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Caroling Dusk/Substitution

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Substitution.
Annie Bethel Scales Spencer4747797Caroling Dusk — Substitution1927Countee Cullen


Is Life itself but many ways of thought,Does thinking furl the poets’ pleiades,Is in His slightest convolution wroughtThese mantled worlds and their men-freighted seas?He thinks—and being comes to ardent things:The splendor of the day-spent sun, love’s birth,—Or dreams a little, while creation swingsThe circle of His mind and Time’s full girth . . .As here within this noisy peopled roomMy thought leans forward . . . quick! you’re lifted clearOf brick and frame to moonlit garden bloom,—Absurdly easy, now, our walking, dear,Talking, my leaning close to touch your face . . .His All-Mind bids us keep this sacred place!