was apon the habitacyon as it were the symilitude of fyre vntyll the mornynge.

16 And so it was allwaye that the cloude couered it by daye and the symylitude of fyre by nyghte.

17 And when the cloude was taken vpp from of the tabernacle then the childern of Israel iurneyed: and where the cloude abode there the childern of Israel pitched their tentes.

18 At the mouthe of the Lorde the childern of Israell iurneyed and at the mouthe of the Lorde they pitched. And as longe as the cloude abode apon the habitacion they laye styll

19 and when the cloude taryed still apon the habitacion longe tyme the childern of Israell wayted apon the Lorde and iurneyed not.

20 Yf it chaunched that the cloude abode any space of tyme apon the habitacion then they kepte their tentes at the mouth of the Lorde: and they iurneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde.

21 And yf it happened that the cloude was apon the habitacion from euen vnto mornynge and was taken vpp in ye mornynge then they iurneyed. Whether it was by daye or by nyghte that ye cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed.

22 But when ye cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth or a longe season apon the habitacion as longe as it taried thereon the childern of Israel kepte their tentes and iurneyed not. And as soone as the cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed.

23 At the mouth of the Lorde they rested and at the commaundment of the Lorde they iurneyed. And thus they kepte the wayte of the Lorde at the commaundement of the Lorde by the hande of Moses.

Chapter 10


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 Make the two trompettes of harde syluer that thou mayst vse the to call the congregacion together and when the hoste shall iurney.

3 when they blowe with them all the multitude shall resorte to the vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

4 Yf but one trumpet blowe only then the princes which are heedes ouer the thousandes of Ysrael shall come vnto the.

5 And when ye trompe the first tyme the hostes that lye on the east partes shall goo forwarde.

6 And when ye trope the seconde tyme then the hostes that lye on ye south syde shall take their iurney: for they shall trompe when they take their iurneyes.

7 And in gatherynge the congregacion together ye shall blowe and not trompe.

8 And the sonnes of Aaron the preastes shall blowe the trompettes and shall haue them and it shalbe a lawe vnto you for euer and amonge youre childern after you.

9 And when ye shall goo to warre in youre londe agenst youre enymies that vexe you ye shall trompe with the trompettes and ye shalbe remebred before the Lorde youre God and saued from youre enymies.

10 Also when ye be mery in youre fest dayes and in the first dayes of youre monethes ye shall blowe the trompettes ouer youre burnt sacrifices and peaseofferynges that it maye be a remebrauce of you before youre God. I am the lorde youre God.

11 And it came to passe the .xx. daye of the seconde moneth in ye seconde yere that the cloude was take vpp from of the habitacion of witnesse.

12 And the childern of Israel toke their iurney out of the deserte of Sinai and the cloude rested in ye wildernesse of Para.

13 And ye first toke their iurney at the mouth of the Lorde by the honde of Moses:

14 euen the standerte of ye hoste of Iuda remoued first with their armies whose captayne was Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab.

15 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of zuar.

16 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Helon.

17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the sonnes of Gerson and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion

18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur.

19 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of ye childern of Simeon was Selumiel

20 the sonne of Deguel.

21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came.

22 Then the standert of the hoste of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elisama the sonne of Amiud.

23 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Manasse was Samaleel the sonne of Pedazur.

24 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Ben Iamin was Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni.

25 And hynmost of all the hoste came the standert of the hoste of the childern of Dan with their armies: whose captayne was Ahiezar the sonne of Ammi Sadai.

26 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Asser was Pagiel the sonne of Ochran.

27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali was Ahira the sonne of Enan

28 of this maner were the iurneyes of the childern of Israel with their armies when they remoued.

29 And Moses sayde vnto Hobab the sonne of Raguel the Madianyte Moses father lawe: we goo vnto the place of which the Lorde sayde I will geue it you. Goo with us ad we will doo the good for the Lorde hath promysed goode vnto Israel.

30 And he sayde vnto him: I will not: but will goo to myne awne londe and to my kynred.

31 And Moses sayde oh nay leaue us not for thou knowest where is best for us to pitche in the wildernesse: and thou shalt be oure eyes

32 And yf thou goo with us loke what goodnesse the Lorde sheweth apon us the same we will shewe apon the

33 And they departed from the mount of the Lorde .iij. dayes iurney and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iurney to serche out a restynge place for them.

34 And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by daye when they went out of the tentes.

35 And when the arcke went forth Moses sayde Ryse vp Lorde and lat thine enemies be scatered and let them that hate the flee before the.

36 And when the arcke rested he sayde returne Lorde vnto the many thousandes of Ysrael.

Chapter 11


1 And the people waxed vnpacient vnd it displeased the eares of the Lorde. And when the Lorde herde it he was wroth and the fyre of the Lorde burnt amonge them and consumed the vtter most of the hoste.

2 And the people cried vnto Moses and he made intercession vnto the Lorde and the fyre qwenched.

3 And they called ye name of the place Tabera because the fyre of the Lorde burnt amonge them.

4 And the rascall people that was amonge them fell a lustynge And the childern of Ysrael also went to and wepte and sayde: who shall geue us flesh to eate?

5 we remembre the fysh which we shulde eate in Egipte for noughte and of the Cucumbers and melouns lekes onyouns and garleke.

6 But now oure soules ar dryed a waye for oure eyes loke on nothynge els saue apon Manna.

7 The Manna was as it had bene coriander seed and to see to lyke Bedellion.

8 And ye people went aboute and gathered it and groude it in milles or bett it in morters and boke it in pannes and made cakes of it. And the rast of it was like vnto the rast of an oylecake

9 And when the dewe fell aboute ye hoste in the nyghte the Manna fell therewithe.

10 And when Moses herde the people wepe in their housholdes euery man in the dore of his tent then the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote excedyngly: and it greued Moses also.

11 And Moses sayde vnto the Lorde: wherfore dealest thou so cruelly with thi seruaunte ? wherfore doo I not fynde fauoure in thi syghte seynge that thou puttest the weyght of this people apon me?

12 haue I conceyued all this people or haue I begote them that thou shuldest saye vnto me carye them in thi bosome (as a nurse beareth the suckynge childe) vnto the londe which thou swarest vnto their fathers ?

13 where shulde I haue flesh to geue vnto all this people? for they wepe vnto me sayenge: geue us flesh that we maye eate.

14 I am not able to bere all this people alone for it is to heuy for me.

15 Wherfore yf thou deale thus with me kyll me I praye the yf I haue founde fauoure in thi syght and let me not se my wrechidnesse.

16 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: gather vnto me .lxx. of the elders of Ysrael which thou knowest that they are the elders of ye peple and officers ouer them and brynge them vnto the tabernacle of witnesse and let them stonde there with the.

17 And I wyll come doune and talke with the there and take of yt spirite which is apon the and put apon them ad they shall bere with the in the burthen of the people and so shalt thou not beare alone.

18 And saye vnto ye people: halowe youre selues agenst to morow that ye maye eate flesh for ye haue whyned in the eares of the Lorde saynge: who shall geue vs flesh to eate for we were happie when we were in Egipte? therfore the Lorde will geue you flesh and ye shall eate:

19 Ye shall not eate one daye only ether .ij. or .v. dayes ether .x. or .xx. dayes:

20 but euen a moneth longe ad vntill it come out at the nostrels of you that ye be ready to perbrake: because that ye haue cast ye Lorde a syde which is amonge you and haue wepte before him saynge: why came we out of Egipte.

21 And Moses sayde: sixe hundred thousande fotemen are there of the people amonge which I am. And thou hast sayde: I will geue them flesh and they shall eate a moneth loge

22 Shall the shepe ad the oxen be slayne for them to fynde them ether shall all the fysh of the see be gathered together to serue them?

23 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: is the lordes hande waxed shorte? Thou shalt se whether my worde shall come to passe vnto the or not.

24 And moses went out and tolde the people the sayenge of the Lorde and gathered the lxx. elders of the people and sett them rounde aboute the tabernacle.

25 And the Lorde came doune in a cloude and spake vnto him ad toke of the sprete that was apon him ad put it apon the .lxx. elders. And as the spirite rested apon them they prophecied and did nought els.

26 But there remayned .ij. of ye me in the hoste: the one called Eldad ad the other Medad. And the spirite rested apon them for they were of them that were written but they wet not out vnto the tabernacle: and they prophecied in the hoste.

27 And there ran a younge man and tolde Moses and sayed: Eldad ad Medad do prophecye in the hoste.

28 And Iosua the sonne of Nu the seruaunte of Moses which he had chosen out answered and sayed: master Moses forbyd them.

29 And Moses sayed vnto him: enuyest thou for my sake? wolde God that all the Lordes people coude prophecye and that the Lorde wolde put his spirite apon them.

30 And then both Moses and the elders of Israel gat them in to the hoste.

31 And there went forth a wynde fro ye lorde and brought quayles from the see and let them fall aboute the hoste euen a dayes iurney rounde aboute on euery syde of the hoste and .ij. cubetes hye apon the erth.

32 And the people stode vpp all that nyghte and on the morowe ad gathered quayles. And he that gathered the lest gathered .x. homers full. And they kylled them rounde aboute the hoste

33 And whyle the flesh was yet betwene their teeth yet it was chewed vpp the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote apon the people and the Lorde slewe of the people an exceadynge myghtie slaughter.

34 And they called the name of the place the graues of lust: because they buried the people that lusted there.

35 And the people toke their iurney from the graues of lust vnto hazeroth and bode at ha eroth.

Chapter 12


1 And Mir Iam and Aaron spake agest Moses because of his wife of inde which he had taken: for he had taken to wyfe one of India.

2 And they sayed: doth ye Lorde speake oly thorow Moses? doth he not speake also by us? And the Lorde herde it.

3 But Moses was a very meke man aboue all the men of the erthe.

4 And ye Lorde spake attonce vnto Moses vnto Aaron and Mir Iam: come out ye .iij. vnto the tabernacle of witnesse: and they came out all thre.

5 And the Lorde came doune in the piler of the cloude and stode in the dore of the tabernacle and called Aaron ad Mir Iam. And they went out both of them.

6 And he sayed: heare my wordes. Yf there be a prophet of the Lordes amonge you I will shewe my selfe vnto him in a vision and will speake vnto him in a dreame:

7 But my servaunte Moses is not so which is faythfull in all myne housse.

8 Vnto him I speake mouth to mouth and he seeth the syght and the facyon of the Lorde ad not thorow rydels. Wherfore the were ye not afrayed to speake agenst my servaunte Moses?

9 And the Lorde was angrye with them and went his waye

10 and the cloude departed from of the tabernacle. And beholde MyrIam was become leprous as it were snowe And when Aaron looked apon Mir Iam and sawe that she was leprous

11 he sayed vnto Moses: Oh I beseche the my lorde put not the synne apon vs which we haue folishly commytted and synned.

12 Oh let her not be as one that came deed oute of his mothers wombe: for halfe hyr fleshe is eaten awaye.

13 And Moses cryed vnto the Lorde sayenge: Oh god heale her.

14 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Yf hir father had spitte in hyr face sholde she not be ashamed .vij. dayes? let her be shut out of the hoste .vij. dayes and after that let her be receyued in agayne.

15 And Mir Iam was shett out of the hoste .vij. dayes: ad the people remoued not till she was broughte in agayne.

16 And afterwarde they remoued from Hazeroth and pitched in ye wildernesse of Pharan.

Chapter 13


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 Sende men out to serche the londe of Canaan which I geue vnto the childern of Israel: of euery trybe of their fathers a man and let them all be soche as are melars amonge them.

3 And Moses at the commaundement of the Lorde sent forth out of the wildernesse of Pharan: soche men as were all herdes amonge the childern of Israel whose names are these.

4 In the trybe of Ruben Sammua ye sonne of Zacur:

5 In the trybe of Symeon Saphat the sonne of Hori.

6 In the trybe of Iuda Caleph the sonne of Iephune.

7 In the trybe of Isachar Igeal the sonne of Ioseph.

8 In the trybe of Ephraim Hosea the sonne of Nun.

9 In the trybe of Ben Iamin Paltithe sonne of Raphu.

10 In the trybe of Zabulon Gadiel the sonne of Sodi.

11 In the trybe of Ioseph: In the trybe of Manasse Gaddi the sonne of Susi.

12 In the trybe of Dan Amiel the sonne of Gemali.

13 In the trybe of Asser Sethur the sonne of Micheel.

14 In the trybe of Nephtali Nahebi the sonne of Vaphsi.

15 In the trybe of Gad Guel the sonne of Machi.

16 These are the names of the men whiche Moses sent to spie out the londe. And Moses called the name of Hosea the sonne of Nun Iosua.

17 And Moses sent them forth to spie out the lande of Canaan and sayed vnto them: get you southwarde and goo vpp in to the hye contre

18 and see the londe what maner thynge it is ad the people that dwelleth therein: whether they be stronge or weke ether fewe or many

19 and what the londe is that they dwell in whether it be good or bad and what maner of cities they dwell in: whether they dwell in tentes or walled townes

20 ad what maner of londe it is: whether it be fatt or leane and whether there be trees therein or not. And be of a good corage and brynge of the frutes of the londe. And it was aboute the tyme that grapes are first rype.

21 And they went vp and serched out the lande from the wildernesse of Zin vnto Rehob as men goo to Hemath

22 and they ascended vnto the south and came vnto Hebron where Ahiman was and Sesai and Thalmani the sonnes of Enacke. Hebron was bylt .vij. yere before Zoan in Egipte.

