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Catalog of Copyright Entries/Original Series/Number 3

From Wikisource

No. 3.













July 20 to July 25, 1891, inclusive, wherein the copyright has been
completed by the deposit of two copies in the office.


Treasury Department,
Office of the Secretary,
Division of Stationery, Printing, and Blanks.




Kilkenny to Belfast. By Geo. D. Mitchell. George D. Mitchell,

Wellsboro, Pa.

In Memoriam. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,

New York.

Idylls of the King. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.,

New York.

The Princess. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Thomas Y. Crowell,

New York.

A King of Tyre. By James M. Ludlow. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

The Woman of Fire. By Adolphe Belot. Laird & Lee,


Illustrated Catalogue of Baker & Vawter Company. Baker & Vawter Co.,

Chicago, Ill.

Bradstreet’s Commercial Reports. Vol. 94. July, 1891. The Bradstreet Co.,

New York.

“Lakeside” Directory of Chicago. Chicago Directory Co.,

Chicago, Ill.

A Man’s Conscience. By Avery Macalpine. Avery Macalpine,

New York.

Dolly. By Maria Louise Pool. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

The Uncle of an Angel. By Thomas A. Janvier. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

Tales of Two Countries. By Alexander Kiebland. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

Beadle’s Library. No. 730. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Dime Library. No. 665. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Pocket Library. No. 398. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Popular Library. No. 17. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Pocket Library. No. 393. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Popular Library. No. 17. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Half-Dime Library. No. 730. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Beadle’s Dime Library. No. 665. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Hamburg Had a Hop Joint. 1891. The World,

New York.

The Kaiser in England. New York Associated Press,

New York.

Car Lubrication. By W. E. Hall. John Wiley & Sons,

New York.

Did it Ever Occur to You. Shannon & Mason,


Ayer’s Preserve Book. J. C. Ayer & Co.,

Lowell, Mass.

The Logarithmic Spiral Curve. By Wm. Cox. Keuffel & Esser Co.,

New York.

About Advertising. By Nathaniel C. Fowler, jr. Paper No. 12. Nathaniel C. Fowler,


The Brewer Longitudinal Axle Lubricator. Charles W. Brewer,


Universal Song. Official Journal. The American Tonic Sol-Fa Association and College of Music.

The Echo. A Music Journal. The Echo Music Company,

Lafayette, Ind.

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. (May 1891.) American Society of Civil Engineers,

New York.

Divine Order of Human Society. By Robert Ellis Thompson. John D. Wattles,


Hidden Mystery Unraveled. By Charles W. Smith. Chas W. Smith,

Guthrie, Ok.

Republica. By John Preston Campbell. John Preston Campbell,


The Shadow Detective. By Old Sleuth. George Munro,

New York.

Fontinoy, the Swordsman. By Fortunie Du Boisgobey. Rand, McNally & Co.,

Chicago, Ill.

Lain’s Élite Directory of Brooklyn. Lain & Co.,

Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wood’s Medical and Surgical Monographs. Wm. Wood & Co.,

New York.

A Compend of Human Physiology. By Albert P. Brubaker. P. Blakiston, Son & Co.,


Catalogue 1891. Ryan-McDonald Manufacturing Co. Ryan-McDonald Manufacturing Co.,

Baltimore, Md.

Latest News from Europe. The Sun Printing and Pub. Association,

New York.

Good-By to the Americans. The Sun Printing and Pub. Association,

New York.

A New World Record. The Sun Printing and Pub. Association,

New York.

Nye Talks Porcelain. Edgar W. Nye,

New York.

Kirwin’s Saratoga Springs Directory. William H. Kirwin,

Lockport, N. Y.

The Newport Directory. By Sampson, Murdock & Co. Sampson, Murdock & Co.,


Williams’ Scranton Directory. By J. E. Williams. J. E. Williams,

Scranton, Pa.

Tales for a Stormy Night. Translations from Tourgnemff, Balzae, Nurvenice, Daudet. Robert Clarke & Co.,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Manipulation of the Microscope. By Edward Bausch. Bausch & Lowd Optical Co.,

Rochester, N. Y.

