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Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow/Chapter LVII

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Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

by Eliza Roxcy Snow
Chapter LVII
188301Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow:
One of The Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Chapter LVII
Eliza Roxcy Snow





Introductory. Letter from Lorenzo's son-in-law on the Sandwich Islands. The weather. Cane crop. Five hundred and forty-nine baptisms. Bang David Kalakauna is coming to visit the Saints. Great preparations for his reception. Houses decorated. Inscriptions. Breakfast is wait- ing. The steamer comes. The King is escorted between two files of men, women and children. Cheers. Introductions. Breakfast, then to the meeting house. Reception. Singing choirs. Dedication prayer by President Partridge. The King speaks approvingly

of the Saints. 

Meeting adjourned. A "big feast" prepared by the natives. What composed of. How the King was seated. How he ate. How they all, numbering one thousand, ate. The King escorted to the steamer. A national custom. Splendid conference. Number of the Saints.

S an incidental jotting of the present, and as a family historic item in connection with the preceding reports of missionary labors, we here introduce a letter which my brother has received from a son-in-law, now on his second mission to the Sandwich Islands. When sent on his first mission to the isles, he was quite young, and went as a lone boy; now he has his family, consisting of a wife (my brother's daughter), and two children with him. He was called at the last April Conference, and started soon after its close. This is Morris Young's third mission abroad.


Hawaiian Islands, October llth, 1883.

President Lorenzo Snow, Brigham City, Utah :

My Dear Father. I take pleasure in writing you, and hope this letter will find you all well, as it leaves us. With occasional pleasant showers, the weather here is delight-


fill. I presume you at home are all preparing for a cold winter.

Our cane crop is growing finely, a portion of which will probably be ready to take off in December, w r heii we expect to commence grinding.

For several weeks past I have worked very hard, finishing up the painting of our new meeting house, attending many meetings in the afternoons and evenings.

Last week the brethren were very busy rebaptizing and confirming the people, numbering in all, including new members, five hundred and forty-nine. We took turns in baptizing. I baptized seventy-two fourteen of this number were new baptisms. I baptized one woman whose weight is two hundred and sixty, and several who weigh over two hundred.

Saturday, October 6. Hundreds of people were out early in the morning. Prior to this, we had received the announce- ment that the king, David Kalakauna, would honor us with his presence, and now the word is that the steamer on which he sails will land here at Laie at six a. m.

Every possible preparation had previously been made for the reception of His Majesty, and the plantation is now dotted all over with people. The women are dressed in all colors some in silks and satins, some in native manufactured material, and all in their very best.

I have been assisting in making and decorating a crown, to be placed over an archway, through which the king will pass. In the archway is written in large letters, l 'E la morn hi Moi" in English, "Forever live the King." This motto is on the Makia side of the arch, and on the Mauka side is written "Hui hoonlu Lahnc" which means "To increase the nation." The arch is beautifully decorated with ferns and flags. The large gate near the sea is also nicely decorated with ferns, leaves and shrubs.

The " Mission House" is fancifully ornamented with ferns


and flowers the posts, railings and ceiling of the porch are all draped with braided ferns, bountifully interspersed with flowers, which gives it a very beautiful appearance.

We have a fine liberty pole in the center of the grounds, on which the Hawaiian flag is floating. The new meeting house is truly grand; it is set off with three chandeliers, a large clock on the center of the gallery at the east end, and on the west, over the stand, hangs my father's likeness, elegantly draped. On the right-hand wall is written, in large letters, in the native language, "He that endureth to the end shall live;" and on the left, " He will remember the isles of the sea." The stand, the gallery, and the aisles in the body of the building, are spread with neat Chinese mats.

After this cursory glance at the meeting house, we will return to the Mission House, where we find < breakfast all in readiness, waiting the arrival of the king. Nine o'clock a. m., the steamer is in sight, about twenty-five miles out eleven a. m., steamer arrives at Laie, anchors in the harbor some forty rods from land, and at twenty minutes past eleven, the king- landed in a row-boat, and was carried from the water's edge, three or four rods, to his horse. His Majesty's party consists of three ladies and one gentleman. Whether these all belong to the royal family I do not know. The party have several servants in attendance. An escort of about fifty horsemen are at the shore to meet the king.

