Category:English authors
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This category contains authors who lived when England was a nation for itself. Other English authors may be categorised under Category:British authors and Category:United Kingdom authors.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Cornish authors (10 P)
Pages in category "English authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,109 total.
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- Author:Charles Abbott
- Author:Edwin Abbott Abbott
- Author:Evelyn Abbott
- Author:Robert Abbot
- Author:Annie Heloise Abel
- Author:Israel Abrahams
- Author:Arthur Henry Dyke Acland
- Author:Reginald Brodie Dyke Acland
- Author:John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
- Author:William Adam
- Author:Lionel Ernest Adams
- Author:Sarah Fuller Flower Adams
- Author:Thomas Adams
- Author:Joseph Addison
- Author:William Addison
- Author:William Percy Addleshaw
- Author:Sidney Oldall Addy
- Author:Adelardus Bathensis
- Author:William Adlington
- Author:John Adolphus
- Author:Adrian IV
- Author:Thomas Ady
- Author:Ælfric
- Author:Ernest Leopold Ahrons
- Author:Charles Hamilton Aidé
- Author:John Aikin
- Author:Alfred Ainger
- Author:Wilfrid Airy
- Author:George Aitchison
- Author:John Fortescue Aland
- Author:Richard Aldington
- Author:Henry Aldrich
- Author:Alexander of Hales
- Author:George William Alexander
- Author:William Alexander (1767-1816)
- Author:Henry Alford
- Author:Alfred the Great
- Author:John Goldworth Alger
- Author:Archibald Alison (1792-1867)
- Author:George Albert Thomas Allan
- Author:Alexander Allardyce (1846-1896)
- Author:Thomas Clifford Allbutt
- Author:Joseph Alleine
- Author:Richard Alleine
- Author:Alexander Allen
- Author:James Allen (1864-1912)
- Author:William Allen (1532-1594)
- Author:Willis Boyd Allen
- Author:John Allibond
- Author:Mary Helen Agnes Allies
- Author:Thomas Allin
- Author:Thomas Richard Allinson
- Author:Joseph Cuthbert Almond
- Author:Joseph Ames
- Author:William Ames (1576-1633)
- Author:William Ames (d. 1662)
- Author:Nicholas Amhurst
- Author:Sheldon Amos
- Author:John Henry Amshewitz
- Author:John George Clark Anderson
- Author:William Edwin Anderson
- Author:Bernard André
- Author:John André
- Author:Lancelot Andrewes
- Author:Charles Freer Andrews
- Author:Charles William Andrews
- Author:George Andrews
- Author:Bartholomeus Anglicus
- Author:Joseph Angus
- Author:Mary Edith Dunckley Angus
- Author:Anne
- Author:Anselm of Canterbury
- Author:Thomas Chisholm Anstey
- Author:John Anstis
- Author:Anthony Anthony
- Author:Reginald Laurence Antrobus
- Author:Oliver Vernon Aplin
- Author:Thomas Andrew Archer
- Author:Godfrey Edward Pellew Arkwright
- Author:Carl Armbruster
- Author:Maxwell Ashby Armfield
- Author:Robert Armin
- Author:Wilson Armistead
- Author:Elkanah Armitage
- Author:Evelyn May Noble Armitage
- Author:Edward Armstrong
- Author:Henry Edward Armstrong
- Author:Walter Armstrong
- Author:Thomas Augustine Arne
- Author:Edward John Arnett
- Author:Elizabeth von Arnim
- Author:Edward Carleton Arnold
- Author:Edwin Lester Arnold
- Author:Matthew Arnold
- Author:Robert Arthur Arnold
- Author:Thomas Arnold (1795-1842)
- Author:Thomas James Arnold
- Author:Roger Ascham
- Author:John Asgill
- Author:Charles Robert Ashbee
- Author:Thomas Ashby
- Author:Robert Ashley
- Author:William James Ashley
- Author:Elias Ashmole
- Author:Henry Ashurst
- Author:Herbert Henry Asquith
- Author:William George Aston
- Author:Athelstan
- Author:Edwin Atherstone
- Author:John Atkins
- Author:Joseph Beavington Atkinson
- Author:John James Aubertin
- Author:John Aubrey
- Author:Wystan Hugh Auden
- Author:Stacy Aumonier
- Author:Ernest Edward Austen
- Author:Jane Austen
- Author:John Hiley Austen
- Author:Alfred Austin
- Author:Cyril F. Austin
- Author:John Austin
- Author:Sarah Austin
- Author:John Awdely
- Author:William Edward Armytage Axon
- Author:Charles Babbage
- Author:Edward Cresswell Baber
- Author:Charles Cardale Babington
- Author:Edmund Trelawny Backhouse
- Author:Edmund Backhouse
- Author:James Backhouse (1861-1945)
- Author:Francis Bacon
- Author:Montagu Bacon
- Author:Nathaniel Bacon (1647-1676)
- Author:Roger Bacon
- Author:Agnes Baden-Powell
- Author:Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell
- Author:Baden Henry Baden-Powell
- Author:George Smyth Baden-Powell
- Author:Robert Baden-Powell
- Author:Warington Baden-Powell
- Author:Walter Bagehot
- Author:George Cyril Bailey
- Author:John Bailey (1750-1819)
- Author:Abraham Baily
- Author:Robert Nisbet Bain
- Author:Edward Baines (1800-1890)
- Author:Jervoise Athelstane Baines
- Author:John Thomas Baines
- Author:Thomas Baines
- Author:Benjamin Baker
- Author:John Gilbert Baker
- Author:Samuel White Baker
- Author:Thomas Baker
- Author:Robert Bakewell
- Author:Alfred Lys Baldry
- Author:Stanley Baldwin
- Author:Edwin Bale
- Author:John Bale
- Author:Henry Balfour
- Author:James Balfour (1600-1657)
- Author:John Ball (1338-1381)
- Author:Peter Ball
- Author:William Ball (1627-1690)
- Author:William Ball (1801-1878)
- Author:Ada Sarah Ballin
- Author:William Samuel Bambridge
- Author:John Shaw Banks
- Author:Joseph Banks
- Author:Mary MacLeod Banks
- Author:Thomas Bannister
- Author:Margaret Fairless Barber
- Author:Thomas Barclay
- Author:Richard Harris Barham
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Thomas Charles Baring
- Author:Sabine Baring-Gould
- Author:Aldred Farrer Barker
- Author:Ernest Barker
- Author:George Fisher Russell Barker
- Author:Henry Charles Barkley
- Author:Clement Barksdale
- Author:William Barksted
- Author:Henry Clark Barlow
- Author:Peter Barlow
- Author:Joseph Barnby
- Author:Barnabe Barnes
- Author:Joshua Barnes
- Author:William Barnes
- Author:William Emery Barnes
- Author:Richard Barnfield
- Author:John Arthur Barratt
- Author:Oswald Barron
- Author:Isaac Barrow
- Author:John Barrow (1808-1898)
- Author:John Barrow (d. 1774)
- Author:Robert Clapham Barstow
- Author:James Vernon Bartlet
- Author:Edward Bartlett
- Author:James Bartlett
- Author:Eustace Robert Barton