County Superintendents’ Record (school districts). George W. Crane,

Topeka, Kans.

Secretary’s Record Book (school township). State Capital Printing Co.,

Guthrie, Ok.

Holy Face Hymnal. By Sisters of Mercy. J. Fischer & Bro.,

New York.

Improved Ball Automatic Cut-off Engines. The Ball & Wood Co.,

New York.

Addition Systematized. By C. H. Wolfe and O. W. Weyer. Central School Journal,

Keokuk, Iowa.

New York Detective Library. No. 452. July 25, 1891. Frank Tousey,

New York.

Wide Awake Library. No. 1060. July 25, 1891. Frank Tousey,

New York.

Old Cap Collier Library. No. 407. July 18, 1891. Norman L. Munro,

New York.

Boy’s Star Library. No. 215. Frank Tousey,

New York.

The America Heater and Hot-Water Circulator. Geo. A. Houston,

Beloit, Wis.

Women of Fashion. James W. Johnson.

Fashion’s Fads Dilated Upon. James W. Johnson.

Gossip from Germany. New York Associated Press.

The Fogy Days. By Dave U. Sloan. D. U. Sloan,

Atlanta, Ga.

A Grass Widow. By the author of “The Crack of Doom.” E. Brandus & Co.,

New York.

Laws of New Jersey. 1891. E. G. Keasby, C. L. Bergmeyer,

Trenton, N. J.

Beulah Barton’s Birthday. By Mary Kyle Dallas. The American Press Association,

New York.

Hannah Fearing's Fortune. By Augusta Larned. The American Press Association,

New York.

Of Lawn Tennis. The American Press Association,

New York.

Gladys Evelyn’s Romance. July 23, 1891. Press Publishing Co., N. Y. World,

New York.

Tom Croly’s Word. By Geo. W. Hamilton. Standard Pub. Co.,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

The Cosmopolitan. August, 1891. The Cosmopolitan Pub. Co.,

New York.

School and Home. July 21, 1891. Wm. L. Thomas,

St. Louis, Mo.

Farmers’ Review. July 22, 1891. Hannibal H. Chandler & Co.,


Good News. August 8, 1891. Street & Smith,

New York.

The New York Medical Journal. July 25, 1891. D. Appleton & Co.,

New York.

The Christian Union. July 25, 1891. Christian Union Co.,

New York.

Scribner’s Magazine. August, 1891. Charles Scribner's Sons,

New York.

The Atlantic Monthly. August, 1891. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,


The Forum. August, 1891. The Forum Pub. Co.,

New York.

The Banner Weekly. No. 456. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

The Banner Weekly. No. 456. Beadle & Adams,

New York.

Puck. July 22. Keppler & Schwarzmann,

New York.

Daughters of America. July, 1891. True & Co.,

Augusta, Me.

Hallett’s American Farmer. July, 1891. H. Hallett & Co.,

Portland, Me.

The Boys of New York. August 8, 1891. Frank Tousey,

New York.

New York Clipper. July 25, 1891. The Frank Queen Pub. Co.,

New York.

The Ave Maria. July 25, 1891. D. E. Hudson,

Notre Dame, Ind.

The Railway and Corporation Law Journal. July 18, 1891. L. K. Strouse & Co.,

New York.

Underwood’s Counterfeit Reporter. July-August, 1891. Anthony Stumpp & Co.,

New York.

Farmers’ Review. July 15, 1991. Hannibal H. Chandler & Co.,

Chicago, Ill.

Amusement Gazette. July 20, 1891. F. T. Low,

New York.

Texas Siftings. July 25, 1891. Texas Siftings Pub. Co.,

New York.

New York and Paris Fashion Bazaar. August, 1891. George Munro,

New York.

The American Contractor. July 18, 1891. B. Edwards & Co.,

Chicago—New York.

The New York Medical Journal. July 18, 1891. D. Appleton & Co.,

New York.

Tobacco. July 17, 1891. The T. H. Delano Pub. Co.,

New York.

