Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets/Somanat Bhatt
Was a Teliaga bramia, and inhabitant of Tehana Lanka, in the districts of Rajamahendry. The pundits of that place say, that he was born there in the twelfth centary of Salivahaaa, and was long in indigent circumstances, having inherited from hjs ancestors only a small portion of land, which had been given them by a former ruler of that country.
When he was grown up, he had not the means of defraying the expences of a wedding, and being desirous to marry, forthwith proceeded to a kinsman and implored him to get him married. By the exertions of this relation, and some other bramins, who revered the memory of his forefathers Samanat Bhatt, was recommended to the notice of a great man, who compassionated his case, furnished the means of paying the charges of the nuptials, and got him espoused to a damsel of respectability. When the ceremony was concluded, the bridegroom went according to custom, and prostrated himself before his mother-in-law, but she being a mercenary woman, despised our poet, and averted her face when he approached Stung with indignation, and sorrow Samanat Bhatt proceeded to Benares, where he diligently for the space of twenty years studied Philosophy, Theology, and the liberal arts. When he was a perfect master in all these branches of sciences, he returned to his native country, and on his way visited, severally, the Rajahs of Tekale, Mandassa, and Chikati; and exhibited his learning and talents before them : from each of these Princes he obtained magnificent presents, a Palankeen, and large sums of money. He purchased gold bangles ornamented with flowers in fret work and presented them to his mother-in-law, and the avaricious woman became so delighted with the wealth, and learning of oar Poet, that she heaped blessings on him incessantly. After this Samanat established a school of philosophy, and enjoyed a considerable degree of reputation. He wrote a second commentary on the Memansa philosophy, and this work is entitled, "Somanathyam." This treatise is much used by students, and procured for our Poet a considerable degree of reputation. Somanat had several children and died at the age of sixty in his native town. His descendants are still living—The work written by this Poet is in much esteem with the natives of the Dekkan.