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Canada Gazette/Volume I/No. 51/Proclamation, May 23, 1868

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2349303Canada Gazette, Vol. I, No. 51 — Proclamation, May 23, 18681868Victoria


VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United-Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c.
To all to whom these presents shall come, and whom they may in anywise concern—Greeting.

J. A. Macdonald,
Minister of Justice.
WHEREAS by a certain Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the recent session thereof, and intituled: "Act relating to Quarantine and Public Health" it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such regulations as he thinks proper, for enforcing compliance with all the requirements of the said Act, and concerning the entry or departure of boats or vessels at the different ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such boats or vessels, or the receiving of passengers or cargoes on board of the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve the public health, and for ensuring the due performance of quarantine, by and in respect of vessels passengers, goods or things, arriving at any port within Canada, to which he thinks it right, for the preservation of the Public Health, that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods, or things, so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into or in Canada, and may appoint or remove such officers as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them, respectively, such powers as he may think required for carrying out the provision of such regulations, and may, from time to time, revoke or amend the same or any of them, and may make others in their stead, and may impose penalties, forfeitures and punishments for the breach thereof, which regulations shall be notified by Proclamation, published in the Canada Gazette at least twice ; and the production of the copies of the Gazette, containing, any such Proclamation, shall be evidence of the making, date and contents of such regulations. And further that such regulations shall have the force of law during the time they respectively remain unrevoked, unless they be expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the time and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force; and that any person disobeying any such Regulation may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, as the Court may direct, or otherwise such person may be sued for the penalties contained in such regulation.

And Whereas, Our Governor in Council, hath, this day been pleased to make, under the authority, and in pursuance of the said above in part recited Act, certain regulations as follows, that is to say:—

1.—Vessels coming up the St. Lawrence.

That all boats, ships and other vessels except the Canadian Mail Steamers, which henceforth and during the eight months next following the First day of April in each and every year shall arrive in the Port of Quebec, from any port or ports, place or places, in Europe or elsewhere out of Canada, by way of that part of the River St. Lawrence which is below Grosse-Isle, and which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle in the River St. Lawrence, and there remain and continue until such boats, ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge, given without fee or emolument of any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be male by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council and until the said boats, ships arid vessels shall respectively have performed such Quarantine, and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except on Grosse-Isle aforesaid, when duly required by competent authority.

2.—Port of Quebec.

That all boats, ships and vessels which henceforth and during the eight months aforesaid, shall arrive at the Port of Quebec, from any port or ports in Europe, place or places, or elsewhere as aforesaid, of the class or description hereinbefore mentioned, as liable and bound to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle, do make their further Quarantine in the Harbour of Quebec, according to the Regulations hereinafter provided.


All boats, ships and vessels of the class and description hereinbefore mentioned, as liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle, shall anchor within the space included between Grosse-Isle and a line drawn parallel to it, through the Red Buoy. to be placed as heretofore under the direction of the Superintendent of Pilots, and bounded on the East and West by lines drawn due South from the Western Extremities of Cliff Island and Grosse-Isle. The Island shall be so divided as to leave one portion thereof for the hospitals, and for the treatment and reception of those who are labouring under or who are threatened with any of the following diseases, namely Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or any other infectious and dangerous disease; and the remaining portion for the reception and accommodation of all passengers and other persons who shall be landed and detained upon the said Island, who shall not labour under or be threatened with any of the said diseases, and no person or persons, unless on duty, shall be permitted to pass from one of the said portions of the said Island to the other, unless they have pass ports signed by the Medical Superintendent.

4.—Establishment at Grosse-Isle.

The Establishment at Grosse-Isle shall consist of a Medical Superintendent, an Hospital Steward, and such Officers, Employes and Orderlies as may be appointed or employed to meet the Exigencies of the Service.—The Medical Superintendent shall be authorized to see the Quarantine duly performed, and for this purpose shall have full power and authority over all officers and other persons whatsoever in Grosse-Isle, or attached to that station, and be authorized to call upon all persons to aid him in enforcing the law and their regulations, and in case of his death, sickness or absence, the Officer next in rank employed on the Island, shall have the power and authority aforesaid.

5.—Medical Superintendent.

The Medical Supetintendent or in case of his death, sickness or absence, the Officer next in rank employed on the Island) shell enforce the said Law and these Regulations, and shall direct boats, ships or vessels to go to such place or places to perform Quarantine, as it may be necessary to send them to. He shall direct all boats, ships or vessels, liable to perform Quarantine, to be brought to anchor within the limns of the Quarantine Anchorage, and generally do all that may be required to enforce rigid obedience to the said law and these Regulations. He shall permit all passengers, or other persons landed on the said Island, to be re-embarked or shipped on board any Steamboat or other Vessel when the vessel is in a fit state to receive them, and that they have been examined by him and found in a fit state for re-embarkation or for leaving the said Island: and that all such passengers and persons, with their luggage, have been washed, cleansed and purified, and that there does not exist amongst those who are about to proceed, or leave the said Island, any case or symptoms of Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease.