The American Stock-keeper. July 18, 1891. Am. Stock-keeper Pub. Co.,


The New York Fireside Companion. August 1, 1891. George Munro,

New York.

The New York Fireside Companion. August 8, 1891. George Munro,

New York.

The Keystone. July, 1891. S. H. Steele,


Sunday School Times. July 25, 1891. John D. Wattles,


St. Louis Life. July 16, 1891. St. Louis Life,

St. Louis, Mo.

The Therapeutic Gazette. July 15, 1891. George S. Davis,

Detroit, Mich.

The Banking Law Journal. July 15, 1891. T. B. Paton,

New York.

Quarterly Review. July, 1891. United Brethren Publishing House,

Dayton, Ohio.

The Electrical World. July 25, 1891. The W. J. Johnson Co.,

New York.

Shoe and Leather Reporter. July 23, 1891. Shoe and Leather Reporter,

N. Y., Boston, Phil., & Chic.

Illustrated Christian Weekly. July 25, 1891. Ernest Young, jr.,

New York.

Scientific American. July 25, 1891. Munn & Co.,

New York.

Scientific American Supplement. July 25, 1891. Munn & Co.,

New York.

The Domestic Monthly. August, 1891. H. C. Faulkner,

New York.

Forest and Stream. July 23, 1891. Forest and Stream Pub. Co.,

New York.

Illustrated Police News. July 25, 1891. Police News Pub. Co.,


National Police Gazette. August 1, 1891. Richard K. Fox,

New York.

The Youth’s Companion. July 23, 1891. Perry Mason & Co.,


Some of God’s Promises. Service No. 1. By Susie S. Hubbell. United Society of Christian Endeavor,


Albany Law Journal. July 18, 1891. Weed, Parsons & Co.,

Albany, N. Y.

The Mail Coach. July 25, 1891. The Mail Coach Co.,

New York.

Bradstreets. July 18, 1891. The Bradstreet Co.,

New York.

Fox’s Weekly. July 27, 1891. Richard K. Fox,

New York.

Lawyers’ Reports Annotated. July 13, 1891. Lawyers’ Coöperative Pub. Co.,

Rochester, N. Y.

Sail and Paddle. July 18, 1891. Nautical Publishing Co.,

New York.

Life. July 23, 1891. Mitchell & Miller,

New York.

Talent. July, 1891. Talent Publishing Co.,

New York.

Judge. July 25, 1891. The Judge Publishing Co.,

New York.

Lippincott’s. August, 1891. J. B. Lippincott Co.,


The Arkansaw Traveller. July 25, 1891. Review Print Co.,

Chicago, Ill.

The Golden Weekly. August 6, 1891. Frank Tousey,

New York.

American Notes and Queries. July 11, 1891. The Westminster Pub. Co.,


The Illustrated American. July 25, 1891. Illustrated American Pub. Co.,

New York.

The Doll’s Dress-Maker. July, 1891. Jennie Moore,

New York.

The American Paper Trade and Wood Pulp News. July 18, 1891. Andrew Given,

New York.

The Youth’s Companion. July 23, 1891. Perry Mason & Co.,


The Illustrated Family Herald. July, 1891. True & Co.,

Augusta, Me.

The Practical Housekeeper. July, 1891. H. Hallett & Co.,

Portland, Me.

Our Home and Fireside Magazine. July, 1891. H. Hallett & Co.,

Portland, Me.

Our Little Ones and the Nursery. August, 1891. Russell Pub. Co.,


Frank Leslie’s Illustrated. July 25, 1891. Judge Pub. Co.,

New York.

The People’s Illustrated Journal. July, 1891. George Stinson & Co.,

Portland, Me.

Sunshine for Youth. July, 1891. E. C. Allen,

Augusta, Me.

The Christian Herald. July 2, 1891. Louis Klopsch,

New York.

Golden Moments. July, 1891. True & Co.,

Augusta, Me.

The National Farmer. July, 1891. E. C. Allen,

Augusta, Me.

The People’s Literary Companion. July, 1891. E. C. Allen,

Augusta, Me.

North American Review. August, 1891. Lloyd Brice,

New York.

