Category:1874 births
Pages in category "1874 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 324 total.
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- Author:George Frederick Abbott
- Author:John Henry Macartney Abbott
- Author:Leroy Abrams
- Author:Rudolph Adolph Acher
- Author:Francis Alexandre Adams
- Author:John Wolcott Adams
- Author:Gertrude Partington Albright
- Author:Maulana Muhammad Ali
- Author:William Talbot Allison
- Author:José Alves Martins
- Author:Alice Emily Argent
- Author:Frederick S. Armitage
- Author:Raymond Holbrook Arnot
- Author:George Frederick Arps
- Author:Thomas Ashby
- Author:James Hartley Ashworth
- Author:Christopher Thomas Atkinson
- Author:George Parkin Atwater
- Author:Vincent Wilberforce Baddeley
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Ernest Barker
- Author:Eugene Campbell Barker
- Author:Chester Barlow
- Author:Culmer Barnes
- Author:Johanna Christina Emerentia Bassalik-de Vries
- Author:Herbert Harry Bassett
- Author:Lilian Baylis
- Author:Charles Austin Beard
- Author:Frederick Ritchie Bechdolt
- Author:Nellie Ann de Bertrand Lugrin
- Author:Mary Mostyn Bird
- Author:François Blanchin
- Author:Ernest Leonard Blumenschein
- Author:Sigfús Blöndal
- Author:Arthur Clinton Boggess
- Author:David William Bone
- Author:Franklin Booth
- Author:Gordon Bottomley
- Author:Louis Boudianoff Boudin
- Author:Isa Bowman
- Author:James Oscar Boyd
- Author:Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt
- Author:Louis Maurice Brandin
- Author:Nikolay Breshko-Breshkovsky
- Author:Abraham Arden Brill
- Author:Charles Wilson Brown
- Author:Edith Annie Browne
- Author:Henry Addington Bayley Bruce
- Author:Charles Livingston Bull
- Author:Thornton Waldo Burgess
- Author:George Wyman Bury
- Author:Edwin John Butler
- Author:Bernard Alan Edmund Buttress
- Author:Ethel Julia Cablk
- Author:James William Callahan
- Author:Katharine Cameron
- Author:Edmund Candler
- Author:Alfred Carmichael
- Author:Howard Carter
- Author:Aldo Castellani
- Author:Henry Joseph Causse
- Author:Annie Elizabeth Champness
- Author:George Henry Chase
- Author:Gilbert Keith Chesterton
- Author:Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
- Author:Philip Hudson Churchman
- Author:Ellery Harding Clark
- Author:George Samuel Clason
- Author:Gifford Le Clear
- Author:Agnes Morley Cleaveland
- Author:Edith Schwartz Clements
- Author:Frederic Edward Clements
- Author:Theodore Freylinghuysen Collier
- Author:William Wistar Comfort
- Author:Honoré-Joseph Coppieters
- Author:Arthur Linton Corbin
- Author:Francis Macdonald Cornford
- Author:Aluigi Cossio
- Author:Frank Craig
- Author:Camillus Crivelli
- Author:Edgar Roscoe Cumings
- Author:Charles Fallon Curley
- Author:Olive Custance
- Author:Henry William Carless Davis
- Author:Owen Gould Davis
- Author:George Geoffrey Dawson
- Author:Clarence Shepard Day
- Author:Grace Atherton Dennen
- Author:Leonard Eugene Dickson
- Author:Francis Edgar Dodd
- Author:Grace Neal Dolson
- Author:Tadhg Ó Donnchadha
- Author:Joseph Drbal
- Author:Marc Dubruel
- Author:Frederick Homes Dudden
- Author:Edwin Charles Fairchild
- Author:Charles Buckles Falls
- Author:Albert Feuillerat
- Author:Emerson David Fite
- Author:Edmond Fleg
- Author:Walter Lynwood Fleming
- Author:John Ambrose Foote
- Author:Charles Hoy Fort
- Author:Adrian Henry Timothy Knottesford Fortescue
- Author:Ernest Fosbery
- Author:Herbert Baldwin Foster
- Author:John Knight Fotheringham
- Author:Frank James Fox
- Author:Shepherd Ivory Franz
- Author:William George Freeman
- Author:Robert Frost
- Author:Eugenia Brooks Frothingham
- Author:Louis Agassiz Fuertes
- Author:Ernest Fuhr
- Author:Herbert Ernest Augustus Furst
- Author:Zona Gale
- Author:Robert Strachan Gardiner
- Author:Theodosia Garrison
- Author:Nicholas George Gedye
- Author:John Joseph Geoghan
- Author:Oscar Gerson
- Author:Charles Whitney Gilmore
- Author:Joseph Sarsfield Glass
- Author:Julia Veazie Glen
- Author:Emanuel Fedor Goerwitz
- Author:John Golden
- Author:Jocelyn Henry Clive Graham
- Author:Elizabeth Gray Potter
- Author:William Forbes Gray
- Author:Chester Noyes Greenough
- Author:Alexander James Grieve
- Author:Ewart Scott Grogan
- Author:George Grossmith, Jr.
- Author:Angus Hamilton
- Author:Harry Gabriel Hamlet
- Author:Harold Hammond
- Author:William Clinton Hanson
- Author:Friedrich Hasenöhrl
- Author:Edmund Frank Hawthorne
- Author:Tracy Elliot Hazen
- Author:Otto Henker
- Author:Lou Henry Hoover
- Author:Cecil Hepworth
- Author:Joseph Cawdell Herrick
- Author:Ildefons Herwegen
- Author:Frederick William Hilgendorf
- Author:George Elphege Hind
- Author:Beatrice Moses Hinkle
- Author:Jiří Hoetzel
- Author:Alfred Claud Hollis
- Author:Gustav Holst
- Author:Josef Holý
- Author:Samuel Henry Hooke
- Author:Herbert Clark Hoover
- Author:Herman Harrell Horne
- Author:Charles Bethune Horsbrugh
- Author:George Leonard Hosmer
- Author:Harry Houdini
- Author:Gilbert Roger Hudleston
- Author:Jay William Hudson
- Author:Harriette Zephine Humphrey Fahnestock
- Author:Robert Hunter (1874-1942)
- Author:August William Hutaf
- Author:Bettina von Hutten
- Author:Jérôme Labourt
- Author:Gertrude Battles Lane
- Author:William Henry Lang
- Author:Christian Daa Larson
- Author:Charles Emelius Lauriat, Jr
- Author:John Cuthbert Lawson
- Author:Ella Mary Leather
- Author:Marshall Ora Leighton
- Author:Celia Levetus (1874-1936)
- Author:Joseph Christian Leyendecker
- Author:Earl Lind
- Author:Lionel Arthur Lindsay
- Author:Jacob Goodale Lipman
- Author:Florence Hamilton Randal Livesay
- Author:Anne Porter Lynes Lloyd
- Author:Amy Lawrence Lowell
- Author:Harry Miller Lydenberg