Bibliography of the Sanskrit Drama/General Works
1. Hindu Works on Dramatics.
Abhinayadarpaṇa A 1. p. 24 = 4 Mss.
Nāṭyaśāstra. Manuscripts. A 1. p. 284 = 3 Mss.; A 2. p. 61 = 1 Ms. and 1 Com.; A 3. p. 61.
Text Editions. Nāṭyaśāstra. Edited by Śivadatta and Parab. Bombay, 1894, pp. 3 + 447. Kāvyamālā, no. 42.
Nāṭyaśāstra. Traité de Bharata sur le théâtre. Texte Sanskrit. Édition critique. Avec une introduction, les variantes tirées de quatre manuscripts, une table analytique et des notes par Joanny Grosset. Précédée d'une préface de Paul Regnaud. Tome I. Première partie = Annales de l'Université de Lyon, fasc. 40, Paris, 1898, pp. 12 + 27 + 296.
Nāṭyaśāstra, adhyāyas 18, 19, 20, 34. Published by F. Hall in his edition of the Daśarūpa, Calcutta, 1865, pp. 199–241.
Contribution a l'étude de la musique hindoue par J. Grosset. Paris, 1888, pp. 91. In Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Lettres de Lyon, vol. 6. [Text of bk. 28 of the Nāṭyaśāstra with translation and notes.]
Le 17me chapitre du Bhāratīya Nāṭyaśāstra intitulé Vāg-Abhinaya, publié pour la première fois par P. Regnaud. In Annales du Musée Guimet, 1 (1880), pp. 85–99.
La Métrique de Bharata. Text Sanscrit de deux chapitres du Nāṭya-śāstra, publié pour la première fois et suivi d'une interprétation française par Paul Regnaud. In Annales du Musée Guimet, 2 (1881), pp. 63–130. [End of chapter 15 and chapter 16.]
Nāṭyaśāstra. Sixth and seventh chapters, edited with notes and variants by Paul Regnaud, in his Rhétorique Sanskrite, Paris, 1884, part 2, pp. 1–42.
Criticism. Nāṭyaśāstra. Traité sur le théâtre publié par J. Grosset. Préface (par P. Regnaud) et introduction. Lyon, 1897, pp. 40.
Dhruva, H. H., Nāṭyaśāstra, or the Indian dramatics. In As. Quart. Rev. 2 (1896), pp. 349–359.
Daśarūpa. Manuscripts. A 1. pp. 247–248 = 16 Mss. and 1 Com.; by Dhanika 9, by Nṛsiṃha Bhaṭṭa 1, by Pāṇi 1; A 2. p. 53 = 7 Mss. and Com. by Kuravirāma 1, by Dhanika 7, by Devapāṇi 1.
Text Editions. Daśarūpa or Hindu canons of dramaturgy, with the exposition of Dhanika, the Avaloka. Edited by F. Hall. Calcutta, 1865, pp. 39 + 241. In Bibl. Indica.
Daśarūpa with the commentary of Dhanika. Edited by J. Vidyāsāgara. Calcutta, 1878, pp. 230.
Daśarūpa. With the commentary of Dhanika. Edited by K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1897, pp. 153.
Hastamuktāvali A 1. p. 764.
Nandin Abhinayadarpaṇa A 1. p. 24 = 7 Mss.; A 3. p. 6 = 3 Mss.
Idem Abhinayadarpaṇa. Poona, 1874.
Nāṭakacandrikā A 2. p. 61.
Nāṭakalakṣaṇa A 2. p. 61.
Nāṭakaratnakośa cf A 1. p. 284.
Nāṭakāvatāra cf A 1. p. 284.
Nāṭasūtra (?) cf A 1. p. 284.
Nāṭyadarpaṇa cf A 1. p. 284.
Nāṭyalakṣaṇa A 1. p. 284.
Nāṭyalōcana A 3, p. 61.
Nāṭyaśāstra A 1. p. 284.
Puṇḍarīka Nāṭakalakṣaṇa A 1. p. 284.
Rūpa Gosvāmin Nāṭakacandrikā alaṃkāra A 1. p. 284 = 2 Mss.; A 2. p. 207.