23 And they came vnto the ryuer of Escol and they cutt doune there a braunch with one clouster of grapes and bare it apo a staffe betwene twayne and also of the pomgranates and of the fygges of the place.

24 The ryuer was called Escol because of the clouster of grapes whiche the childern of Israel cutt doune there.

25 And they turned backe agayne from serchinge the londe at .xl. dayes ende.

26 And thei went and came to Moses and Aaron and vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel vnto the wildernesse of Pharan: euen vnto Cades and brougthe them worde and also vnto all the congregacion and shewed them the frute of the lande.

27 And they tolde him sayenge: we came vnto the londe wether thou sendedst vs and surely it is a lode that floweth with milke and honye and here is of the frute of it

28 Neuerthelesse the people be stronge yt dwell in the londe and the cities are walled and exceadinge greate and moreouer we sawe the childre of Enack there.

29 The amaleckes dwel in the south cuntre and the Hethires Iebusites and the Amorites dwell in the moutaynes and the Cananites dwell by the see ad alonge by the coste of Iordayne.

30 And Caleb stylled the murmure of the people agenst Moses sayenge: let vs goo vp and conquere it for we be able to ouercome it.

31 But the men that went vpp with him sayde: We be not able to goo vpp agenst the people for they are stronger then we:

32 And they broughte vpp an euell reporte of the londe which they had serched vnto the childern of Israel sayenge. The londe which we haue gone thorowe to serche it out is a londe that careth vpp the inhabiters thereof and the people that we sawe in it are men of stature.

33 And there we sawe also geantes the childre of Enack which are of the geautes. And we semed in oure syght as it were greshoppers and so we dyd in their sighte.

Chapter 14


1 And all the multitude cryed out and the people wepte thorow out that nyght

2 and all the childern of Ysrael murmured agenst Moses and Aaron. And the hole congregacion sayed vnto them: wolde god that we had dyed in the lond of Egipte ether we wolde that we had dyed in thys wildernesse.

3 Wherfore hath the Lorde broughte vs vnto this londe to fall apon the swerde that both oure wyues and also oure childre shulde be a praye? is it not better that we returne vnto Egipte agayne?

4 And they sayde one to another: let vs make a captayne and returne vnto Egipte agayne.

5 And Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the congregacion of the multitude of the childern of Israel.

6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephune which were of them that serched the londe rent their clothes

7 and spake vnto all the companye of the childern of Ysrael saynge: The londe which we walked thorowe to serche it is a very good lande.

8 Yf the Lorde haue lust to vs he will bringe vs in to this londe and geue it vs which is a lond yt floweth with mylke and hony.

9 But in any wise rebell not agenst the Lorde Moreouer feare ye not the people of the londe for they are but bred for vs. Their shylde is departed from them and the Lorde is with vs: feare them not therfore.

10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glorie of the Lorde appered in the tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the childern of Israel.

11 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Howe longe shall thys people rayle apon me and how longe will it be yet they beleue me for all my signes whiche I haue shewed amonge them ?

12 I will smyte them with the pestilence and destroy the and will make of the a greatter nacion and a mightier then they.

13 And Moses sayed vnto the Lorde: then the Egiptians shall heare it for thou broughtest this people with thy mighte from amonge them.

14 And it wilbe tolde to the inhabiters of this lande also for they haue herde likewise that thou the Lorde art amoge this people ad yt thou art sene face to face and yt thy cloude stondeth ouer them and that thou goest before them by daye tyme in a piler of a cloude and in a piler of fyre by nyght.

15 Yf thou shalt kill all this people as thei were but one ma then the nacions which haue herde the fame of the will speake sayenge:

16 because ye Lorde was not able to bringe in this people in to ye londe which he swore vnto them therfore he slewe them in the wildernesse.

17 So now lat the power of my Lord be greate acordynge as thou hast spoken sayenge:

18 the Lorde is longe yet he be angrye ad full of mercy and suffereth synne and trespace and leaueth no man innocent and visiteth the vnryghtuousnesse of the fathers vppon ye childern eue vpo yt thirde and fourth generacion.

19 be mercyfull I beseche ye therfore vnto ye synne of this people acordinge vnto thi greate mercy and acordinge as thou hast forgeue this people from Egipte euen vnto this place.

20 And the Lorde sayed: I haue forgeue it acordynge to thy request.

21 But as trulye as I lyue all the erth shalbe fylled with my glorye.

22 For of all those me whiche haue sene my glorye and my miracles which I dyd in Egipte and in ye wildernesse and yet haue tempted me now this .x. tymes and haue not herkened vnto my voyce

23 there shall not one se the lond whiche I sware vnto their fathers nether shall any of the that rayled apo me se it.

24 But my servaute Caleb. because there is another maner sprite with hi and because he hath folowed me vnto the vttmost: him I will bringe in to the lond which he hath walked in and his seed shall conquere it

25 and also the Amalechites ad Cananites which dwell in the lowe contrees Tomorowe turne you and gete you in to the wildernesse; euen the waye towarde the red see.

26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses ad Aaron sayenge

27 how longe shall this euell multitude murmure agenst me?

28 I haue herde ye murmurynges of ye childern of Ysrael whyche they murmure agenste me. Tell them yt the Lorde sayeth. As truely as I lyue I wil do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares.

29 Youre carkasses shall lye in this wildernesse nether shall any of these numbres which were numbred from .xx. yere and aboue of you which haue murmured agenst me

30 come in to the londe ouer which I lifted mynehande to make you dwell therein saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun.

31 And youre childern whiche ye sayed shuld be a praye the I will bringe in and they shall knowe the londe which ye haue refused

32 and youre carkesses shall lye in this wildernesse

33 And youre childern shall wadre in this wildernesse .xl. yeres and suffre for youre whoredome vntill your carkasses be wasted in the wildernesse

34 after the numbre of the dayes in which ye serched out yt londe .xl. dayes and euery daye a yere: so that they shall bere your vnrightuousnes .xl. yere and ye shall fele my vengeaunce

35 I the Lorde haue sayed yt I will do it vnto all this euell congregacion yt are gathered together agenst me: euen in thys wildernesse ye shalbe consumed and here ye shall dye.

36 And the men which Moses sent to serche the londe and which (when they came agayne) made all the people to murmure agenst it in that they broughte vpp a slaunder apon ye londe:

37 dyed for their bryngenge vp that euell slaunder apon it and were plaged before the Lorde.

38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephune which were of ye me that went to serche the londe lyued still.

39 And Moses tolde these sayenges vnto all the childern of Ysrael and the people toke great sorowe.

40 And they rose vp yerlee in the mornynge and gatt them vpp in to the toppe of the mountayne sayenge: lo we be here ad will goo vpp vnto the place of which the Lorde sayed for we haue synned.

41 And Moses sayed: wherfore will ye goo on this maner beyonde the worde of the Lorde? it will not come well to passe

42 goo not vpp for the Lorde is not amonge you that ye be not slayne before youre enemyes.

43 For the Amalechytes and the Cananites are there before you and ye will fall apon the swerde: because ye are turned a waye from ye Lorde and therfore the Lorde wyll not be with you.

44 But they were blynded to goo vpp in to ye hylltoppe: Neuer the lather the arke of the testament of the Lorde and Moses departed not out of the hoste.

45 Then the Amalekytes ad the Cananites which dwelt in that hill came doune and smote them and hewed the: euen vnto Horma.

Chapter 15


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayege:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye be come into ye londe of youre habitacion which I geue vnto you

3 and will offre an offerynge apon the fyre vnto the Lorde whether it be a burntofferynge or a speciall vowe or frewill offerynge or yf it be in youre principall festes to make a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde of the oxen or of the flocke.

4 Then let him that offereth his offerynge vnto the Lorde brynge also a meatofferynge of a tenth deale of floure myngled with the fourth parte of an hin of oyle

5 and the fourth parte of an hin of wine for a drynkofferynge and offer with ye burntofferynge or any other offerynge when it is a lambe.

6 And vnto a ra thou shalt offer a meatofferynge of .ij. tenth deales of floure myngled with ye thyrde parte of an hin of oyle

7 and to a drynkofferynge thou shalt offer the thyrde parte of an hin of wyne to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

8 When thou offerist an oxe to a burntofferynge or in any speciall vowe or peaseofferinge vnto the Lorde

9 then thou shalt brynge vnto an oxe a meateofferynge of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle.

10 And thou shalt brynge for a drynkofferynge halfe an hin of wyne that is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

11 This is the maner that shalbe done vnto one oxe one ram a lambe or a kyd.

12 And acordynge to the numbre of soche offerynges thou shalt encrease ye meateofferynges and the drynkofferynges

13 All that are of youre selues shall do these thinges after this maner when he offereth an offerynge of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde

14 And yf there be a straunger with you or be amonge you in youre generacions and will offer an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto ye Lorde: euen as ye do so he shall doo.

15 One ordynaunce shall serue both for you of the congregacion and also for the straunger. And it shalbe an ordynaunce for euer amonge youre childern after you that the straunger and ye shalbe lyke before the Lorde.

16 One lawe and one maner shall serue both for you and for ye straunger that dwelleth with you.

17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

18 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye vnto them: When ye be come into the londe whether I will brynge you

19 then whe ye will eate of the bred of the londe ye shall geue an heue offerynge vnto the Lorde.

20 Ye shall geue a cake of the first of youre dowe vnto an heueofferynge: as ye do the heue offerynge of the barne euen so ye shall heue it.

21 Of the first of youre dowe ye must geue vnto the Lorde an heue offerynge thorow out youre generacions.

22 Yf ye ouerse youre selues and obserue not all these commaundmetes which the Lorde hath spoken vnto Moses

23 and all that the Lorde hath commaunded you by ye hade of Moses from the first daye forwarde that the Lorde commaunded amonge youre generacion:

24 when oughte is commytted ignorantly before the eyes of the congregacion then all the multitude shall offer a calfe for a burntofferynge to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde and the meatofferynge and the drynkofferynge there to acordynge to the maner: and an he goote for a synofferynge.

25 And the preast shall make an atonement for all the multitude of ye childern of Israel ad it shalbe forgeuen the for it was ignoraunce. And they shall brynge their giftes vnto the offerynge of the Lorde and their synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce.

26 And it shalbe forgeuen vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel and vnto the straunger that dwelleth amoge you: for the ignorauncye perteyneth vnto all the people.

27 Yf any one soule synne thorow ignoraunce he shall brynge a she goote of a yere olde for a synofferynge.

28 And the preast shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly with the synofferynge before the Lorde and reconsyle him and it shalbe forgeuen him.

29 And both thou that art borne one of the childern of Israel and the straunger that dwelleth amonge you shall haue both one lawe yf ye synne thorow ignorauncye.

30 And the soule that doth ought presumptuously whether he be an Israelite or a strauger the same hath despysed the Lorde. And that soule shalbe destroyed from amonge his people

31 because he hath despised the worde of the Lorde and hath broke his comaudmentes yt soule therfore shall perysh ad his synne shalbe apon him.

32 And whyle the childern of Ysrael were in the wildernesse they founde a man gatherynge stickes vppon the Sabath daye.

33 And they yt founde him gatherynge stickes broughte him vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all ye congregacion:

34 ad they put him in warde for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him.

35 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: ye ma shall dye. let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoste.

36 And all ye multitude broughte him without the hoste ad stoned him with stones and he dyed as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

37 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

38 speake vnto the childern of Ysrael and byd them that they make them gardes apon the quarters of their garmetes thorow out their generacions ad let them make the gardes of ribandes of Iacyncte

39 And the garde shall be vnto you to loke apon it that ye remembre all the commaundmentes of the Lorde and doo them that ye seke not a maye after youre awne hertes and after youre awne eyes for to god a whooringe after them:

40 but that ye remembre and doo all my commaundmentes and be holy vnto youre God for

41 I am ye Lorde youre God which broughte you out of ye londe of Egipte to be youre God. I am the Lorde God.

Chapter 16


1 And Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Cahath the sonne of Leui: and Dathan and Abiram the sonne of Eliab and On the sonne of Peleth the sonne of Ruben:

2 stode vpp before Moses with other of the childern of Israel .ij. hundred and fyftie heedes of the congregacion and councelers and men of fame

3 and they gathered the selues together agenst Moses and Aaron and sayed vnto them: ye haue done ynough. For all the multitude are holy euery one of them and the Lorde is amonge them. Why therfore heue ye youre selues vpp aboue the congregacion of the Lorde.

4 When Moses herde it he fell apon his face

5 and spake vnto Corah and vnto all his companye sayenge: tomorow the Lorde will shewe who is his and who is holy and will take them vnto him and whom so euer he hath chosen he will cause to come to him.

6 This doo: take fyrepannes thou Corah and all the companye

7 and do fyre therein ad put ces thereto before the Lorde tomorowe: And then whom soeuer the Lorde doeth chose the same is holy. Ye make ynough to doo ye childern of Leui.

8 And Moses sayed vnto Corah: heare ye childern of leui

9 Semeth it but a small thynge vnto you that ye God of Israel hath separated you fro the multitude of Israel to brynge you to him to doo the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the Lorde and to stonde before the people to minystre vnto them?

10 he hath taken the to him and all thi brethern the sonnes of leui with the and ye seke the office of ye preast also.

11 For which cause both thou and all thi companye are gathered together agenst the Lorde: for what is Aaron that ye shulde murmure agenst him.

12 And Moses sent to call Dathan ad Abiram the sonnes of Eliab and they answered: we will not come.

13 Semeth it a small thynge vnto the that thou hast broughte us out of a londe that floweth with mylke and honye to kyll us in ye wildernesse. But that thou shuldest reygne ouer us also?

