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Pages in category "Authors-Ru"
The following 187 pages are in this category, out of 187 total.
- Author:Michele Rua
- Author:Ruan Ji
- Author:Paul Rubens
- Author:Richard Nathaniel Rubidge
- Author:Victor Rubin
- Author:Marco Antonio Rubio
- Author:William Rubruck
- Author:Herman Ruby
- Author:Amy Roberta Ruck
- Author:Arthur William Rucker
- Author:Anthony Melville Rud
- Author:H. A. Rudall
- Author:Henry Alexander Rudall
- Author:Olaus Rudbeck
- Author:Daniel Rudberg
- Author:Kevin Rudd
- Author:Leonard Hampson Rudd
- Author:Samuel Rudder
- Author:Thomas Ruddiman
- Author:Ella Giles Ruddy
- Author:Thomas Ruddy
- Author:Edward Rudge
- Author:Florence Marie Rudge
- Author:Rogers Ruding
- Author:Frederick William Rudler
- Author:Robert Neal Rudmose-Brown
- Author:Thomas Brown Rudmose-Brown
- Author:August Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph
- Author:Eric Rudolph
- Author:Karl Asmund Rudolphi
- Author:Maximilian Joseph Rudwin
- Author:Oskar Max Rudzki
- Author:Rudolf Ruedemann
- Author:Frank Miller Ruff
- Author:Owen Ruffhead
- Author:Francis Gildart Ruffin
- Author:Margaret Ellen Henry Ruffin
- Author:William Henry Ruffner
- Author:Philip James Rufford
- Author:Tyrannius Rufinus
- Author:Lucius Varius Rufus
- Author:Sophus Ruge
- Author:Georgie Johns Ruger
- Author:Henry Alford Ruger
- Author:Manahan Ruger
- Author:George Ruggle
- Author:John Ruggles
- Author:Samuel Bulkley Ruggles
- Author:Thomas Ruggles
- Author:David Ruhnken
- Author:Ramón Ruiz Amado
- Author:Hipólito Ruiz López
- Author:Guillermo Marín Ruiz
- Author:Juan Ruiz
- Author:John Richard Rule
- Author:Philip M. Rule
- Author:Richard Rumbold
- Author:Lynn K. Rumell
- Author:Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi
- Author:Abram Wren Rumney
- Author:Georg Eberhard Rumphius
- Author:Henry Rumpton
- Author:Mary C. Rumsey
- Author:Donald Rumsfeld
- Author:Constance Faunt Le Roy Runcie
- Author:John Runcie
- Author:David Williamson Runciman
- Author:James Runciman
- Author:Thomas Rundall
- Author:Maria Eliza Rundell
- Author:Elizabeth Rundle
- Author:Johan Ludvig Runeberg
- Author:Chettipunyam Veeravalli Rungacharlu
- Author:Pundi Runganadha Mudaliar
- Author:Philipp Otto Runge
- Author:Bertha Runkle
- Author:Lucia Isabella Runkle
- Author:Charles Runnington
- Author:James Boyer Runnion
- Author:Harry Runt
- Author:Jon Daniel Runyan
- Author:Alfred Damon Runyon
- Author:Rupert I
- Author:Israel Daniel Rupp
- Author:Edward James Ruppelt
- Author:Heinrich Bernard Ruppius
- Author:Franz Josef Ruprecht
- Author:Henry Hurd Rusby
- Author:William Samuel Waithman Ruschenberger
- Author:George William Rusden
- Author:Benjamin Rush
- Author:Bobby Lee Rush
- Author:Christopher Rush
- Author:David Kenneth Rush
- Author:Olive Rush
- Author:Abul Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd
- Author:Denis Carolan Rushe
- Author:James Patrick Rushe
- Author:Dean Rusk
- Author:John Ruskin
- Author:Arel Rusl
- Author:Karl Russ
- Author:Charles Porter Russel
- Author:Frances Theresa Peet Russell
- Author:Robert Russel
- Author:Alexander Russell
- Author:Archibald George Blomefield Russell
- Author:Arthur Tozer Russell
- Author:Bertram Russell
- Author:Bertrand Arthur William Russell
- Author:Champion Russell
- Author:Charles Edward Russell
- Author:Charles Marion Russell
- Author:Charles Taze Russell
- Author:Dora Winifred Russell
- Author:Dorothy Russell
- Author:Edward Francis Russell
- Author:Edward John Russell
- Author:Edward Stanley Russell
- Author:Elias Harlow Russell
- Author:Elmer Beecher Russell
- Author:Francis Shirley Russell
- Author:Frank Russell
- Author:Frederick Brett Russell
- Author:George William Russell
- Author:George William Erskine Russell
- Author:Harold John Hastings Russell
- Author:Henry Chamberlain Russell
- Author:Herbert Henry William Russell
- Author:Herbrand Arthur Russell
- Author:Irwin Russell
- Author:Israel Cook Russell
- Author:J. Shepherd Russell
- Author:James Ignatius Russell
- Author:James Mercer Russell
- Author:John Russell (1792-1878)
- Author:John Russell (1842-1876)
- Author:John Russell (1885-1956)
- Author:Laura Anne Russell
- Author:Matthew Russell
- Author:Michael Russell
- Author:Nellie Naomi Russell
- Author:Rachel Russell (1636-1723)
- Author:Robert Howard Russell
- Author:Robert Vane Russell
- Author:Susanna Cocroft Russell
- Author:Thomas Baron Russell
- Author:Violet Russell
- Author:William Clark Russell
- Author:William Eustis Russell
- Author:William Howard Russell
- Author:William Logie Russell
- Author:Dan Russo
- Author:Cyprian Thomas Rust
- Author:Shota Rustaveli
- Author:Henry Rutgers
- Author:George Herman Ruth
- Author:Roy Del Ruth
- Author:Charles Emil Ruthenberg
- Author:Samuel Rutherfoord
- Author:Ernest Rutherford
- Author:Frank Rutherford
- Author:Mildred Lewis Rutherford
- Author:R. C. Rutherford
- Author:Samuel Rutherford
- Author:William Gunion Rutherford
- Author:Thomas Rutherforth
- Author:Alfred John Rutherfurd
- Author:Andrew Rutherfurd
- Author:Albert Daniel Rutherston
- Author:Ludwig Rütimeyer
- Author:Joshua Rutland
- Author:Francis Huger Rutledge
- Author:John Rutledge
- Author:Wiley Blount Rutledge
- Author:Frank Rutley
- Author:Aimé Louis Rutot
- Author:Cloudsley Louis Rutter
- Author:Joseph Rutter
- Author:John Rutty
- Author:George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
- Author:Basil Ruysdael
- Author:Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter
- Author:Friedrich Rückert
- Author:Heinrich Rückert
- Author:Wilhelm Peter Eduard Simon Rüppell