Category:Anglican clergy as authors
Pages in category "Anglican clergy as authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 533 total.
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- Author:Henry Cadwallader Adams
- Author:William Alexander (1824-1911)
- Author:Henry Alford
- Author:William Wayte Andrew
- Author:Charles Freer Andrews
- Author:Mervyn Archdall
- Author:Edward Armitage (1822-1906)
- Author:Frederick Arnold
- Author:Thomas Arnold (1795-1842)
- Author:John Marks Ashley
- Author:Edward Dupré Atkinson
- Author:Charles Bransby Auber
- Author:John Ayre
- Author:George Percy Badger
- Author:John Baghot-De la Bere
- Author:Francis Aloysius Baker
- Author:Henry Williams Baker
- Author:James Barclay
- Author:Richard Harris Barham
- Author:Richard Harris Dalton Barham
- Author:Sabine Baring-Gould
- Author:William Barnes
- Author:Henry Barry
- Author:John Tyrrell Baylee (1809-1859)
- Author:Ronald Bayne
- Author:Henry Charles Beeching
- Author:Robert Henry Belcher
- Author:Thomas Waugh Belcher
- Author:Maurice Frederick Bell
- Author:John Chippendall Montesquieu Bellew
- Author:William James Early Bennett
- Author:Charles William Benson
- Author:Robert Hugh Benson
- Author:George Berkeley (1685-1753)
- Author:Thomas Dehany Bernard
- Author:Leopold John Bernays
- Author:Edward Henry Bickersteth
- Author:William Henry Biedermann
- Author:Charles William Bingham
- Author:Joseph Bingham
- Author:John Birch
- Author:Simon Birckbek
- Author:Edward Bickersteth Birks
- Author:Beaver Henry Blacker
- Author:Charles James Blomfield
- Author:John Henry Blunt
- Author:John Ernest Bode
- Author:Hugh Boulter
- Author:Charles Boutell
- Author:Edmond Bower
- Author:William Lisle Bowles
- Author:Edward Woodley Bowling
- Author:William Boyd
- Author:George David Boyle
- Author:Edward Bradley
- Author:George Granville Bradley
- Author:James Bramston
- Author:Edward Atkyns Bray
- Author:John Sherren Brewer
- Author:Waldegrave Brewster
- Author:William Jackson Brodribb
- Author:Abner William Brown
- Author:John Brown (1715-1766)
- Author:Robert Christopher Lundin Brown
- Author:Robert William Browne
- Author:George MacLaren Brydon
- Author:Augustus Robert Buckland
- Author:Samuel Burder
- Author:John Hugh Burgess
- Author:Andrew Ewbank Burn
- Author:Robert William Burnie
- Author:Edward John Burrow
- Author:Robert Gregg Bury
- Author:Arthur Gray Butler
- Author:George William Butterworth
- Author:Alfred Caldecott
- Author:William Calvert
- Author:George Owen Cambridge
- Author:William Wolfe Capes
- Author:Henry Cary
- Author:George Spencer Cautley
- Author:Francis Robert Chapman
- Author:Thomas Kelly Cheyne
- Author:Richard William Church
- Author:Andrew Clark
- Author:William Robinson Clark
- Author:Joseph Butterworth Bulmer Clarke
- Author:Augustus Clissold
- Author:Alexander Clogie
- Author:James Charles Clutterbuck
- Author:Thomas Oswald Cockayne
- Author:Robert Henry Codrington
- Author:John William Colenso
- Author:Vincent Stucky Stratton Coles
- Author:Henry Collins
- Author:William Edward Collins
- Author:William Lucas Collins
- Author:Alwyne Frederick Compton
- Author:William Cooke
- Author:Thomas Coombe
- Author:Sidney William Cornish
- Author:John Cosens
- Author:Thomas Cotterill
- Author:John Covel
- Author:John Charles Cox
- Author:John Edmund Cox
- Author:William Lang Paige Cox
- Author:Edward Craig
- Author:Thomas Cranmer
- Author:Mandell Creighton
- Author:Richard Cresswell
- Author:Temple Henry Croker
- Author:George Croly
- Author:John Edward Cross
- Author:Samuel Ajayi Crowther
- Author:William Cunningham (1849-1919)
- Author:George Herbert Curteis
- Author:Thomas Francis Dale
- Author:John Neale Dalton
- Author:Evan Daniel
- Author:Charles Harry Dant
- Author:Thomas Darling
- Author:James Davidson
- Author:Hugh Davies
- Author:John Henry Davies
- Author:John Llewelyn Davies
- Author:Joseph Deans
- Author:Percy Dearmer
- Author:Joshua Frederick Denham
- Author:Samuel Fuller Dike
- Author:William Croswell Doane
- Author:Henry Philip Dodd
- Author:John Donne
- Author:John Wilberforce Doran
- Author:Launcelot John George Downing Dowdall
- Author:William Henry Draper
- Author:Samuel Rolles Driver
- Author:Frederick Homes Dudden
- Author:Richard Duke
- Author:John Bacchus Dykes
- Author:Thomas Falconer (1772-1839)
- Author:William Falconer (1801-1885)
- Author:Frederic William Farrar
- Author:William Yorke Fausset
- Author:Edmund Horace Fellowes
- Author:Henry Felton
- Author:John Willison Ferguson
- Author:Adam Wightman Fergusson
- Author:George Ralph Fetherston
- Author:Christopher Fetherstone
- Author:John Neville Figgis
- Author:Arthur Robert Morrison Finlayson
- Author:Fitzroy John Fitzwygram
- Author:James Phillips Fletcher
- Author:William George Dimock Fletcher
- Author:Thomas Welbank Fowle
- Author:Joseph Thomas Fowler
- Author:Thomas Fowler
- Author:Samuel Fox
- Author:Thomas Francklin
- Author:Alexander Charles Fraser
- Author:Philip Freeman
- Author:Walter Howard Frere
- Author:Andrew Hollingworth Frost
- Author:Richard Hurrell Froude
- Author:Morris Joseph Fuller
- Author:Henry Furneaux
- Author:Thomas Gale
- Author:Peter John Francis Gantillon
- Author:James Gardiner
- Author:Reginald Alfred Gatty
- Author:John Gauden
- Author:Michael Geddes
- Author:Robert Gell
- Author:Kenneth Francis Gibbs
- Author:John Allen Giles
- Author:Gabriel Gillett
- Author:William Gilpin
- Author:Robert Baker Girdlestone
- Author:George Robert Gleig
- Author:John Glover
- Author:Francis Godwin
- Author:Harvey Goodwin
- Author:Charles Hilgrove Gosset
- Author:Alexander Ronald Grant
- Author:Robert Perceval Graves
- Author:George Zabriskie Gray
- Author:John Hamilton Gray
- Author:William Gregor
- Author:Thomas Shuttleworth Grimshawe
- Author:John Gunn