Rāmacandra Nāṭyadarpaṇa A 3. p. 61.
Śiṅgadharaṇīśa Nāṭakaparibhāṣā A 1. p. 284; A 2. p. 61.
Śrīkaṇṭhaka Rasakaumudī Nāṭyaśāstre A 1. p. 494.
Sundarami§ra (1613) Natyapradlpa mentioned in DR. intr. P 1.
Trilocanaditya Natyalocana A i. p. 284=2 Mss. and I Com.
Tryambaka Natakadlpa A i. p. 284 = i Ms. and 3 Com. ; by Ramakrsna I.
Vasantaraja Natyasastra mentioned by Mallinatha on Sisupalavadha 2. 8 ; cf. A i. pp. 284, 556.
Viśvanātha Kavirāja.
Sahityadarpana. Manuscripts. A i. p. 715 = 21 Mss. and 4 Com. ; by Mathuranatha Sukla i, by Ramacarana 7 ; A 2. pp. 171, 233 = 3 Mss. and Com. by Anantadasa i, by Rama- carana 2 ; A 3. p. 148 = 5 Mss. and Com. by Ramacarana 2; Hz. 3. 1750.
Text Editions. Sahityadarpana. Edited by Natha Rama. Calcutta, 1828.
Sahityadarpana. The text revised by E. Roer, Calcutta, 185 1.
Sahityadarpana. The Mirror of Composition. Edited and translated by Ballantyne and Mitra. Calcutta, 1875, 2 vols.
Sahityadarpana. Edited by J. Vidyasagara. 1° ed., Calcutta, 1874; 3° ed., 1890, pp. 702 ; 5° ed., 1900, pp. 630.
Sahityadarpana. With a commentary. Annotated and edited by D. Dviveda and K. P. Parab. Bombay, 1902, pp. 644.
Criticism. Alamkaravadartha, a discussion on the Sahityadarpana. A3, p. 7.
2. Works of General Criticism.
Analyse d'un monologue dramatique indien. Paris, 1850.
Das indische Theater. In Globus, 49 (1886), pp. 380-381.
Baumgartner, Alexander. Geschichte der Weltliteratur, vol. 2., 3° ed., Freiburg im Breisgau, 1902, pp. 134-203.
Bloch, Th. Ein griechisches Theater in Indien. In ZDMG. 58 (1904), pp. 455-457.
Bohme, R. Indische Dramatik. In Vossische Zeitung, 1903, Sonntagsbeilage, no. 37.
Cappeller, Carl. Zwei Prahasanas. In Gurupujakaumudi, Fest- gabe fiir Weber, Leipzig, 1896, pp. 59-63.
Cimmino, Francesco. II tipo comico del '* vidushaka " nell' antico dramma indiano. In Atti della Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (di Napoli), 15 (1893), pp. 97-142.
Cimmino, Francesco. II teatro indiano in Europa. Communica- zione letta al Congresso di Parigi nel 1897. Naples, 1897.
Cimmino, Francesco. Studii sul teatro indiano. I. Sul dramma Karpuramanjarl. 2. Sul dramma Candakausika. In Ren- diconto della Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (di Napoli), 19 (1905), pp. 1-76.
Colizza, Giovanni. Del riconoscimento nel dramma indiano e nel dramma greco. Rome, 1897, pp. 105. [Treats only Sakuntala and Oedipus Rex.]
Druskowitz, A. Shakespeare's Vorlaufer in Indien und andere indische Dramatiker. In Dramaturgische Blatter und Biihnenrundschau, 17 (1888), pp. 638-639.
Gubernatis, Angelo de. Storia universale della letteratura, vol. I, pp. 19-110; vol. 2, pp. 11-108. Milan, 1882-1883. Gray, Louis H. Literary Studies on the Sanskrit Novel, 2. The Sanskrit Novel and the Sanskrit Drama. In WZKM. 18 (1904), pp. 48-58.
Hall, F. Fragments of three early Hindu dramatists, Bhasa, Ramila, and Somila. In JASBe. 28 (1859), pp. 28-30.
Herder, J. G. von. Uber das Morgenlandische Drama. In Werke zur Schonen Literatur und Kunst, Stuttgart, 1828.