He shall also go off to vessels bound to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle as aforesaid, and put the following questions to the Masters or persons in charge, viz:

1. What is your name and that of your vessel?

2. From whence did you sail, and date?

3. What is your cargo, and whence taken on board?

4. At what place or places did your vessel touch in her voyage?

5. Was such place or places, or any and which of them, infected with the cholera, plague, or any pestilential fever or disease?

6. How many persons were on board when the vessel sailed?

Cabin passengers?
Steerage passengers?

7. Have any person or persons during the voyage been infected? or are there now any infected with the cholera, plague or any pestilential fever or disease?

8. Did any person or persons, and how many die during the voyage, and from what distemper?

9. Did you or any of the ship's company or passengers, with your privity, go on board any ship or vessel, or did any of the company of any ship or vessel come on board your ship in the voyage, and from what port did she sail last?

10. Did you or any of your ship's company or passengers with or without your privity or consent, land at any place within Canada?

11. Have you any person on board who is lunatic, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind or infirm, and are such accompanied by relations able to support them?

If the answers be satisfactory, he shall give a Clean Bill of Health to the Master or person in charge; and such vessels may then proceed to the harbour of Quebec. If the answers be not satisfactory, or the Medical Superintendent has any reason to suspect fraud on the part of the Master or person in charge, crew or passengers, he shall immediately order the vessel to such place as may be appointed for vessels detained under Quarantine of Observation; he shall call for the ship's papers, passenger's lists and log-books, and inspect them thoroughly so as to ascertain the whole of the occurrences during the voyage, and should he Meet with any resistance, he will make such signal as may be determined on to show that assistance is necessary.

The medical superintendent shall also board all vessels he may consider necessary to inspect. He shall have charge of all vessels detained in Quarantine. He shall direct, if necessary, all steerage passengers to be landed with their luggage. And, shall superintend the cleansing and disinfection of vessels. He shall direct the number of passengers to be ended, distinguishing those who require to be treated for pestilential or infectious diseases, and who are to be landed at that part of the said, island set apart for such treatment, from those who do not require such treatment, and who may be landed at that part of the said island set apart for the reception of the healthy and those free from pestilential or infectious diseases, and he shall be careful that all such persons shall be landed at such places respectively. He shall have medical charge of all cabin passengers who do not disembark, and who may be labouring under any other thati pestilential or infectious disease; and shall order all passengers and persons on board any such ship or vessel who shall labour under any pestilential or infectious disease, to be landed with their luggage according to the foregoing regulation.

He shall give medical treatment on board in all cases of slight diseases which are not by these regulations specially required to be treated on shore, and when it shall be deemed advisable not to land the passengers on the said Island. He shall whenever a vessel is cleansed, ventilated and purified, direct such vessel to receive on board the whole or any portion of the passengers, or whether the whole or andy and which of the said passengers shall remain on the said Island, to proceed up the river by some other mode of conveyance, and he shall, so soon as the passengers are re-embarked on board their ship, or on board any ship or vessel leaving the said Island, give a passport or Clean Bill of Health to the Master or person having such vessel in charge, to proceed to Quebec. He shall make returns of the vessels boarded by him as soon as possible after such vessels are visited.

The Medical Superintendent shall have charge of the Hospitals. He shall receive into the Hospitals set apart for the treatment of pestilential and infectious diseases, all persons labouring under or threatened with any such disease. He shall have the general superintendence and direction of every thing relating to the sick. He shall visit and inspect all passengers who shall be landed from any vessel, and distribute them as he shall think expedient either on that part of the Island appropriated for the treatment of pestilential or infectious diseases, or on the part of the said Island appropriated to healthy passengers. Upon the recovery ofpersons treated for any such disease he shall, after due precaution, transfer such persons to the healthy part of the said Island. He shall superintend the cleansing, washing and. purifying of all passengers, and the unpacking and ventilating of their baggage, and when they are in a fit state to proceed, he shall, if need be, cause any baggage or any part of it to be burned or otherwise destroyed.

6.—Traders, Suttlers, Grocers and others.