The following committees are at their posts, viz: Com- mittee on reception at the beach, Elders Reed, Meldrum, Brim, Marchant, Kinimakalahua and Kaleohano; captain of the horsemen, Samuel Woolley ; committee on reception at the Mission House, President Partridge, Young, Fox, Hansen, Farrell and Partridge, Jr.; committee on programme, H. A. Woolley, Gardner and Pack.

The people are now in line on either side of the road for a long distance. Sunday schools, relief societies, young men's and young ladies' mutual improvement associations, Elders,


Priests, Teachers, Deacons, and the Saints generally, all out in honor of the occasion.

About twenty-five minutes past eleven a. m., the king mounted his horse, and was escorted to the Mission House amid a volley of cheers, "Hip, hip, hurrah! hip, hip, hurrah!" from the delighted multitude. Elder H. A. Woolley received His Majesty at the archway, where the king and party dis- mounted, and were conducted into the house, where they had introduced to them President Partridge, Mrs. Partridge, Mrs. Young, and many of the brethren. President Partridge welcomed the king to the location, etc., who seemed very pleased with the reception given him.

The party partook of the breakfast in waiting. During this time the people gathered to the new meeting house, which was densely crowded; although it accommodates about five hundred, half of the assemblage was outside the building. Breakfast over, the king and party, President Partridge and wife, and B. M. Young and wife started for the meeting house. On entering, the congregation arose, and three choirs sang a national air of the Hawaiian Islands, entitled, "The crowned King." One of the choirs came from Honolulu City, one from the town of Kahaiia, and the other belongs to Laie. His Majesty was invited to the stand his party occupied a position near the stand, with Sisters Partridge and Young. After singing, the king took his seat, and the congregation followed suit.

Meeting was called to order by President Partridge. Singing by the Laie choir. Prayer by Elder Gardner. Sing- ing by the Kahana choir. After which, President Partridge made a few remarks, also read a report of donations for the new meeting house, and of cost of the building, to wit: $7,947.58. Next in order was singing by the Honolulu choir, then the dedication prayer was offered by President Partridge, when the Laie choir sang a hymn composed for the occasion ; after which, the king was invited to speak to the people. His


remarks were very good he exhorted the people to continue their good works, and to carry out the teachings they receive from the Elders in our Church. Said we were the only denom- ination in his kingdom that kept the laws of the land, etc. Singing by the Honolulu choir. A few remarks were made by Mr. Cummings, one of the party. I think he is owner of the steamer. After singing by the Kahana choir, President Partridge stated that arrangements had been made for a big- feast, prepared by the natives for the king and party, the Utah Elders and wives, and for the whole people on the island, which would be partaken of at the old meeting house, where a long bowery was erected for the accommodation of all the people. Singing. Conference was adjourned until to-morrow morning (the 7th) at ten o'clock.

Now to the "big feast" the old meeting house is not taken by surprise, but is trimmed and tastefully fitted for the doubly interesting occasion. On each side of the house table- cloths are spread on the floor, with plenty of ferns scattered around for the people to sit on; and on the tablecloths are spread poi in callow baskets, beef, pork, chicken, watermelons and bananas, on plates, but 710 plates, no knives and forks, and no spoons to eat with. We all ate as the Hawaiians do, with- <>nr fingers.

At the head of the tablecloths, the king had a bedspread and pillow to lounge on ; his party was seated next him, on each side, then the brethren and sisters from Utah, then the natives. His Majesty and all ate poi and meat with their fingers. The Tdng was very sociable and agreeable, much more so than when he was here before.

The finger process of eating was so entirely new to Meda, I thought she might feel a strong repugnance, but she said she "rather enjoyed it." There were at least one thousand who partook of the feast, but not all at the same time.

The king and party returned to the steamer at twenty minutes to four p.m. The people escorted him to the beach,


and, in accordance with Hawaiian custom, he received presents from the natives, such as poi, pigs, chickens and bananas. The sea was very rough when the steamer came in and when it went out, in consequence of the heavy breakers, which are sometimes very dangerous at this harbor. The day was pleasant although windy.

Conference adjourned on the 8th. We held seven meet- ings two evening meetings; the house is brilliant when it is lit up.

Over one thousand people were present; they came from all the Hawaiian Islands. We had a splendid conference. There are three thousand six hundred eighty-nine Saints, children and all. Two hundred and eighty-six have received the Gospel since last April.

Armeda joins

me in love to you and the family. Please 

remember us to all inquiring friends.

I remain your obedient son,