14 More ouer thou hast broughte us vnto no londe that floweth with mylke and honye nether hast geuen us possessions of feldes or of vynes. Ether wilt thou pull out the eyes of these men? we wyll not come.

15 And Moses waxed very angrye and sayed vnto the Lorde: Turne not vnto their offerynges. I haue not taken so moch as an asse from them nether haue vexed any of them.

16 Then Moses sayed vnto Corah: Be thou ad all thy companye before the Lorde: both thou they and Aaron to morowe.

17 And take euery man his censer and put cens in them and come before the Lorde euery man with hys censer: two hundred and fyftie censers and Aaron with his censer.

18 And they toke euery man his censer and put fyre in them and layed cens thereon and stode in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and Moses and Aaron also.

19 And Corah gathered all the congregacyon agenst them vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.And the glorye of the Lorde appered vnto all the congregacion.

20 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:

21 separate youre selues from this congregacion that I maye consume them at once.

22 And they fell apon their faces and sayed: O most myghtie God of the spirites of all fleshe one ma hath synned and wilt thou be wroth with all the multitude?

23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

24 speake vnto the congregacion and saye: Gett you awaye from aboute the dwellynge of Corah Dathan and Abiram.

25 And Moses rose vpp and went vnto Dathan and Abira and the elders of Israel folowed him.

26 And he spake vnto the congregacyon sayenge: departe from the tentes of these weked men and twyche nothinge of theres: lest ye peryshe in all there synnes.

27 And they gate them from the dwellynge of Corah Dathan and Abiram on euery syde. And Dathan and Abiram came out and stode in ye dore of there tetes with their wyues their sonnes and their childern.

28 And Moses sayed: Hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sent me to doo all these workes and that I haue not done them of myne awne mynde:

29 Yf these men dye the comon deth of all men or yf they be visyted after the visitacion of all men then the Lorde hath not sent me.

30 But and yf the Lorde make a newe thinge and the erth open hir mouthe and swalowe them and all that pertayne vnto them so that they goo doune quycke in to hell: then ye shall vnderstod that these me haue rayled apon the Lorde.

31 And as soone as he had made an ende of speakynge all these wordes the grounde cloue asunder that was vnder them

32 and ye erth opened hir mouthe and swalowed them and their housses and all the me that were with Corah and all their goodes.

33 And they and all that pertayned vnto them went doune alyue vnto hell and the erthe closed apon them and they peryshed from amonge the congregacyon.

34 And all Israel that were aboute them fledde at the crye of them. For they sayed: The erthe myghte happelye swalowe vs also.

35 And there came oute a fyre from the Lorde and consumed the two hundred and fyftye men that offred cens.

36 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

37 Speake vnto Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preaste and let him take vppe the censers oute of the burnynge and scater the fyre here and there for

38 the censers of these synners are halowed in theyr deethes: and let them be beten in to thyne places and fastened apon the altare. For they offred the before the Lorde and therfore they are holye and they shalbe a sygne vnto the childern of Israel.

39 And Eleazar the preast toke the brasen censers which they that were burnt had offered and bet them and fastened them vppon the altare

40 to be a remembraunce vnto the childern of Israel that no straunger whiche is not of the seed of Aaron come nere to offer cens before the Lorde that he be not made like vnto Corah and his companye: as the Lorde sayed vnto him by the hande of Moses.

41 And on the morowe all the multitude of the childern of Israell murmured agenste Moses and Aaron sayenge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.

42 And when the multitude was gathered agenste Moses and Aaron they loked towarde the tabernacle of witnesse. And beholde the cloude had couered it and the glorye of the Lorde appeared.

43 And Moses and Aaron went before the tabernacle of witnesse.

44 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

45 Gett you from this congregacyon that I maye consume them quyckelye. And they fell apon theyr faces.

46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: take a censer and put fyre therein out of the alter and poure on cens and goo quyckly vnto the cogregacion and make an attonement for the. For there is wrath gone oute from the Lorde and there is a plage begone.

47 And Aaron toke as Moses commaunded him and ran vnto the congregacion: and beholde the plage was begone amonge the people and he put on cens and made an attonement for the people.

48 And he stode betwene the deed and them that were alyue and the plage ceased.

49 And the numbre of them that dyed in the plage were .xiiij. thousande and seuen hundred: besyde them that dyed aboute the busynes of Corah.

50 And Aaron went agayne vnto Moses vnto the dore off the tabernacle of witnesse and the plage ceased.

Chapter 17


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 speake vnto the childern of Israel and take of them for euery pryncypall housse a rod of their princes ouer the housses of their fathers: euen .xij. roddes and wryte euery mans name apon his rod.

3 And wryte Aarons name apon the staffe of Leui: for euery heedman ouer the housses of their fathers shall haue a rod.

4 And put the in the tabernacle of witnesse where I wyll mete you.

5 And his rod whom I chose shall blossome: So I wyll make cease from me the grudgynges of the childern of Israel which they grudge agenst you.

6 And Moses spake vnto the childern off Israel and all the prynces gaue him for euery prynce ouer their fathers housses a rod: euen .xij. roddes and the rod of Aaron was amonge the rodes.

7 And Moses put ye roddes before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse.

8 And on the morowe Moses went in to the tabernacle: and beholde the rod of Aaron of the housse of Leui was budded and bare blosomes and almondes.

9 And Moses broughte out all the staues from before the Lorde vnto all the childern of Israel and thei loked apon them and toke euery man his staffe.

10 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: brynge Aarons rod agayne before the witnesse to be kepte for a token vnto the childern of rebellyon that their murmurynges maye ceasse fro me that they dye not.

11 And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded him.

12 And the childern of Israel spake vnto Moses sayenge: beholde we are destroyed and all come to nought:

13 for whosoeuer cometh nye the dwellynge of the Lord dyeth. Shall we vtterly consume awaye?

Chapter 18


1 And the Lorde sayed vnto Aaron: Thou and thy sonnes and thy fathers housse with the shall bere the faute of that whiche is done amysse in the holy place. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall beare the faute of that whiche is done amysse in youre preasthode.

2 And thy brethern also ye tribe of leui ye trybe of thy father take with the and let them be yoyned vnto the and ministre vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall ministre before the tabernacle of witnesse.

3 And let them wayte apon the and apon all the tabernacle: only let them not come nye the holy vessels and the alter that both they ad ye also dye not.

4 And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of witnesse and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle and let no straunger come nye vnto you.

5 Wayte therfore apon the holye place and apon the alter yt there fall no moare wrath apon the childern of Israel:

6 beholde I haue taken youre brethern the leuites from amonge childern of Israel to be youres as giftes geuen vnto the Lorde to doo the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnesse.

7 And se that both thou and thy sonnes with the take hede vnto youre preastes office in all thinges that pertayne vnto the alter and within the vayle. And se that ye serue for I haue geue youre preastes office vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce: and the straunger that cometh nye shall dye.

8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: beholde I haue geuen the the kepynge of myne heueofferynges in all the halowed thynges of the childern of Israel. And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge ad to thy sonnes: to be a dutye for euer.

9 This shall be thyne of most holy sacrifyces: All their giftes thorow out all their meatofferynges synneoffrynges and trespaceoffrynges whiche they bringe vnto me: They shalbe most holy vnto the ad vnto thy sonnes.

10 And ye shall eate it in the most holye place: all that are males shall eate of it: for it shalbe holye vnto the.

11 And this shalbe thyne: the heueofferynge of their giftes thorow out all the waueofferynges of the childern of Israel for I haue geuen them vnto the and thy sonnes and thy doughters with the to be a dutye for euer: and all that are cleane in thy house shall eate of it

12 all the fatt of the oyle of the wyne and of the corne: their firstfrutes which they geue vnto the Lorde that haue I geuen vnto the.

13 The first frutes of all that is in their londes whiche they brynge vnto the Lorde shalbe thyne: and all that are cleane in thyne housse shall eate off it.

14 All dedicate thinges in Israel shalbe thine.

15 All that breaketh the matrice of all flesh that men bringe vnto the Lorde bothe of man and beest shalbe thyne. Neuerthelater the firstborne of man shalbe redemed and the firstborne of vncleane beestes shalbe redemed.

16 And their redemptions shalbe at a moneth olde valowed at .v. sycles of syluer of the holy sycle. A sycle maketh twentye Geras.

17 But the firstborne of oxen shepe and gootes shall not be redemed. For they are holy and thou shalt sprinkle their bloud apon the alter and shalt burne their fatt to be a sacrifyce of a swete sauoure vnte the Lorde.

18 And the flesh of them shalbe thyne as the waue brest and all the right shulder is thyne.

19 All the holy heueofferynges whiche the childern of Israel heue vnto ye Lorde I geue the and thy sonnes and thi doughters with the to be a dutye for euer. And it shalbe a salted couenaunte for euer before the Lorde: vnto the and to thy seed with the.

20 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: thou shalt haue none enheritaunce in their lande nor parte amonge them. For I am thy parte and thy enheritaunce among the childern of Israel.

21 And beholde I haue geuen the childern of Leui the tenth in Israel to enherite for the seruyce whiche they serue in the tabernacle of witnesse

22 that the childre of Israel henceforth come not nye the tabernacle of witnesse and beare synne and dye.

23 And the leuites shall do the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse and beare their synne and it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you: But amonge the childern of Israel they shall enheret none enheritaunce.

24 For the tithes of the childern of Israel whiche they heve vnto the Lorde I haue geuen the Leuites to enherett. Wherfore I haue sayed vnto them: Amonge the chyldern off Israell ye shall enherett none enheritaunce.

25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

26 speake vnto the leuites and saye vnto the: when ye take of the childern of Israel the tithes whiche I haue geuen you of them to youre enheritaunce ye shall take an heueoffrynge of that same for the Lorde: euen the tenth of that tythe.

27 And it shalbe rekened vnto you for youre heueofferynge euen as though ye gaue corne out of the barne or a fullofferynge from the wyne presse.

28 And of this maner ye shall heue an heueofferynge vnto ye Lorde of all youre tithes which ye receaue of the childern of Israel and ye shall geue there of the Lordes heueofferinge vnto Aaron the preast

29 Of all youre giftes ye shall take out the Lordes heue offerynge: euen the fatt of all their halowed thynges.

30 And thou shalt saye vnto them: when ye haue take a waye the fatt of it from it it shalbe counted vnto the leuites as ye encrease of corne and wyne

31 And ye shall eate it in all places both ye and youre housholdes for it is youre rewarde for youre seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse.

32 And ye shall beare no synne by ye reason of it when ye haue taken from it the fatt of it: nether shall ye vnhalowe ye halowed thynges of the childern of Israel and so shall ye not dye.

Chapter 19


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge:

2 this is the ordynaunce of the lawe which ye Lorde comaudeth sayenge: speake vnto ye childern of Israel and let them take the a redd cowe with out spot wherein is no blemysh and which neuer bare yocke apo her.

3 And ye shall geue her vnto Eleazer the preast and he shall brynge her with out the hoste and cause her to be slayne before him.

4 And Eleazar ye preast shall take of hir bloude vppon his fynger and sprynkle it streght towarde the tabernacle of witnesse .vij. tymes

5 And he shall cause the cowe to be burnt in his syghte: both skyn flesh and bloude with the douge also.

6 And let the preast take cipresse wodd and Isope and purple cloth and cast it apon the cowe as she burneth.

7 And let the preast wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water and then come in to the hoste and ye preast shalbe vncleane vnto the euen.

8 And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water and bathe his flesh also in water ad be vncleane vntill euen.

9 And one that is cleane shall goo and take vpp the asshes of the cowe and put them without the hoste in a cleane place where they shall be kepte to make sprynklynge water for the multitude of the childern of Israel: for it is a synofferynge

10 And let him that gathereth the asshes of the cowe wash his clothes and remayne vncleane vntill euen. And this shalbe vnto the childern of Israel ad vnto the straunger yt dwelleth amonge them a maner for euer.

11 Be that twycheth any deed persone shalbe vncleane .vij. dayes.

12 And he shall purifye him selfe with the asshes the thyrde daye ad then he shalbe cleane the seuenth daye. And yf the purifye not himselfe the thyrde daye the the seuenth daye he shall not be cleane.

13 Who soeuer twicheth any persone yt dyeth and sprynkleth not him selfe defyleth the dwellynge of the Lorde: ad therfore that soule shalbe roted out of Israel because he hath not sprynkled the sprynklynge water vppon him. he shalbe vncleane and his vnclennesse shall remayne vppon him.

14 This is the lawe of the man that dyeth in in a tent: all that come in to the tent and all yt is in the tent shalbe vncleane .vij dayes.

15 And all the vessels that be ope which haue no lyd nor couerynge apon them are vncleane.

16 And who soeuer twicheth one that is slayne with a swerde in the feldes or a deed persone or a bone of a deed man or a graue: shall be vncleane .vij. dayes.

17 And they shall take for an vncleane persone of the burnt asshes of the synofferynge and put runnynge water thereto in to a vessell.

18 And a cleane persone shall take Isope and dyppe it in the water and sprynkle it apon ye tent and apon all the vessells and on the soules that were there and apon him that twyched a bone or a slayne persone or a deed body or a graue.

19 And the cleane persone shall sprynkle apon the vncleane the thyrde daye and the seuenth daye. And the seuenth daye he shall purifie him selfe and wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and shalbe cleane at euen.