No persons following the business of Suttlers, Traders, Grocers or other occupations, or concerned in buying or selling, shall be allowed to reside upon the Island, except under the license and strict control of the Medical Superintendent, who will have full authority to discharge and send from the Island, or any such persons, reporting the fact of such discharge and the reason therefor, for the information of the Governor General or person administering the government. All such persons in any way engaged in selling or traffic on the said Island shall be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by the Medical Superintendent from time to time, assisted by the Emigrant Agent at Quebec. He shall strictly enquire into and decide upon all complaints of misconduct or breach of the regulations by persons so trading; he shall see that no officer or person employed by the Government, or in any public employment on the said Island, has directly or indirectly any interest or concern in any supply of provisions, or other things to be supplied or furnished, bought or sold upon the said Island, or directly or indirectly receives or takes any private gratuity or reward for any service rendered to any Masters or Crews of Vessels, Passengers or other persons upon the said Island. And it shall be the duty of all persons to whose knowledge any breach of this Regulation shall come, to report the same forthwith to the Medical Superintendent, who shall enquire into the facts alleged, and may suspend from his office any person so charged until the pleasure of the Governor General, shall be known respecting the person so charged.

7.—Saint Lawrence Pilots.

Pilots having been furnished with copies of the said Act and of these regulations, and. also of the laws regulating Emigration, shall exhibit the same to the Master or person in charge of every vessel they may board. Every Pilot having charge of a vessel, of the description of those liable to make Quarantine at Grosse-Isle as aforesaid, shall bring her to anchor within the limits of the anchorage ground at Grosse-Isle hereinbefore defined, They shall also keep a Union-Jack flying at the peak of all vessels under their charge, until boarded by the proper officers. On arriving at Quebec, if the vessel has received a clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superintendent at Grosse-Isle, and has not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, she may bring to at any place within the following limits in the Port of Quebec, viz: the whole space of the River St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the River St. Charles to a line drawn across the said River St. Lawrence, from the Flag-staff on the Citadel or Cape Diamond at right angles to the course of the said River, but must not communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the Inspecting Physician; but if the vessel be of the class, of those not liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle she may either bring to at any place within the aforesaid limits, in the Port of Quebec, or she may proceed. at once to the Ballast Ground.


On the arrival of any vessel at Grosse-Isle, on board of which there shall be or shall have been during the passage any case of Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious or dangerous disease, and in all other cases when it shall be con- sidered necessary by the Medical Superintendent, the steerage passengers shall be landed with their luggage, and washed and purified and shall be permitted to re-embark and proceed in the same vessel, or shall be detained and embarked in some steamboat or other vessel, as shall be directed by the Medical Superintendent. The passengers in the principal cabin shall not be landed except in cases of sickness, and may at all times proceed with the vessels, or otherwise, after having washed and purified their luggage to the satisfaction and with the passport of the Medical Superintendent.


All Vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle, on their arrival there, shall anchor within the limits of the Anchorage Ground at Grosse-Isle hereinbefore defined, until boarded by the Medical Superintendent: and if they shall not be detained at Grosse-Isle on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, shall receive a Clean Bill of Health, and may proceed to the Harbour of Quebec, and there anchor at any Quebec within the limits of that portion of the Port of Quebec hereinbefore defined, and there remain without communication with the shore, or any other vessel or boat until finally discharged from Quarantine by the license or pass-port aforesaid; but if any such vessel shall have been detained at Grosse-Isle from sickness or suspicion thereof, it shall anchor at the mouth of the River St. Charles, and there remain until finally discharged from Quarantine as aforesaid.

Vessels arriving at Grosse-Isle from any infected port or place, or one supposed to be infected, and on board of which no pestilential disease shall have declared itself during the passage, may be kept under Quarantine of Observation for a period of not more than three days, during which time the passengers and crew thereof shall be subjected to a strict purification under the direction of the Medical Superintendent. All vessels detained in Quarantine shall be cleansed and ventilated, and their between decks, if not painted or varnished, shall be well whitewashed, but if painted or vanished, shall be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water or ley, and such portion of the ballast as the Medical Superintendent shall order, shall be thrown over board, under his immediate superintendence, or that of some person to be appointed by him for that duty.

In all cases where vessels having passengers on board, on account of sickness amongst such passengers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the Master or person in charge may, on. application to the Medical Superintendent at Grosse-Isle, be allowed to land the said passengers with their luggage; and the vessel being properly cleansed, purified and disinfected under the superintendence and with the license of the Medical Superintendent, may proceed up the river without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be appointed to receive the same, one shilling and three pence for each passenger, to bear the expense of their conveyance to Quebec, and also at the rate of one shilling per diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the expense of their maintenance at Grosse-Isle, for the time during which such vessel, in the judgment of the Medical Superintendent, would have had to be detained in Quarantine waiting for the passengers not affected with any of the pestilential or infectious diseases aforesaid, otherwise such vessel shall be detained in Quarantine until the passengers not sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be cleansed, washed, purified and disinfected.

