Book of Etiquette/Volume 2/Appendix
- Ad infinitum, L., to infinity.
- À la carte, Fr., according to the bill of fare at table.
- À la mode, Fr., according to the mode or fashion.
- À la Russe, Fr., according to the Russian fashion (individual portions).
- A propos, L., to the point.
- Au fait, Fr., well-versed in social custom.
- Au revoir, Fr., good-by till we meet again.
- Ben educato, It., well educated.
- Billet d'amour, Fr., love letter.
- Blasé, Fr., world-weary.
- Bona fide, L., in good faith.
- Bonbonnière, Fr., bonbon dish.
- Bon jour, Fr., good morning; good day.
- Bon ton, Fr., fashionable society.
- Bon voyage, Fr., good journey to you.
- Bouillion, Fr., a clear broth.
- Boutonnière, Fr., a flower for the buttonhole.
- Buffet, Fr., a sideboard for china, silver or glass.
- Carte blanche, Fr., unconditional permission.
- Chancel, L., space in church reserved for the officiating clergy.
- Chère amie, Fr., dear friend (fem.).
- Coiffure, Fr., dressing of the hair.
- Collation, Fr., a light repast.
- Compotiers, Fr., dish for served stewed fruits or bonbons.
- Corsage bouquet, Fr., flowers fastened on bodice.
- Cortège, Fr., a formal procession.
- Coterie, Fr., a social set; a clique.
- Cotillon, Fr., a dance for four couples.
- Coup d'état, Fr., a sudden decisive blow in politics.
- Débutante, Fr., a young lady just introduced to society.
- Décolleté, Fr., fashionably low-cut for evening wear.
- De luxe, Fr., of luxury; made with unusual elegance.
- Dénouement, Fr., the issue.
- Dramatis personæ, L., characters in the play.
- De trop, Fr., too much, too many.
- Demoiselle, Fr., young lady.
- Éclat, Fr., renown, glory.
- Élite, Fr., better society.
- En buffet, Fr., served from the buffet; no tables.
- En déshabille, Fr., in undress; négligée.
- En masse, Fr., in a mass.
- En route, Fr., on the way.
- En suite, Fr., in company.
- En toilette, Fr., in full dress.
- Entrée, Fr., a side-dish, served as one course of a meal.
- Entre nous, Fr., between ourselves.
- Ensemble, Fr., all together.
- E pluribus unum, L., one out of many.
- Et cetera, L., and everything of the sort.
- Et tu, Brute, L., and thou also, Brutus.
- Eureka, Gr., I have found it.
- Fête, Fr., a festive social occasion.
- Fête champêtre, Fr., an open-air festival or entertainment.
- Filets mignon, Fr., small pieces of beef tenderloin, served with sauce.
- Finesse, Fr., social art in its highest conception.
- Fondant, Fr., soft icing or glacé.
- Finis, Fr., the end.
- Garçon, Fr., boy.
- Grace à Dieu, Fr., grace of God.
- Hors d'œuvre, Fr., out of course; special course.
- In memorium, L., to the memory of.
- Le beau monde, Fr., the fashionable world.
- Lettre de cachet, Fr., a sealed letter.
- Ma chère, Fr., my dear (fem.).
- Mal de mer, Fr., sea-sickness.
- Mardi gras, Fr., Shrove Tuesday.
- Mayonnaise, Fr., a salad sauce of egg, oil, vinegar and spices beaten together.
- Menu, Fr., bill of table fare.
- Mon ami, Fr., my friend (mon amie, fem.).
- Musicale, Fr., private concert.
- Négligée, Fr., morning dress; easy, loose dress.
- Noblesse oblige, Fr., rank imposes obligations; much is expected from one in good position.
- Nom de plume, Fr., an assumed name of a writer.
- Notre Dame, Fr., Our Lady.
- O Tempora! O Mores! L., Oh the times! Oh the manners!
- Passé, Fr., out of date.
- Penchant, Fr., a strong or particular liking.
- Pièce de résistance, Fr., something substantial by way of entertainment; most substantial course of a dinner; literally, a piece of resistance (a main event or incident).
- Pour prendre congé, Fr., to depart, take leave. (P.p.c. on calling cards meaning the departure of a caller for a long voyage, hence a parting call.)
- Prima donna, Ital., the chief woman vocalist of a concert.
- Pro patria, L., for our country.
- Protégée, Fr., under the protection of another.
- Rendezvous, Fr., an appointed place for a meeting.
- R.s.v.p., Fr., (Repondez s'il vous plâit), please reply.
- Requiescat in pace, L., may he (she) rest in peace.
- Résumé, Fr., a summary or abstract.
- Salon, Fr., a drawing-room; the room where guests are received.
- Sang froid, Fr., coolness, indifference.
- Sans souci, Fr., without care.
- Savoir faire, Fr., knowledge of social customs; tact.
- Table à manger, Fr., dining-table.
- Table d'hôte, Fr., a public dinner at hotel or restaurant
- Trousseau, Fr., the bridal outfit.
- Tout de suite, Fr., immediately.
- Tout ensemble, Fr., all together.
- Veni, Vidi, Vici, L., I came, I saw, I conquered.
- Verbatim, L., word for word.
- Vis-à-vis, Fr., face-to-face.
- Voilà, Fr., behold; there you are!