Book of Mormon (Plain English Version)/Introduction

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The Book of Mormon: A history written by on plates by Mormon, taken from Nephi's plates.

This is a shortened version of history of the people of Nephi and the Lamanites. It is written to the Lamanites, who descended from the Israelites. It is also written to Jews and Gentiles. It is written by commandment, and by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. It is written, sealed, and hid where only the Lord knows so that it won't be destroyed. It will be brought back to the world and translated by God's gift and power. It is sealed by Moroni, hid where only the Lord knows, and when the time is right, it will be brought back to the world. It will be translated by God's gift.

This is also a shortened version of part of the Book of Ether, which is a history of the people of Jared. The people of Jared were scattered when the Lord mixed up people's languages because they tried to build a tower to get to heaven. This book is meant to show the descendants of the Israelites all the great things the Lord did for their ancestors. It is also meant to teach them the covenants of the Lord, to keep them from being thrown out forever. It is also meant to convince Jews and Gentiles that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, and that he shows himself to all countries. If there are mistakes, they are the mistakes of men. So don't condemn the things of God if you want to be judged clean at the judgment-seat of Christ.

Translated by Joseph Smith, Jun. First English edition published in 1830.

The Testimony of Three Witnesses


Let all countries, and people of all families, languages, and cultures who receive this book know: That we, through God the Father's and our Lord Jesus Christ's grace, have seen the plates which contain this history, a history of the people of Nephi, the Lamanites, their kin, and the people of Jared, who came from the tower mentioned above. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, because his voice declared it to us, so we know for sure that the work is true. We also testify that we have seen the engravings on the plates, which were shown to us by God's power and not man's. We honestly say that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought the plates and put them in front of us so we could see them and their engravings. We know that we saw and testified that this is true by God the Father's and our Lord Jesus Christ's grace. It is marvelous to us. However, the Lord's voice commanded us to testify of it. So to obey God's commandments, we bear testimony of these things. We know that if we follow Christ, we will keep our garments clean from everyone's blood, be found spotless before Christ's judgment-seat, and live forever with him in heaven. The honor belongs to the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.

Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris.

The Testimony of Eight Witnesses


Let all countries, and people of all families, languages, and cultures who receive this book know that Joseph Smith, Jun., who translated this book, showed us the plates mentioned above, which appeared to be made of gold. We touched all the leaves that Mr. Smith translated and saw the engravings on them, which all look like they were made anciently and skillfully. We honestly testify that Mr. Smith showed this to us because we saw and lifted them up, and we know for sure that Mr. Smith has the plates mentioned above. We give our names to the world as a witness of what we saw. We are not lying, and God witnesses that.

Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jun., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sen., Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith.