Bisbee Daily Review/1917/04/03/West Is Loyal
St. Louis Westliche Post
There can exist no doubt over the standing of the American citizens extraction. The German-Americans do not have to give assurances of loyalty. They have steadily shown themselves to be true and dutiful citizens: with their blood they have helped to build and uphold the nation.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
We have moved to this decision slowly and with great reluctance but having reached it there will be no turning back.
Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser
Germany has dragged an enemy into th ewar which will cling to her until the German people assert themselves and until Prussian junkerism is crushed to the earth.
Oklahoma City Daily Oklahoman
There is but one answer for young America to give. Go to the recruiting station and get your gun.
Fort Worth Record
The President spoke as a statesman and as a patriot. The nation is behind him.
Nashville Tennesseean and American
The call of the President for half a million men will be promptly met. The men, five times as many, in fact, are ready and waiting to meet the call.
San Francisco Chronicle
The President has resisted war until he could resist no longer. The American people will not lie down like whipped curs and take their lashing.
Salt Lake Tribune
The President has uttered the words which the people of the United States demanded and we have no doubt congress with adopt his suggestions. The American spirit throbs in every trenchant line and puts to shame the pacifists.
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Woodrow Wilson's message to congress advocating a state of war is another declaration of independence.
Knoxville Journal and Tribune
The President seems to avoid taking any large share of responsibility upon his shoulders. In that respect the message is a disappointment. The spirit of the message is not at all Jacksonian.
Rocky Mountain News (Denver)
President Wilson's message asking congress to declare a state of war exists between the United States and the German government and to take all steps to prosecute the war so there may be lasting peace for the world, will appeal not only to the people of his nation but to all free peoples.