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Brain/Volume 31/Index

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Brain, Volume 31 (1909)
4219944Brain, Volume 31 — Index1909

A Journal of Neurology,
Vol. XXXI., 1908.

Index of Authors
Barrus, Clara.
Nursing the insane (Note on) 322
Bechterew, W. von.
Die Funktionen der Nervencentra (Note on) 217
Bianchi, Leonardo.
A text-book of psychiatry for physicians and surgeons (Review) 550
Bloch, Iwan.
The sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization. Translated by Eden Paul. (Note on) 561
Bolton, J. S.
Maniacal-depressive insanity 301
Church, Archibald.
Diseases of the nervous system (Note on) 218
Clarke, J. Michell, and Mackay, H. J.
A case of hæmorrhagic myelitis 514
Clarke, R. H.
The effect of structural changes connected with the development of binocular vision on associated movements of the eyes 138
Clarke, R. H., and Horsley, Victor.
The structure and functions of the cerebellum examined by a new method 45
Collier, James.
Recent work on aphasia 523
Collier, James, and Wilson, S. A. K.
Amyotonia congenita 1
Cutten, George B.
The psychology of alcoholism (Note on) 219
Diefendorf, Allen Ross, and Dodge, Raymond.
An experimental study of the ocular reactions of the insane from photographic records 451
Dodge, Raymond, and Diefendorf, Allen Ross.
An experimental study of the ocular reactions of the insane from photographic records 451
Dogiel, A. S.
Der Bau der Spinalganglien des Menschen und der Säugetiere (Note on) 490
Driesch, Hans.
The science and philosophy of the organism (Note on) 321
Edinger, Von Ludwig.
Vorlesungen über den Bau der nervösen Zentralorgane des Menschen un der Tiere (Note on) 321
Gaskell, Walter Holbrook.
The origin of vertebrates (Note on) 561
Gray, Albert A.
The labyrinth of animals (Note on) 218
Harris, David Fraser.
The functional inertia of living matter: a contribution to the physiological theory of lie (Note on) 562
Head, Henry, and Rivers, W. H. R.
A human experiment in nerve division 323
Holmes, Gordon and Kennedy, R. Foster.
Two anomalous cases of syringomyelia 493
Holmes, Gordon, and Stewart, T. Grainger.
On the connexion of the inferior olives with the cerebellum in man 125
Horsley, Victor.
Note on the existence of Reissner's fibre in higher vertebrates 147
Horsley, Victor, and Clarke, R. H.
The structure and functions of the cerebellum examined by a new method 45
Kennedy, R. Foster, and Holmes, Gordon.
Two anomalous cases of syringomyelia 493
Knapp, Albert.
Die polyneuritischen Psychosen (Review) 319
Kronthal, Paul.
Nerven und Seele (Note on) 491
Lane, Gordon J.
The nature and quantity of dissociation changes produced in saline solutions by known quantities of electricity 259
Langelaan, J. W.
On the development of the large commissures of the telencephalon in the human brain 221
Liepmann, H.
Die Aufsätze aus dem Apraxiegebiet (Note on) 490
McDougall, William.
The state of the brain during hypnosis 242
An introduction to social psychology (Note on) 562
Mackay, H. J., and Clarke, J. Michell.
A case of hæmorrhagic myelitis 514
Mendel, Kurt.
Der Unfall in der Aetiologie de Nervenkrankheiten (Note on)) 491
Moutier, François.
L'Aphasie de Broca (Note on) 490
Oppenheim, H.
Lehrbusch der Nervenkrankheiten (Note on) 491
Paul, Eden.
Translation of the sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization. Iwan Bloch (Note on) 562
Reichardt, Martin.
Arbeiten aus der psychiatrischen Klinik zu Würzburg (Note on) 491
Rivers, W. H. R.
The influence of alcohol and other drugs on fatigue (Note on) 217
Rivers, W. H. R. and Head, Henry.
A human experiment in nerve division 323
Rynberk, G. van.
Saggio di anatomia segmentale. La metameria somatica, nervosa, eutanea e muscolare dei vertebrati (Note on) 561
Sautee, Harris E.
Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord, with special reference to mechanism and function (Note on) 218
Sherren, James.
Injuries of nerves and their treatment (Note on) 218
Stekel, Wilhelm.
Nervöse Angstzustände und ihre Behandlung (Note on) 321
Stewart, T. Grainger, and Holmes, Gordon.
On the connexion of the inferior olives with the cerebellum in man 125
Stoddart, W. H. B.
Mind and its disorders: a text-book for students and practitioners (Note on) 562
Störring, Gustav.
Mental pathology in its relation to normal psychology (Note on) 219
Sutherland, J. F.
Recidivism (Note on) 491
Thompson, Theodore.
A case of amytonia congenita 160
Familial atrophy of the hand muscles 286
Wickman, Ivar.
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Heine-Medinschen Krankheit (Poliomyelitis und verwandter Erkrankungen) (Note on) 217
Williamson, R. T.
