Category:Lawyers as authors
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
- Barristers as authors (978 P)
- Coroners as authors (7 P)
- Czech lawyers (11 P)
- Solicitors as authors (82 P)
- United States lawyers (229 P)
Pages in category "Lawyers as authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,972 total.
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- Author:Austin Abbot
- Author:Benjamin Vaughan Abbott
- Author:John Abbott
- Author:William Henry Abbott
- Author:Władysław Henryk Franciszek Abraham
- Author:Elliott Abrams
- Author:Floyd Abrams
- Author:Dean Gooderham Acheson
- Author:Lourens Ackermann
- Author:Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886)
- Author:Charles Francis Adams (1835-1915)
- Author:Charles Warren Adams
- Author:John Adams (1735-1826)
- Author:John Quincy Adams
- Author:Agathias
- Author:William Thomas Fischer Agnew
- Author:Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
- Author:Syed Ahmad Khan
- Author:Lieuwe van Aitzema
- Author:Carl Bert Albert
- Author:Barry Todd Albin
- Author:William Livingston Alden
- Author:Ruggero John Aldisert
- Author:Samuel Anthony Alito
- Author:John James Allen
- Author:William T. Allen
- Author:Willis Boyd Allen
- Author:Colin Zachary Allred
- Author:Gloria Rachel Allred
- Author:Oscar Thorwald Johan Alpers
- Author:John Peter Altgeld
- Author:Fisher Ames
- Author:Adelbert Ames, Jr.
- Author:Mark Amodei
- Author:Thomas Coffin Amory
- Author:Sheldon Amos
- Author:James Anderson (1662-1728)
- Author:Robert Lanier Anderson
- Author:William Alexander Anderson
- Author:John Andrews
- Author:Stephen Pearl Andrews
- Author:William Shankland Andrews
- Author:François-Réal Angers
- Author:Francis Alexander Anglin
- Author:John Anster
- Author:Johann August Apel
- Author:Appianus
- Author:Jesse Applegate Applegate
- Author:Emmanuel François Victor Arago
- Author:Thomas H. Armstrong
- Author:Isaac Newton Arnold
- Author:Morris Sheppard Arnold
- Author:Richard Sheppard Arnold
- Author:Raymond Holbrook Arnot
- Author:Chester Alan Arthur
- Author:John Ashcroft
- Author:William Waldorf Astor
- Author:Arthur Richmond Atkinson
- Author:Arthur Samuel Atkinson
- Author:William Walker Atkinson
- Author:John Austin
- Author:William Austin (1778-1841)
- Author:William Edmondstoune Aytoun
- Author:William Henry Babcock
- Author:Michele Marie Bachmann
- Author:Francis Bacon
- Author:Scotty Baesler
- Author:Samuel Robert Bagenstos
- Author:Edmund Alton Bailey
- Author:William Frederick Bailey
- Author:William Amias Bailward
- Author:Edward Dickinson Baker
- Author:George Augustus Baker
- Author:Karen Renee Baker
- Author:Newton Diehl Baker
- Author:Richard Chaffey Baker
- Author:John Warren Bakewell
- Author:Edwin Swift Balch
- Author:Henry Baldwin
- Author:Simeon Eben Baldwin
- Author:Tammy Suzanne Green Baldwin
- Author:James Balfour (1705-1795)
- Author:Walter William Rouse Ball
- Author:William Ballantine (1812-1887)
- Author:Sullivan Ballou
- Author:Gooru Das Banerji
- Author:Pridi Banomyong
- Author:James Barbour
- Author:Philip Pendleton Barbour
- Author:Jacob Barker
- Author:Theodore Gaillard Barker
- Author:Antoine Barnave
- Author:William Henry Linow Barnes
- Author:William Pelham Barr
- Author:Amy Vivian Coney Barrett
- Author:Daines Barrington
- Author:Gustavo Adolfo Luiz Dodt da Cunha Barroso
- Author:Redmond Barry
- Author:Willard Bartlett (1846-1925)
- Author:William Chauncey Bartlett
- Author:Edmund Barton
- Author:George Burnett Barton
- Author:Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac
- Author:Edward Bates
- Author:Henry Hobart Bates
- Author:James Woodson Bates
- Author:Alexander Bathgate
- Author:Max Baucus
- Author:Louis Narcisse Baudry de Lozières
- Author:Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista
- Author:Thomas Francis Bayard
- Author:Thomas Levingston Bayne
- Author:Charles Fisk Beach, Jr.
- Author:Rex Ellingwood Beach
- Author:Joseph Henry Beale
- Author:Richard Lee Tuberville Beale
- Author:Charles Cotesworth Beaman
- Author:George Beattie
- Author:Diane E. Beaver
- Author:Xavier Becerra
- Author:Henry Corry Rowley Becher
- Author:James Montgomery Beck
- Author:Theodric Romeyn Beck
- Author:Edward Roy Becker
- Author:Thomas à Beckett (1836-1919)
- Author:Edwin Augustus Bedell
- Author:William Trulock Beeks
- Author:Robert Renaut Beezer
- Author:Matthew Baillie Begbie
- Author:Griffin Boyette Bell
- Author:Henry Glassford Bell
- Author:Edward Bellasis (1800-1873)
- Author:Charles Byron Bellinger
- Author:Edward Milligen Beloe
- Author:Jacinto Benavente
- Author:Park Benjamin (1809-1864)
- Author:Richard Bedford Bennett
- Author:George Bentham
- Author:Jeremy Bentham
- Author:Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858)
- Author:Francis Bergan
- Author:Tunis Garret Bergen
- Author:Rochelle Levine Berkley
- Author:Adolf Augustus Berle
- Author:Walter Van Rensselaer Berry
- Author:Thomas Berwick
- Author:Charles Irving Bevans
- Author:Albert Jeremiah Beveridge
- Author:Henry Beveridge (1799-1863)
- Author:Edmund Thomas Bewley
- Author:Preet Bharara
- Author:Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
- Author:Giuseppe Bianchini
- Author:István Bibó
- Author:Francis Biddle
- Author:Horace Peters Biddle
- Author:Joseph Robinette Biden
- Author:John Bigelow
- Author:Poultney Bigelow
- Author:Samuel Fowler Bigelow
- Author:Charles Robert Webster Biggar
- Author:Judith Borg Biggert
- Author:Andrew Steven Biggs
- Author:Elkanah Billings
- Author:Charles James Billson
- Author:Henry Birkhead
- Author:James Daniel Bishop
- Author:Adi Bitar
- Author:Hugo LaFayette Black
- Author:William George Black
- Author:Harry Blackmun
- Author:Ian Basil Gawaine Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood
- Author:Milorad Blagojevich
- Author:William Blaikie
- Author:James Gillespie Blaine
- Author:Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
- Author:John Blair (1732-1800)
- Author:Newton Crain Blanchard
- Author:Samuel Blatchford
- Author:Antony John Blinken
- Author:Earl Blumenauer
- Author:Richard Blumenthal
- Author:Dimitrije Bodi
- Author:Thomas Bodkin
- Author:Henry Boguet
- Author:Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux
- Author:Reuben Patrick Boise
- Author:Richard Bolton
- Author:Charles Joseph Bonaparte
- Author:Kit Bond
- Author:Pamela Jo Bondi
- Author:John Milton Bonham
- Author:Charles Carroll Bonney
- Author:Ivanoe Bonomi
- Author:Cory Anthony Booker
- Author:Robert Borden
- Author:William Liscum Borden
- Author:Stephen L. Borrello
- Author:James Boswell (1740-1795)
- Author:Robert-Shore-Milnes Bouchette