This category is populated by {{PD-US}}.
Works in this category are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Author-PD-old-60-US"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,705 total.
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- Author:Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
- Author:George Francis Abbott
- Author:Leroy Abrams
- Author:Rudolph Adolph Acher
- Author:Franklin Pierce Adams
- Author:Samuel Hopkins Adams
- Author:Sydney Adamson
- Author:Emilio Aguinaldo
- Author:James Aherne
- Author:Chaloner Grenville Alabaster
- Author:Peter Paul Albert
- Author:Gertrude Partington Albright
- Author:Richard Aldington
- Author:Charles Dewey Alexander
- Author:Grif Alexander
- Author:Violet Graham Alexander
- Author:William Frederick Alexander
- Author:Cyril Argentine Alington
- Author:Antonio Aliotta
- Author:Martha Meir Allen
- Author:Rasmus Larssen Alsaker
- Author:Aurelio Sevilla Alvero
- Author:Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
- Author:Charles Henry Ambler
- Author:Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett Amery
- Author:Adelbert Ames, Jr.
- Author:Johannes Carl Andersen
- Author:Ada Woodruff Anderson
- Author:Frank Maloy Anderson
- Author:John Redwood Anderson
- Author:Mary Anderson
- Author:Maxwell Anderson
- Author:John Harold Andrew
- Author:Ethan Allen Andrews (1859-1956)
- Author:Marlin Olmsted Andrews
- Author:Roy Chapman Andrews
- Author:Mabel Marguerite Annesley
- Author:Herbert Antcliffe
- Author:Eugene Van Antwerp
- Author:Reginald Vincent Kempenfeldt Applin
- Author:Agnes Robertson Arber
- Author:Charles Criswell Arbuthnot
- Author:Alice Emily Argent
- Author:Michael Arlen
- Author:Ernest-Lucien Juin Armand
- Author:Herbert Asbury
- Author:Sholem Asch
- Author:Lena Ashwell
- Author:Edward Allen Ashwin
- Author:Charles Duke Atkins
- Author:Elizabeth Atkins
- Author:Charles Francis Atkinson
- Author:Christopher Thomas Atkinson
- Author:Mabel Atkinson
- Author:Florence Gertrude Attenborough
- Author:Ammon Monroe Aurand
- Author:Margaret Anne Avery
- Author:William Axt
- Author:Frank Aydelotte
- Author:William James Aylward
- Author:Ruby Mildred Ayres
- Author:Julia Burnelle Smade Babcock
- Author:Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
- Author:Lloyd Francis Bacon
- Author:Vincent Wilberforce Baddeley
- Author:Clarence G. Badger
- Author:Henry Philip Bernard Baerlein
- Author:Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
- Author:Cyril Bailey
- Author:Henry Christopher Bailey
- Author:Edwin Baird
- Author:Elizabeth Baker
- Author:Henry Frederick Baker
- Author:Julian Levett Baker
- Author:Karle Wilson Baker
- Author:Mary Eva Baker
- Author:Moses Nelson Baker
- Author:Emily Greene Balch
- Author:Frederic Carrol Baldy
- Author:Kenneth Morrin Ballantyne
- Author:Edwin Balmer
- Author:Pramathanath Bandyopadhyay (1879-1960)
- Author:James Cook Bardin
- Author:Aldred Farrer Barker
- Author:Anthony Raine Barker
- Author:Ernest Barker
- Author:Eugene Campbell Barker
- Author:Nugent Barker
- Author:Ettwell Augustine Bracher Barnard
- Author:Kitty Barne
- Author:James Strachey Barnes
- Author:Ronald Gorell Barnes
- Author:Lionel David Barnett
- Author:Pío Baroja