20 Yf any be vncleane and sprynkle not him selfe the same soule shalbe destroyed fro amoge the congregacion: for he hath defyled the holy place of the Lorde. And he that sprynkleth ye sprynklynge water shall wassh his clothes.

21 And he that twicheth the sprynklynge water shalbe vncleane vntill eue.

22 And what soeuer ye vncleane persone twicheth shalbe vncleane. And the soule that twicheth it shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.

Chapter 20


1 And the whole multitude of ye childern of Israel came in to the deserte of Sin in the first moneth and the people dwelt at cades. And there dyed Mir Iam and was buried there.

2 More ouer there was no water for the multitude wherfore they gathered the selues together agest Moses and agest Aaron.

3 And the people chode with Moses and spake sayenge: wold God that we had perysshed when oure brethern perysshed before ye Lorde.

4 Why haue ye brought the congregacion of the Lorde vnto this wildernesse that both we and oure catell shulde dye here?

5 Wherfore brought ye us out of Egipte to brynge us into this vngracious place which is no place of seed nor of fygges nor vynes nor of pomgranates nether is there any water to drynke?

6 And Moses and Aaron went from the congregacion vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and fell apon their faces. And ye glorye of the Lorde appered vnto them.

7 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

8 take ye staffe and gather thou and thi brother Aaro the congregacion together and saye vnto the rocke before their eyes that he geue forth his water. And thou shalt brynge the water out of the rocke and shalt geue the company drynke and their beesse also.

9 And Moses toke the staffe from before ye Lorde as he commaunded him.

10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregacion together before the rocke ad he sayed vnto the heare ye rebellyons must we fett you water out of this rocke?

11 And Moses lifte vp his hade with his staffe and smote the rocke .ij. tymes and the water came out abundantly and the multitude dranke and their beesse also.

12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron: Because ye beleued me not to sanctifye me in the eyes of the childern of Israel therfore ye shall not brynge this congregacion in to the londe which I haue geuen them.

13 This is the water of stryffe because the childern of Israel stroue with the Lorde and he was sanctifyed apon them.

14 And Moses sent messengers from cades vnto the kynge of Edome. Thus sayeth thi brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauell yt hath happened us

15 how oure fathers wet doune in to Egipte and how we haue dwelt in Egipte a longe tyme and how the Egiptians vexed both us and oure fathers.

16 Then we cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde oure voyces and sent an angell and hath fett us out of Egipte. And beholde we are in Cades a citie harde by the borders

17 of thi contre let us goo a good felowshipe thorow thi contre we wyll not goo thorow the feldes nor thorow the vyneyardes nether will we drynke of the water of the fountaynes: but we will goo by the hye waye and nether turne vnto ye ryghte hande nor to ye lefte vntill we be past thi contre.

18 And Edom answered him: Se thou come not by me lest I come out agest the with the swerde

19 And the childern of Israel sayed vnto him: we will goo by the beeten waye: and yf ether we or oure catell drynke of thi water we will paye for it we wyll doo nomoare but passe thorow by fote only.

20 And he sayed: ye shall not goo thorow. And Edom came out agenst him with moch people and with a myghtie power.

21 And thus Edom denyed to geue Israel passage thorow his contre. And Israel turned a waye from him.

22 And the childern of Israel remoued fro Cades and went vnto mount Hor with all the congregacion.

23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor harde vppon the costes of the londe of Edom sayenge:

24 let Aaron be put vnto his people for he shall not come in to the londe which I haue geuen vnto the childern of Israel: because ye dishobeyed my mouth at the water of stryffe

25 Take Aaron and Eleazer his sonne and brynge them vpp in to mount Hor

26 and stryppe Aaron out of his vestimentes and put them apon Eleazer his sonne ad let Aaron be put vnto his people and dye there.

27 And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded: and they went vpp in to mount Hor in the syghte of all the multitude.

28 And Moses toke off Aarons clothes and put them apon Eleazer his sonne and Aaron dyed there in the toppe of the mount.

29 And Moses and Eleazer came doune out of the mount. And all ye housse of Israel morned for Aaro. xxx. Dayes

Chapter 21


1 And when kynge Arad the cananite which dwelt in the south parties harde tell that Israel came by the waye that the spies had founde out: he came and foughte with Israel and toke some of them presoners.

2 Then Israel vowed a vowe vnto the Lorde and sayed: Yf thou wilt geue this people into oure hades we will destroye their cities.

3 And the Lorde herde ye voyce of Israel ad delyuered them the Cananites. And they destroyed both them and their cities and called the place Horma.

4 Then they departed from mount hor towarde the redd se: to compasse the londe of Edo. And the soules of the people faynted by the waye.

5 And the people spake agenst God and agenst Moses: wherfore hast thou brought us out of Egipte for to dye in the wildernesse for here is nether bred nor water and oure soules lotheth this lyghte bred.

6 Then the Lorde sent fyrie serpentes amoge the people which stonge them: so that moch people dyed in Israel.

7 And the people came to Moses and sayed: we haue synned for we haue spoken agenst the Lorde and agenst the make intercession to the Lorde that he take awaye the serpentes from us And Moses made intercession for the people.

8 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: make the a serpent ad hage it vpp for a sygne and lett as many as are bytten loke apon it and they shall lyue.

9 And Moses made a serpent of brasse ad sett it vp for a sygne And when the serpentes had bytten any man he went and behelde the serpent of brasse and recouered.

10 And the childern of Israel remoued and pitched in Oboth.

11 And they departed from Oboth and laye at Egebarim in the wildernesse which is before Moab on the east syde.

12 And they remoued thence and pitched apon the ryuer of zarad.

13 And they departed thence and pitched on the other syde of Arno which ryuer is in the wildernesse and cometh out of the costes of the Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab betwene Moab and the Amorites.

14 Wherfore it is spoken in the boke of the warre of the Lorde: goo with a violence both on the ryuer of Arnon

15 and on the ryuers heed whiche shoteth doune to dwell at Ar and leneth vppon the costes of Moab.

16 And from thence they came to Bear whiche is the well whereof the Lorde spake vnto Moses: gather the people together that I maye geue them water.

17 Then Israel sange this songe: Aryse vpp well synge thereto:

18 The well whiche the rulers dygged and the captaynes of the people with the helpe of the lawegeuer and with their staues. And from this wildernesse they went to Matana

19 and from Matana to Nahaliel and from Nahaliel to Bamoth

20 and from Bamoth to the valay that is in the felde of Moab in the toppe of Pisga which boweth towarde the wildernesse.

21 And Israel sent messengers vnto Siho kynge of the Amorites sayenge:

22 let vs goo thorow thy londe. we will not turne in to thy feldes nor in to thy vyneyardes nether drynke of the water of the welles: but we will goo alonge by the comon waye vntill we be past thy contre.

23 And Siho wolde geue Israel no licence to passe thorow his contre but gathered all his people together and went out agest Israel in to the wildernesse. And he came to Iaheza and foughte with Israel.

24 And Israel smote him with the edge of the swerde and conquered his londe from Arnon vnto Iabock: euen vnto the childern of Ammon. For the borders of the childern of Ammon are stronge.

25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all ye cities of ye Amorites: in Esbon and in all the townes that longe there to.

26 For Esbon was the citie of Sihon the kinge of the Amorites which Sihon had fought before with the kinge of the Moabites ad had taken all his londe out of his hande euen vnto Arnon.

27 Wherfore it is a prouerbe: goo to Hesbo and let the citie of Sihon be bylt ad made

28 redye for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon and a flame fro the citie of Siho ad hath cosumed Ar of the Moabites and the men of the hylles of Arnon.

29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chemos ye are forloren. His sonnes are put to flighte and his doughters brought captyue vnto Sihon kinge of the Amorites.

30 There lighte is out from Hesbon vnto Sihon and we made a wildernesse euen vnto Nopha whiche reacheth vnto Mediba.

31 And thus Israell dwelt in the londe of the Amorites.

32 And Moses sent to serche oute Iaezer and they toke the townes belongynge thereto ad conquered the Amorites that were there.

33 And then they turned and went vppe towarde Bason. And Og the kynge of Bason came out agenst them both he and all his people to warre at Edrei.

34 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: feare him not for I haue delyuered him in to thy handes with all his people and his lande. And thou shalt do with him as thou dydest with Sihon the kynge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon.

35 And they smote him and his sonnes and all hys people vntyll there was nothinge left him. And they conquered his lande.

Chapter 22


1 And ye children of Israel remoued and pitched in the feldes of Moab on the other syde of Iordane by Iericho.

2 And Balac the sonne of Ziphor sawe all that Israel had done to the Amorites

3 and the Moabites were sore afrayed of the people because they were many and abhorred the childern of Israel:

4 And Moab sayed vnto the elders of Madian now this companye hath lickte vpp all that are rounde aboute vs as an oxe lycketh vp the grasse of the felde. And Balac the sonne of Ziphor was kinge of the Moabites at that tyme.

5 And he sent messangers vnto Balam the sonne of Beor the interpreter whiche dwelt vppon the ryuer of the lande of the childern of his folke to call him sayenge: beholde there is a people come out of Egipte which couereth the face of the erthe and lye euen harde by me.

6 Come nowe a felashippe and curse me this people. For they are to myghtie for me so perauenture I myghte be able to smyte them and to dryue them oute of the londe. For I wote that whome thou blessest shalbe blessed and whome thou cursest shalbe cursed.

7 And the elders of Moab went with the elders of Madian and the rewarde of the sothe sayenge in their handes. And they came vnto Balam and tolde him the wordes of Balac.

8 And he sayed vnto them: tary here all nyghte and I will bringe you worde euen as the Lorde shall saye vnto me. And the lordes of Moab abode with Balam.

9 And god came vnto Balam and sayed: what men are these which are with the?

10 And Balam sayed vnto god: Balac the sonne of Ziphor kynge of Moab hath sent vnto me sayenge:

11 beholde there is a people come out of Egipte and couereth the face of the erthe: come now therfore and curse me them that so peraduenture I maye be able to ouercome them in batell and to dryue the out.

12 And god sayed vnto Balam: thou shalt not goo with them nether curse the people for they are blessed.

13 And Balam rose vp in the mornynge and sayed vnto the lordes of Balac: gett you vnto youre lande for the Lorde will not suffre me to goo with you.

14 And the lordes of Moab rose vpp and went vnto Balac and sayed Balam wolde not come with vs.

15 And Balac sent agayne a greatter companye of lordes ad more honorable than they.

16 And they came to Balam and tolde him: Thus sayeth Balac the sonne of Ziphor: oh let nothynge lett the to come vnto me

17 for I will greatly promote the vnto great honoure ad will doo whatsoeuer thou sayest vnto me come therfore I praye the curse me this people.

18 And Balam answered and sayed vnto the servauntes of Balac: Yf Balac wolde geue me his housfull of syluer and golde I can goo no further than the worde of the Lorde my god to do lesse or moare.

19 Neuerthelesse tarye ye here all nyghte: that I maye wete what the Lorde will saye vnto me once moare.

20 And God came to Balam by nyghte and sayed vnto him: Yf the men come to fett the ryse vppe and goo with them: but what I saye vnto the that onlye thou shalt doo.

21 And Balam rose vppe early and sadelde his asse and went with the lordes of Moab

22 But God was angrye because he went. And the angell of the Lorde stode in the waye agenste hym. And he ryd vppon hys asse and two seruauntes with him.

23 And when the asse sawe the angell of the Lorde stonde in the waye and his swerde drawen in his hande she turned a syde oute of the waye and went out in to the felde. And Balam smote the asse to turne her in to the waye.

24 And the angell of the Lorde went and stode in a path betwene the vyneyardes where was a wall on the one syde and another on the other.

25 When the asse sawe the angell of the Lorde she wrenshed vnto the walle and thrust Balams fote vnto the wall and he smote her agayne.

26 And the angell of ye Lorde went forder and stode in a narowe place where was no waye to turne ether to the right hande or to the lyfte.

27 And when the asse sawe the angell of the Lorde she fell downe vnder Balam: and Balam was wroth and smote the asse with a staffe.

28 And the Lorde opened the mouthe of the asse and she sayed vnto Balam: what haue I done vnto the that thou smytest me this .iij tymes?

29 And Balam sayde vnto the Asse: because thou hast mocked me? I wolde that I had a swerde in myne hande that I myghte now kyll the.

30 And the asse sayed vnto Balam: am not I thyne asse whiche thou hast rydden vppon sence thou wast borne vnto this daye? Was I euer wont to do so vnto the? And he sayed nay.

31 And the lorde opened the eyes of Balam that he sawe the angell of the Lorde stondinge in the waye with his swerde drawen in his honde. And he bowed him selfe and fell flatt on his face.

32 And ye angell of ye Lord sayed vnto him: Wherfore smytest thou thyne asse this .iij. tymes? beholde I came oute to resyst the for the waye is contrary vnto me:

33 and the asse sawe me and avoyded me thre tymes: or else (had she not turned fro me) I had suerly slayne the and saued her alyue.

34 And Balam sayed vnto the angell of ye Lorde: I haue synned: for I wist not that thou stodest in the waye agenst me. Now therfore yf it displease thyne eyes I will turne agayne.

35 And the angell sayde vnto Balam goo with the men: but in any wise what I saye vnto the that saye. And Balam went with the lordes of Balac.

36 And when Balac herde that Bala was come he went out agenst him vnto a cytie off Moab that stode in the border of Arno whiche was the vttmost parte of his contre.

37 And Balac sayed vnto Balam: dyd I not sende for the to call the? wherfore camest thou not vnto me? thinkest thou that I am not able to promote the vnto honoure?

