Category:1897 deaths
Pages in category "1897 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 246 total.
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- Author:Ralph Abercromby
- Author:William Taylor Adams
- Author:Rutherford Alcock
- Author:George Gardiner Alexander
- Author:Harrison Allen
- Author:Samuel Allport
- Author:Edmund Nicholas Alpe
- Author:James Andrew (1829-1897)
- Author:William Archer (1830-1897)
- Author:Albert Henry Arden
- Author:Adam Asnyk
- Author:Henry Ayers
- Author:Isabella Banks
- Author:James Barmby
- Author:George Bretherton Barron
- Author:Abraham Dee Bartlett
- Author:James Bateman
- Author:Joseph Bates (1845-1897)
- Author:Edmund Chisholm Batten
- Author:Charles Aubyn Beach
- Author:John Hanson Beadle
- Author:Charles Emil Bendire
- Author:James Theodore Bent
- Author:Lucien Biart
- Author:Charles Carter Blake
- Author:George Clement Boase
- Author:Alice Brooke Bodington
- Author:John Milton Bonham
- Author:Jane Laurie Borthwick
- Author:Henry Boswell
- Author:Johannes Brahms
- Author:Mae St. John Bramhall
- Author:John Francis Bray
- Author:Ebenezer Cobham Brewer
- Author:Sidney Thomas Bridgford
- Author:Samuel Boteler Bristowe
- Author:Henry Box Brown
- Author:Thomas Edward Brown
- Author:John Charles Bucknill
- Author:John Francis Bulley
- Author:Jacob Burckhardt
- Author:Frederick Britten Burden
- Author:Robert Cadell
- Author:Henry Calderwood
- Author:James Smith Candlish
- Author:Henry Vandyke Carter
- Author:Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle
- Author:Frank Chance
- Author:Henry Theodore Cheever
- Author:Lawrence White Coe
- Author:Antônio Conselheiro
- Author:Fanny Cook
- Author:Edward Drinker Cope
- Author:Jessie Catherine Couvreur
- Author:Frances Elizabeth Cox
- Author:Homersham Cox
- Author:Walter Frederick Crofton
- Author:John Edward Cross
- Author:William Barrington d'Almeida
- Author:Charles Anderson Dana
- Author:Alphonse Daudet
- Author:Pascual de Gayangos
- Author:Ferdinand Léopold de Gramont
- Author:Wilhelm Deecke
- Author:Jacob Smith Denman
- Author:Charles Henry Derby
- Author:Solomon Deutsch
- Author:Joseph Devey
- Author:James Rood Doolittle
- Author:Edmund Drechsel
- Author:Henry Drummond
- Author:Joseph William Dunning
- Author:William Galloway
- Author:George Mursell Garrett
- Author:Samuel Simco Gason
- Author:Henry George
- Author:Fayette Stratton Giles
- Author:William Ernest Powell Giles
- Author:Frédéric-Eugène Godefroy
- Author:Henry Doddridge Gordon
- Author:Edward Meyrick Goulburn
- Author:Walter Gregor
- Author:Emily Lovira Gregory
- Author:George Grimm
- Author:Heinrich Gätke
- Author:George Julian Harney
- Author:Emma Polk Harris
- Author:Robert Harrison
- Author:Henry Hartshorne
- Author:Matilda Mary Hays
- Author:Joel Tyler Headley
- Author:Joseph Heco
- Author:Matthew Forster Heddle
- Author:Rudolf Heidenhain
- Author:Henry Gay Hewlett
- Author:James Heywood
- Author:Manley Hopkins
- Author:William Walsham How
- Author:James Cunningham Howden
- Author:Gardiner Greene Hubbard
- Author:Willam Hume
- Author:James Ellis Humphrey
- Author:Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
- Author:John Conroy Hutcheson
- Author:Edward Lyon Hutchinson
- Author:Richard Holt Hutton
- Author:Auguste Lacaussade
- Author:Samuel Laing (1812-1897)
- Author:Richard Laishley
- Author:Jan Pieter Nicolaas Land
- Author:Mathew Carey Lea
- Author:James Legge
- Author:Baldwyn Leighton
- Author:William James Linton
- Author:John Gordon Lorimer (1807–1897)
- Author:William Harrison Lowdermilk
- Author:John Lowell
- Author:William Thompson Lusk
- Author:Theodore Lyman
- Author:George Augustus Löhr
- Author:Constance Ellen MacEwen
- Author:Hamilton Nisbet Crawford Mackinnon
- Author:Edward Maitland
- Author:Camille Malfroy
- Author:Frederic Amadeus Malleson
- Author:Homer Dodge Martin
- Author:John Biddulph Martin
- Author:Alexander Macomb Mason
- Author:William Edward Maxwell
- Author:Alfred Marshall Mayer
- Author:Apollon Maykov
- Author:Robert Barlow McCrea
- Author:Henry Vincent Meigs
- Author:Edwin Thomas Merrick
- Author:Otfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach
- Author:John Milner (1822-1897)
- Author:François Xavier Moreau
- Author:Frederic John Mouat
- Author:Anthony John Mundella
- Author:Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller
- Author:Francis Turner Palgrave
- Author:Thomas Jeffery Parker
- Author:George Patterson
- Author:Maresco Pearce
- Author:Walter Hayward Peel
- Author:George Gresley Perry
- Author:Edward Hunt Phelps
- Author:Henry Arthur Deuteros Phillips
- Author:Susan Katherine Phillips
- Author:Edward Lillie Pierce
- Author:George Lawrence Pilkington
- Author:Nicholas Pocock
- Author:James Henry Pooley
- Author:Achilleús Postolákkas
- Author:Margaret Junkin Preston
- Author:William Thierry Preyer
- Author:Guillermo Prieto
- Author:Ferenc Aurél Pulszky de Cselfalva et Lubócz
- Author:Edward Sprague Rand
- Author:Robert Caldwell Reid
- Author:Peter le Page Renouf
- Author:Samuel Harvey Reynolds
- Author:Frederick William Ricord
- Author:Joseph Riordan
- Author:Margaret Murray Robertson
- Author:George Thomas Robinson
- Author:Hercules George Robert Robinson
- Author:William Cleaver Francis Robinson
- Author:James Elphinstone Roe
- Author:Alice Wellington Rollins
- Author:Charles Henry Ross
- Author:James Boyer Runnion