CSRT Summary of Evidence memo for Abbas Habid Rumi Al Naely

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CSRT Summary of Evidence memo for Abbas Habid Rumi Al Naely

Wikified from page 65 of http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_mar05.pdf, on April 20, 2007.

114704CSRT Summary of Evidence memo for Abbas Habid Rumi Al Naely


To: Personal Representative
From: OIC, CSRT (25 October 2004)
Subject: Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal [ (b)(6) ]


Under the provisions of the Secretary of the Navy Memorandum, dated 29 July 2004, Implementation of Combatant Status Review Tribunal Procedures for Enemy Combatants Detained at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base Cuba, a Tribunal has been appointed to review the detainee's designation as an enemy combatant.


An enemy combatant has been defined as "an individual who was part of or supporting the Taliban or al Qaida forces, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. This included any person who committed a belligerent act or has directly supported hostilities in aid of enemy armed forces."


The United States Government has previously determined that the detainee is an enemy combatant. This determination is based on information possessed by the United States that indicates that he is associated with al Qaida and the Taliban.

a. The detainee is associated with al Qaida and the Taliban:

From 1987 to 1989, the detainee served as an infantryman in the Iraqi Army, and received training on the mortar and rocket propelled grenades.


A Taliban recruiter in Baghdad convinced the detainee to travel to Afghanistan to join the Taliban in 1994.


The detainee admitted he was a member of the Taliban.


The detainee pledged allegiance to the supreme leader of the Taliban to help them take over all of Afghanistan.


The Taliban issued the detainee a Kalishnikov rifle in November 2000.


The detainee worked in a Taliban ammo and arms storage arsenal in Mazar-Es-Sharif organizing weapons and ammunition.


The detainee willingly associated with al Qaida members.


The detainee was a member of al Qaida.


An assistant to Usama Bin Ladin paid the detainee on three separate occasions between 1995 and 1997.


The detainee stayed at the Al Farouq camp in Darwanta, Afghanistan, where he received 1,000 Rupees to continue his travels.


From 1997 to 1998, the detainee acted as a trusted agent for Usama Bin Ladin , executing three separate reconnaissance missions for the al Qaida leader in Oman, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


In August 1998, the detainee traveled to Pakistan with a member of Iraqi Intelligence for the purpose of blowing up the Pakistan , United States and British embassies with chemical mortars.


Detainee was arrested by Pakistani authorities in Khudzar, Pakistan in July 2002.


The detainee has the opportunity to contest his designation as an enemy combatant. The Tribunal will endeavor to arrange for the presence of any reasonably available witnesses or evidence that the detainee desires to call or introduce to prove that he is not an enemy combatant. The Tribunal President will determine the reasonable availability of availability of evidence or witnesses.


Exhibit R-1