Biography and family record of Lorenzo Snow/Supplement
Biography and Autobiography.
N the 26th of October, 1872, my brother Lorenzo left
home on a tour to Palestine. A short sime previous
to this, President Brigham Young suggested to his
first counselor, President G. A. Smith, to select a company for
that purpose, and to go to Jerusalem; the object of which the
following epistle briefly explains:
15th October, 1872. President George A. Smith:
Dear Sir. As you are about to start on an extensive tour through Europe and Asia Minor, where you will doubtless be brought in contact with men of position and influence in society, we desire that you observe closely what openings now exist, or where they may be effected, for the introduction of the Gospel into the various countries you shall visit.
When you get to the land of Palestine, we wish you to dedicate and consecrate that land to the Lord, that it may be blessed with fruitfulness, preparatory to the return of the Jews, in fulfilment of prophecy and the accomplishment of the pur- poses of our heavenly Father.
We pray that you may be preserved to travel in
and safety, that you may bo abundantly blessed with words of wisdom and free utterance in all your conversations pertain- ing to the holy Gospel, dispelling prejudice and sowing seeds of righteousness among the people.
When on this interesting tour Lorenzo wrote a series of descriptive letters which were forwarded from time to time and published in the Descret News, in Salt Lake City. After our return, we compiled his letters, with those of other mem- bers of the party, and had them published in a neat volume of nearly four hundred pages, entitled "CORRESPONDENCE OF PALESTINE TOURISTS."
We think his biography and autobiography would be incomplete were this mission of my brother entirely ignored ; but to avoid breaking the thread of our preceding narrative by inserting this correspondence in chronological order, we have decided 011 the alternative of a supplement; and, having already enlarged this volume beyond our original design, we shall omit a portibn of his communications.
When on our return from Palestine we reached Vienna in time to witness the grand opening of the "world's fair" of 1873. Before leaving that city, my brother was informed, through the press, of his appointment at the general con- ference as one of seven counselors to President Brigham Young, which position he held until the death of the Presi- dent.