Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire/Index
- Alexander, Prince, of Battenberg, 448-450
- Army, 295
- Arnim, Count, 19-21, 46
- Arnim, Oscar von, marries Malvina von Bismarck, 25
- Augustenburg, Frederick, Prince of, 202-209, 213-224, 227, 228, 230-237, 246
- Bazaine, Marshal, 361, 373
- Benedetti, Count Vincent, 270-272, 275, 277-282, 322, 330-333, 336-338, 340-342
- Bennigsen, 392, 394
- Berlin, its condition after the Revolution, 47, 50, 51
- Bismarck, the family of, its origin and history, 1-12
- Bismarck, August von, 5
- Bismarck, August von, the Landrath, 8
- Bismarck, August Friedrich von, 9
- Bismarck, Bernhard von, 11, 22, 23
- Bismarck, Carl Alexander von, 9
- Bismarck, Friedrich von, the "Permutator," 5
- Bismarck, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 9
- Bismarck, Herbert von, 347
- Bismarck, Herbort von, 2
- Bismarck, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von, 10; his marriage, 10; moves to Pomerania, 11, 21; to Schoenhausen, 22, 25, 26
- Bismarck, Malvina von, 11, 22; marries Oscar von Arnim, 25
- Bismarck, Nicolas (or Claus) von, 3
- Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold von, his birth, 1; ancestry, 1-12; destined for Diplomatic Service, 14; at school in Berlin, 14, 15; enters at Göttingen, 15; his personal appearance and character, 16; enters Corps of Hanoverians, 16; his university career, 16-18; leaves Göttingen, 18; enters at Berlin, 18; takes degree of Doctor of Law, 19; early official life, 19; appointed Auscultator at Berlin, 19; transferred to administrative side and to Aix-la-Chapelle, 19; his life at Aix, 20; transferred to Potsdam, 21; begins army service in Jaeger at Potsdam, 21; transferred to Jaeger at Stettin, 21; settles in Pomerania, 22; his attendance at lectures in agricultural college near Greifswald, 22; his successful management of the Pomeranian estates, 22, 23; takes Kniephof on division of estates, 23; his wildness, 23; enters as lieutenant of Landwehr in cavalry, 23; saves groom from drowning, 23; his restlessness and discontent, 24; travels, to Paris, London, Hull, Scarborough, York, Manchester, 24; his letters from Schoenhausen, 25-27; member of Diets of Pomerania and of province containing Schoenhausen, 27; Referendar at Potsdam, resigns, 28; his hatred of Prussian bureaucracy, 28, 61; his interest in his duties as landed proprietor, 28; Inspector of Dykes for Jerichow, 29; his intimacy with the religious coterie at Triglaff, 29, 30; his religious convictions and their effect on his monarchical feeling, 31, 32; his engagement, 32; summoned to attend meeting of Estates General in Berlin, 33; enters on his Parliamentary duties, 38; opposes action of Liberals, 38-40; his remarks on Prussia and England, 41; on the Jews and the Christian State, 41, 42; returns to Pomerania, 43; his marriage, 43; his wedding journey, meets the King of Prussia, returns to Schoenhausen, 43, 44; his sentiments on the Revolution, writes to the King, hurries to Berlin, 45, 46; collects signatures for address of loyalty, 46; at meeting of Estates General, 46, 47; writes articles, takes part in calling meeting, and in founding the Kreuz Zeitung, 48, 49; his counsels and aid to the King, 50, 51; takes seat in new Assembly, 52; opposes amnesty, 51, 52; in new Parliament, opposes Parliamentary control of taxes, 54, 55; opposes reference to foreign customs, 55-59; believes in Parliament for Prussia, 60-62; his hatred of Liberalism, 60; on civil marriage and Christianity, 63, 64; on the Prussian nobility, 64; his geniality, 65; his Parliamentary speeches, 66, 67; his partial knowledge of the people, 68; sustains the King's refusal of the German crown, 73, 74; advocates independence of Prussia, 74-78; in Parliament of Erfurt, 79, 80; advises peace with Austria, 81; defends the Ministry, 82-84; Ambassador at Frankfort, 84, 85; his characteristics, 86; at Frankfort, 86; letters to his wife, 88-91; his opinions of the diplomatists, 89-91; entrusted with management of the, Press, 92; his idea of newspapers, 94; smoking in the military commission, 95, 96; his defence of Prussian interests, 96, 97; home and social life in Frankfort, 98; his distaste for Parliamentary life, 99; duel with Vincke, 99, 100; member of House of Lords, 100; his power of work, his despatches, 100, 101; on special mission to Vienna, 101; his policy of