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Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow/Chapter LII

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Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

by Eliza Roxcy Snow
Chapter LII
188296Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Chapter LII
Eliza Roxcy Snow



From the Deseret News. A re-union. A dinner. Speeches. Songs. Expressions of love and union. Judge Burt reads a lengthy presenta- tion address. The editor comments. The address. Presents gold watch and chain to Lorenzo. A testimonial of love, respect and confidence.

'HE following expressions of love and confidence from those who had struggled together against the long established customs of the age in working up and carry" ing into effect a system productive of individual and general good, are worthy of being engraven in letters of gold. In commemoration of the inflexibility of the bond of union in which those men were associated, and the esteem in which they held their file leader, we copy from the Deseret News, as follows :


BRIGHAM CITY. .JANTAIIY ". 1881. Editor Deseret News:

On the last day of the old year, 1880, the "Council of the United Order" of this Stake, about sixty in number, had a grand re-union in the Social Hall, where they met and were seated around one large table, spread with an abundance of earth's productions in good style.

Having partaken of a first class lunch, the time for several hours was spent by the brethren in making brief speeches, toasting, singing and relating remarkable incidents. A very warm feeling of friendship and brotherhood was mani- fest, and will long be remembered.

Judge John D. Burt, at the beginning of these exercises, read a lengthy address, in behalf of the assembly, to Apostle Lorenzo, Snow, setting forth in emphatic language the firm- ness, faithfulness, love and indomitable energy of the Apostle in his long years of labor in the good cause, at home and abroad, his tribulations and victories.

As a fitting testimonial of the love and esteem in which he is held by the brethren, the judge presented him a gold watch and chain, which had been purchased at Mr. Asmussen's establishment, in Salt Lake City, for $245 (two hundred and forty -five), and was a gift from a number of the brethren; after which Brother Snow arose, and, with feelings of emotion, thanked his -brethren for this token of esteem, which came to him by surprise, and said he valued the respect and good feelings of the brethren above all earthly considerations. The scene was impressive by reason of the spirit that was present.


The following presentation address, by Judge Burt, will show that this interesting community still retained its vitality and enthusiasm, also the high regard and appreciative respect in which Lorenzo is still held as a "social reformer:"



Beloved President Lorenzo Snow:

We have met here this evening in a social capacity, as friends and brethren in the cause of truth, to while away a few hours in social communion together, and to congratulate each other for the peace surrounding us in our mountain home, and for the rich and abundant blessings of a kind, indulgent and beneficent Creator, which have so eminently crowned our efforts

during the past year, and for the favorable 

and glorious prospects foreshadowing us in the future.

When we contemplate the scenes of poverty, sorrow, per- secution, suffering and death heaped upon the Saints by their ( 'hristian (?) friends of this generation, and contrast the present with the past, our hearts swell with deep emotion, thanksgiving and gratitude beyond expression to the Giver of all good for the many and peculiar favors so graciously bestowed upon us since we have resided in these valleys.

And while we are ever ready and always willing to acknowledge the hand of our God and render unto Him our sincere thanks for all the blessings we enjoy, we also recognize the fact that a meed of praise and much honor is due to His servants, the Apostles, who, through their indomitable energy, untiring zeal, and earnest devotion to the cause of truth, have been? the favored instruments in the hands of God to bring about and make possible these happy results.

Beloved President: As one of these honored ones, you have occupied a very prominent position. You have traversed sea and land "without purse or scrip" to proclaim ^lad tidings to an erring and fallen world, and for nearly half a century you have labored incessantly, at home and abroad, in the interest and common cause of humanity, and in the prosecu- tion of this labor you have been required and have cheerfully made many sacrifices for the Gospel's sake.

You have also been a pioneer, and to-day stand in the front rank of co-operative enterprises in this Territory, devoting


your time, talent and means for the good of the people; thus seeking to elevate the poor, and bring about an equality and union among the Saints in Zion. Many and arduous have been your labors in this direction, and, although the adversary has been permitted, from time to time, to make invasions, to commit depredations, impose and levy special, grievous and unjust and unconstitutional burdens upon you, thus aiming to undermine and strike with paralysis and death the noble enterprise you have so zealously and industriously erected and fostered in the midst of your brethren here in this city; you have never faltered, but with sterling fidelity, unflinching purpose and unshaken confidence you have faced the frowning billows of adversity, and the howling tempest of anti-Christian hate, and, in divine strength and with heroic fortitude, and Godlike determination, you have met and withstood the shock, weathered and outridden the storm, and in an .eminent degree have been successful in the achievement of the grand object in view the union and consolidation of the interests, efforts and feelings of those whom God has entrusted to your care.

Now, in consideration of the many and valuable services you have rendered this community, and for the frequent acts of courtesy and kindness bestowed upon us as individuals, permit us, beloved brother, as a humble testimonial of our regard, to present you this watch and chain, which we trust you will condescend to accept as the grateful and voluntary offering of a few of your friends, who have clustered around you on this occasion, desiring to manifest their approbation, and to recognize your past services in their behalf.

Earnestly hoping that your life may be spared, and that you may be permitted to wear this slight token of our esteem for many years yet to come, we will still continue to invoke the blessings of the Just One to rest upon you and yours for- ever and ever.