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Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader/The Legend of St. Andrew

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Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader
by James W. Bright
The Legend of St. Andrew
45163Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader — The Legend of St. AndrewJames W. Bright

[The text follows MS. 198 (S. 8) of Corpus Christi College, Camb. (C); the Blickling MS. of Homilies (B) supplies variants for a portion of the text.]

Hēr segð þæt æfter þām þe Drihten Hǣlend Crīst tō heofonum āstāh, þæt þā apostolī wǣron ætsomne; and hīe sendon hlot him bewēonum, hwider hyra gehywlc faran scolde tō lǣranne. Secþ þæt sē ēadiga Mathēus gehlēat tō Marmadonia þǣre ceastre; secgh þonne þæt þā men þe on þǣre ceastre wǣron þæt hī hlāf ne ǣton, nē wæter ne druncon, ac ǣton manna līchaman and heora blōd druncon; and ǣghwylc man þe on þǣr ceastre cōm ælþēodisc, secð þæt hīe hine sōna genāmon and his ēagan ūt āstungon, and hI-e him sealdon āttor drincan þæt mid myclum lybcræfte wæs geblanden, and mid þȳ þe hīe þone drenc druncon, hraþe heora heorte wæs tōlēsed and heora mōd onwended. Sē ēadiga Mathēus þā in ēode on þā ceastre, and hraðe hīe hine genāmon and his eāgan ūt āstungan. And hīe him sealdon āttor drincan and hine sendon on carcerne, and hīe hine hēton þæt āttor etan and hē hit etan nolde; for þon þe his heorte næs tōlēsed, ne his mōd onwended; ac hē wæs simle tō Drihtne biddende mid myclum wōpe and cwæð tō him, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, for þon wē ealle forlēton ūre cnēorisse, and wǣron þē fylgende and þū eart ūre ealra fultum, þā þe on þē gelȳfaþ, beheald nū and geseoh hū þās men þīnum þēowe dōð. And ic þe biddē, Drihten, þæt þū mē forgife mīnra ēagna lēoht þæt ic gesēo þā þe mē onginnað dōn on þisse ceastre þā weorstan tintrego; and ne forlǣt mē, mīn Drihten Hǣlende Crīst, nē mē ne sele on þone bitterestan dēaþ.'

Mid þȳ þe hē þis gebed sē ēadiga Mathēus gecweden hæfde, mycel lēoht and beorht onlēohte þæt carcern, and Drihtnes stefn wæs geworden tō him on þǣm lēohte cweþende, 'Mathēus, mīn sē lēofa, beheald on mē.' Mathēus þā lōciende, hē geseah Drihten Crīst, and eft Drihtnes stefn wæs [geworden tō him] cweþende, 'Mathēus, wes þū gestrangod and ne ondrǣd þū þē, for þon ne forlǣt ic þē ǣfre, ac ic þē gefrēolsige of ealra frēcennesse, and nālæs þæt ān, ac simle ealle þīne brōðor, and ealle þā þe on mē gelȳfaþ on eallum tīdum oþ ēcnesse. Ac onbīd hēr seofon and twēntig nihta, and æfter þan ic sende tō þē Andrēas, þīnne brōþor and hē þē ūt ālǣdeþ of þissum carcerne, and ealle þā þe mid þē syndon.' Mid þȳ þe þis gecweden wæs, Drihten him eft tō cwæð, 'Sib sē mid þē, Mathēus.' Hē þā þurhwuniende mid gebedum and Drihtnes lof singende on þām carcerne. And þā unrihtan men in ēodon in þæt carcern þæt hīe þā men ūt lǣdan woldon and him tō mete dōn. Sē ēadiga Mathēus þā betȳnde his ēagan þȳ lǣs þā cwelleras gesāwan þæt his ēagan geopenede wǣron, and he cwǣdon him betwynum, 'Þrȳ dagas nū tō lafe syndon þæt wē hine willað ācwellan and ūs tō mete gedōn.'