Diseases of the spinal cord (Note on) 321
Wilson, Albert.
Education, personality and crime (Note on) 322
Wilson, S. A. K.
A contribution to the study of apraxis 164
Ziehen, Th.
Psychiatrie für Aerzte und Studierende bearbeitet (Note on) 219

Index of Subjects
Agnosia in the production of apraxia. S. A. K. Wilson 188
Alcohol and other drugs, the influence of on fatigue. W. H. R. Rivers (Note on) 217
Alcoholism, the psychology of. George B. Cutten (Note on) 219
Amyotonia congenita. James Collier and S. A. K. Wilson 1
a case of. Theodore Thompson. 160
Anarthria, and Broca's aphasia. James Collier 539
Aphasia, Broca's, so-called, is it reality Wernicke's aphasia (word-blindness and word-deafness) plus anarthria? James Collier 539
recent work on. James Collier 523
relation of apraxia to. S. A. K. Wilson 198
Apraxia, a contribution to the study of. S. A. K. Wilson 164
absence of initiative in the production of. S. A. K. Wilson 186
agnosia in the production of. S. A. K. Wilson 183
perseveration in the production of. S. A. K. Wilson 185
relation of to aphasia. S. A. K. Wilson 198
Apraxic patients, scheme for the examination of. S. A. K. Wilson 211
Apraxiegebiet, drei aufsätze aus dem. H. Liepmann (Note on) 490
Arbeiten aus der psychiatrischen Klinik zu Würzburg. Martin Reichardt (Note on) 491
Atrophy, familial, of the hand muscles. Theodore Thompson 286
Binocular vision, the effect of structural changes connected with the development of, on associated movements of the eyes. R. H. Clarke 138
Brachial plexus, prefixation of, in cases of cervical ribs. Theodore Thompson 298
Brain and spinal cord, anatomy of the, with special reference to mechanism and function. Harris E. Sautee (Note on) 218
human, on the development of the large commissures of the telencephalon in the. J. W. Langelaan 221
the state of the, during hypnosis. William McDougall 242
Broca, l'aphasie de. François Moutier (Note on) 496
Broca's aphasia, so-called, is it in reality Wernicke's aphasia (word-blindness and word-deafness) plus anarthria? James Collier 539
Cerebellum in man, on the connexion of the inferior olive with the. Gordon Holmes and T. Grainger Stewart 125
structure and functions of the, examined by a new method. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 45
Cerebral Cortex, the nature of the speech-function of the. James Collier 540
Cervical ribs, prefixation of brachial plexus in cases of. Theodore Thompson 298
the inheritance of. Theodore Thompson 299
Clarke's stereoscopic instrument employed for excitation and electrolysis, description of. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 63
Cortex cerebelli, excitability of the. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 114
Crime, personality, education and. Albert Wilson (Note on) 322
Education, personality and crime. Albert Wilson (Note on) 322
Electricity, the nature and quantity of dissociation changes produced in saline solutions by known quantities of. Gordon J. Lane 259
Electrolysis, description of Clarke's stereoscopic instrument employed for excitation and. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 63
Electrolytic lesion. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 85
Epicritic sensibility. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 392
Exposé des titres et travaux scientifiques du Doctor Pierre Marie (Note on) 492
Eyes, the effect of structural changes connected with the development of binocular vision on associated movements of the. R. H. Clarke 138
Familial atrophy of the hand muscles. Theodore Thompson 286
Fatigue, the influence of alcohol and other drugs on. W. H. R. Rivers (Note on) 492
Functional inertia of living matter: a contribution to the physiological theory of life. David Fraser Harris (Note on) 562
Hæmorrhagic myelitis, a case of. H. J. Mackay and J. Michell Clarke 514
Hand muscles, familial atrophy of the. Theodore Thompson 286
Head, the determination of the three section planes of the. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 51
Heine-Medinschen Krankheit, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der (Poliomyelitis und verwandter Erkrankungen). Ivar Wickman (Note on) 217
Hypnosis, the state of the brain during. William McDougall 242
Injuries of nerves and their treatment. James Sherren (Note on) 218
Insane, an experimental study of the ocular reaction of the, from photographic records. Allen Ross Diefendorf and Raymond Dodge 451
nursing the. Clara Barrus (Note on) 322
handbook for attendants on the. Medico-Psychological Association (Note on) 563
Inertia, functional, of living matter: a contribution to the physiological theory of life. David Fraser Harris (Note on) 562
Insanity, maniacal-depressive. J. S. Bolton 301
Intracranial and spinal tumours, syringomyelia without symptoms, associated with. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 504
Labyrinth of animals. Albert A. Gray (Note on) 218
L'aphasie de Broca. François Moutier (Note on) 490
Maniacal-depressive insanity. J. S. Bolton 301
Marie, Doctor Pierre, exposé des titres et travaux scientifiques du (Note on) 492
Mental pathology in its relation to normal psychology. Gustav Störring (Note on) 219
Mind and its disorders: a text-book for students and practitioners. W. H. B. Stoddart (Note on) 502
Motor apraxia, instances of. S. A. K. Wilson 178
Muscles, hand, familial atrophy of the. Theodore Thompson 286