10.—Inspecting Physician at Quebec.

An Inspecting-Physician at Quebec shall go off to all vessels arriving at Quebec or at the mouth of the river St. Charles, and put the following questions to the Masters or persons in charge, viz:

1. When did you leave Grosse-Isle?

2. Exhibit to me your pass-port from Grosse-Isle?

3. How many persons have you on board?

Cabin passengers?
Steerage passengers?

4. Number left at Grosse-Isle?

5. Have any person or persons been taken sick since you left Grosse-Isle?

6. Have any died? State number, names and disease?

7. Have any person or persons come on board or left your vessel since you left Grosse-Isle?

8. Have you any person on board who is lunatic, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind or infirm, and are such accompanied by relations able to support them?

And moreover, he shall require all Masters, or persons in charge of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Gross-Isle, to exhibit to him the license or pass-port which they shall have received from the Medical Superintendent at the Quarantine Station ; and such Masters or persons in charge shall forthwith exhibit the same for examination, to the said Inspecting-Physician at Quebec, who, if he shall find, as well from the answer he may receive as from the tenor of the pass-port and the actual state of the health of the passengers and crew, that sickness does not exist on board, he shall then grant to the Master, or person in charge of such vessel, a Certificate in writing setting forth the healthy state of the passengers and crew, to the end that such vessel may obtain a final discharge from Quarantine. But, if on the contrary, such Inspecting Physician at Quebec shall find any case of pestilential or infectious disease on board, or shall have just cause to apprehend the breaking out of any such malady, it shall then be his duty to hoist a yellow flag at the main-top-gallant-mast head and shall cause the vessel to return to or remain and be detained at the mouth of the River Saint Charles for further observation and inspection ; and having acquainted the Master or person in charge with the penalties to be incurred if he should permit any communication with his vessel until released from Quarantine, he shall report all the circumstances to the Minister of Agriculture for the information of the Governor-General; and if it shall appear to the said Inspecting Physician at any time that such vessel shall have passed the Quarantine station at Grosse-Isle without stopping to make Quarantine, being liable thereto, and should therefore be sent down to Grosse-Isle, or that such vessel having already cleared from Grosse-Isle, should return thereto, there to land the passengers, he shall order the Master or person in charge to proceed or return with such vessel to Grosse-Isle, and such Master or person in charge shall obey such order, And the proper Officers at Grosse-Isle shall observe, in respect of such vessels, the same rules and regulations as are provided for vessels arriving at Grosse-Isle with sick. Should the Inspecting Physician at Quebec meet with any resistance in the discharge of the duty required of him by this regulation, he will immediately enforce the same by all lawful means at his disposal.

Any Steamboat or other vessel that shall have towed or otherwise communicated with a vessel of the class of vessels liable to make their Quarantine at Gross-Isle, not having the discharge from Quarantine of the Medical Superintendent at Grosse-Isle, shall be subject to the same regulations and instructions as hereinbefore provided, respecting vessels not dis- charged from Quarantine.

No Steamboat shalt be allowed to proceed to Grosse-Isle for the purpose of taking on board passengers direct from that Island, without previously obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebec, a written Permit to that effect ; subject nevertheless to the regulations hereinbefore provided.

No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the requirements of the foregoing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shall have been fully complied with.

11.—Port of Halifax.

That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the Harbour of Halifax in the Province of Nova-Scotia, which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person onboard labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on hoard thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Halifax, on board such vessels or at such place on shore, and in such manner as shall be directed by the Inspecting Physician of the said Port of Halifax, and there remain and continue until such ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge, given without fee or emolument of any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council ; and until the said ships and vessels shall respectively have performed such Quarantine and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except at such place indicated as aforesaid when duly required by competent authority.

All boats, ships or vessels of the class and description hereinbefore mentioned, as liable to make their Quarantine in the Harbour of Halifax, shall anchor within a mile of the southern end of George's Island, there to be inspected by the Inspecting Physician, and ordered, according to circumstances as aforesaid.

The Inspecting Physician of the Port of Halifax shall visit, on their arrival, such boats, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the Public Health, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present regulations and orders in Council, which may be communicated to him from time to time.

12.—Port of Saint John.