Se ēadiga Mathēus þā gefelde xx daga. Ðā Drihten Hǣlend Crīst cwǣð to Andrēa his apostole, mid þī þe hē wæs in Achāia þām lande and þǣr lǣrde his discipuli, hē cwǣð, 'Gang on Marmadonia ceastre and ālǣd þanon Mathēum þīnne brōþor of þǣm carcerne, for þon þe nū gīt þrȳ dagas tō lāfe syndon, þæt hīe hine willað ācwellan and him tō mete gedōn.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him andswarode, and hē cwǣð, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, hū mæg ic hit on þrīm dagum gefaran? Ac mā wēn is þæt þū onsende þīnne engel sē hit mæg hrædlīcor gefaran, for þon, mīn Drihten, þū wast þæt ic eam flǣsclīc man, and ic hit ne mǣg hrædlīce gefaran, for þon þe, mīn Drihten, sē sīðfæt is þider tō lang, and ic þone weg ne can.' Drihten him tō cwǣð, 'Andrēas, gehēr me, for þon þe ic þē geworhte and ic þīnne sīð gestaþelode and getrymede. Gang nū tō þæs sǣs waroðe mid þīnum discipulum, and þū þǣr gemētest scip on þām waroðe; and astīg on þæt mid þīnum discipulum.' And mid þȳ þe hē þis cwæð, 'Sib mid þē and mid eallum þīnum discipulum.' And hē āstāg on heofonas. Sē hāliga Andrēas þā ārās on mergen, and hē ēode tō þǣre sǣ mid his discipulum and hē geseah scip on þām waroðe and ðrȳ weras on þām sittende; and hē wæs gefēonde mid mycle gefēan and him tō cwæð, 'Brōðor, hwider wille gē faran mid þīs medmiclum scipe?' Drihten Hǣlend wæs on þām scipe swā sē stēorrēðra, and his twēgen englas mid him, þā wǣron gehwyrfede on manna onsȳne. Drihten Crīst him þā tō cwæð, 'On Marmadonia ceastre.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him andswarode and hē cwæð, 'Brōðor, onfōh ūs mid ēow on þæt scip and gelǣdað ūs on þā ceastre.' Drihten him tō cwæð, 'Ealle men flēoð of þǣre ceastre; tō hwǣm wille gē þider faran?' Sē hāliga Andrēas him andswarode, hē cwæð, 'Medmycel ǣrende wē þider habbaþ and ūs is þearf þæt wē hit gefyllon.' Drihten Hǣlend him tō cwæð, "Astīgaþ on þis scip tō ūs, and sellað ūs ēowerne færsceat.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him andswarode, 'Gehȳrað gebrōþor, nabbað wē færsceat, ac wē syndon discipulī Drihtnes Hǣlendes Crīstes, þā hē gecēas, and þis bebod hē ūs sealde and hē cwæð, "Þonne gē faren godspel tō lǣrenne, þonne nabbe gē mid ēow hlāf nē feoh, nē twīfeald hrægl." Gif þū þonne wille milðeortnesse mid ūs dōn, saga ūs þæt hrædlīce; gif þū þonne nelle, gecȳð ūs þone weg.' Drihten Hǣlend him tō cwæð, 'Gif þis gebod ēow wǣre geseald fram ēowrun Drihtene, āstīgaþ hider mid gefēan on mīn scip.'

