Category:Anglican authors
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Pages in category "Anglican authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,242 total.
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- Author:Edwin Abbott Abbott
- Author:John Abbott
- Author:Joseph Abbott
- Author:Lemuel Abbott
- Author:Charles John Abraham
- Author:Thomas Adams
- Author:Henry Addington
- Author:Joseph Addison
- Author:Lancelot Addison
- Author:William Alabaster
- Author:Cecil Frances Alexander
- Author:William Alexander (1824-1911)
- Author:Henry Alford
- Author:Cyril Argentine Alington
- Author:Archibald Alison (1757-1839)
- Author:James Oswald Allen
- Author:John Allibond
- Author:Thomas Allin
- Author:William Wayte Andrew
- Author:Lancelot Andrewes
- Author:Charles Freer Andrews
- Author:Anne
- Author:Mervyn Archdall
- Author:John Armstrong (1813-1856)
- Author:Simon Carter Armstrong
- Author:Matthew Arnold
- Author:Thomas Arnold (1795-1842)
- Author:John Marks Ashley
- Author:Edward Dupré Atkinson
- Author:Francis Atterbury
- Author:Charles Bransby Auber
- Author:Wystan Hugh Auden
- Author:Jane Austen
- Author:Henry Ayers
- Author:Charles Cardale Babington
- Author:Francis Bacon
- Author:Agnes Baden-Powell
- Author:Robert Baden-Powell
- Author:George Percy Badger
- Author:John Baghot-De la Bere
- Author:Henry Williams Baker
- Author:Stanley Baldwin
- Author:Arthur James Balfour
- Author:William Samuel Bambridge
- Author:Richard Bancroft
- Author:Bulkeley Bandinel
- Author:Krishna Mohan Banerjee
- Author:Richard Harris Barham
- Author:Sabine Baring-Gould
- Author:Clement Barksdale
- Author:Mordaunt Roger Barnard
- Author:William Barnes
- Author:Samuel Augustus Barnett
- Author:Isaac Barrow
- Author:Alfred Barry
- Author:Henry Barry
- Author:Edmund Barton
- Author:George Aaron Barton
- Author:John Batchelor
- Author:Ralph Bathurst
- Author:Nicolas Battely
- Author:John Tyrrell Baylee (1809-1859)
- Author:Joseph Baylee (1808-1883)
- Author:John Beale
- Author:Thomas Beard
- Author:William Martin Beauchamp
- Author:James Beaven
- Author:Robert Henry Belcher
- Author:Thomas Waugh Belcher
- Author:Andrew Bell
- Author:George Bell (1883-1958)
- Author:Maurice Frederick Bell
- Author:William Bell (1625-1683)
- Author:John Chippendall Montesquieu Bellew
- Author:William Benham
- Author:William James Early Bennett
- Author:Arthur Christopher Benson
- Author:Edward White Benson
- Author:Robert Hugh Benson
- Author:Richard Bentley (1662-1742)
- Author:John George de la Poer Beresford
- Author:George Berkeley (1685-1753)
- Author:Miles Joseph Berkeley
- Author:John Henry Bernard
- Author:Thomas Dehany Bernard
- Author:Leopold John Bernays
- Author:John Berridge
- Author:William Berriman
- Author:James Franklin Bethune-Baker
- Author:William Latham Bevan
- Author:William Beveridge
- Author:Edward Henry Bickersteth
- Author:William Henry Biedermann
- Author:Charles Bigg
- Author:Charles William Bingham
- Author:William Bingley (1774-1823)
- Author:Thomas Birch
- Author:Simon Birckbek
- Author:Offspring Blackall
- Author:Beaver Henry Blacker
- Author:John Blackwell
- Author:John Blair (1720-1782)
- Author:John Brickdale Blakeway
- Author:Nathaniel Bliss
- Author:Alfred Blomfield
- Author:Charles James Blomfield
- Author:Andrew Bloxam
- Author:John Rouse Bloxam
- Author:John Henry Blunt
- Author:John James Blunt
- Author:John Ernest Bode
- Author:Anne Boleyn
- Author:Theophilus Bolton
- Author:John Bond
- Author:Luke Booker
- Author:Robert Borden
- Author:Bernard Bosanquet
- Author:Joseph Bosworth
- Author:Hugh Boulter
- Author:George Hugh Bourne
- Author:John William Bowden
- Author:Henrietta Maria Bowdler
- Author:John Bowle
- Author:William Lisle Bowles
- Author:George David Boyle
- Author:Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
- Author:Edward Bradley
- Author:George Granville Bradley
- Author:James Bradley
- Author:William Maziere Brady
- Author:John Bramhall
- Author:Henry Ramsden Bramley
- Author:James Bramston
- Author:John Brand
- Author:Edward Atkyns Bray
- Author:Thomas Brett (1667-1743)
- Author:William Henry Brett
- Author:John Sherren Brewer
- Author:George Thomas Orlando Bridgeman
- Author:Robert Seymour Bridges
- Author:William Bright
- Author:Frank Edward Brightman
- Author:John Brinkley
- Author:Charles Henry Bromby
- Author:James Brome
- Author:Anne Brontë
- Author:Charlotte Brontë
- Author:Emily Jane Brontë
- Author:Patrick Branwell Brontë
- Author:James Brooke
- Author:Phillips Brooks
- Author:Thomas Brooks
- Author:Robert Christopher Lundin Brown
- Author:Edward Harold Browne
- Author:Henry Browne
- Author:Thomas Browne
- Author:Claudius Buchanan
- Author:William Buckland
- Author:George Bull
- Author:Ethelbert William Bullinger
- Author:James Bulwer
- Author:John Hugh Burgess
- Author:John William Burgon
- Author:Gilbert Burnet
- Author:Thomas Burnet (1635-1715)
- Author:Charles Fox Burney
- Author:Winfrid Oldfield Burrows
- Author:Robert Burton
- Author:Robert Gregg Bury
- Author:Richard Busby
- Author:Frederick William Bussell
- Author:Arthur Gray Butler
- Author:Charles Butler (1560-1647)
- Author:Joseph Butler
- Author:Josephine Elizabeth Grey Butler
- Author:Richard Butler
- Author:Samuel Butler (1774-1839)
- Author:George William Butterworth
- Author:Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg
- Author:John Byrom
- Author:Alfred Caldecott
- Author:Robert Caldwell
- Author:Henry Callaway
- Author:William Calvert
- Author:George Owen Cambridge
- Author:David Cameron
- Author:Charles Edward Camidge
- Author:Bede Camm
- Author:Joseph Campbell
- Author:Reginald John Campbell
- Author:George Canning
- Author:Thomas Cannon
- Author:John Moore Capes
- Author:William Wolfe Capes
- Author:Richard Carew
- Author:James Carmichael
- Author:Edward Carpenter
- Author:William Boyd Carpenter
- Author:Elizabeth Carter
- Author:Edmund Cartwright