38 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: Loo I am come vnto the. But I can saye nothynge at all saue what God putteth in my mouthe that must I speake.

39 And Balam went with Balac and they came vnto the cytie of Huzoth.

40 And Balac offered oxen and shepe and sent for Balam and for the lordes that were with hym.

41 And on the mornynge Balac toke Balam and brought him vpp in to the hye place of Baall ad thece he sawe vnto the vttmost parte of the people.

Chapter 23


1 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: bylde me here seven alters and prouyde here. seue oxen and seuen rammes.

2 And Balac dyd as Balam sayed. And Balac and Balam offered on euery alter an oxe and a ram.

3 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: stonde by the sacrifyce whyle I goo to wete whether the Lorde will come ad mete me: and what soeuer he sheweth me I will tell the and he went forthwith.

4 And god came vnto Balam and Balam sayed vnto him: I haue prepared .vij. alters and haue offered apo euery alter an oxe and a ram.

5 And ye Lorde put a sayenge in Balas mouth and sayed: goo agayne to Balac and saye on this wyse.

6 And he went agayne vnto him and loo he stode by his sacrifice both he ad all the lordes of Moab.

7 And he began hys parable and sayed: Balac the kinge of Moab hath fett me fro Mesopotamia out of the mountaynes of the easte sayenge: come and curse me Iacob come and defye me Israel.

8 How shall I curse whom God curseth not and how shall I defye whom the Lorde defyeth not?

9 from the toppe of ye rockes I se him and from the hylles I beholde him: loo ye people shall dwell by him selfe and shall not be rekened amoge other nacions.

10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob and the numbre of the fourth parte of Israel. I praye God that my soule maye dye the deeth of the righteous ad that my last ende maye be like his.

11 And Balac sayed vnto Balam what hast thou done vnto me? I fett ye to curse myne enemyes: and beholde thou blessest them.

12 And he answered and sayed: must I not kepe that and speake it which the Lorde hath put in my mouthe?

13 And Balac sayed vnto him: Come I praye the with me vnto another place whence thou shalt se them and shalt se but ye vtmoste parte of them ad shalt not se them all and curse me them there.

14 And he brought him in to a playne felde where men myght se farre euen to the toppe of Pisga and bylt .vij. alters and offered an oxe and a ra on euery alter.

15 And he sayed vnto Balac: stonde here by thi sacrifyce whyle I goo yonder.

16 And the Lorde mett Balam and put wordes in his mouth and sayed: goo agayne vnto Balac ad thus saye.

17 And when he came to him: beholde he stode by his sacrifyce and the lordes of Moab with him And Balac sayed vnto him: what sayeth ye Lorde?

18 And he toke vp his parable and sayed: ryse vpp Balac and heare and herken vnto me thou sonne of Ziphor

19 The Lorde is not a ma that he can lye nether the sonne of a ma that he can repent: shulde he saye and not doo or shulde he speake and not make it good?

20 beholde I haue begon to blesse and haue blessed and can not goo backe there fro.

21 He beheld no wikednesse in Iacob nor sawe Idolatrye in Israel: The Lorde his God is with him and the trompe of a kynge amonge the.

22 God that broughte them out of Egipte is as the strength of an vnycorne

23 vnto them for there is no sorcerer in Iacob nor sothsayer in Israel. When the tyme cometh it wylbe sayed of Iacob and of Israel what God hath wrought

24 Beholde ye people shall ryse vp as a lyonesse and heue vpp hym selfe as a lion and shall not lye downe agayne vntill he haue eaten of the praye and dronke of the bloude of them that are slayne.

25 And Balac sayed vnto Balam: nether curse them nor blesse the.

26 And Balam answered ad sayed vnto Balac: tolde not I the sayege all that the Lorde byddeth me yt I must doo?

27 And Balac sayed vnto Balam: come I praye the I will brynge the yet vnto another place: so perauenture it shall please God that thou mayst curse the there.

28 And Balac broughte Balam vnto the toppe of Peor that boweth towarde the wildernesse.

29 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: make me here .vij. alters and prepare me here .vij. bollockes and .vij. rames

30 And Balac dyd as Balam had sayed and offered a bollocke and a ram on euery alter.

Chapter 24


1 When Balam sawe that it pleased ye Lorde that he shulde blesse Israel he went not as he dyd twyse before to fett sothsayenge but sett his face towarde ye wildernesse

2 and lyfte vpp his eyes and loked apon Israel as he laye with his trybes and the spirite of God came apon him.

3 And he toke vp his parable and sayed: Bala the sonne of Beor hath sayed

4 and the man whose eye is open hath sayed: he hath sayed which heareth the wordes of God and seeth the visions of the allmightie which falleth downe and his eyes are opened.

5 How goodly are the tentes of Iacob and thine habitacions Israel

6 euen as the brode valeyes and as gardens by the ryuerssyde as the tentes which the Lorde hath pitched and as ciperstrees apon the water.

7 The water shall flowe out of his boket and his seed shall be many waters and his kynge shalbe hyer then Agag And his kyngdome shalbe exalted.

8 God that broughte him out of Egipte is as the strenght of an vnycorne vnto him and he shall eate the nacions that are his enemies and breake their bones and perse them thorow with his arowes.

9 He couched him selfe and laye doune as a lion and as a lyonesse who shall stere him vp? blessed is he that blesseth the ad cursed is he that curseth the.

10 And Balac was wroth with balam and smote his handes together and sayed vnto him: I sent for the to curse myne enemyes: and beholde thou hast blessed them this thre tymes

11 and now gett the quyckly vnto thi place. I thoughte that I wolde promote the vnto honoure but the Lorde hath kepte the backe from worshepe.

12 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: tolde I not thi messegers which thou sentest vnto me sayenge:

13 Yf balac wolde geue me his house ful of syluer ad golde I can not passe the mouth of the Lorde to doo ether good or bad of myne awne mynde. What the Lorde sayeth that must I speake.

14 And now beholde I goo vnto my people: come let me shewe the what this people shall doo to thi folke in the later dayes.

15 And he began his parable ad sayed: Balam the sonne of Beor hath sayed and ye man that hath his eye open hath sayed

16 and he hath sayed that heareth the wordes of God and hath the knowlege of the most hye and beholdeth ye vision of the allmightie and when he falleth downe hath his eyes opened.

17 I se him but not now I beholde him but not nye. There shall come a starre of Iacob and ryse a cepter of Israel which shall smyte ye coostes of Moab and vndermyne all the childern of Seth.

18 And Edom shalbe his possession and ye possession of Seir shalbe their enimyes and Israel shall doo manfully.

19 And out of Iacob shall come he that shall destroye the remnaut of the cities.

20 And he loked on Amaleck and began his parable and sayed: Amaleck is the first of the nacions but his latter ende shall perysh utterly.

21 And he loked on the Kenites and toke his parable and sayed: stronge is thi dwellynge place and put thinest apon a rocke

22 Neuerthelater thou shalt be a burnynge to Kain vntill Assur take ye prisoner.

23 And he toke his parable and sayed: Alas who shall lyue when God doeth this?

24 The shippes shall come out of the coste of Cittim and subdue Assur and subdue Eber and he him selfe shall perysh at the last.

25 And Balam rose vp and went and dwelt in his place: and Balac also went his waye.

Chapter 25


1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim and the people began to commytt whoredome with the doughters of Moab

2 which called the people vnto ye sacrifyce of their goddes. And the people ate and worshipped their goddes

3 and Israel coupled him selfe vnto Baal Peor. Then ye Lorde was angrie with Israel

4 and sayed vnto Moses: take all ye heedes of the people and hange them vp vnto ye Lorde agenst the sonne that the wrath of the Lorde maye turne awaye from Israel.

5 And Moses sayed vnto the iudges of Israel: goo and slee those men that ioyned the selues vnto Baal Peor.

6 And beholde one of the childern of Israel came and broughte vnto his brethern a Madianitish wife euen in the sighte of Moses and in the sighte of all the multitude of ye childern of Israel as they were wepynge in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

7 And when Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaro the preast sawe it he rose vp out of the companye and toke a wepon in his hande

8 and wet after the man of Israel in to the horehousse and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and also the woman euen thorow the belye of hir. And the plage ceased from the childern of Israel.

9 And there dyed in the plage. xxiiij. thousande.

10 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

11 Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preast hath turned myne anger awaye from the childern of Israel because he was gelous for my sake amonge them that I had not cosumed the childern of Israel in my gelousye.

12 Wherfore saye: beholde I geue vnto him my couenaunte of pease

13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.

14 The name of the Israelite which was smytten with the Madianitish wife was Simri the sonne of Salu a lorde of an aunciet housse amonge the Simeonites.

15 And the name of the Madianitish wife was Cosbi the doughter of Zur and heed ouer the people of an auncient housse in Madian.

16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

17 vexe the Madianites and smyte them

18 for they haue troubled you with their wiles with the which they haue begyled you thorow Peor and thorow their syster Cosby ye doughter of a lorde in Madian which was slayne in ye daye of the plage for Peors sake.

Chapter 26


1 And after the plage ye Lorde spake vnto Moses and vnto Eleazer sayenge:

2 take the number of all the multitude of the childern of Israel from .xx. yere ad aboue thorow out their fathers housses all that are able to goo to warre in Israel.

3 And Moses and Eleazer the preast tolde them in the feldes of Moab by Iordane fast by Iericho

4 from xx. yere and aboue as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And the childern of Israel that came out of Egipte were.

5 Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel. The childern of Ruben were Hanoch of whome cometh the kynred of the Hanochites: and of Palu cometh the kynred of the Paluites:

6 And of Hesron cometh the kynred of the Hesronites: and of Carmi cometh the kynred of the Carmites.

7 These are the kynredes of the Rubenites which were in numbre .xliij. thousande. vij. hudred an .xxx.

8 And the sonnes of Palu were Eliab.

9 And the sonnes of Eliab were: Nemuel Dathan and Abiram.This is that Dathan and Abiram councelers in the cogregacion which stroue agest Moses and Aaron in the companye of Corah when they stroue agenst the Lorde.

10 And the erth opened hir mouth ad swalowed the and Corah also when the multitude dyed what tyme the fyre consumed .ij. hundred and fiftie men and they became a signe:

11 Notwithstondynge the childern of Corah dyed not.

12 And the childern of Simeon in their kynredes were: Nemuel of whom cometh ye kynred of the Nemuelites: Iamin of whom cometh the kynred of the Iaminytes: Iachin of whom cometh the kynred of the Iachinites:

13 Serah of whome cometh the kynred of the Serahites: Saul of whom cometh the kynred of the Saulites.

14 These are the kynredes of the Simeonites: in numbre. xxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.

15 And the childern of Gad in their kynredes were: Zephon of whom cometh the kynred of the Zephonites: and of Haggi cometh the kynred of the Haggites: and of Suni cometh the kynred of the Sunites:

16 and of Aseni cometh the kynred of the Asenites: and of Eri cometh the kynred of the Erites:

17 and of Arod cometh the kynred of the Arodites: and of Ariel cometh the kynred of the Arielites.

18 These are the kynredes of the children of Gad in numbre .xl. thousande and .v. hundred.

19 The childern of Iuda: Er and Ona whiche dyed in the londe of Canaan.

20 But the childern of Iuda in their kynred were: Sela of whom cometh the kynred of the Selamites: and of Phares cometh the kynred of ye Pharesites: and of Serah cometh the kynred of the Serahites.

21 And the childern of Phares were Hesron of whom cometh the kynred of the Hesronites: and of Hamul cometh ye kynred of the Hamulites.

22 These are the kynredes of Iuda in numbre .lxxvi. thousande and .v. hundred.

23 And the childern of Isachar in their kyndes were: Tola of who cometh ye kynred of the Tolaites: and Phuva of who cometh ye kinred of the Phuuaites:

24 and of Iasub cometh the kynred of the Iasubites: and of Symron cometh the kynred of the Simronites.

25 These are ye kynredes of Isachar in numbre .lxiiij thousande and .iij. hundred.

26 The childern of Zabulon in their kynredes were: Sered of whom cometh the kynred of the Seredites: and Elon of whom cometh the kynred of the Elonites: and of Iaheliel cometh the kynred of the Iehalclites.

27 These are the kynredes of Zabulon: in numbre .lx. thousand and .v. hundred.

28 The childern of Ioseph in their kinredes were: Manasse ad Ephraim.

29 The childern of Manasse: Machir of whom cometh the kynred of the Machirites. And Machir begat Gilcad of whom cometh the kinred off the Gileadites.

30 And these are the childern of Gilead: Hieser of whom cometh the kynred of the Hieserites: and of Helech cometh the kynred of the Helechites:

31 and of Asriel ye kinred of the Asrielites: and of Sichem cometh the kinred of the Sichimites:

32 and of Simida cometh the kinred of the Simidites: and of Hepher cometh the kinred of the Hepherites.

33 And Zelaphead the sonne of Hepher had no sonnes but doughters And ye names of ye doughters of Zelaphead were: Mahela Noa Hagla Milcha ad Thirza.

34 These are the kinredes of Manasse in numbre lij. thousande and seuen hundred.

35 These are the childern of Ephraim in their kinredes: Suthelah of whom cometh the kinred of the Suthelahites: and Becher of whom cometh the kinred of the Becherites: and of Thaha cometh the kynred of the Thahanites.

36 And these are the childern of Suthelah: Eran of whom cometh the kynred of the Eranites.

37 These are the kynredes of the childern of Ephraim in numbre .xxxij. thousande and v. hundred. And these are the childern of Ioseph in their kinredes.