Sē hālga Andrēas āstāh on þæt scip mid his discipulum, and hē gesæt beforan þām stēorrēþran, þæt wæs Drihten Hǣlend Crīst. Drihten Hǣlend him tō cwǣð, 'Ic gesēo for þon þe þās brōðor synt geswencede of þisse sǣwe hrēohnesse; ācsa hīe hwæþer hī woldon tō lande āstīgan and þīn þǣr onbīdan oþ þæt þū gefylle þīne þēnunge tō þǣre þe þū sended eart, and þū þonne eft hwyrfest tō him.' Sē hālga Andrēas him tō cwǣð, 'Mīne bearn, wille gē tō lande faran and mīn þǣr onbīdan?' His discipuli him andswarodon, and hīe cwǣdon, 'Gif wē gewītað fram þē, þonne bēo wē fremde fram eallum þām gōdum þe þū ūs gearwodest; ac wē bēoþ mid þe swā hwyder swā þū færest.' Drihten Hǣlend him tō cwǣð, tō þām hālgan Andrēa, 'Gif þū sȳ sōðlīce his discipul sē is cweden Crīst, spec tō þīnum discipulum be þām mægenum þe þīn Lārēow dyde, þæt sīe geblētsod heora heorte, and hīe ofergieton þisse sǣwe ege.' Sē hāliga Andrēas cwæð tō his discipulum, 'Sumre tīde mid þī þe wē wǣron mid ūrum Drihtne, wē āstigon mid him on scip; hē ætȳwde ūs swā hē slæpende wǣre tō costianne, and dyde swīþe hrēoge þā sǣ; fram þām winde wæs geworden swā þæt þā selfan ȳþa wǣron āhafene ofer þæt scip. Wē ūs þā swīþe andrēdon and cīgdon tō him, Drihtne Hǣlendum Crīste. And hē þā ārās and bebead þām winde þæt hē gestilde, ðā wæs geworden mycel smyltnes on þǣre sǣ. And hī hine ondrēdon, ealle þā þe his weorc gesāwon. Nū þonne, mīne bearn, ne ondrǣdaþ gē ēow, for þon þe ūre God ūs ne forlǣteþ.'

And þus cweþende, sē hālga Andrēas sette his hēafod ofer ǣnne his discipula and hē onslēp. Drihten Hǣlend þā wiste for þon þe sē hālga Andrēas þā slēp, hē cwǣð tō his englum, 'Genimað Andrēas and his discipulī, and āsettaþ hīe beforan Marmadonia ceastre; and mid þī þe gē hīe þǣr āsetton, hweorfað eft tō mē.' And þā englas dydon swā heom beboden wæs, and hē āstāh on heofonas.

Þā sē mergen geworden wæs, þā sē hāliga Andrēas licgende wæs beforan Marmadonia ceastre, and his discipulōs þǣr slǣpende wǣron mid him; and hē hīe āweahte and cwæð, 'Ārīsað gē, mīne bearn, and ongitað Godes milðeortnesse sīo is nū mid ūs geworden. Wē witon þæt ūre Drihten mid ūs wæs on þām scipe and wē hine ne ongēaton; hē hine geēaðmēdde swā stēorrēþra and hē hine ætēowde swā man ūs tō costienne.' Sē hālga Andrēas þā lōcode tō heofonum, and hē cwæð, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, ic wāt þæt þū ne eart feor fram þīnum þēowum, and ic þē behēold on þām scype, and ic wæs tō þē sprecende swā tō men. Nū þonne, Drihten, ic þē bidde þæt þū mē þe onȳwe on þisse stōwe.' Þā þis gecweden wæs, þā Drihten him ætȳwde his onsȳne on fægeres cildes hīwe and him tō cwæð, 'Andrēas, gefeoh mid þīnum discipulum.' Sē hālga Andrēas þā hine gebæd and cwæð, 'Forgif me, mīn Drihten, þæt ic to þē sprecende wæs swā tō men; and wen is þæt ic gefirnode, for þon ic þe ne ongeat.' Drihten him þā tō cwæð, 'Andrēas, nǣnig wuht þū gefirnodest, ac for þon ic swā dyde, for þon þū swā cwǣde þæt þū hit ne meahtes on ðrīm dagum þider gefēran; for þon ic þē swā ætēowde, for þon ic eom mihtig mid worde swā eall tō dōnne, and ānra gehwilcum tō ætēowenne swā swā mē līcað. Nū þonne ārīs, and gā on þā ceastre tō Mathēum þīnum brēþer, and lǣt þonne hine of þǣre ceastre, and ealle þā þe mid him syndon. Eno ic þē gecȳþe, Andrēas, for þon þe manega tintrega hīe þē on bringað, and þīnne līchaman geond þisse ceastre lonan hīe tōstencaþ swā þæt þīn blōd flowð ofer eorðan swā swā wæter. Tō dēaþe hīe þē willaþ gelǣdan, ac hī ne magon; ac manega earfoðnessa hīe þē magon on gebringan; ac þonne hwæþere ārefna þū þā ealle, Andrēas, and ne dō þū æfter heora ungelēafulnesse. Gemune hū manega earfoðnesse fram Iūdēum ic wæs þrōwiende, þā hīe mē swungon, and hīe mē spǣtton on mīne onsȳne; ac eall ic hit āræfnede þæt ic ēow ætēowe hwylce gemete gē sculon āræfnan. Gehīere mē, Andrēas, and āræfna þās tintrego, for þon manige synt on þisse ceastre þā sculon gelēofan on mīnne naman.' Mid þī hē þis cwæð, Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, hē āstāh on heofonas.

