Category:1906 deaths
Pages in category "1906 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 287 total.
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- Author:Edmund Backhouse
- Author:Mountford John Byrde Baddeley
- Author:Henry Martyn Baird
- Author:Henry Barton Baker
- Author:James Baker
- Author:George Augustus Baker
- Author:Ada Sarah Ballin
- Author:David Baptie
- Author:Mordaunt Roger Barnard
- Author:George Crooks Baskett
- Author:Mary Bateson
- Author:Wyke Bayliss
- Author:Lionel Smith Beale
- Author:Thomas Wrench Naylor Beckett
- Author:Alonzo Bell
- Author:Cecil Bendall
- Author:Edward Henry Bickersteth
- Author:Big Eagle
- Author:Charles Bertram Black
- Author:Helen Cecelia Black
- Author:John Frederick Blake
- Author:William Root Bliss
- Author:James Blyth
- Author:Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann
- Author:Henry Mason Bompas
- Author:John Herbert Aloysius Bone
- Author:Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee
- Author:James Bonwick
- Author:Émile Boutmy
- Author:Edwin Dampier Brickwood
- Author:John Henry Bridges
- Author:Eliza Brightwen
- Author:Alexander Brown
- Author:Robert Brown (1824-1906)
- Author:Ferdinand Brunetière
- Author:Franz Georg Philipp Buchenau
- Author:Walter Lawry Buller
- Author:Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts
- Author:Swan Moses Burnett
- Author:Josephine Elizabeth Grey Butler
- Author:Charles Calvo
- Author:Henry Clay Cameron
- Author:Thomas Gilbert Carver
- Author:Henry James Chaney
- Author:Nora Chesson
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Christie
- Author:Francis Pharcellus Church
- Author:Walter Appleton Clark
- Author:Charles Baron Clarke
- Author:Rebecca Sophia Clarke
- Author:Ellen Mary Clerke
- Author:Martin Richard Cobbett
- Author:Hermann Cohn
- Author:Alwyne Frederick Compton
- Author:Charles John Cornish
- Author:Anne Ross Cousin
- Author:William James Craig
- Author:Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
- Author:James Morrison Crombie
- Author:Gabriela Cunninghame Graham
- Author:George Byron Currey
- Author:Jeremiah Curtin
- Author:Henry Jackson Wells Dam
- Author:Frederic Charles Danvers
- Author:Michael Davitt
- Author:Ferdinand de Saar
- Author:Charles Stanton Devas
- Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement/Raverty, Henry George
- Author:Wilhelm Dittenberger
- Author:John Thomas Doyle
- Author:James Dredge
- Author:Paul Dresser
- Author:Dean Dudley
- Author:Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff
- Author:Paul Laurence Dunbar
- Author:Richard Weston Dyson
- Author:William Wilthew Fenn
- Author:Jules-Descartes Férat
- Author:William Moore Ferrar
- Author:James Leonard Fish
- Author:Wilhelmina FitzClarence
- Author:John Anster Fitzgerald
- Author:Walter Ngon Fong
- Author:John William De Forest
- Author:Herbert Baldwin Foster
- Author:William Fream
- Author:Ernst Förstemann
- Author:Peter John Francis Gantillon
- Author:George Gapon
- Author:Richard Garnett
- Author:Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy
- Author:John Cunningham Geikie
- Author:John Stephen Gibbons
- Author:Thomas Hornblower Gill
- Author:Paton James Gloag
- Author:John George Goodchild
- Author:Henry Gough
- Author:Elizabeth Porter Gould
- Author:Joseph Greene
- Author:Abel Hendy Jones Greenidge
- Author:Robert Philips Greg
- Author:Joana Julia Greswell
- Author:Maria Georgina Grey
- Author:Mattie Griffith Browne
- Author:Ralph Thomas Hotchkin Griffith
- Author:George Chetwynd Griffiths-Jones
- Author:Charles Herbert Grinling
- Author:Malcolm Guthrie
- Author:Ruth Harper
- Author:William Rainey Harper
- Author:Thomas Harris
- Author:Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann
- Author:Frank Healey
- Author:Christoph Friedrich Hegelmaier
- Author:Auberon Edward William Molyneux Herbert
- Author:Moriz Heyne
- Author:Alsager Hay Hill
- Author:Charles Hole
- Author:Margaret Jean Trevelyan Holland
- Author:George Jacob Holyoake
- Author:Simon Pollard Hughes
- Author:Edward Hull (1823-1906)
- Author:George Henry Hurst
- Author:James Horace Lacy
- Author:Adolphe Lalauze
- Author:Christopher Columbus Langdell
- Author:Samuel Pierpont Langley
- Author:Wilfrid Lawson (1829-1906)
- Author:Jean Lebars
- Author:George John Dumville Lees
- Author:Karel Liebscher
- Author:John Henry Lowe
- Author:Henry Dawson Lowry
- Author:Jemima Thompson Luke
- Author:Samuel Halliday Macartney
- Author:John Macfarlane (1866-1906)
- Author:Duncan MacGregor
- Author:Henry Benedict Mackey
- Author:William Dennes Mahan
- Author:Agnes Catherine Maitland
- Author:Frederic William Maitland
- Author:Sylvester Malone
- Author:John James Robert Manners
- Author:William Isaac Marshall
- Author:William Prime Marshall
- Author:Napoléon Adrien Marx
- Author:George Matheson
- Author:Farnham Maxwell-Lyte
- Author:Francis Joseph McCarty
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Studdiford McChesney
- Author:Alfred James McClatchie
- Author:Alma Frances McCollum
- Author:John Luckey McCreery
- Author:James McIntyre (1828-1906)
- Author:James Edward Budgett Meakin
- Author:Antón Menger
- Author:Lewis Pyle Mercer
- Author:Herman Charles Merivale
- Author:Frederick Meyrick
- Author:John Thomas Micklethwaite
- Author:Thomas Street Millington
- Author:Bartolomé Mitre
- Author:Henry Augustus Moriarty
- Author:Henry Killick Morley
- Author:Johann Joseph Most
- Author:Herbert Newman Mozley
- Author:Alexander Muir
- Author:Frances Henrietta Müller