Canada Gazette/Volume LXXIII/No. 11/Notice to Advertisers
1. Address all communications to — The King's Printer, Ottawa, Canada.
2. The advertising rates of the Canada Gazette are as follows: First insertion, twenty cents (20c.) per agate line (fourteen lines to the inch), subsequent insertions, seven and one-half cents (7½c.) per line. Copies of the Canada Gazette are supplied only when ordered and at a charge of twenty cents (20c.) each.
3. Advertising copy must be in English or French and, failing instructions to the contrary, will be published only in the language in which it is submitted. If publication in both languages is desired, the Advertiser must so instruct. The translation will be made if required, at a charge of fifty cents (50c.) per hundred words.
4. A provisional remittance of five dollars ($5.00) should accompany any advertisement. After the first insertion a statement will be sent to the Advertiser, showing cost of same, with details of moneys received or owing.
5. The various classes of notices which by statutory requirements are to be published in the Canada Gazette, will, failing instructions to the contrary, be given insertion as follows:
6. The Canada Gazette is published every Saturday morning. To ensure publication in the next issue advertising copy must be, in the case of Bankruptcy Act Notices, received by Tuesday noon, and in all other cases, by Wednesday noon.
7. The subscription price of the Canada Gazette is eight dollars ($8.00) per annum, payable strictly in advance; single copies twenty cents (20c.).
King's Printer.
Ottawa, July 2, 1938.