Sē hāliga Andrēas þā in ēode on þā ceastre mid his discipulum, and nǣnig man hine ne mihte gesēon. Mid þī þe hīe cōmon tō þæs carcernes dyru, hīe þǣr gemētton seofon hyrdas standan. Sē hāliga Andrēas þā gebæd on his heortan and raðe hīo wǣron dēade. Sē hālga Andrēas þā ēode tō þæs carcernes duru and hē worhte Crīstes rōde tācen, and raþe þā dura wǣron ontȳnede, and hē in ēode on þæt carcern mid his discipulum, and hē geseah þone ēadigan Mathēus ǣnne sitton singende. Sē ēadiga Mathēus þā and sē hāliga Andrēas hīe wǣron cyssende him betwēonon. Sē hālga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'Hwæt is þæt, brōþor! Hū eart þū hēr gemet? Nū þrȳ dagas tō lāfe syndon þæt hīe þē willaþ ācwellan, and him tō mete gedōn.' Sē hālga Mathēus him andswarode, and hē cwæð, 'Brōþor Andrēas, ac ne gehȳrdest þū Drihten cweþende, "For þon þe ic ēow sende swā swā scēap on middum wulfum?" Þanon wæs geworden, mid þȳ þe hīe mē sendon on þis carcern, ic bæd ūrne Drihten þæt hē hine ætēowde, and hraþe hē mē hine ætēowde and hē mē tō cwæð, "Onbid hēr xxvii daga and æfter þon ic sende to þē Andrēas þīnne brōðor, and hē þē ūt ālǣt of þissum carcerne and ealle þā [þē] mid þē syndon." Swā mē Drihten tō cwæð, ic gesīo. Brōðor, hwæt sculon wē nū dōn?'

Sē hālga Andrēas þā and sē hālga Mathēus gebǣdon tō Drihtne, and æfter þon gebede sē hāliga Andrēas sette his hand ofer þāra wera ēagan þe þǣr on þǣm carcerne wǣron, and gesihþe hīe onfēngon. And eft hē sette his hand ofer hiora heortan, and heora andgit him eft tō hwirfde. Sē hāliga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'Gangað on þās niþeran dǣlas þisse ceastre, and gē þǣr gemētað mycel fictrēow; sittað under him and etað of his wæstmum oð þæt ic ēow tō cyme.' Hī cwǣdon tō þām hālgan Andrēa, 'Cum nū mid ūs, for þon þe þū eart ūre wealdend, þȳ lǣs wēn is þæt hī ūs eft genimon and on þā wyrstan tintregu hīe ūs on gebringan.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'Farað þider, for þon þe ēow nǣnig wiht ne derað nē ne swenceþ.' And hraðe hīe þā ealle fērdon, swā him sē hālga Andrēas bebēad. And þǣr wǣron on þǣm carcerne twā hund and eahta and fēowertig wera, and nigon and fēowertig wīfa, ðā sē hāliga Andrēas þanon onsende. And þone ēadigan Mathēum hē gedyde gangan tō þām ēastdæle mid his discipulum and āsetton on þā dūne þǣr sē ēadiga Petrus sē apostol wæs. And hē þǣr wunode mid him.