- Author:Samuel Henry Egerton Barraclough
- Author:Gustavo Adolfo Luiz Dodt da Cunha Barroso
- Author:David Thomas Barry
- Author:Harley Harris Bartlett
- Author:Henrietta Collins Bartlett
- Author:Henry Howarth Bashford
- Author:Ray Smith Bassler
- Author:Panna Lal Basu
- Author:Charles Baudouin
- Author:Blanche Edith Baughan
- Author:Vicki Baum
- Author:Lewis Baumer
- Author:Chrysostom Baur
- Author:Clifford Bax
- Author:Jens Christian Bay
- Author:Joseph Warren Beach
- Author:John Beames (1889-1955)
- Author:Edna Gertrude Beasley
- Author:John Owen Beaty
- Author:Charles Raymond Beazley
- Author:Johannes Robert Becher
- Author:Ruth Marjory Bedford
- Author:Max Beerbohm
- Author:Archibald Colquhoun Bell
- Author:Louis Monta Bell
- Author:Maud Anna Bell
- Author:Carlyon Wilfroy Bellairs
- Author:Yitzhak Ben-Zvi
- Author:Harold Stauffer Bender
- Author:Alexandre Nikolayevich Benois
- Author:Pierre Benoit
- Author:Edmund Clerihew Bentley
- Author:Madison Isaac Bentley
- Author:Bernard Berenson
- Author:Anthony Bernard
- Author:Ernest Bernbaum
- Author:Lewis Bernstein Namier
- Author:Nellie Ann de Bertrand Lugrin
- Author:Ernst Athearn Bessey
- Author:Richard Irvine Best
- Author:Anna Whelan Betts
- Author:Ethel Franklin Betts
- Author:William Henry Beveridge
- Author:Petr Bezruč
- Author:Nana French Bickford
- Author:Suzanne Helene Bidgrain
- Author:Hiram Bingham (1875-1956)
- Author:Kate Boyles Bingham
- Author:Bodil Katharine Biørn
- Author:William Warner Bishop
- Author:Robert Lounsbury Black
- Author:Charles Henry Hunter Blair
- Author:James Arnold Blaisdell
- Author:Frank Ringgold Blake
- Author:Edward Henry Blakeney
- Author:Joseph Felix Blanc
- Author:Walter Lyon Blease
- Author:William Lewis Blennerhassett
- Author:Ernest Leonard Blumenschein
- Author:Mary Shepard Greene Blumenschein
- Author:Morton Blumenstock
- Author:Frederick Samuel Boas
- Author:Archibald Henry Bodkin
- Author:Thomas Bodkin
- Author:Cornelis de Boer
- Author:Arthur Clinton Boggess
- Author:Niels Bohr
- Author:Johan Bojer
- Author:John Pius Boland
- Author:Joseph Bolland
- Author:George Melville Bolling
- Author:Frederick Elmer Bolton
- Author:Cecil Henry Bompas
- Author:David William Bone
- Author:Elizabeth Fearne Bonsall
- Author:Frank Borzage
- Author:Homer Boss
- Author:Chauncey Samuel Boucher
- Author:Benjamin Consitt Boulter
- Author:Eleanor Elizabeth Bourne
- Author:George Frederick Stewart Bowles
- Author:Arthur Lyon Bowley
- Author:Isa Bowman
- Author:Zabelle C. Boyajian
- Author:Jacques Boyer
- Author:Cecil Fabian Brackenbury
- Author:Henry Yule Braddon
- Author:Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt
- Author:Henry Noel Brailsford
- Author:William Stanley Beaumont Braithwaite
- Author:Andrew James Brennan
- Author:James Alexander Brennan
- Author:Alexander Herbert Reginald St. John Brenon
- Author:Frederick Sadleir Brereton
- Author:Henri Édouard Prosper Breuil
- Author:William Tenney Brewster
- Author:Lillian Olive Bridwell
- Author:James Leslie Brierly
- Author:Louise Brigham
- Author:Leonard Robert Brightwell
- Author:William Osborne Brigstocke
- Author:Earl Alonzo Brininstool
- Author:Ernest Edward Briscoe
- Author:Florence Briscoe
- Author:Frank L. Brittin
- Author:William Smithson Broadhead