Biographical and critical studies by James Thomson ("B.V.")/Advertisement
In Two Volumes. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. 12s. 6d.
Poetical Works of James Thomson
With a Memoir and Portraits of the Author
"Mr. Bertram Dobell has earned the gratitude of all lovers of good literature by his excellent edition, in two well-printed volumes, of 'The Poetical Works of James Thomson.' It is prefaced with a short Memoir, which may be regarded as a sufficiently complete account of the marred and broken career of that unfortunate man of genius, and is characterised alike by sympathy and candour."—National Observer.
"Such is the story which Mr. Salt tells, and tells simply and sympathetically. He 'had not the advantage of personal acquaintance with James Thomson,' but he writes as if he had. There is a brighter side to the picture, and to this also the biographer does justice. He throws into relief the brighter qualities of this unhappy man—his social gifts, his brilliant talk, his capacity of friendship, receptivity, and humour, and, above all, his popularity. We are treated to plenty of his letters, and these are really a treat. . . . But whatever the demerits of Mr. Salt's criticism, this seems certain—that the perusal of his 'Life of James Thomson' will prove in most cases a prelude to the perusal of James Thomson's works."—Scots Observer.