Sē hāliga Andrēas þā ūt ēode of þǣm carcerne, and hē ongan gangan ūt þurh midde þā ceastre, and hē cōm tō sumre stōwe, and hē þǣr geseah swer standan, and ofer þone swer ǣrne onlīcnesse. And hē gesæt be þām swere anbīdende hwæt him gelimpan scolde. Ðā unrihte men þā ēodan þæt hīe þā men ūt gelǣddan and hīe tō mete gedōn. And hīe gemētton þæs carcernes duru opene, and þā seofon hyrdas dēade licgan. Mid þȳ þe hīe þæt gesāwon, hīe eft hwirfdon tō hiora ealdormannum, and hīe cwǣdon, 'Þīn carcern open wē gemētton, and in gangende nǣnige wē þǣr gemētton.' Mid þī þe hīe gehȳrdon þāra sācerda ealdormen, hīe cwǣdon him betwēonon, 'Hwæt wile þis wesan? Wēn is þæt hwilc wundor in ēode on þæt carcern and þā hydras ācwælde, and somnunga [ālȳsde þā] þe þǣr betȳnede wǣron.'

Æfter þiossum him ætēowde dēofol on cnihtes onlīcnysse, and him tō cwæð, 'Gehȳrað mē, and sēcað hēr sumne ælþēodigne man þæs nama is Andrēas and ācwellaþ hine. He þæt is sē þā gebundenan of þissum carcerne ūt ālǣdde and hē is nū on þisse ceastre; gē hine nū witon; efstað, mīne bearn, and ācwellað hine.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā cwæð tō þām dēofle, 'Eno þū heardeste strǣl tō ǣghwilcre unrihtnesse, þū þe simle fihtest wið manna cyn; mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst þē gehnǣde in helle.' Þæt dēofol þā hē þis gehȳrde, hē him tō cwæð, 'Þīne stefne ic gehīere, ac ic ne wāt hwǣr þū eart.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'For þon þe þū eart blind, þū ne gesihst ǣnigne of Godes þām halgum.' Þæt dēofol þā cwæð tō þām folce, 'Behealdaþ ēow and gesēoþ hine, for þon þe hē þæt is sē þe wið mē spræc.'

Ða burhlēode þā urnon, and hī betȳndon þǣre ceastre gatu, and hīe sōhton þone hālgan Andrēas þæt hīe hine genāmon. Drihten Hǣlend hine þā ætēowde þām hāligan Andrēa and him tō cwæð, 'Andrēas ārīs and gecȳð him þæt hīe ongieton mīn mægen on þē wesan.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā ārās on þæs folces gesihþe and hē cwæð, 'Ic eom se Andrēas þe gē sēcaþ.' Þæt folc þā arn and hīe hine genāmon and cwǣdon, 'For þon þū ūs þus dydest, wē hit þē forgyldað.' And hīe þōhton hū hīe hine ācwellan meahton.

Þā wæs sē dēofol in gangende, and cwæð tō þām folce, 'Gif ēow swā līcige, uton sendan rāp on his swȳran, and hine tēon þurh þisse ceastre lanan, and þis uton wē dōn oþ þæt hē swelte. And mid þī þe hē dēad sie, uton we dǣlan his līchaman ūrum burhlēodum.' And þā eall þæt folc þæt gehīerde, hit him līcode, and hraðe hīe sendon rāp on his swēoran, and hīe hine tugon geond þǣre ceastre lanan. Mid þī þe sē ēadiga Andrēas wæs togen, his līchama wæs gemenged mid þǣre eorðan, swā þæt blōd flēow ofer eorðan swā wæter. Ðā ǣfen geworden wæs, hī hine sendon on þæt carcern, and hīe gebundon his handa behindan, and hīe hine forlēton; and eall his līchama [wæs] gelysed. Swilce oþre dæge þæt ilce hīe dydon.