Hertel, Johannes. Der Ursprung des indischen Dramas und Epos. In WZKM. 18 (1904), pp. 59-83, 139-168.
Hillebrandt, Alfred. Zur Charakteristik des indischen Drama's (1888). In his Alt-Indien, Breslau, 1899, pp. 147-167.
Huizinga, J. De VidQsaka in het indisch Tooneel. Groningen, 1897, pp. 155.
Jackson, A. V. Williams. Children on the Stage in the Sanskrit Drama. In Proc. Am. Philol. Assoc, 27 (1896), pp. v, vi. [Abstract of the following article.]
Jackson, A. V. Williams. Children on the Stage in the Ancient Hindu Drama. In the Looker-On, New York, June 1897, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 509-516.
Jackson, A. V. Williams. Certain Dramatic Elements in Sanskrit Plays with Parallels in the English Drama. First series. In Am. Journ. PhiloL, 19 (1898), pp. 241-254.
Jackson, A. V. Williams. Disguising on the stage as a dramatic device in Sanskrit plays. In Proc. Am. Philol. Assoc, 29 (1898), pp. 18-19.
Jackson, A. V. Williams. Time Analysis of Sanskrit Plays, i. The Dramas of Kalidasa ; 2. The Dramas of Harsha. In JAOS. 20(1899), pp. 341-359, and 21 (1900), pp. 88-108.
Κεφαλλῆνος. Αἱ ἑλληνίδες ἑταῖραι ἐν τῷ ἰνδικῷ δρἀματι. Athens, 1886. [Considers only the Mṛcchakaṭikā.]
Kern, H. Een blik op het indisch Tooneel. In De Gids, 1898, pp. 466-496.
Kielhorn, F. Sanskrit plays preserved as inscriptions. In Acad- emy, 1891, p. 6y ; JRAS. 1891, pp. 165-166. See also app. to Ep. Ind. 5 (1899), p. 20.
Kielhorn, F. Sanskrit plays partly preserved as inscriptions at Ajmere. In I A. 20 (1891), pp. 201-212.
Kielhorn, F. Bruchstiicke indischer Schauspiele in Inschriften zu Ajmere. In Festschrift z. Feier d. 1 5ojahr. Bestehens d. Kgl. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Berlin, 1901, pp. 30.
Klein, J. L. Das indische Drama, in his Geschichte des Dramas, vol. 3, Leipzig, 1866, pp. 1-373.
Lévi, Sylvain. Le Theatre indien. Paris, 1890, pp. 15 + 432-1- 125. [The standard work on the Sanskrit drama.]
Lévi, Sylvain. Sur quelques termes employes dans les inscrip- tions des Ksatrapas. In J A. 9° series, 19 (1902), pp. 95-125.
Leumann, Ernst. Eine Bitte an die kiinftigen Herausgeber von Dramen und nichtvedischen Prosa-Texten der indischen Literatur. In ZDMG. 42 (1888), pp. 161-198.
Oldenburg, S. F. Ukazaniye na predstavleniye buddiskoi dramy. In Zapiski Vostocnago Otdeleniya Imp. Russkago Arkheologičeskago Obscestva, 4 (1890), pp. 393-394. [Mention of a representation of a Buddhist Drama. Text from the Avadanasataka (75).]
Ongaro, Prof. Dall'. Studii critici sul teatro indiano. In Rivista Europea, Florence, Jan. 1873.
Hariscandra. Nataka: on drama in Sanskrit and Hindi with sketch of European drama. Benares, 1883, pp. 54. [In Hindi.]
Neve, F. Les drames heroiques et mythologiques de I'lnde. In Museon, i (1882), pp. 523-540.
Nevill, Hugh. The Ramayana as a Play. In Taprobanian, 2 (1887), pp. 150-160, 170-172.
P [avolini] , P. E. Sul personaggio del Vidusaka. In Studi italiani di filologia indo-iranica, edited by Pulle, 2(1899), PP- ^^—^7- [A review of Huizinga's work, De Vidusaka in het indisch Tooneel.]
Pischel, Richard. Die Heimat des Puppenspiels. Hallesche Rektorreden, 2, Halle, 1900, pp. 28.