38 These are the childern of Ben Iamin in their kinredes: Bela of whom cometh the kinred of the Belaites: and of Asbel cometh the kinred of the Asbelites: and of Ahiram the kinred of the Ahiramites:

39 and of Supha the kinred of the Suphamites: and of Hupham the kinred of the Suphamites.

40 And the childern of Bela were Ard and Naama fro whence come the kinredes of the Ardites and of the Naamites.

41 These are the childern of Ben Iamin in their kinreddes and in numbre .xlv. thousande and syxe hundred.

42 These are the childern of Dan in their kynreddes: Suham of whom cometh the kynred of the Suhamites. These are the kynreddes of Dan in their generacyons.

43 And all the kynreddes of the Suhamites were in numbre .lxiiij. thousand ad iiij. hundred.

44 The childern of Asser in their kynredes were: Iemna of whom cometh the kynred of the Iemnites: ad Isui of whom cometh the kinred of the Isuites: and of Bria cometh the kinred of the Briites.

45 And the childern of bria were Heber of whom cometh ye kynred of the Heberites: and of Malchiel came the kynred of the Malchielites.

46 And ye doughter of Asser was called Sarah.

47 These are the kinredes of Asser in numbre .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

48 The childern of Nephtali in their kynreddes were: Iaheziel of whom came the kynred of the Iahezielites: and Gimi of whom came the kynred of the Gimites:

49 and of Iezer came the kynred of the Iezerites: and of Silem the kynred of the Silemites.

50 These are the kinredes of Naphtali in their generacios in numbre .xlv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

51 These are the numbres of the childern of Israel: sixe hundred thousande and a thousande vij. hundred and .xxx.

52 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

53 vnto these the londe shalbe deuyded to enherett acordinge to the numbre of names:

54 to many thou shalt geue ye moare enheritaunce and to fewe ye lesse: to euery tribe shall ye enheritauce be geue acordinge to ye numbre therof.

55 Notwithstondinge ye londe shalbe deuyded by lott and acordinge to ye names of ye tribes of their fathers thei shall enherett:

56 and acordinge to their lott thou shalt deuyde their lond both to the many and to the fewe.

57 These are the summes of ye leuites in their kinredes: of Gerson came the kynred of ye Gersonites: and of Cahath came the kinred of the Cahathites: and of Merari came the kinred of the Merarites.

58 These are the kinredes of Leui: the kinred of the Libnites the kynred of the Hebronites the kynred of the Mahelites the kynred of the Musites the kynred of the Karahites.Kahath begate Amram

59 and Amrams wife was called Iochebed a doughter of leui which was borne him in Egipte. And she bare vnto Amram Aaron Moses and Mir Iam their syster.

60 And vnto Aaron were borne Nadab Abihu Eleazer and Ithamar.

61 But Nadab and Abihu dyed as they offered straunge fyre before the Lorde.

62 And the numbre of them was .xxiij. thousande of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue For they were not numbred amonge ye children of Israel because there was no enheritaunce geuen them amonge the childern off Israel.

63 These are the numbres of the childern of Israel which Moses and Eleazer the preast numbred in the feldes of Moab fast by Iordane nye to Iericho.

64 And amonge these there was not a man of the numbre of the children of Israel which Moses and Aaron tolde in the wildernesse of Sinai.

65 For the Lorde sayed vnto them that they shulde dye in ye wildernesse and that there shulde not be lefte a man of them: saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun.

Chapter 27


1 And the doughters of Zelaphead the sonne of Heber the sonne of Gilead the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasse of the kinredes of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph (whose names were Mahela Noa Hagla Melcha and Thirza)

2 came and stode before Moses and Eleazer the preast ad before the lordes and all the multitude in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge:

3 oure father dyed in the wildernesse and was not amonge the companye of them that gathered them selues together agenst the Lorde in the congregacion of Corah: But dyed in his awne synne and had no sonnes.

4 Wherfore shulde the name of oure fathers be taken awaye from amonge hys kynred because he had no sonne? Geue vnto vs a possessyon amonge the brethern of oure father.

5 And Moses broughte their cause before the Lorde.

6 And ye Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

7 The doughters of Zelaphead speke righte: thou shalt geue them a possession to enherett amonge their fathers brethern and shall turne the enheritaunce of their father vnto them.

8 And speake vnto the childern of Israel sayenge: Yf a man dye and haue no sonne ye shall turne his enheritaunce vnto his doughter.

9 Yf he haue no doughter ye shall geue his enheritaunce vnto his brethern.

10 Yf he haue no brethern ye shall geue his enheritaunce vnto his fathers brethern.

11 Yf he haue no fathers brethern ye shall geue his enheritaunce vnto him that is nexte to him of his kinred and let him possesse it. And this shalbe vnto the childern of Israel an ordynaunce and a lawe as the Lorde hath commauded Moses.

12 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: get ye vpp in to this mount Aabrim and beholde the londe which I haue geuen vnto the children of Israel.

13 And whe thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also as Aaron thy brother was gathered vnto his people.

14 For ye were disobedient vnto my mouthe in the deserte of Zin in ye stryfe of the congregacion that ye sanctified me not in the water before their eyes. That is the water of stryfe in cades in the wildernesse of Zin.

15 And Moses spake vnto the Lorde sayenge:

16 let the Lorde God of the spirites of all flesh sett a man ouer the congregacion

17 which maye goo in and out before them and to lede them in and oute that the congregacion of the Lorde be not as a flocke of shepe without a sheparde.

18 And ye Lorde sayed vnto Moses: take Iosua the sonne of Nun in whom there is spirite and put thyne handes apon him

19 and set him before Eleazer the preast and before all the congregacion and geue him a charge in their syghte.

20 And put of thi prayse apon him that all the companye of ye childern of Israel maye heare.

21 And he shall stonde before Eleazer ye preast which shall are councell for him after ye maner of the lighte before ye Lorde: And at the mouth of Eleazer shall both he and all the childern of Israel with him and all the congregacion goo in and out.

22 And Moses dyd as the Lorde commauded him and he toke Iosua and sett him before Eleazer the preast and before all the congregacion

23 and put his handes apon him and gaue him a charge as the Lorde commaunded thorow the hande of Moses.

Chapter 28


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 geue ye childern of Israel a charge and saye vnto them that they take hede to offer vnto me ye offryng of my bred in the sacrifyce of swete sauoure in his due season.

3 And saye vnto the. This is ye offerynge which ye shall offer vnto ye Lorde .ij. labes of a yeare olde with out spot daye by daye to be a burntofferynge perpetually.

4 One lambe thou shalt offer in the mornynge and ye other at euen

5 And thereto ye teth parte of an Epha of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with beten oyle the fourth parte of an hin:

6 which is a dayly offerynge ordened in the mount Sinai vnto a swete sauoure in the sacrifyce of ye Lorde.

7 And the drynkofferynge of the same: the fourth parte of an hin vnto one lambe and poure the drynkofferynge in the holy place to be good drynke vnto the Lorde.

8 And ye other lambe thou shalt offer at euen with the meatofferynge and the drynkofferynge after ye maner of the mornynge: a sacrifyce of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

9 And on the Sabbath daye .ij. lambes of a yere olde a pece and with out spot and two tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle and the drynkofferynge thereto.

10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath besides the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

11 And in the first daye of youre monethes ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde: two yonge bollockes and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde without spott

12 and .iij. tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge mingled with oyle vnto one bollocke and .ij. tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto one ra.

13 And euer moare a tethdeale of floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferinge vnto one labe. That is a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure in the sacrifyce of the Lorde.

14 And their drynkofferynges shalbe halfe an hin of wyne vnto one bollocke ad the thyrde parte of an hin of wyne vnto a ram and the fourth parte of an hin vnto a lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth thorow out all the monethes of the yere:

15 and one he goote for a synofferynge vnto the Lorde which shalbe offered with the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

16 And the .xiiij. daye of the first moneth shalbe Passeouer vnto the Lorde.

17 And ye .xv. daye of the same moneth shalbe a feast in which vij. dayes men must eate vnleueded bred

18 The first daye shalbe an holy feast so that ye shall do no maner of laboryous worke therein.

19 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde .ij. bollockes one ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde without spott

20 and their meatofferynge of floure myngled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto a bollocke and .ij. tenthdeales vnto a ram

21 and euermoare one tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes:

22 and an hegoote for a synofferynge to make an atonement for you.

23 And ye shall offer these besyde the burntofferynge in ye mornynge that is allway offered.

24 And after this maner ye shall offer thorow out the .vij. dayes the fode of the sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. And it shalbe done besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

25 And the seuenth daye shall be an holy feast vnto you so that ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein.

26 And the daye of youre first frutes when ye brynge a new meatofferynge vnto the Lorde in youre wekes shalbe an holy feast vnto you:

27 so that ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein. And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde .ij. younge bollockes and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece

28 with their meatofferynges of floure myngled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto a bollocke .ij. tenth deales to a ram

29 ad euer moare one tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes

30 ad an hegoote to make an atonement for you.

31 And this ye shall doo besydes the dayly burntofferynge and his meatofferynge: and they shalbe without spot with their drynkofferynges.

Chapter 29


1 Also ye first daye of ye .vij. moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you ad ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein. It shalbe a daye of trompetblowynge vnto you.

2 And ye shall offer a burntofferyge of a swete sauoure vnto ye Lorde: one younge bollocke and one ra and .vij. labes of a yere olde a pece that are pure.

3 And their meatofferinges of floure myngled with oyle: iij tenthdeales vnto the bollocke and .ij. vnto the ram

4 and one tenth deale vnto one lambe thorow the .vij. lambes

5 And an he goote for a synofferynge to make an atonement for you

6 besyde the burntofferynge of the moneth and his meatofferynge and besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meatofferynge and the drynkofferynges of the same: acordynge vnto the maner of them for a sauoure of swetnesse in the sacrifice of ye Lorde.

7 And the tenth daye of that same seuenth moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you and ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no maner worke therein.

8 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde of a swete sauoure: one bollocke and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece without faute

9 and their meatofferynges of floure myngled with oyle: iij. tenthdeales to a bollocke ad .ij. to a ra

10 and all waye a tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes

11 And one he goote for a synofferynge besyde ye synofferynge of atonement and the dayly burntofferynge and ye meate and drynkofferynges that longe to the same.

12 And the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth shalbe holy daye and ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein and ye shall kepe a feast vnto ye Lorde of .vij. dayes longe.

13 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: xiij. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. labes which are yerelynges

14 and pure with oyle iij tenthdeales vnto euery one of the .xiij. bollockes .ij. tethdeales to ether of the rammes

15 and one tenthdeale vnto eche of the .xiiij. lambes.

16 And one he goote vnto a synofferynge besyde ye dayly burntofferynge with his meate and drynkofferynges.

17 And the seconde daye .xij. younge bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. yerlynge lambes without spot:

18 and their meateofferynges and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes acordynge to the numbre of them and after the maner.

19 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge ad his meate and drynkofferynges.

20 And the thyrde daye .xi. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot:

21 and their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes after the numbre of the and acordynge to the maner.

22 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.

23 And the fourth daye .x. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. labes yerelynges and pure:

24 ad their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rames and labes acordynge to their nubre and after the maner.

25 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge ad his meate and drynkofferynges.

26 And the fyfte daye .ix. bollockes .ij. rames and .xiiij. lambes of one yere olde a pece without spott.

27 And their meat and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rames and lambes acordynge to the numbre of them and after the maner.

28 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.

29 And the syxte daye .viij. bollockes .ij. rammes ad .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot

30 And their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes acordynge to the maner.

31 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.

32 And the seuenth daye .vij. bollockes .ij. rames and .xiiij. lambes that are yerelynges and pure.

33 And their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and labes acordynge to their numbre and to the maner.

34 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde ye dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.

35 And the eyght daye shalbe the conclusion of ye feaste vnto you and ye shall doo no maner laboryous worke therein.

36 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: one bollocke one ra and .vij. yerelynge labes without spott.

37 And the meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollocke ra and labes acordynge to their nubres and acordynge to ye maner.

38 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.

39 These thinges ye shall doo vnto the Lorde in youre feastes: besyde youre vowes and frewyll offerynges in youre burntofferinges meatofferynges drynkofferynges and peaseofferynges.

40 And Moses tolde the childern of Israel acordynge to all that the Lorde commaunded him.

Chapter 30


1 And Moses spake vnto the heedes of the trybes of ye childern of Israel sayege: this is the thynge which the Lorde commaundeth.

2 Yf a man vowe a vowe vnto the Lorde or swere an othe ad bynde his soule he shall not goo backe with his worde: but shal fulfyll all ye proceadeth out of his mouth

3 Yf a damsell vowe a vowe vnto ye Lorde and binde herselfe beynge in hir fathers housse and vnmaried:

4 Yf hir father heare hir vowe and bonde which she hath made vppon hir soule and holde his pease thereto: then all hir vowes and bodes which she hath made vppo hir soule shall stonde in effecte.

5 But and yf hir father forbyd her the same daye that he heareth it none of hir vowes nor bondes which she hath made vppon hir soule shalbe of value ad the Lorde shall forgeue her because hir father forbade her.

6 Yf she had an husbonde when she vowed or pronounsed oughte out of hir lippes wherewith she bonde hir soule

7 and hir husbonde herde it and helde his peace thereat the same daye he herde it: Then hir vowes and hir bondes wherewith she bounde hir soule shal stonde in effecte.

