Category:Children's authors
Pages in category "Children's authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 522 total.
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- Author:Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
- Author:Jacob Abbott
- Author:Ellinor Davenport Adams
- Author:Henry Cadwallader Adams
- Author:William Taylor Adams
- Author:Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev
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- Author:Ahmad Akbarpour
- Author:Mary Jemima Albert
- Author:Louisa May Alcott
- Author:William Alcott
- Author:Isabella Macdonald Alden
- Author:Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Author:Charles Dewey Alexander
- Author:Horatio Alger
- Author:Joseph Alexander Altsheler
- Author:Hans Christian Andersen
- Author:Robert Gordon Anderson
- Author:Jane Andrews
- Author:Peter Christen Asbjørnsen
- Author:Ruby Mildred Ayres
- Author:Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
- Author:Arthur Scott Bailey
- Author:Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
- Author:Henry Christopher Bailey
- Author:Hariette Newell Woods Baker
- Author:Ray Stannard Baker
- Author:Robert Michael Ballantyne
- Author:John Kendrick Bangs
- Author:Helen Bannerman
- Author:Anna Laetitia Barbauld
- Author:Ralph Henry Barbour
- Author:Kitty Barne
- Author:Annie Maria Barnes
- Author:James Matthew Barrie
- Author:Frances Elizabeth Barrow
- Author:Giambattista Basile
- Author:Fletcher Stewart Bassett
- Author:Clara Doty Bates
- Author:Lyman Frank Baum
- Author:Daniel Carter Beard
- Author:Johan Hendrik Been
- Author:John Joy Bell
- Author:Robert Hugh Benson
- Author:Élie Berthet
- Author:Tom Bevan
- Author:Clifton Bingham
- Author:Amy Ella Blanchard
- Author:John Bloundelle-Burton
- Author:Enid Blyton
- Author:Lucie Boissonnas
- Author:Elizabeth Lydia Rosabelle Bonham
- Author:Waldemar Bonsels
- Author:Jean-Nicolas Bouilly
- Author:Sarah Hopkins Bradford
- Author:Caroline Bray
- Author:Angela Brazil
- Author:Leonard Leslie Brooke
- Author:Elbridge Streeter Brooks
- Author:Abbie Farwell Brown
- Author:Frances Browne
- Author:Mary Grant Bruce
- Author:Arabella Burton Buckley
- Author:Thornton Waldo Burgess
- Author:Alice Hale Burnett
- Author:Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
- Author:Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Author:Henry Thomson Burtis
- Author:Laura Bush
- Author:Geraldine May Butt
- Author:Hezekiah Butterworth
- Author:Bertha Henry Buxton
- Author:Mary Clarissa Byron
- Author:Walter Harrison Cady
- Author:Maria Callcott
- Author:Lucy Lyttelton Cameron
- Author:Helen Stuart Campbell
- Author:John Francis Campbell
- Author:John Gregorson Campbell
- Author:Dorothy Canfield Fisher
- Author:William Canton
- Author:Karel Čapek
- Author:Ion Luca Caragiale
- Author:Frances Aretta Carpenter
- Author:Charles Edward Carryl
- Author:Alice Patty Lee Cary
- Author:Mary Hartwell Catherwood
- Author:Robert William Chambers
- Author:Elizabeth Williams Champney
- Author:Anna Alice Chapin
- Author:Christine Chaundler
- Author:Arthur Bowie Chrisman
- Author:Abigail Mandana Holmes Christensen
- Author:Korney Chukovsky
- Author:Rebecca Sophia Clarke
- Author:Samuel Langhorne Clemens
- Author:Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
- Author:Thomas Cobb
- Author:Henrique Maximiano Coelho Neto
- Author:Desmond Coke
- Author:Carlo Collodi
- Author:Joséphine-Blanche Colomb
- Author:Padraic Colum
- Author:Harriet Theresa Comstock
- Author:James Fenimore Cooper
- Author:Esther Copley
- Author:Elizabeth Terhune Corbett
- Author:Julia Corner
- Author:David Cory
- Author:John Cotton
- Author:Edith Elise Cadogan Cowper
- Author:Palmer Cox
- Author:Dinah Maria Craik
- Author:Georgiana Marion Craik
- Author:Christopher Pearse Cranch
- Author:Thomas Frederick Crane
- Author:Richmal Crompton
- Author:Countee Cullen
- Author:Maria Susanna Cummins
- Author:Jeremiah Curtin
- Author:James Oliver Curwood
- Author:Ali Ashraf Darvishian
- Author:Thomas Day
- Author:Cecil Day-Lewis
- Author:Edmondo de Amicis
- Author:Marguerite de Angeli
- Author:Ferdinand Léopold de Gramont
- Author:Mary De Morgan
- Author:Dorothea Deakin
- Author:Mabel Dearmer
- Author:Daniel Defoe
- Author:William Wallace Denslow
- Author:Charles Deulin
- Author:Mary Westbrook Van Deusen
- Author:Karel Dewetter
- Author:Abby Morton Diaz
- Author:Charles John Huffam Dickens
- Author:Beulah Marie Dix
- Author:Louis Dodge
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
- Author:Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
- Author:Sarah Doudney
- Author:Amanda Minnie Douglas
- Author:Arthur Conan Doyle
- Author:Roger Antoine Duvoisin
- Author:John Meade Falkner
- Author:Charles Buckles Falls
- Author:Eleanor Farjeon
- Author:Harriet Farley
- Author:George Edward Farrow
- Author:Georgene Faulkner
- Author:William Cuthbert Faulkner
- Author:Edgar Fawcett
- Author:George Manville Fenn
- Author:Eliza Fenwick
- Author:Gabriel Ferry
- Author:Eugene Field
- Author:Rachel Lyman Field
- Author:Charles Joseph Finger
- Author:Martha Finley
- Author:Percy Keese Fitzhugh
- Author:Joseph Smith Fletcher
- Author:Esther Louise Forbes
- Author:Charles Austin Fosdick
- Author:Gustave Mathieu Joseph Fraipont
- Author:Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
- Author:Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford
- Author:Allen French
- Author:Henry Frith
- Author:Frances Dana Barker Gage
- Author:Antoine Galland
- Author:Howard Roger Garis
- Author:Margaret Gatty
- Author:Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis
- Author:Emily Gerard
- Author:Cecilia May Gibbs
- Author:Agnes Giberne
- Author:Julia Goddard
- Author:Anna Adams Gordon
- Author:Elizabeth Gordon
- Author:Kenneth Grahame
- Author:Catherine Greenaway
- Author:Henry Graham Greene
- Author:Louisa Lilias Plunket Greene
- Author:Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm
- Author:Wilhelm Carl Grimm
- Author:John Percy Groves
- Author:John Barton Gruelle