Sē hāliga Andrēas þā wēop and hē cwæþ, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, cum and geseoh þæt hīe mē dōð, þīnum þēowe; and eall ic hit āræfnie for þīnum gebode þe þū mē sealdest, and þū cwǣde, "Ne dō æfter hiora ungelēafulnesse." Beheald, Drihten, and geseoh hū hīe mē dōð.' Mid þī hē þus cwæð, þæt dēofol cwæð tō þām folce, 'Swingaþ hine on his mūð, þæt hē þus ne sprece.' Ðā geworden wæs þæt hīe hine eft betȳndon on þām carcerne.

Ðæt dēofol þā genam mid him ōþre seofon dēoflo, þā þe [sē] hāliga Andrēas þanon āflīemde, and in gangende on þæt carcern hīe gestōdon on gesihþe þæs ēadigan Andrēas, and hine bismriende mid myclere bismre, and hīe cwǣdon, 'Hwæt is þæt þū hēr gemetest? Hwilc gefrēolseþ þē nū of ūrum gewealde? Hwǣr is þīn gilp and þīn hiht?' Þæt dēofol þā cwæð tō þām ōðrum dēoflum, 'Mīne bearn, ācwellaþ hine, for þon hē ūs gescende and ūre weorc.' Þā dēofla þā blǣstan hīe ofer þone hālgan Andrēas, and hīe gesāwon Crīstes rōde tācen on his onsīene; hī ne dorston hine genēalǣcan ac hraðe hīe onweg flugon. Þæt dēofol him tō cwæð, 'Mīne bearn, for hwon ne ācwealdon gē hine?' Hīe him andswarodon and hīe cwǣdon, 'Wē ne mihton, for þon þe Crīstes rōde tācn on his onsīene wē gesāwon and wē ūs ondrēdon. Wē witon for þon þe ǣr hē on þæs earfoðnesse cōm, hē ūre wæs wealdend. Gif þū mæge, ācwel hine; wē þē on þissum ne hērsumiaþ, þȳ lǣs wēn sīe þæt hine God gefrēolsige and ūs sende on wyrsan tintrego.' Sē hāliga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'Þēah þe ge mē ācwellan, ne dō ic ēowerne willan, ac ic dō willan mīnes Drihtnes Hǣlendes Crīstes.' And þus hī gehērdon and on weg flugon.

On mergen þā geworden wæs eft hīe tugon þone hālgan Andrēas, and hē cīgde mid mycle wōpe tō Drihtne, and cwæð, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, mē genihtsumiaþ þās tintrega, for þon ic eom getēorod. Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, āne tīd on rōde þū þrōwodest, and þū cwǣde, "Fæder, for hwon forlēte þū mē?" Nū iii dagas syndon syððan ic wæs getogen þurh þisse ceastre lanum. Þū wāst, Drihten, þā menniscan tȳddernysse; hāt onfōn mīnne gast. Hwǣr syndon þīne word, Drihten, on þām þū ūs gestrangodest and þū cwǣde, 'Gif gē mē gehȳrað and gē mē bēoþ fylgende, ne ān loc of ēowrum hēafde forwyrð.' Beheald, Drihten, and geseoh, for þī mīn līchama and loccas mīnes hēafdes mid þisse eorðan synd gemengde. One iii dagas syndon syððan ic wæs getogen tō þǣm wyrstan tintregum, and þū mē ne ætēowdest. Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, gestranga mīne heortan.' Ðus gebiddende þām hālgan Andrēa Drihtenes stefn wæs geworden, on Ebrēisc cweþende, 'Mīn Andrēas, heofon and eorðe mæg gewitan; mīn word nǣfre ne gewītaþ. Beheald æfter þē, and geseoh þīnne līchaman and loccas þīnes hēafdes, hwæt hīe syndon gewordene.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā loīciende, hē geseah geblōwen trēow wæstm berende; and hē cwæð, 'Nū ic wāt, Drihten, for þon þæt þū ne forlēte me.'