seeking allies for Prussia against Austria, 102, 103; his policy as to Russia and the Western Powers, 104-110; 110; his policy toward France, 113-120; sent to Paris, meets Napoleon, 118; his ideal of foreign policy, 121-125; loss of popularity at Court, 125, 126; his attitude toward the new Ministry, 128; recalled from Frankfort, 129; ap serves the peace, visits Paris, 319; interview with Benedetti as to the Spanish Succession, 322; his efforts to secure acceptance of Spanish throne by Prince Leopold of Hohenzolhen, 322-327; his motives, 328, 329; retires to Varzin, 330; goes to Berlin, 333; his policy, 334; orders Werther from Paris, sees Lord Loftus, 336; receives telegram from the King announcing the Benedetti incident, 338; prepares statement and causes its publication, 339; his purpose, 340; meets the King at Brandenburg, 342; announces to Parliament France's declaration of war, 343; pardons the Hanoverian Legion, 345; leaves for seat of war, 346; his health during the campaign, 346; at Gravelotte, 347; at Sedan, 348; refuses to modify terms of surrender, 349; defers renewal of hostilities, 350; meets Napoleon, their interview, 351; accompanies Napoleon to Belle Vue, 352; willing to make peace, 352; his circular notes explaining the German view, 353, 354; demands territory, 354; his attitude toward the Provisional Government, 355; his interviews with Jules Favre, 356-360; his personality, 357, 358; his offer of terms, 358-361; at Versailles, 362; upholds Germany through the Press, 362, 363; indignant at France's use of irregular troops, 364; affected by delay before Paris, 364; his tact in German unification, 366; his interview with the Crown Prince, 366; proposes treaties with southern German States, 367; his agreement with Bavaria, 367, 368; drafts letter by which King of Bavaria requests King of Prussia to assume title of Emperor, 370; raised to rank of Prince, 370; interview with Favre on capitulation of Paris, 370, 371; interview with Thiers, 371-374; his part in the negotiations, 374; his views as to Strasburg and Metz, 374-376; at signature of Peace of Frankfort, 376; continues in power, 377; sole master in foreign policy, 378; his success in peace, 379; refuses support to French monarchical party, 382; brings about reconciliation with Austria, 382, 383; indignant at report of warlike intentions toward France, 384; his position as to internal matters, 385, 386; his party alliances, 386-388; resigns as Minister-President, 389; his depression, 389; his affection for Roon, 390; resumes the Presidency, 390; Opposition to him, 390, 391; his dependence on the National Liberals, 391-394; supported on army organisation, 393, 394; his part in conflict with Roman Catholic Church, 394-403; his resignation refused by the Emperor, granted leave of absence, retires to Varzin, 404; presides over Congress of Berlin, 406; effects Triple Alliance, 407; his efforts against Socialism, 407-411; his scheme of economic reform, 411-429; his dislike of direct taxation, 413, 414; his proposals for State monopolies, 414-419; introduces system of Protection, 419-423; his colonial policy, 423-427; effects of his measures, 428; refuses to become a party leader, 429; his power checked by Parliament, 430; compiains of conduct of Reichstag, 431; friction with Parliament as to freedom of debate, 434; his Parliamentary receptions, 435, 436; his recourse to criminal law against his adversaries, 436; his lack of generosity in political struggles, 437; celebration of his seventieth birthday, 438; presented with two million marks, purchases Friedrichsruh, 438; defends bill for army increase, 441; his release of French spy, 441, 442; his interview with the Czar, 442; enters into secret agreement with Russia, 442, 443; proposes army increase, 443; his speech, 443-445; foundation of his power removed by death of Emperor William, 445, 446; his prospects with Emperor Frederick, 447; opposes marriage of Princess Victoria of Prussia to Prince Alexander of Battenberg, 448-450; his differences with Emperor William II., 450, 451; his power, 452; finds his influence and authority undermined, 452, 453; chief causes of his differences with the Emperor, 453, 454; refuses to acquiesce in degradation of his position, 455; his first separation from the Emperor, 455; declines to justify interview with Windhorst, 456; resigns, created Field Marshal and Duke of Lauenburg, 456; his leave-takings, 457; his restlessness in leisure, his energy, 457, 458; receives deputations, 458; opposes and defies the Government, 459; his disclosures, 460; the avowed enemy of Court and Ministry, 461; absents himself from Moltke's funeral, 461; his triumphal journey to Vienna, 461; his reconciliations with the Emperor, 462; celebration of his eighty-fifth birthday, 462; his loneliness and infirmities, 462; his interest in public affairs, his unbroken mind and spirit, 463; his death, his burial at Friedrichsruh, 463