8 But ad yf hir husbonde forbade her the same daye that he herde it than hath he made hir vowe which she had vppo her of none effecte and that also whiche she pronounsed with hir lippes wherewith she bounde hir soule and the Lorde shall forgeue her.

9 The vowe of a wedowe and of her that is deuorsed and all that they haue bound their soules with all shall stonde in effecte with them.

10 Yf she vowed in her husbandes housse or bounde her soule with an oth

11 and her husbande herde it and helde his peace and forbade her not: then all her vowes and bondes wherewith she bound her soule shall stode.

12 But yf her husbande disanulled them ye same daye that he herde them then nothing that proceded out of her lippes in vowes ad boundes wherewith she bounde her soule shall stonde in effecte: for her husbande hath lowsed them and the Lorde shall forgeue her.

13 All vowes and othes that binde to humble the soule maye her husbande stablish or breake.

14 But yf her husbande hold his peace from one daye vnto another then he stablisheth all her vowes and boundes whiche she had vppon her because he helde his peace the same daye that he herde them.

15 And yf he afterwarde breake them he shall beare her synne him self.

16 These are the ordinaunces which ye Lorde commaunded Moses betwene a man and his wife and betwene the father and his doughter beyenge a damsell in hir fathers housse.

Chapter 31


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 auenge the childern of Israel of the Madianites and afterwarde be gathered vnto thy people.

3 And Moses spake vnto the folke sayenge: Harnesse some of you vnto warre and let them goo apon the Madianites and auenge the Lorde of the Madianitis.

4 Ye shall sende vnto the warre a thousande of euery trybe thorow out all the trybes of Israel.

5 And there were taken oute of the thousandes of Israel .xij. thousande prepared vnto warre of euery trybe a thousande.

6 And Moses sent them a thousande of euery trybe with Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the preaste to warre and the holye vessels and the trompettes to blowe with in his honde.

7 And they warred agenst the Madianites as the Lorde commaunded Moses ad slewe all the males.

8 And they slewe the kynges of Madian among other that were slayne: Eui Rekem Zur Hur and Reba: fyue kynges of Madian. And they slewe Bala the sonne of Beor with the swerde.

9 And the childern of Israel toke all the wemen of Madian presoners and their childern and spoyled all their catell their substance and their goodes.

10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt and all their castels with fyre.

11 And they toke all the spoyle and all they coude catche both of men and beestes.

12 And they broughte the captynes and that which they had taken and all the spoyle vnto Moses and Eleazer the preast ad vnto the companye of the childern of Israel: euen vnto the hoste in ye feldes of Moab by Iordanenye to Iericho.

13 And Moses and Eleazer the preast and all the lordes of the congregacion went out of the hoste agenst them.

14 And Moses was angrie with the officers of the hoste with ye captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes which came from warre and batayle

15 and sayde vnto them: Haue ye saued the wemen alyue?

16 beholde these caused the childern of Israel thorow Balam to commytt trespace agest ye Lorde by ye reason of Peor and their folowed a plage amoge ye congregacion of the Lorde.

17 Nowe therfore slee all the men childern and the wemen that haue lyen with men fleshlye:

18 But all the wemen children that haue not lyen with men kepe alyue for youre selues.

19 And lodge without the hoste .vij. dayes all that haue killed any persone and all that haue twiched any dead body and purifye both youre selues and youre presoners the .iij. daye and the .vij.

20 And sprinkle all youre raymentes and all that is made of skynnes and all worke of gootes heer ad all thynges made of wodd.

21 And Eleazer the preast sayed vnto all ye me of warre which went out to batayle: this is the ordinaunce of the lawe which the Lorde commaunded Moses:

22 Gold syluer brasse yeron tyn and leed

23 and all that maye abyde ye fyre ye shall make it goo thorow the fyre ad then it is cleane. Neuerthelater it shalbe sprinkled with sprinklinge water. And all yt soffereth not the fyre ye shall make goo thorow the water.

24 And wash youre clothes the seuenth daye and then ye are cleane. And afterwarde come in to the hoste.

25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

26 take the summe of the praye that was taken both of the weme and of catell thou and Eleazer the preast and the auncient heedes of ye congregacion.

27 And deuyde it in to two parties betwene them that toke the warre vppo the and went out to batayle and all the congregacion.

28 And take a porcion vnto the Lorde of the men of warre whiche went oute to batayle one of fyue hundred of the wemen and of the oxen and of the asses and of the shepe:

29 and ye shall take it of their halfe and geue it vnto Eleazer the preast an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde.

30 And of the halfe of ye childern of Israel take one of fyftye of ye wemen of the oxen of the asses and of the shepe and of all maner of beestes and geue them vnto the leuites which wayte apon ye habitacion of the Lorde.

31 And Moses and Eleazer the preast did as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

32 And ye botye and the praye which the men of warre had caught was .vi. hundred thousande and lxxv. thousande shepe:

33 ad .lxxij. thousande oxen:

34 and .lxi. thousande asses:

35 and .xxxij. thousande wemen that had lyen by no man.

36 And the halfe which was the parte of the that wet out to warre was .iij. hundred thousande and .xxxvij. thousande and fyue hundred shepe:

37 And the Lordes parte of the shepe was .vi. hundred and .lxxv.

38 And the oxen were .xxxvi. thousande of which the Lordes parte was .lxxij..

39 And the asses were .xxx. thousande and fyue hundred of whiche the Lordes parte was .lxi..

40 And the wemen were .xvi. thousande of which the Lordes parte was .xxxij. soules.

41 And Moses gaue that summe which was the Lordes heueofferynge vnto Eleazer the preast: as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

42 And the other halfe of the childern of Israel whiche Moses seperated from the men of warre

43 (that is to wete the halfe that pertayned vnto the congregacion) was .iij. hundred thousande and .xxxvij. thousande and fyue hundred shepe:

44 and .xxxvi. thousande oxen:

45 and .xxx. thousande asses and fyue hudred:

46 and .xvi. thousande wemen.

47 And Moses toke of this halfe that pertayned vnto the childern of Israel: one of euery fyftie both of the wemen and of the catell and gaue them vnto the leuites which wayted vppon the habitacion of the Lorde as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

48 And the officers of thousandes of the hoste the captaynes ouer the thousandes and the captaynes ouer the hundreds came forth and sayed vnto Moses:

49 Thy servauntes haue taken the summe of the men of warre which were vnder oure hande and there lacked not one man of them.

50 We haue therfore broughte a present vnto the Lorde what euery man founde of Iewels of golde cheyns bracelettes ringes earynges and spangels to make an attonement for oure soules before the Lorde.

51 And Moses and Eleazer toke the golde off them: Iewels of all maner facions.

52 And all the golde of the heueoffrynge of the Lord of the captaynes ouer thousandes and hundreds was .xvi. thousand .vij. hundred and .l. sycles

53 which ye me of warre had spoyled euery man for him selfe.

54 And Moses and Eleazer ye preast toke the golde of the captaynes ouer the thousandes and ouer the hundreds and brought it in to the tabernacle of witnesse: to be a memoriall vnto ye childern of Israel before ye Lorde.

Chapter 32


1 The childern of Rube and the childern of Gad had an exceadinge greate multitude of catell. And whe they sawe the lode of Iaeser and the lode of Gilead yt it was an apte place for catell

2 they came and spake vnto Moses and Eleazer ye preast and vnto ye lordes of ye cogregacio sayenge.

3 The lode of Ataroth Dibo and Beon

4 whiche contre ye Lorde smote before the congregacion of Israel: is a londe for catell and we thy servauntes haue catell

5 wherfore (sayed they) yf we haue founde grace in thy syghte let this londe be geuen vnto thy servauntes to possesse and bringe vs not ouer Iordane.

6 And Moses sayed vnto the childre of Gad and of Ruben: shall youre brethern goo to warre and ye tarye here?

7 Wherfore discorage ye the hertes of the children of Israel for to goo ouer into the londe which the Lorde hath geue them?

8 This dyd youre fathers whe I sent them from Cades bernea to se the londe.

9 And they went vp euen vnto the ryuer of Escol and sawe the londe and discoraged the hertes of the childern of Israel that they shulde not goo in to the londe whiche the Lorde had geuen them.

10 And the Lorde was wroth the same tyme and sware sayenge:

11 None of the men that came out of Egipte fro twentye yere olde and aboue shall se the londe whiche I swore vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob because they haue not continually folowed me:

12 saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune the Kenesite and Iosua the sonne of Nun for they haue folowed me continually.

13 And the Lorde was angrie with Israel and made them wandre in the wildernesse .xl. yere vntill all the generacion that had done euell in the syghte of the Lorde were consumed.

14 And beholde ye are rysen vp in youre fathers stede the encrease of synfull men to augmente the ferse wrath of the Lorde to Israel warde.

15 For yf ye turne awaye from after him he wyll yet agayne leue the people in the wildernesse so shall ye destroy all this folke.

16 And they went nere him ad sayed: we will bylde shepefoldes here for oure shepe and for oure catell and cities for oure childern:

17 But we oure selues will go ready armed before ye childern of Israel vntill we haue broughte them vnto their place. And oure childre shall dwell in the stronge cities because of the inhabiters of the londe.

18 And we will not returne vnto oure housses vntill the childern off Israel haue enhereted: euery man his enheritaunce.

19 For we will not enheret with them on yonder syde Iordane forwarde because oure enheritaunce is fasten to vs on this syde Iordane eastwarde.

20 And Moses sayed vnto them: Yf ye will do this thinge that ye will go all harnessed before the Lorde to warre

21 and will go all of you in harnesse ouer Iordane before ye Lorde vntill he haue cast out his enemyes before him

22 and vntill the londe be subdued before ye Lorde: then ye shall returne and be without sinne agenst the Lorde and agenst Israel and this lode shalbe youre possession before the Lorde.

23 But and yf ye will not do so beholde ye synne agenst the Lorde: ad be sure youre synne will fynde you out.

24 Bilde youre cities for youre childern and foldes for youre shepe and se ye do yt ye haue spoken.

25 And the childern of Gad and of Ruben spake vnto Moses sayenge: thy servauntes will do as my lorde commaundeth.

26 Oure childre oure wiues substace and all oure catell shall remayne here in the cities of Gilead.

27 But we thi servauntes will goo all harnessed for the warre vnto batayle before the Lorde as my lorde hath sayed.

28 And Moses comauded Eleazer ye preast and Iosua ye sonne of Nun and the aunciet hedes of the tribes of the childern of Israel

29 and sayed vnto them: Yf the childern of Gad and Ruben will goo with you ouer Iordane all prepared to syghte before the Lorde: then when the lande is subdued vnto you geue them the londe of Gilead to possesse

30 but and yf they will not goo ouer with you in harnesse then they shall haue their possessions amonge you in ye londe of Canaan.

31 And the childern of Gad and Ruben answered sayenge: that which ye Lorde hath sayed vnto thi seruautes we will doo

32 We wil goo harnessed before the Lorde into the londe of Canaan and the possession of oure enheritaunce shalbe on this syde the Iordane.

33 And Moses gaue vnto ye childern of Gad and of Ruben and vnto halfe the trybe of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph the kyngdome of Sibon kynge of the Amorites and the kyngdome of Og kynge of Basan the lande that longed vnto the cities thereof in the costes of the contre rounde aboute.

34 And the childern of Gad bylt Dibo ataroth Aroer

35 Atroth Sophan Iaeser Iegabeha

36 Bethnimra and Betharan stronge cities and they bylt foldes for their shepe.

37 And the childern of Ruben bylt Hesebon Elalea Kiriathaim

38 Nebo Baal Meon and turned their names and Sibama also: and gaue names vnto the cities which they bylt.

39 And the childern of Machir the sonne of Manasse went to Gilead and toke it and put out the Amorites yt were therin.

40 And Moses gaue Gilead vnto Machir the sonne of Manasse and he dwelt therein.

41 And Iair the sonne of Manasse wet and toke ye small townes thereof and called the the townes of Iair.

42 And Nobah went and toke kenath with the townes longinge thereto and called it Nobah after his awne name.

Chapter 33


1 These are the iurneyes of the childern of Israel which went out of the lande of Egipte with their armies vnder Moses ad Aaron.

2 And Moses wrote their goenge out by their iurneyes at ye comaundment of the Lorde: euen these are ye iurneyes of their goenge out.

3 The childern of Israel departed from Raheses the .xv. daye of the first moneth on ye morowe after Passeouer and went out with an hye hande in the syghte of all Egipte

4 while the Egiptians buried all their firstborne which the Lorde had smoten amonge the. And vppo their goddes also the Lorde dyd execucion.

5 And ye childern of Israel remoued from Rahemses and pitched in Sucoth.

6 And they departed fro Sucoth and pitched their tentes in Etha which is in the edge of ye wyldernesse.

7 And they remoued fro Etha ad turned vnto the entrynge of Hiroth which is before baall Zephon and pitched before Migdol.

8 And they departed fro before Hiroth and went thorow the myddes of the see in to the wildernesse and wet .iij. dayes iurney in ye wildernesse of Etha and pitched in Marah.