On ǣfenne þā geworden, hīe hine betȳndon on þām carcerne, and hīo cwǣdon him betwȳnum, 'For þon þe þisse nihte hē swelt.' Him ætēowde Drihten Hǣlend Crīst on þǣm carcerne, and hē āþenede his hand and genam, and hē cwæð, 'Andrēas, ārīs.' Mid þī þe hē þæt gehȳrde, hraþe hē þā ārās gesund, and hē hine gebæd, and hē cwæð, 'Þancas ic þē dō, mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā lōciende, hē geseah on middum þǣm carcerne swer standan, and ofer þone swer stǣnenne anlīcnesse. And hē āþenede his handa and hiera tō cwæð, 'Ondrǣd þē Drihten and his rōde tācn; beforan þǣm forhtigað heofon and eorþe. Nū þonne, anlīcnes, dō þæt ic bidde on naman mīnes Drihtnes Hǣlendes Crīstes; send mycel wæter þurh þīnne mūþ swā þæt sīen gewemmede ealle þā on þisse ceastre syndon.' Mid þī hē þus cwæð, sē ēadiga Andrēas, hraþe sīo stǣnene onlīcnes sendde mycel wæter þurh hiere mūþ swā sealt, and hit ǣt manna līchaman, and hit ācwealde heora bearn and hyra nȳtenu. And hīe ealle woldon flēon of þǣre ceastre. Sē hāliga Andrēas þā cwæð, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, ne forlǣt mē, ac send mē þīnne engel of heofonum on fȳrenum wolcne, þæt embgange ealle þās ceastre þæt [men hīe] ne magen genēosan for þǣm fȳre.' And þus cweþende, fȳren wolcen āstāh of heofonum, and hit ymbsealde ealle þā ceastre. Mid þȳ þæt ongeat sē ēadiga Andrēas, hē blētsode Drihten. Þæt wæter wēox oþ mannes swūran and swīþe hit ǣt hyra līchaman. And hīe ealle cīgdon and cwǣdon, 'Wā ūs, for þon þe þās ealle ūp cōman for þissum ælþēodigum þe wē on þissum carcerne betȳned hæbbaþ. Hwæt bēo wē dōnde?' Sume hīe cwǣdon, 'Gif ēow swalīce þūhte, utan gangan on þissum carcerne and hine ūt forlǣten, þȳ lǣs wēn sīe þæt wē yfele forweorþon. And uton wē ealle cīgean and cweþan for þon þe wē gelēofað on Drihten þyses ælþēodigan mannes; þonne āfyrreþ hē þās earfoðnesse fram ūs.'