That all boats, ships or vessels coming into the Harbour of Saint John, in the Province of New-Brunswick, which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred ions measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being a greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine in the Harbour of St. John, on board such vessels or on Partridge Island, and in such manner as shall be indicated by the Inspecting Physician of the said Port of St. John, and there remain and continue until such ships or vessels shall be discharged from such Quarantine, by such license or passport, and discharge, given without fee or emolument o any kind, as shall be directed or permitted by such order or orders as shall be made by the Governor, with the advice of the Privy Council and until the said ships and vessels shall respectively have performed such Quarantine, and shall be discharged therefrom by such license or passport and discharge as aforesaid, persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such boats, ships or vessels, shall not come or be brought on shore, or go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in Canada, except on the said Partridge Island when duly required by competent authority.

All boats, ships or vessels of the class and description hereinbefore mentioned as liable to make their Quarantine in the said Harbour of St. John, shall anchor within a mile of the outside or southern end of Partridge Island, (unless forced by stress of weather to anchor inside the said Island, in which case such vessels shall anchor as close as practicable to the sail Island,) there to be inspected by the Inspecting Physician and ordered according to the circumstances as aforesaid.

The Inspecting Physician of the Port of St. John shall visit, on their arrival, such boats, ships or vessels, and shall direct them as best calculated for the Public Health, and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the present Regulations and such orders in Council as may be communicated to him from time to time.

13.—Inspecting Physicians of the Ports of Halifax and St. John.

The Inspecting Physicians of the Ports of Halifax and Saint John (or any medical officer nominated to act as assistant or in their absence) shall have, respectively, the control over all officers and employes, who may be appointed or employed for the service of the Quarantine in the said Ports, respectively, and the medical attendance over the sick and healthy passengers, or crew detained on board, or who may have been landed to undergo the said Quarantine on shore, and the said inspecting physicians shall have, respectively, the same duties to perform and the same authority as those hereinbefore designed to the Medical Superintendent of the Quarantine of Grosse-Isle, and shall fulfil the said duties and exercise the said authority in the same manner as prescribed for the said Medical Superintendent.

14.—Vessels in Quarantine at the Ports of Halifax and St. John.

In all cases where vessels having passengers on board, on account of sickness amongst such passengers, shall be detained in Quarantine, the Master or person in charge may, on application to the inspecting physician of the said Ports of Halifax or St. John respectively, be allowed to land the said passengers with their luggage; and the vessel being properly cleansed, purified and disinfected under the superintendence and with the licence of the Inspecting Physician, may proceed up the harbour without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be appointed to receive the same, ten pence for each passenger, to bear the expense of their conveyance, and also at the rate of one shilling per diem for each of the said passengers, to reimburse the expense of their maintenance for the time during which such vessel, in the judgment of the Inspecting Physician would have had to be detained in Qua- rantine wating for the passengers not affected with any of the pestilential or infectious diseases aforesaid, otherwise such vessel shall be detained in Quarantine until the passengers not sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall be cleansed, washed, purified and disinfected.

15.—Pilots of the Ports of Halifax, and St. John.

Pilots of the Ports of Halifax and St. John respectively, having been furnished with copies of the said Act, and of these regulations, shall exhibit the same to the Master or person in charge of any boat, ship or vessel they may board:—every Pilot having charge of a vessel of the description of those liable to make Quarantine at the Ports of Halifax or St. John respectively, shall bring her to anchor within the limits of the anchorage grounds hereinbefore defined for the said Forts respectively:—They shall also keep a Union Jack flying at the peak of all vessels under their charge, until boarded by the proper Medical Officer aforesaid.

16.—General Provisions.

All vessels trading between any ports or places within Canada, and not having touched at any ports or places without the Dominion nor communicated with any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the Dominion, shall be exempt from the foregoing rules and regulations, so far as respects the necessity of going to or stopping at the anchorage ground aforesaid; nor shall the said rules and regulations apply to any Vessel of War, or to Transports or Vessels having Queen's Troops on board accompanied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any Steamer, unless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage.

No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or Montreal, until all the requirements of the foregoing Regulations in reference to such Vessel shall have been fully complied with.

Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, any of the foregoing Regulations, shall for every such offence incur and pay a Fine not exceeding Four Hundred Dollars, to be recovered in the manner prescribed by the said Act; and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which lie shall have been condemned to pay, shall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid.


all previous orders or regulations are hereby revoked. Now Know ye that we do hereby command, and. enjoin upon all our loving subjects that they do take notice of and obey the said Regulations so made as aforesaid and govern themselves accordingly.

In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed: Witness, Our Right Trusty and Well Beloved Cousin the Right Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governor General of Canada, &c., &c., &c. At Our Government House, in Our CITY of OTTAWA, this TWENTY-THIRD day of MAY, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in the Thirty-first year of Our Reign.

By Command,

Secretary of State.