The Homiletic Review. August, 1891. Funk & Wagnalls,

New York.

The Pansy. July, 1891. D. Lothrop Company,


Wide Awake. July, 1891. D. Lothrop Company,


Our Little Men and Women. July, 1891. D. Lothrop Company,


The Story-Teller. July, 1891. D. Lothrop Company,


Babyland. July, 1891. D. Lothrop Company,


The Busy Bee. By J. F. Kinsey. The Echo Music Co.,

Lafayette, Ind.

The Electrical Engineer. July 22, 1891. The Electrical Engineer,

New York.

The Popular Science Monthly. August, 1891. D. Appleton & Co.,

New York.

The Rural New Yorker. July 25, 1891. Rural Publishing Co.,

New York.

Harper’s Weekly. July 25, 1891. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

Harper’s Young People. July 21, 1891. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

Harper’s Bazar. August 8, 1891. Harper & Brothers,

New York.

The Commercial and Financial Chronicle. July 18, 1891. Wm. B. Dana & Co.,

New York.

The Thrifty Farmer and Fireside Magazine. July, 1891. George Stinson & Co.,

Portland, Me.

True’s Farming World and Household Magazine. July, 1891. True & Co.,

Augusta, Me.

The Delineator. August, 1891. The Butterick Pub. Co.,

London and New York.

Golden Days. August 1, 1891. James Elverson,


The Arena. August, 1891. The Arena Pub. Co.,


Current Law. July 20, 1891. The Law News Bureau,


The New York Ledger. July 25, 1891. Robert Bonner’s Sons,

New York.

The Epoch. July 24, 1891. The Epoch Pub. Co.,

New York.

The North-Eastern Reporter. July 17, 1891. West Publishing Co.,

St. Paul, Minn.

The North-Western Reporter. July 18, 1891. West Publishing Co.,

St. Paul, Minn.

Golden Hours. August 1, 1891. Norman L. Munro,

New York.

Outing. July 25, 1891. Outing Co., L’t’d,

New York.

American Architect. July 18, 1891. Tickor & Co.,


Pharmaceutical Record. July 23, 1891. Pharmaceutical Record Co.,

New York.

The New Nation. July 25, 1891. Edward Bellamy,


The Sunday School World. August, 1891. American S. S. Union,

Phil. and New York.

Outing. July 25, 1891. Outing Co., L’t’d,

New York.

Golden Hours. August 1, 1891. Norman L. Munro,

New York

Street and Smith’s New York Weekly. August 8, 1891. Street & Smith,

New York.

Medical Record. July 25, 1891. Wm. Wood & Co.,

New York.

Fox’s Weekly. August 3, 1891. Richard K. Fox,

New York.

Wake Not, But Hear Me, Love. Music by August Kraff. Oliver Ditson Co.,


Danse Africaine. Music by J. F. Gilder. Oliver Ditson Co.,


Fresh Life. Music by F. Spindler; arranged by L. Keach. Oliver Ditson Co.,


My Compliments Polka. Music by E. Grünberg. Oliver Ditson Co.,


A Sea Song. Music by T. J. Smith. T. J. Smith.

Valse des Hirondelles. Music by F. Samary. E. Schuberth & Co.,

New York.

Sérénade á Ninon. Music by Paul Dupont. E. Schuberth & Co.,

New York.

Ronde des Elfes. Music by Paul Dupont. E. Schuberth & Co.,

New York.

Carmina Valse. Music by Henry Wehrmann. Henry Wehrmann,

New York.

Woodland Echo. Music by Remy Eichelberger. Remy Eichelberger.

Speed on My Bark. Words by Chas. Kenna; music by J. J. Nolan. Frank Harding,

New York.

First Mazurka in D Minor. Music by Benj. Godard. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Gay Butterflies’ Caprice. Music by Louis Gregh. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Morning Ride Albumleaf. Music by Louis Gregh. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Adieu. Music by F. Schubert; transcribed for Piano by Stephen Heller. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Robin Hood Waltz. Music by Reginald de Koven; arranged by George Wiegand. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Robin Hood Lancers. Music by Reginald de Koven; arranged by George Wiegand. G. Schirmer,

New York.

