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Canada, and Other Poems/Union

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For works with similar titles, see Union.
Canada, and Other Poems (1891)
by John Frederic Herbin
4763672Canada, and Other Poems — Union1891John Frederic Herbin


ABOVE the glamour of long-dead RomanceAttired in gold and dress of every hue,The glitter was not all, for dead did strewThe war-torn fields of Italy and France.Stern Valor raised the sword and broke the lance   By many an alien wall; and grasping threw   From dying hand its weapon in the dewOf bloody strife. Yet wherefore not advanceThus bold and strong in love, my comrades, here   On peaceful plains; and wherefore not unfold    The flag not drenched as yet with battle-stainsAs proudly for its purity; and bear   The glorious front of union, though the gold    And blazonry of courts stir not our veins?