Category:1945 deaths
Pages in category "1945 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 318 total.
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- Author:James Backhouse (1861-1945)
- Author:Agnes Baden-Powell
- Author:Gerald William Balfour
- Author:Susan Ballard
- Author:Frederic Bancroft
- Author:William Theodore Aquila Barber
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Reginald Barker
- Author:Frederick Orin Bartlett
- Author:Charles Francis Bastable
- Author:Carl Lotus Becker
- Author:Benjamin B. Beekman
- Author:Charles Alfred Bell
- Author:Godfrey Rathbone Benson
- Author:Edward Wilber Berry
- Author:George Ricker Berry
- Author:Elizabeth Bibesco
- Author:Harold Edward Bindloss
- Author:John Otway Percy Bland
- Author:Arthur Thomas Bolton
- Author:Frederick Bligh Bond
- Author:John Richard Henry Bond
- Author:Elizabeth Lydia Rosabelle Bonham
- Author:Subhas Chandra Bose
- Author:Édouard Bourdet
- Author:Charles Raymond Bowers
- Author:William Theophilus Brantly
- Author:Miles John Breuer
- Author:Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright
- Author:Charles William Brodribb
- Author:John Bromley
- Author:Jonathan Henderson Brooks
- Author:Walter Henderson Brooks
- Author:Calvin Smith Brown
- Author:Lewis Campbell Bruce
- Author:Francis Bruguière
- Author:Emile Marie Bunoz
- Author:Thomas Burke (1886-1945)
- Author:David Young Cameron
- Author:Joachim Joseph Antonio Campos
- Author:Walter Bradford Cannon
- Author:Josef Čapek
- Author:Adeline Champney
- Author:Amelie Rives Chanler
- Author:Frank Michler Chapman
- Author:Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor
- Author:Alan Chesselet
- Author:Harold Hannyngton Child
- Author:Henry Herman Chilton
- Author:Herbert Lincoln Clarke
- Author:John Hessin Clarke
- Author:William James Clarke
- Author:Frederic Edward Clements
- Author:Charles Coborn
- Author:Douglas Cockerell
- Author:Walter Elbridge Colby
- Author:Harry Collison
- Author:John Rogers Commons
- Author:Elizabeth Goodnow Cooper
- Author:Charles George Copeland
- Author:Arthur Corbett-Smith
- Author:Waldo Scarlett Coulter
- Author:John Harrington Cox
- Author:Launcelot Alfred Cranmer-Byng
- Author:Paul Philippe Cret
- Author:Robert Crewe-Milnes
- Author:Joseph Raphael Crimont
- Author:William Shillinglaw Crockett
- Author:Raymond Moreau Crosby
- Author:Timothy Joseph Crowley
- Author:Carlton Clarence Curtis
- Author:Ormonde Maddock Dalton
- Author:Margaret Deland
- Author:Maud Diver
- Author:Alfred Douglas
- Author:Ménie Muriel Dowie
- Author:Bernard Drachman
- Author:Theodore Dreiser
- Author:Alexander Dubin
- Author:Alice Dudeney
- Author:Thomas Stephen Duggan
- Author:Ralph Durand
- Author:Roman Dyboski
- Author:Charles Bartlett Dyke
- Author:Dean Spruill Fansler
- Author:Max Farrand
- Author:John Calvin Ferguson
- Author:Arthur Davison Ficke
- Author:William Charles Firebaugh
- Author:Louis Fischer (1864-1945)
- Author:Ludvík Fisher
- Author:John Ambrose Fleming
- Author:Arthur Lee Foley
- Author:Alexander Hume Ford
- Author:Robert Frederick Foster
- Author:John Fraser (1882-1945)
- Author:Herbert Ernest Augustus Furst
- Author:Harlow Stearns Gale
- Author:Alfred Ernest Garvie
- Author:Pierre Gauthiez
- Author:Surenda Lal Ghose
- Author:Charles Whitney Gilmore
- Author:Zinaida Nikolayevna Gippius
- Author:Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
- Author:Robert Hutchings Goddard
- Author:Joseph Goebbels
- Author:Wallace Heard Goldsmith
- Author:Heber Jeddy Grant
- Author:Patrick Joseph Griffin
- Author:Sidney Lewis Gulick
- Author:Gottlieb Haberlandt
- Author:Charles Edward Hammett
- Author:Robert William Frederick Harrison
- Author:Otto Hartig
- Author:Kenji Hatanaka
- Author:Maximillian Sebastian Hayes
- Author:Edward Leo Hearn
- Author:Killingworth William Hedges
- Author:Henry Augustus Hering
- Author:Heinrich Himmler
- Author:Arthur Robert Hinks
- Author:Adolf Hitler
- Author:Charles James Hogarth
- Author:Winifred Holt
- Author:Lewis Sylvester Hopkins
- Author:Nevil Monroe Hopkins
- Author:Josef Hora
- Author:William Henry Howell
- Author:Harvey Hatcher Hughes
- Author:Johan Huizinga
- Author:Frank Hutchison
- Author:Elsie Mary Lang
- Author:William Cosmo Gordon Lang
- Author:Henri Leclercq
- Author:William Mather Lewis
- Author:David Lindsay (1876-1945)
- Author:Edith Willis Linn
- Author:Andrew George Little
- Author:David Lloyd George
- Author:Oluf Eilert Løseth
- Author:Sackville Hatton Harrington Verney Lovett
- Author:John Livingston Lowes
- Author:Friedrich Luckwaldt
- Author:Frederick John Dealtry Lugard
- Author:Edith Joan Lyttleton
- Author:John Bedell Stanford MacIlwaine
- Author:John William Mackail
- Author:James Mackinnon
- Author:Eoin MacNeill
- Author:Joseph MacRory
- Author:Joseph Mailliard
- Author:Marie Manning
- Author:John Arthur Ransome Marriott
- Author:George Tracy Marsh
- Author:Camille Mauclair
- Author:James Paul McCloskey
- Author:George McIver
- Author:William Ellis Mears
- Author:August Merk
- Author:John Campbell Merriam
- Author:Dmitry Mirimanoff
- Author:Peter Chalmers Mitchell
- Author:James Vincent Monaco
- Author:George Redington Montgomery
- Author:Julian Moreno-Lacalle
- Author:Thomas Hunt Morgan