Myelitis, hæmorrhagic, a case of. H. J. Mackay and J. Michell Clarke 514
Nerve division, a human experiment in. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 323
trophic, vasomotor, and pilomotor changes after. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 403
Nerven und Seele. Paul Kronthal (Note on) 491
Nervencentra, die Funktionen der. W. von Bechterew (Note on) 217
Nervenkrankheiten, der Unfall in der Aetiologie der. Kurt Mendel (Note on) 491
Lehrbuch der. H. Oppenheim (Note on) 491
Nerves, injuries of, and their treatment. James Sherren (Note on) 218
Nervöse Angstzustände und ihre Behandlung. Wilhelm Stekel (Note on) 321
Nervous system, diseases of the. Archibald Church (Note on) 218
Ocular reactions of the insane, an experimental study of the, from photographic records. Allen Ross Diefendorf and Raymond Dodge 451
Olives, inferior, on the connexion of the, with the cerebellum in man. Gordon Holmes and T. Grainger Stewart 125
Ophthalmological Society, transactions of (Notes on) 219, 322, 563
Organism, the science and philosophy of the. Hans Driesch (Note on) 321
Pachymeningitis, syphilitic, syringomyelia and syringobulbia associated with. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 493
Penis, sensibility of. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 388
Perseveration in the production of apraxia. S. A. K. Wilson 185
Personality, education, and crime. Albert Wilson (Note on) 322
Pilomotor, vasomotor, and trophic changes, after nerve division. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 403
Polyneuritischen Psychosen, die. Albert Knapp (Review) 319
Protopathic sensibility. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 368
Psychiatrie für Aerzte und Studierende bearbeitet. Th. Zieben (Note on) 219
Psychiatrischen Klinik zu Würzburg, Arbeiten aus der. Martin Reichardt (Note on) 491
Psychiatry, a text-book of, for physicians and surgeons. Leonardo Bianchi (Review) 550
Psychology, normal, mental pathology in its relation to. Gustav Störring (Note on) 219
of alcoholism. George B. Cutten (Note on) 219
social, an introduction to. William McDougall (Note on) 562
Punctate sensibility. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 429
Recidivism. J. F. Sutherland (Note on) 491
Rectilinear cranio-encephalic topography. Victor Horsley and H. R. Clarke 45
Reissner's fibre in higher vertebrates, note on the existence of. Victor Horsley 147
Ribs, cervical, the inheritance of. Theodore Thompson 299
Saline solutions, the nature and quantity of dissociation changes produced in, by known quantities of electricity. Gordon J. Lane 259
Segmentale, sagio di anatomia. La metameria somatica, nervosa, cutanea e muscolare dei vertebrati. Memoria di G. van Rynberk (Note on) 561
Sensibility, deep, the phenomena of. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 355
epicritic. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 392
protopathic. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 368
punctate. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 429
Sexual life of our time in its relations to modern civilization. Iwan Bloch. Translated by Eden Paul (Note on) 562
Speech-function of the cerebral cortex, the nature of the. James Collier 549
Spinal and intracranial tumours, syringomyelia without symptoms, associated with. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 504
cord and brain, anatomy of the, with special reference to mechanism and function. Harris E. Sautee (Note on) 218
diseases of the. R. T. Williamson (Note on) 321
Spinalganglien, der Bau der, der Menschen und der Säugeteiere. A. S. Dogiel (Note on) 490
Stereoscopic instrument, Clarke's, description of. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 63
Syphilitic pachymeningitis, syringomyelia and syringobulbia associated with. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 493
Syringobulbia and syringomyelia associated with syphilitic pachymeningitis. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 493
Syringomyelia and syringobulbia associated with syphilitic pachymeningitis. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 493
two anomalous cases of. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 493
without symptoms, associated with intercranial and spinal tumours. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 504
Telencephalon, on the development of the large commissures of the, in the human brain. J. W. Langelaan 221
Text-book of psychiatry for physicians and students. Leonardo Bianchi (Review) 550
Topography, rectilinear cranio-encephalic. Victor Horsley and R. H. Clarke 45
Trophic, vasomotor and pilomotor changes, after nerve division. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 403
Tumours, intracranial and spinal, syringomyelia without symptoms, associated with. Gordon Holmes and R. Foster Kennedy 504
Vasomotor, trophic, and pilomotor changes, after nerve division. W. H. R. Rivers and Henry Head 403
Vertebrates, higher, note on the existence of Reissner's fibre in. Victor Horsley 147
the origin of. Walter Holbrook Gaskell (Note on) 561
Vision, binocular, the effect of structural changes connected with the development of, on associated movements of the eyes. R. H. Clarke 138
Vorlesungen über den Bau der nervösen Zentralorgane des Menschen und der Tiere. Von Ludwig Edinger (Note on) 321