Mid þī sē ēadiga Andrēas ongeat þæt hīe tō Drihtene wǣron gehwyrfede, hē cwæþ tō þǣre stǣnenan anlīcnesse, 'Āra nū þurh mægen ūres Drihtenes, and mā wæter of þīnum mūþe þū ne send.' And þā gecweden, þæt wæter oflan, and mā of hiere mūþe hit ne ēode. Sē hāliga Andrēas þā ūt ēode of þām carcerne, and þæt selfe wæter þegnunge gearwode beforan his fōtum. And þā [þe] þǣr tō lāfe wǣron, hīe cōmon tō þæs carcernes duru, and hīe cwǣdon, 'Gemiltsa ūs, God, and ne dō ūs swā swā wē dydon on þisne ælþēodigan.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā gebæd on þæs folces gesihþe, and sēo eorþe hīe ontȳnde and hīo forswealh þæt wæter mid þām mannum. Þā weras þe þæt gesāwon, hīe him swiþe ondrǣdon and hīe cwǣdon, 'Wā ūs, for þon þe þēs dēaþ fram Gode is, and hē ūs wile ācwellan for þissum earfoðnessum þe wē þissum mannan dydon. Sōðlīce fram Gode hē is send, and hē is Godes þēowa.' Sē hālga Andrēas him tō cwæð, 'Mīne bearn, ne ondrǣdaþ gē ēow, for þon þe þās þe on þīs wætere syndon, eft hīe libbað. Ac þis is for ðon þus geworden, þæt gē gelēofon on mīnum Drihtne Hǣlendum Crīste.' Sē hāliga Andrēas þā gebæd tō Drihtne and cwæð, 'Mīn Drihten Hǣlende Crīst, send þīnne þone Hālgan Gāst þæt [hē] āwecce ealle þā þe on þisse wætere syndon, þæt hīe gelīefon on þīnne naman.' Drihten þā hēt ealle ārīsan þe on þām wætere wǣron. And æfter þissum sē hāliga Andrēas hēt cyrican getimbrian on þǣre stōwe þǣr sē swer stōd. And hē him sealde bebodu Drihtnes Hǣlendes Crīstes, [and hē cwæð] 'And lufiað hine for þon mycel is his mægen.' And ǣnne of heora aldormannum tō bisceope hē him gesette, and hē hī gefullode, and cwæð, 'Nū þonne ic eom gearo þæt ic gange tō minum discipulum.' Hīe ealle hine bǣdon and hīe cwǣdon, 'Medmycel fæc nū gȳt wuna mid ūs, þæt þū ūs gedēfran gedō, for þon þe wē nīwe syndon tō þissum gelēafan gedōn.' Sē hālga Andrēas hīe þā nolde gehīeran, ac hē hīe grētte and hīe swā forlēt. Him fylgede mycel manigo þæs folces wēpende and hrȳmende.

And þā āscan lēoht ofer hieora hēafod, mid þī sē hālga Andrēas þanon wæs farende. Him ætīwde Drihten Hǣlende Crīst on þām wege on ansīne fægeres cildes, and him tō cwæð, 'Andrēas, for hwan gǣst þū swā būton wæstme þīnes gewinnes, and þū forlēte þā þe þē bǣdon, and þū nǣre miltsiende ofer heora cild, þā þe þē wǣron fyliende and wēpende? Þāra cirm and wōp tō mē āstāh on heofonas. Nū þonne hwyrfe eft on þā ceastre, and bēo þǣr seofon dagas, oþ þæt þū gestrangie hera mōd on mīnne gelēafan. Gang þonne tō þǣre ceastre mid þīnum discipulum, and gē on mīnne gelēafan gelēofon.' Mid þī hē þis cwæð, Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, hē āstāh on heofonas.

Sē ēadiga Andrēas þā wæs eft hwyrfende on Marmadonia ceastre and hē cwæð, 'Ic þe blētsige, mīn Drihten Hǣlend Crīst, þū þe gehwyrfest ealle sāula, for þon þū mē ne forlēte ūt gangan mid mīnre hātheortan of þisse ceastre.' Hīo wǣron gefēonde mycle gefēan; and hē þǣr wunode mid him seofon dagas, lǣrende and strangende hira heortan on gelēafan ūres Drihtnes Hǣlendes Crīstes. Mid þī þe þā wǣron gefyllede seofon dagas, swā swā him Drihten bebead, hē fērde of Marmadonia ceastre, efstende tō his discipulum. And eall þæt folc hine lǣdde mid gefēan and hīe cwǣdon, 'Ān is Drihten God, sē is Hǣlende Crīst, and sē Hālga Gāst, þām is wuldor and geweald on þǣre Hālgan Þrȳnnysse þurh ealra worulda woruld sōðlīce ā būtan ende.' Amen.