9 And they remoued fro Marah and wet vnto Elim where were .xij. fountaynes ad .lxx. datetrees and they pitched there.

10 And they remoued from Elim and laye fast by the red see.

11 And they remoued fro the red see and laye in ye wildernesse of Sin.

12 And they toke their iurney out of ye wildernesse of Sin and sett vpp their tentes in Daphka.

13 And they departed from Daphka and laye in Alus.

14 And they remoued from Alus and laye at Raphedim where was no water for the people to drynke.

15 And they departed from Raphedim and pitched in the wildernesse of Sinai

16 And they remoued from the deserte of Sinai and lodged at the graues of lust.

17 And they departed from the sepulchres of lust ad laye at Haseroth.

18 And they departed from Hazeroth and pitched in Rithma.

19 And departed fro Rithma and pitched at Rimon Parez.

20 And they departed from Rimon Parez and pitched in Libna.

21 And they remoued from Libna and pitched at Rissa.

22 And they iurneyed fro Rissa ad pitched in Kehelatha.

23 And they went fro Kehelatha and pitched in mout Sapher

24 And they remoued from mount Sapher and laye in Harada.

25 And they remoued from Harada and pitched in Makeheleth.

26 And they remoued from Makeheloth and laye at Tahath

27 ad they departed fro Tahath and pitched at Tharath

28 And they remoued fro Tharath and pitched in Mithca.

29 And they went from Mithca and lodged in Hasmona.

30 And they departed from Hasmona and laye at Moseroth.

31 And they departed from Moseroth and pitched amonge the childern of Iaecon.

32 And they remoued from the childern of Iaecon ad laye at Hor gidgad.

33 And they went from Hor gidgad and pitched in Iathbatha.

34 And they remoued from Iathbatha and laye at Abrona.

35 And they departed from Abrona and laye at Ezeon gaber.

36 And they remoued from Ezeon gaber and pitched in the wildernesse of Zin which is Cades.

37 And they remoued from Cades and pitched in mount Hor in ye edge of the londe of Moab.

38 And Aaron the preast went vpp in to mount Hor at the commaudment of ye Lorde and dyed there euen in the fortieth yere after the childern of Israel were come out of ye londe of Egipte and in the first daye of the fyfte moneth.

39 And Aaron was an hundred ad xxxiij. yere olde when he dyed in mount Hor

40 And kinge Erad the canaanite which dwelt in ye south of ye lond of canaa herd yt the childern of Israel were come.

41 And they departed fro mount Hor and pitched in Zalmona.

42 And they departed from Zalmona and pitched in Phimon

43 and they departed from Phimon and pitched in Oboth.

44 And they departed fro Oboth and pitched in Igim Abarim in the borders of Moab.

45 And they departed from Igim and pitched in Dibon Gad.

46 And they remoued from Dibon Gad and laye in Almon Diblathama.

47 And they remoued from Almon Diblathama ad pitched in ye mountaynes of Abarim before Nibo.

48 And they departed from the mountaynes of Abarim and pitched in the feldes of Moab fast by Iordane nye to Iericho.

49 And they pitched apon Iordayne from Beth Haiesmoth vnto ye playne of Sitim in ye feldes of Moab

50 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the feldes of Moab by Iordayne nye vnto Iericho sayege:

51 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye are come ouer Iordane in to the londe of Canaan

52 se that ye dryue out all the inhabiters of the londe before you and destroy their Ymaginacions and all their Ymages of Metall ad plucke downe all their alters bylt on hilles:

53 And possesse ye londe and dwell therein for I haue geuen you the londe to enioye it.

54 And ye shall deuyde the enheritaunce of the londe by lott amonge youre kynreddes ad geue to the moo the moare enheritaunce and to the fewer the lesse enheritaunce. And youre enheritaunce shalbe in ye trybes of youre fathers in ye place where euery mans lott falleth.

55 But and yf ye will not dryue out the inhabiters of ye londe before you then these which ye let remayne of the shalbe thornes in youre eyes and dartes in youre sydes and shall vexe you in the lode wherein ye dwell.

56 Moreouer it will come to passe yt I shall doo vnto you as I thought to doo vnto them.

Chapter 34


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

2 comaude the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye come in to the londe of Canaan this is the londe that shall fall vnto youre enheritaunce the londe of Canaan with all hir costes.

3 And youre south quarter shalbe from the wildernesse of Zin alonge by the coste of Edom so that youre south quarter shalbe from the syde of the salte see eastwarde

4 and shall fit a compasse fro the south vpp to Acrabim and reach to Zinna. And it shall goo out on ye south side of Cades Bernea and goo out also at Hazar Adar and goo aloge to Azmon.

5 And shall fet a copasse from Azmon vnto the ryuer of Egipte and shall goo out at the see.

6 And youre west quarter shall be the greate see which coste shalbe youre west coste.

7 And this shalbe youre north quarter: ye shall compasse from the great see vnto mout Hor.

8 And from mount Hor ye shall compasse and goo vnto Hemath and the ende of ye coste shalbe at Zedada

9 and the coste shall reach out to Ziphron and goo out at Hazor Enan. And this shalbe youre north quarter.

10 And ye shall compasse youre cast quarter fro Hazar Enan to Sepham

11 And the coste shall goo downe from Sepham to Ribla on the cast syde of Ain. And then descende and goo out at the syde of the see of Chinereth eastwarde.

12 And then goo downe alonge by Iordayne and leue at the salte see. And this shall be youre lode with all the costes thereof rounde aboute.

13 And Moses commaunded the childern of Israel sayege: this is the lode which ye shall enherett by lotte and which the Lorde comauded to geue vnto .ix. trybes and an halfe:

14 for the trybe of the childern of Ruben haue receaued in the houssholdes of their fathers and the trybe of the childern of Gad in their fathers houssholdes and halfe the trybe of Manasse haue receaued their enheritaunce

15 that is to were .ij. trybes and an halfe haue receaued their enheritaunce on ye other syde of Iordayne by Iericho eastwarde towarde the sonne rysynge.

16 And the Lorde spake to Moses sayenge:

17 These are the names of ye men which shall deuyde you the londe to enherett. Eleazer ye preast ad Iosua the sonne of Nun.

18 And ye shall take also a lorde of euery trybe to deuyde the londe

19 whose names are these: In the trybe of Iuda Caleb ye sonne of Iephune.

20 And in ye trybe of ye childern of Simeon Demuel ye sone of Amiud

21 ad in ye tribe of BeIamin Elidad the sonne of Cislon.

22 And the intrybe of ye childern of Dan the lorde Bucki the sonne of Iagli.

23 And amonge the childern of Ioseph: in the trybe of the childern of Manasse the lorde Haniel the sonne of Ephod.

24 And in the trybe of the childern of Ephraim ye lorde Cemuel the sonne of Siphtan.

25 And in the trybe of the sonnes of Zabulon ye lorde Elizaphan the sonne of Parnac.

26 And in the trybe of the childern of Isachar the lorde Palthiel ye sonne of Asan.

27 And in the trybe of the sonnes of Asser the lorde Ahihud ye sonne of Selomi.

28 And in the trybe of the childern of Naphtali the lorde Peda El the sonne of Ammihud.

29 These are they which the Lorde commauded to deuyde the enheritauce vnto the childern of Israel in the londe of Canaan.

Chapter 35


1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in ye feldes of Moab by Iordayne Iericho sayenge:

2 commaunde the childern of Israel that they geue vnto the leuites of the enheritauce of their possession: cities to dwell in. And ye shall geue also vnto the cities of ye leuites suburbes rounde aboute them.

3 The cities shalbe for them to dwell in and ye suburbes for their catell possession and all maner bestes of theirs.

4 And the suburbes of the cities which ye shall geue vnto the leuites shall reach from the wall of ye citie outwarde a thousande cubites rounde aboute.

5 And ye shall measure without the citie and make the utmost border of the eastsyde: two thousande cubites And the vtmost border of the south syde: two thousande cubetes And the vtmost border of the west syde: two thousande cubetes: and the vtmost border of the north syde: two thousande cubetes also: and the citie shalbe in the myddes. And these shall be the suburbes of their cities.

6 And amonge the cities which ye shall geue vnto the leuites there shall be sixe cities of fraunches which ye shall geue to that intent that he which killeth maye flye thyder. And to them ye shall adde .xlij. cities mo:

7 so that all the cities which ye shall geue the leuites shalbe .xlviij. with their suburbes.

8 And of the cities which ye shall geue oute of the possessyons of the childern of Israel ye shall geue many out of their possessions that haue moche and fewe out of their possessios that haue litle: so that euery tribe shall geue of his cities vnto the leuites acordinge to the enheritaunce which he enhereteth.

9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

10 speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye be come ouer Iordayne in to the londe of Canaan

11 ye shall bylde cities whiche shalbe preuyleged townes for you: that he whiche sleeth a man vnwares maye flye thither.

12 And the cities shalbe to flee from the executer of bloude that he whyche kylled dye not vntill he stonde before the congregacion in iudgement.

13 And of these vi. fre cities

14 which ye shall geue .iij. ye shall geue on this syde Iordayne and .iij. in ye londe of Canaan.

15 And these sixe fre cities shalbe for the childern of Israel and for the straunger and for him that dwelleth amonge you yt all thei which kill any persone vnwares maye flee thither.

16 Yf any man smyte another with a wepo of yerne that he dye than he is a murtherer and shall dye for it.

17 Yf he smyte him with a throwinge stone that he dye therwith then he shall dye: for he is a murtherer and shalbe slayne therfore.

18 Yf he smyte him with a handwepon of wodd that he dye therwith then he shall dye: for he is a murtherer and shalbe slayne therfore.

19 The iudge of bloude shall slee the murtherer as sone as he fyndeth him:

20 Yf he thrust him of hate or hourle at him with layenge of wayte that he dye

21 or smyte him with his hande of enuye that he dye he that smote him shall dye for he is a murtherer. The iustice of bloude shall slee him as soone as he fyndeth him.

22 But and yf he pusshed him by chaunce and not of hate or cast at him with any maner of thynge and not of layenge of wayte:

23 or cast any maner of stone at him that he dye therewith and sawe him not: And he cast it apon him and he dyed but was not his enemye nether soughte him ony harme:

24 Then the cogregacion shall iudge betwene the sleer ad the executer of bloude in soche cases.

25 And the congregacion shall delyuer the sleer out of the hande of the iudge of bloude and shall restore him agayne vnto the fraunchesed cytye whother he was fleed. And he shall byde there vnto the dethe off the hye preaste whiche was anoynted with holy oyle.

26 But and yf he came without the borders of his preuyleged citie whether he was fled

27 yf the bloudvenger fynde him without the borders of his fre towne he shall flee the murtherer and be giltlesse

28 because he shulde haue hidden in his fre towne vntyll the deth of the hye preaste and after the deth of the hye preast he shall returne agayne vnto the londe of his possessyon.

29 And this shalbe an ordinaunce and a lawe vnto you amonge youre childern after you in all youre habitacions.

30 Whosoeuer sleeth shalbe slaine at ye mouthe of witnesses. For one witnesse shall not answere agenste one persone to put him to deeth.

31 Moreouer ye shall take none amendes for the lyfe of the murtherer whiche is worthy to dye: But he shall be put to deeth.

32 Also ye shall take none atonement for him yt is fled to a fre citie that he shulde come agayne and dwell in the londe before the deeth of the hye preast.

33 And se that ye polute not the londe which ye are in for bloude defyleth the londe. And the londe can none other wyse be clensed of ye bloude that is shed therein but by the bloude of it that shed it.

34 Defyle not therfore the londe which ye inhabitt and in the myddes of which I also dwell for I am ye Lorde which dwell amonge the childern of Israel.

Chapter 36


1 And the auncyet heedes of the childern of Gilead the sonne of Machir ye sonne of Manasse of the kynred of ye childern of Ioseph came forth and spake before Moses and the prynces which were aunciet heedes amoge the childern of Israel

2 and sayed: The Lorde commaunded my lorde to geue ye lande to enherette by lotte to the childern of Israel. And then my lord commaunded in ye name of the Lorde to geue the enheritaunce of Zelaphead oure brother vnto his doughters.

3 Now when any of the sonnes of the trybes of Israel take them to wyues then shall their enheritaunce be taken from the enheritaunce of oure fathers and shall be put vnto the enheritaunce of the trybe in which they are and shalbe taken from the lott of oure enheritaunce.

4 And when the fre yere cometh vnto the childern of Israel then shall their enheritaunce be put vnto the enheritaunce of the trybe where they are in and so shall their enheritaunce be taken awaye from the enheritaunce of the trybe of oure fathers.

5 And Moses commaunded the childern of Israel at the mouth of the Lorde sayenge: the trybe of ye childern of Ioseph haue sayed well.

6 This therfore doeth the Lorde commaude the doughters of Zelaphead sayenge: let them be wyues to whom they the silfe thynke best but in the kynred of the trybe of their father shall they marye

7 that the enheritaunce of the childern of Israel roole not from trybe to trybe. But that the childern of Israel maye abyde euery man in the enheritaunce of the trybe of his fathers

8 And euery doughter that possesseth any enheritaunce amonge the trybes of the childern of Israel shalbe wife vnto one of the kynred of the trybe of hir father that the childern of Israel maye enioy euery man the enheritaunce of his father

9 and that the enheritaunce goo not from one trybe to another: but that the trybes of the childern of Israel maye abyde euery man in his awne enheritaunce.

10 And as the Lorde commaunded Moses euen so dyd the doughters of Zelaphead:

11 Mahela, Thirza Hagla Milca and Noa ad were maried vnto their fathers brothers sonnes

12 of the kynred of the childern of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph: ad so they had their enheritaunce in the trybe of the kynred of their father.

13 These are the commaundmentes and lawes which the Lorde commaunded thorow Moses vnto the childern of Israel in the feldes of Moab apon Iordayne nye vnto Iericho.