- Bismarck, Rudolph von, 5
- Bismarck-Bohlen, 9, 19
- Blankenburg, Moritz von, 30, 144
- Bonin. 109, 140, 141
- Boulanger, General, 440
- Brandenburg, Count, 51, 81
- Brandenburg, the nobility of, 6-8
- Bucher, Lothar, 56, 325, 420, 421
- Bundesrath, 296
- Burnside, General, 361
- Caprivi, General, 460, 462
- Castelnau, General, 349
- Cavour, 22, 129-132
- Charles Frederick, Prince, 60
- Crevisse, 5, 8
- Delbrück, 365, 412
- Diebwitz, Fräulein von, 9
- Disraeli, 156, 157
- Erfurt, Parliament of, 79, 80
- Favre, Jules, 356-360, 370, 373, 376
- Frankfort, 87
- Frankfort, Peace of, 376, 377
- Frederick, Crown Prince, afterward Frederick III., 183, 184, 207, 219, 220, 236, 260, 276, 324, 325, 336, 342, 343, 366, 369, 416, 445-450
- Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, 6
- Frederick William III., 36, 37
- Frederick William IV., 29, 30, 37, 38, 44, 50-52, 54, 60, 72, 73, 107-110, 127, 138
- Friedrichsruh, 438, 439, 463
- Gagern, Heinrich von, 72
- Gambetta, 364
- Garibaldi, 365
- Gastein, Treaty of, 238, 240
- Gerlach, Leopold von, 30, 49, 50
- Gortschakoff, 384, 385
- Grammont, Duc de, 275, 330, 331, 335
- Gravelotte, battle of, 347
- Greifswald, 22
- Guizot, 335
- Hérisson, Comte, 357, 358
- Hobel, 408, 411
- Hohenzollern, Leopold, Prince of, 321-326, 331-337
- Holstein, 195-238, 240, 246, 258, 265
- Katte, Fräulein von, 8
- Kleist, Hans von, 30, 43, 48, 400
- Königgrätz, battle of, 260, 261
- Kreuz Zeitung, 49, 107, 115, 119, 126, 390, 391
- Lasker, 392
- Lauenburg, 238, 239
- Lhuys, Drouyn de, 277, 278
- Loftus, Lord Augustus, 336, 342
- MacMahon, 348
- Manteuffel, Otto von, 51
- Mars-la-Tour, 347, 348
- Mencken, Fräulein, afterward wife of Karl von Bismarck, 10, 14, 21, 22
- Metternich, Prince, 36
- Metz, 354 360, 374-476
- Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernard von, 247-249, 257, 259-261, 338, 339, 348-352, 373, 441, 451, 461
- Motley, John Lothop, 17, 19, 98, 177
- Napoleon III., 113-119, 125, 129, 137, 138, 175, 176, 213, 214, 228, 238, 241-245, 248, 254, 257, 262-264, 270-274, 277-286, 294, 315, 318, 319, 343, 344, 348-353, 361
- Navy, 295
- New Prussian Gazette, 49
- Nobeling, 408, 411
- Oldenburg, Duke of, 200, 222
- Olmutz, Convention of, 81, 82
- Pfortden, Baron von der, 284-286
- Poland, 171-177
- Pomerania, 11-13, 21-24, 29
- Press, the, 182, 183, 185
- Prim, General, 320, 322, 326, 331
- Prokesch-Osten, Herr von, 93, 97
- Puttkammer, Fräulein von, afterward wife of Otto von Bismarck, 32; Herr v., 447
- Radowitz, Herr von, 74, 75, 81
- Reichstag, 296, 298
- Richter, 427
- Roon, Albrecht Theodor Emil von, 31, 140, 141, 143-145, 156, 158-161, 180, 181, 234, 252, 256, 260, 261, 287, 304, 324, 338, 339, 369, 387-390
- Schleinitz, Herr von, 133, 207
- Schleswig, 195-238, 246, 265
- Schoenhausen, 1, 5, 8-11, 22, 25-27, 29, 44, 46, 438, 463
- Schweninger, Doctor, 458
- Sedan, 348-352
- Sheridan, General, 347
- Sourds, M. de, 330
- Stahl, 30, 49
- Strasburg, 360, 361, 374-376
- Sybel, Heinrich von, 172, 323
- Thadden, Herr von, 29, 43, 47, 391
- Thiele, Herr von, 330
- Thiers, M., 353, 362, 371
- Thun, 89, 91, 95-97
- Toul, 360
- Triglaff, 29, 30
- Triple Alliance, 405, 407, 442, 443
- Versailles, 362, 365
- Victor Emmanuel, 245, 248, 382
- Victoria, Princess, of Prussia, 124, 206, 448-450
- Vienna, Congress of, 34-36
- Vienna, Peace of, 224-226
- Vincke, George von, 40, 47, 207
- Welfenfond, 313
- Werther, Herr von, 323, 336
- William, Prince Regent, afterward William I., 127, 131, 139-141, 145, 152-156, 160-163, 169, 170, 177, 181, 184, 187-189, 192-194, 206, 207, 227, 228, 234-239, 246, 248-251, 258-263, 275, 276, 279, 324-326 331-334, 336-343, 346-349, 352, 369, 370, 384, 388-390, 404, 407-409, 416, 441, 445, 446, 449
- William II., 450-462
- Wimpffen, 348, 350, 351, 353
- Windthorst, 396, 416, 455, 456