Category:Irish authors
Contents: |
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
- Northern Irish authors (3 P)
- Irish poets (43 P)
- Presidents of Ireland (3 P)
Pages in category "Irish authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 826 total.
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- Author:Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
- Author:Adomnán of Iona
- Author:James Aherne
- Author:Aldfrith
- Author:Cecil Frances Alexander
- Author:Eleanor Jane Alexander
- Author:Thomas Alexander
- Author:Rowland George Allanson-Winn
- Author:William Allingham
- Author:Robert Ambrose
- Author:Thomas Amory
- Author:Thomas Andrews
- Author:John Anster
- Author:Alexander John Arbuthnot
- Author:Mervyn Archdall
- Author:John Roche Ardill
- Author:Thomas Ash
- Author:Richard Bagwell
- Author:William Frederick Bailey
- Author:Michael William Balfe
- Author:Francis Elrington Ball
- Author:John Ball (1818-1889)
- Author:John Banim
- Author:Mary Barber
- Author:Bonaventure Baron
- Author:Eaton Stannard Barrett
- Author:Jonah Barrington
- Author:Albert Barry
- Author:James Barry
- Author:Michael Joseph Barry
- Author:Redmond Barry
- Author:William Francis Barry
- Author:Dunbar Plunket Barton
- Author:Charles Francis Bastable
- Author:Daisy May Bates
- Author:William Bathe
- Author:Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby
- Author:Piaras Béaslaí
- Author:David Richard Beatty
- Author:William Beatty
- Author:Henrietta Beaufort
- Author:Patrick A. Beecher
- Author:Conor Begley
- Author:John Begley
- Author:Henry Nugent Bell
- Author:Thomas Reid Davys Bell
- Author:Charles William Benson
- Author:George Berkeley (1685-1753)
- Author:William Leigh Bernard
- Author:William Betham
- Author:Edmund Thomas Bewley
- Author:Isaac Bickerstaffe
- Author:Charles Thomas Bingham
- Author:John Birmingham
- Author:Robert James Blackham
- Author:David Blair
- Author:Edith Bernal Blake
- Author:Henry Arthur Blake
- Author:Lucius O'Brien Blake
- Author:Martin Joseph Blake
- Author:Mary Teresa Boddington
- Author:Thomas Bodkin
- Author:James Thomson Bottomley
- Author:Dion Boucicault
- Author:James David Bourchier
- Author:Ulick Joseph Bourke
- Author:Elizabeth Bowen
- Author:George Ferguson Bowen
- Author:Ernest Augustus Boyd
- Author:Henry Boyd
- Author:Patrick Boylan
- Author:Charles Boyle
- Author:John Boyle
- Author:Patrick Boyle
- Author:Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
- Author:William Boyle
- Author:Thomas Braddell
- Author:Maziere Brady
- Author:Nicholas Brady
- Author:Thomas Brady
- Author:Henry Athanasius Brann
- Author:Charles Joseph Brennan
- Author:Alexander Herbert Reginald St. John Brenon
- Author:Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright
- Author:Edward Ffrench Bromhead
- Author:Charlotte Brooke
- Author:Henry Brooke
- Author:William Edwin Brooks
- Author:William Brown (1790-1860)
- Author:Frances Browne
- Author:John Ross Browne
- Author:Patrick Browne
- Author:Sophie Willock Bryant
- Author:Kyran Thomas Buggy
- Author:Selina Bunbury
- Author:Edward Bunting
- Author:Catherine Dorothea Burdett
- Author:Edmund Burke
- Author:James Burke
- Author:John Burke
- Author:Peter Burrowes
- Author:John Bagnell Bury
- Author:Robert Gregg Bury
- Author:Samuel Henry Butcher
- Author:Edwin John Butler
- Author:James Butler
- Author:Richard Butler
- Author:William Butler (1818-1899)
- Author:Oliver Byrne
- Author:Patrick Keary Cahill
- Author:John Elliott Cairnes
- Author:Josephine Martin Callwell
- Author:Pamela Campbell
- Author:Thomas Campbell (1763-1854)
- Author:Richard Cantillon
- Author:Mathew Carey
- Author:William Carrigan
- Author:Edward Henry Carson
- Author:Roger David Casement
- Author:John Keegan Casey
- Author:Patrick Reginald Chalmers
- Author:Richard Chenevix
- Author:Andrew Cherry
- Author:Richard Robert Cherry
- Author:Robert Erskine Childers
- Author:Elizabeth O'Brien Christitch
- Author:Harry Clarke
- Author:Thomas James Clarke
- Author:Ellen Creathorne Clayton
- Author:Gregory Cleary
- Author:Henry William Cleary
- Author:Arthur Edward Clery
- Author:Diarmid Coffey
- Author:George Coffey
- Author:Peter Coffey
- Author:Daniel Coghlan
- Author:Ambrose Coleman
- Author:John Colgan
- Author:Peter Fenelon Collier
- Author:Padraic Colum
- Author:Matthew Concanen
- Author:Thomas Condon
- Author:Edward Henry Conington
- Author:Patrick Laurence Connellan
- Author:Henry Daniel Conner
- Author:James Connolly
- Author:Joseph Connolly
- Author:Eugene Alfred Conwell
- Author:Dorothea Conyers
- Author:Bryan Ricco Cooper
- Author:Jim Corbett
- Author:Timothy Corcoran
- Author:Dudley Sydney Ashworth Cosby
- Author:William Thomas Cosgrave
- Author:Louisa Stuart Costello
- Author:Joseph Rogerson Cotter
- Author:Thomas Coulter
- Author:Michael Francis Cox
- Author:Richard Cox
- Author:William Patrick Coyne
- Author:Emily Crawford
- Author:George Arthur Crawford
- Author:Julia Crawford
- Author:William Crawford
- Author:Daniel Crilly
- Author:Morgan William Crofton
- Author:Walter Frederick Crofton
- Author:Freeman Wills Crofts
- Author:Temple Henry Croker
- Author:Michael Cronin
- Author:Aodh Buí Mac Cruitín
- Author:Cuchumneus
- Author:John Baptist Cullen
- Author:Isaac Cullimore
- Author:Edward Parnall Culverwell
- Author:Henry Alfred Cummins
- Author:John Cunningham
- Author:Henry Grattan Curran
- Author:John Philpot Curran
- Author:William Curtain
- Author:Dermot Patrick Curtin
- Author:Ella Jane Curtis
- Author:Edward Alfred D'Alton
- Author:John D'Alton
- Author:John Francis D'Alton
- Author:George Darley
- Author:Joseph Darlington
- Author:Samuel Davidson
- Author:Thomas Osborne Davis
- Author:Cecil Day-Lewis
- Author:John Connellan Deane
- Author:Patrick Delany
- Author:John Derricke
- Author:Emile Joseph Dillon
- Author:John Dillon
- Author:Wentworth Dillon
- Author:William James Dilworth
- Author:Augustus Edward Dixon
- Author:Henry Horatio Dixon
- Author:George Edward Dobson