[Pischel, Richard.] The Home of the Puppet Play. Translated by Mildred C. Tawney. London, 1902, pp. 32.
Saradananda (Swami). Poetry and Drama of Ancient Times. In Brahmavadin, 3 (1897), pp. 346-355.
Schuyler, Montgomery, Jr. The Origin of the Vidusaka, and the employment of this character in the plays of Harsadeva. In JAOS. 20 (1899), pp. 338-340.
Sladomel, Ig. Dramaticke umeni indu. In Vlast, 13 (1897), pp. 835-845.
Smith, Vincent A. The Reign of Harsha from 606 to 648 A. D. In his Early History of India, Oxford, 1904, pp. 282-302.
Tagore, S. M. Bharatiya Natya Rahasya, or a Treatise on Hindu Drama. Calcutta, 1878, pp. 268. [In Bengali.]
Tagore, S. M. The Hindu Drama, i. Calcutta, 1888, pp. 56.
Windisch, E. Der griechische Einfluss im indischen Drama. In Verh. d. 5. intern. Orientalisten-Kongresses (i 881), sect. 2, Berlin, 1882, pp. 3-106.
Winternitz, Moritz. The Mahabharata and the drama. In JRAS. 1903, PP- 571-572.
Zub^^ty, Josef. On the development of the Indian drama and its relation to the Greek drama [in Bohemian]. In Listy filo- logike of Prague, 14 (1887), pp. 1-7; 98-108; 193-205. [Chiefly on the hetairai of the Hindu and the Greek drama.]
3. Chapters in Histories of Sanskrit Literature.
Frazer, R. W. A Literary History of India. London and New York, 1898, pp. 263-299.
Henry, Victor. Les Litteratures de I'lnde. Paris, 1904, pp. 274-320.
Macdonell, Arthur A. A History of Sanskrit Literature. Lon- don and New York, 1900, pp. 346-367.
Lassen, Christian. Indische Alterthumskunde, vol. 2, 2° ed. Leipzig, 1874, pp. 506-514, 1 1 70- 1 174; vol. 4, 1 86 1, pp. 817-821.
Manning, Mrs. C. S. Ancient and Mediaeval India, vol. 2, London, 1869, pp. 141-288.
Oldenberg, H. Die Literatur des alten Indien. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1903, pp. 236-281.
Schroeder, Leopold von. Indiens Literatur und Cultur. Leipzig, 1887, pp. 591-666.
Weber, Albrecht. Vorlesungen.iiber indische Literaturgeschichte. 2° ed., Berlin, i8y6-yS, pp. 213-225.
Weber, Albrecht. History of Indian Literature. Translated from the Second German edition by J. Mann and Th. Zachariae. 2° ed., London, 1882, pp. 196-208.
Williams, Monier. Indian Wisdom. 3° ed., London, 1876, pp. 462-489.
4. Collected Translations of Sanskrit Dramas.
Fritze, Ludwig. Indisches Theater, Sammlung indischer Dramen in metrischer Ubersetzung. Schloss-Chemnitz, 1877-79, 3 vols.
Marazzi, Antonio. Teatro scelto indiano, tradotto dal sanscrito. Milan, 1871-74, 2 vols. (vol. i, Teatro di Calidasa; vol. 2, Mudraraxasa e Dhurtasamagama).
Wilson, Horace Hayman. Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, translated from the original Sanskrit. Appendix con- taining short accounts of different dramas, i ° ed., Calcutta, 1826-27, 3 vols.; 2° ed., London, 1835, 2 vols.; 3° ed., London, 1871, 2 vols, (in Works of H. H. Wilson, vols. II, 12); reprinted, Calcutta, 1902, 2 vols.
Langlois, A. Chefs-d'oeuvres du theatre indien, traduits de I'original Sanscrit en anglais, par H. H. Wilson, et de I'anglais en frangais ; accompagnes de notes et d'eclaircisse- mens, et suivi d'une table alphabetique des noms propres. Paris, 1828, 2 vols.
[Wolff, O. L. B.] Theater der Hindus. Aus der Englischen Obersetzung des Sanskrit-Originals metrisch iibersetzt. Weimar, 1828-31, 2 vols.