Bonny bell (1)/Buxom bonny Willie
For other versions of this work, see Buxom bonny Willie.
When fragrant bloom of yellow broom
delights our lads and lasses,
O'er yellow broom in beauty's bloom
my Will all lads' surpasses
Wi' Wallie then I'll o'er the braes,
I'll o'er the braes wi' Willie;
We Willie then I'll o'er the braes,
I'll o'er the braes wi' Willie,
From morn to eve I'll sing the praise
of buxom bonny Willie
Willy, Willy, Willy
From morn to eve I'll sing the praise
of buxom bonny Willy.
Reclin'd by Tay at noon-tide day,
we'll put the daily pretty,
The live-lang day we'll kiss and play,
sor sing some loving ditty.
Wi Willie then, &c.
Now blyth and gay at setting day;
gif mither dines hinder.
I'll sing and play wi' Willy gay,
for we twain ne'er shall finder
Wi' Wilie then,then, &c.