La Dance des Sylphides. Music by Theo. Kullak. G. Schirmer,

New York.

March des Pompiers. Music by Michael Watson. G. Schirmer,

New York.

The Song My Mothers Sang. Music by Carl Bohm. G. Schirmer,

New York.

La Perle du Brésil. Music by David. G. Schirmer,

New York.

The Broom, the Shovel, the Poker, and the Tongs. Music by Geo. Ingraham. G. Schirmer,

New York.

The Duck and the Kangaroo. Music by Geo. Ingraham. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Diavolina. Music by Franz Bendel. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Idylle. Music by Franz Bendel. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Eighteen Summers Schottische. Music by Manuel G. Manzanares. G. Schirmer,

New York.

By Moonlight Vals. Music by Trinidad Moreno. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Florencia Mazurka. Music by Mariano Pagani. G. Schirmer,

New York.

Comrades. Music by Felix McGlennon. Chas. D. Tuttle,


Gen. Stark. Vermont Centennial March. Music by R. Goldsmith. R. O. Goldsmith,

Bennington, Vt.

O Salutaris. Arranged by Jos. Lynde. J. Fischer & Bro.,

New York.

Ave Maria. Music by E. M. Raymond. J. Fischer & Bro.,

New York.

Will You Be There? Music by B. Chambers. Chambers & Josselyn.

La Seraphita Valse. Music by H. A. Burr. John C. Ellis & Co.,

Washington, D. C.

Shadow Waltz. Music by E. J. Evans. J. Schott,

New York.

The Butterfly Waltz. Music by E. J. Evans. J. Schott,

New York.

Italian Royal March. Music by G. Gabetti; arranged by G. Peluso. J. Schott,

New York.

The Occidental March. Music by Sousa; arranged for Band. Harry Coleman,


The Occidental March. Music by Sousa; arranged for Piano. Harry Coleman,


My Pretty Fan. Words by Mrs. E. S. Hill; music by Albert W. Berg. C. M. Loomis’ Sons,

New Haven, Conn.

Bon Ton Polka. Music by J. S. Cox. J. C. Grasmuck,

New York.

In Twilight Dreams. Music by T. B. Kelley. T. B. Kelley,

Jersey City.

Abide With Me. Music by W. E. Brown. White-Smith Music Publishing Co.,


Evelena. Music by C. A. White. White-Smith Music Publishing Co.,


Madeline. Music by C. A. White. White-Smith Music Publishing Co.,


Lilies and Roses. Waltz Song. Words by Wm. Fuller; music by E Holst. Chas. T. French,

New York.

Jolly Little Cupid Lancers. Music by C. T. French. Chas. T. French,

New York.

A Would-Be Politician. Music by Warner Crosby. National Music Co.,


The Snow Storm. Music by A. De Kontski. E. A. Saalfield,


Hungarian Czardasz. Music by A. De Kontski. E. A. Saalfield,


Pretty Mary Moore. Words and music by W. C. Parker. James Stillman,

New York.

Jack Was a True Friend to Me. Words and music by Tom Carter. James Stillman,

New York.

I’ve Worked Eight Hours This Day. Music by Felix McGlennon. Frank Tousey,

New York.

Berryville, Clark County, Va. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Kootenai, Kootenai County, Idaho. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Clinton, East Feliciana Parish, La. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Palestine, Henderson County, Tex. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Hobart, Delaware County, N. Y. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Hays City, Ellis County, Kans. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Russell, Russell County, Kans. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Wallace, Shoshone County, Idaho. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Map of District of Columbia and adjacent portions of Maryland and Virginia. By W. Kelsey Schoepf, Washington, D. C. Thos J. Fisher, & Co.,

Washington, D. C.

Fremont, Schuylkill County, Pa. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Warrenton, Fauquier County, Va. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Cynthiana, Harrison County, Ky. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Culpeper, Va. Sanborn-Perris Map Co.,

New York.

Pictures of Nina Farington. Nos. 8 to 14 (inclusive). B. J. Falk,

New York.