Category:Authors with no works
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Pages in category "Authors with no works"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,007 total.
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- Author:Pedro Pablo Abaraca de Bolea
- Author:Abbas I of Egypt
- Author:Abbas Mirza
- Author:Ernst Abbe
- Author:Abd al Mu'min ibn Ali al Kumi
- Author:Abd-ar-Rahman III
- Author:Abd-ar-Rahman IV
- Author:Abd-ar-Rahman V
- Author:Abd-ul-Aziz
- Author:Abd-ul-Hamid I
- Author:Abd-ul-Hamid II
- Author:Abd-ul-Mejid I
- Author:Abdul Mejid II
- Author:Kasim Abdurehim Kashgar
- Author:Frederick Augustus Abel
- Author:Eugène Michel Joseph Abot
- Author:Arthur Henry Dyke Acland
- Author:Olof Acrel
- Author:Adalbold II of Utrecht
- Author:Adam of Bremen
- Author:James Adam
- Author:C. J. Adams
- Author:Ophelia Guyon Browning Adams
- Author:Oscar Fay Adams
- Author:William Adams
- Author:Henry Adamson
- Author:Frank Ezra Adcock
- Author:Charles Bowyer Adderley
- Author:Henry Addington
- Author:Daniel Dulany Addison
- Author:Adelardus Bathensis
- Author:Adeodatus II
- Author:Adeodatus I
- Author:John Adolphus
- Author:Adrian II
- Author:Adrian III
- Author:Adrian V
- Author:Adrian VI
- Author:Julia Mary Cartwright Ady
- Author:Claudius Aelianus
- Author:Lucius Octavius Cornelius Publius Salvius Julianus Aemilianus
- Author:Lucius Æmilius Paullus Macedonicus
- Author:Abū Muḥammad Jābir ibn Aflaḥ
- Author:Agapetus I
- Author:Agapetus II
- Author:Carl Adolph Agardh
- Author:August Ahlqvist
- Author:Ahmed I
- Author:Ahmed II
- Author:Ahmed III
- Author:Ahmose
- Author:John Logan Aikman
- Author:Whitelaw Ainslie
- Author:J. B. Aitken
- Author:Charles Edmond Akers
- Author:Abdallah al-Adil
- Author:Abu Hamid Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Saghani al-Asturlabi
- Author:Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Ismāʿīl ibn al-ʿAbbās al-Būzjānī
- Author:Al-Dhahabi
- Author:Al-Hadi
- Author:Al-Hakam II
- Author:Al-Mu'tasim
- Author:Al-Muntasir
- Author:Al-Mustansir II
- Author:Al-Mutawakkil
- Author:Al-Walid I
- Author:Johannes Baptista von Albertini
- Author:Mary Alcock
- Author:Nathaniel Henry Alcock
- Author:Alcuin
- Author:Aldhelm
- Author:Alexander I (d. 115)
- Author:Alexander I of Russia
- Author:Alexander II (d. 1073)
- Author:Alexander IV
- Author:Alexander VII
- Author:Alexander VIII
- Author:Alexander III of Macedon
- Author:Patrick Proctor Alexander
- Author:Noël Alexandre
- Author:Archibald Alison (1757-1839)
- Author:Robert Edgar Allardice
- Author:Alexander Allen
- Author:Emory Adams Allen
- Author:Hervey Allen
- Author:John Allibond
- Author:Henry Alline
- Author:Carlo Allioni
- Author:Rasmus Larssen Alsaker
- Author:Richard Alsop
- Author:Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo
- Author:Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
- Author:John Sparke Amery
- Author:Carlo Amoretti
- Author:Clifton Holman Amsbury
- Author:Amyclas of Heraclea
- Author:Mardiros Harootioon Ananikian
- Author:Anastasius III
- Author:Anastasius IV
- Author:Anastasius I (430-518)
- Author:Anaximander
- Author:Anaximenes of Miletus
- Author:Thomas Anburey
- Author:Robert Rowand Anderson
- Author:Nils Johan Andersson
- Author:Richard Andree
- Author:James Andrew
- Author:Angela of Foligno
- Author:Johan Ångström
- Author:Joseph Angus
- Author:Anicetus
- Author:Charles Annandale
- Author:Anne
- Author:Claes Annerstedt
- Author:Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron
- Author:F. Anstev
- Author:John Anstey
- Author:Anterus
- Author:Anthemius of Tralles
- Author:Anthony the Great
- Author:Herod Antipas
- Author:Antiphon
- Author:Marcus Antonius
- Author:Apollinaris of Laodicea
- Author:Apollonius of Perga
- Author:Oliver Cromwell Applegate
- Author:Charles Edward Cutts Birch Appleton
- Author:Emmanuel François Victor Arago
- Author:Étienne Vincent Arago
- Author:Joseph Arch
- Author:William George Archer
- Author:Richard Dacre Archer-Hind
- Author:John Charles Ardagh
- Author:Luigi Arduino
- Author:Aristaenetus
- Author:Aristaeus the Elder
- Author:Philip Armes
- Author:Maxwell Ashby Armfield
- Author:Evelyn May Noble Armitage
- Author:George Carlyon Hughes Armstrong
- Author:William George Armstrong
- Author:Elizabeth von Arnim
- Author:Henry Harley Arnold
- Author:William Channing Arnold
- Author:William Arnot
- Author:Antoine Marie Joseph Artaud
- Author:William Arthur (fl. 1715)
- Author:As-Saffah
- Author:Ascelin of Lombardia
- Author:Joseph Ashby-Sterry
- Author:Thomas Ramsden Ashworth
- Author:George Aspinall
- Author:Giuseppe Simone Assemani
- Author:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
- Author:Charles Duke Atkins
- Author:Henry Adams Sergison Atwood
- Author:Théodore-Agrippa d'Aubigné
- Author:Jean Baptiste Christophore Fusée Aublet
- Author:Jean Victoire Audouin
- Author:Raoul Auernheimer
- Author:Elroy McKendree Avery
- Author:Henry Hervey Baber
- Author:Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac
- Author:Johann Jakob Bachofen
- Author:Edmund Backhouse
- Author:John Reuben Bacon
- Author:Edward Gilpin Bagshawe
- Author:Arthur Scott Bailey
- Author:John Baines
- Author:Alfred Thomas Baker
- Author:Anne Elizabeth Baker
- Author:Henry Barton Baker
- Author:Karle Wilson Baker
- Author:Thomas Baker
- Author:Frederic Carrol Baldy
- Author:Gerald William Balfour
- Author:Andrew Balfour (1630-1694)
- Author:Charles James Ball
- Author:Peter Ball
- Author:William Ball (1627-1690)
- Author:David Purvis Balsillie
- Author:John Codrington Bampfylde
- Author:Solomon Dias Bandaranaike
- Author:George Bannatyne
- Author:Helen Bannerman
- Author:Margaret Fairless Barber
- Author:George Barclay
- Author:Hugh Barclay
- Author:Arvède Barine
- Author:Nugent Barker
- Author:Felice Barnabei
- Author:Nathaniel Barnaby
- Author:Ettwell Augustine Bracher Barnard
- Author:Thomas Barnes
- Author:Charles Zachary Barnett
- Author:Pío Baroja
- Author:James Barr (fl. 1854-1863)
- Author:William Barritt
- Author:Henry Barry
- Author:James Barry