Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets/Bhattu Murti
This poet was born in a village called Bhattu Palla in the district of Pulmendala, in the ceded districts he was a distinguished orator, and possessed a critical knowledge of the Sanscrit and Telugu dialects. As the poets of his time were greatly patronized by the Sovereigns of various provinces, Bhattu Murti chiefly confined his labours to versification in the vernacular tongue, and the harmony of his numbers were so much admired that he obtained a great many scholars, whom he made proficients in prosody. He, in course of time proceeded to the Court of Kristna Roya, who admiring his talents retained him as one of his eight celebrated bards; during the life-time of this monarcb, he composed an epic poem, entitled Narasa Bhupalayam, or the history of Narasa Bhupal, which was a work of great labor, and much, admired by his contemporaries, and by posterity. After the death of Kristna Royaloo, he wrote another epic poem, called Vasoo Charitra, the subject of which is the loves and nuptials of king Vasoo, and the beautiful nymph Girikernica, the work was dedicated to king Terumala and the invocation of the poem commences in the following manner:—
"The earth-born Seta viewed with grace replete
Her beauteous form reflected near her feet
By brilliant gems, that each with various shade
And plastic pow'r a graceful maid portray'd
She, Rama's consort and betrothed wife
Conceiv'd a new creation sprung to life
Touch'd by the dust of her lord's potent foot
Till he remov'd the goddess' anxious doubt;
When in the naptiat rites, and holy hand
He grasp'd her jewels in his heav'nly band
May Seta's husband blessings e'er bestow
On Teramala Royas royal brow
With moon-like face from Which each science glcaiiK
With rub; lip* replete with Sacoh'rine stream a
Tromnhichthe boon of latent wiihea flows
And which rich fruits effsctnally bestows
With nectar-vitsed 1>reasts as pure as trulli
Abundant sourca of wealth and blooming youth
With arms lilte tendrils that ia shadowy bow'rs
Isdeck'd in beauty of unfading flon'rs
Bti was produced when Rama efforts tried
In Janaka's lacteous ocean wide
He Heri'a self while fierotly bending low,
Bentthe tough string to Itwar's mountuiu bow.
May that bright goddess cboicent blessings biiog
To Temmala Roya peerless king.
The Sister arts that yield harmonious sound
In music and in Poesy are found
The dulcet component cf tunes and verse
Each with her charms th' enraptur'd soul immerse
And whirl'd in circling eddies round and clear
Like Sarasati's fragrant breasts appear
May he who can (of lawful love the tests
Grasp with his palms those loscious budding breasts
B; BO ig^Doble puncture plainly shona May that Divinity hi* pon'ri teleot And Terumaia migbiy king protect. The alphabet that like a roaary seems By her lute's melody soon raeltia streams And all around reflect lair Vaiji's face As Gad SiipTeme perrading time and spaco May she the gift of EltHjoeBce confer On Terumala king nithout compeer Arria nhen nitb Jealous rage possessed To ber great consort this reproach addressed Well'. Weill TbouTaithles-to ray marriage bed Mandakini, tbou keepest on thy head. WhiUt 1 alasl am dnindl'd half avrny the God prostrating then tegaii to pray T* appease her ire by humbly bending low But Giinga naxing nrath did clamarous grow Tills Sumbhu tied hia hair, this pretext i»g« The Goddcsn silenced and restiaiued her sago May that great Being in a bounteous shon'r On Terumala all bis mercies pour On eitlier side w itK fragrant braded hair. Like dusky clouds that flnat in ambient air With ornamental symbols on each sida Of fDll'blonu ahiiuDg in their beauties prido D,„i,i=dbvGoogIe With (lamiDg eyei tkat dart their iplen dors clear, And giake-riog pendants that adorn each ear. With necklaces whose light illumea each land. And graceful Camalas in either hand. With robes of direra hues and powder rara Of Rutti's lord, adrugbejond compare Thus deck'd the mountain born half of her lord Does in each essence to her mate accord. May she bestow on Ternmala R07, Victorious battle and triumphant joy. While he with mighty tnsks resistless itroolc. The moantain huge Ragatasara shook Then graceful Gowri with aaeonscions start, Embrac'd 8ri Kuntha to her throbbing heart) While Gunga gashing o'er great Biva's brow In falling stteama is daah'd on earth beloW ; The moontain-bom is pleased with feata nov don* By her own elephantine faced son. To that prescient Ood, whose nam« I taka With holy awe obeisance I make
The following lines are taken from the second book of the same poem, and are supposed to be spoken by Manjuvani, when she was deputed by her mistress Grikanika to Vasoo Rajah. Oh ruler of the world, they preaeitce bright Fills each eipftitding heart nith trae deligU And joy ; u when propitious fortane poori -Vaneoauted trcunres down ing^dea thaw'ra
- -Or when the moon In plenitnde arraj'cl
Shoots h«r bright spleaclari through the midniglit bIh -Friend of Ihe world ! Oh pow'rful deity ! The efiiilgeoce of thy penetrating eye ^iipeli the darknets and the gloom prdfound Whose mblemantlecoTeri us around Tfay gTMefiil prescDoe this anspiciout d«j Oh kingefkitigs, exiles each, care away ! ■Wflh every keea desire and wish poisessed Fili'd to sUietj weitand oonfened, Oh ittv'reign of At earth ! thy heav'nty tread Appronching doth with potent bleasingB sL ed ■ Ob mortals immortality and grace, And makes oor wisdom match th' ethereal no* Pre-eminent in good thy »irtuB ponra Like fruitful ttutum its prolific stores : Whilst we our homage p»y we gain these thrifU The mral goddess sheds her choicest gifta fouberant to me and to my friends ; with joy In plenty we our happy hours employ. Who can the gratefur voice sufficient rais* KeCciTe the boon and give eternal praise? bvGoogle The foregoing poem of the Vasoo Charitra was much admired by the contemporaries of Bhattu Murti, and became a model for after poets who composed in the Telugu language—Bhattu Murti, was highly rewarded by Terumala Roya for this and other works that he composed at the command of that monarch, so that he passed his days in peace and happiness until his death, which happened at his residence in the sixtieth year of his age.