Category:Philologists as authors
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
- Coptologists as authors (4 P)
- Hispanists as authors (16 P)
- Paleographers as authors (13 P)
- Papyrologists as authors (6 P)
Pages in category "Philologists as authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 575 total.
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- Author:Ivar Aasen
- Author:Edwin Abbott Abbott
- Author:Frank Frost Abbott
- Author:Adela Marion Adam
- Author:James Adam
- Author:Charles Darwin Adams
- Author:George J. Adler
- Author:Johannes Alberti
- Author:Percy Stafford Allen
- Author:Thomas William Allen
- Author:William Francis Allen
- Author:Francis Greanleaf Allinson
- Author:Ethan Allen Andrews (1787-1858)
- Author:Charles Anthon
- Author:Edward Anwyl
- Author:Apollodorus
- Author:Marie Henri d'Arbois de Jubainville
- Author:Edward Vernon Arnold
- Author:William George Aston
- Author:Frank Cole Babbitt
- Author:Charles Badham (1813-1884)
- Author:Johann Christian Felix Baehr
- Author:Cyril Bailey
- Author:Nathan Bailey
- Author:James Robert Ballantyne
- Author:Susan Helen Ballou
- Author:Adrianus Barlandus
- Author:William Barnes
- Author:Heinrich Barth
- Author:William Bathe
- Author:Josef Baudiš
- Author:George Bauer
- Author:George Bayldon
- Author:John Beames (1837-1902)
- Author:August Immanuel Bekker
- Author:Robert Bellarmine
- Author:Alfred Raymond Bellinger
- Author:Theodor Benfey
- Author:Charles Edwin Bennett
- Author:Richard Bentley (1662-1742)
- Author:Friedrich Wilhelm Bergmann
- Author:Gregorios Bernardakis
- Author:Joseph Bernhart
- Author:Adalbert Bezzenberger
- Author:Anton Birlinger
- Author:Thomas Blackwell
- Author:Edward Henry Blakeney
- Author:Wilhelm Bleek
- Author:Charles James Blomfield
- Author:David Simon Blondheim
- Author:Maurice Bloomfield
- Author:August Böckh
- Author:Georg Heinrich Bode
- Author:Adam Fredrik Trampe Bødtker
- Author:Gaston Boissier
- Author:Léon Bollack
- Author:George Melville Bolling
- Author:John Manning Booker
- Author:Hugh Stuart Boyd
- Author:Robert Boyle (1842-1903)
- Author:Henry Bradley
- Author:Louis Maurice Brandin
- Author:Christian August Brandis
- Author:Michel Bréal
- Author:Ernest Brehaut
- Author:James Wilson Bright
- Author:Bernhard Egidius Konrad ten Brink
- Author:Robert Brown (1844-1912)
- Author:Carleton Lewis Brownson
- Author:Franz Georg Philipp Buchenau
- Author:Carl Darling Buck
- Author:Jacob Burckhardt
- Author:John Burnet
- Author:John Bagnell Bury
- Author:Robert Gregg Bury
- Author:Samuel Henry Butcher
- Author:Alexander Buttmann
- Author:Philipp Karl Buttmann
- Author:Ingram Bywater
- Author:Joseph Bédier
- Author:Victor Bérard
- Author:George Glenn Cameron
- Author:Edward Capps
- Author:Giosuè Carducci
- Author:William Henry Carpenter
- Author:Jesse Benedict Carter
- Author:Earnest Cary
- Author:Isaac Casaubon
- Author:Arthur Ellicott Case
- Author:Hector Munro Chadwick
- Author:Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay
- Author:Henry John Chaytor
- Author:Harold Fredrik Cherniss
- Author:Francis James Child
- Author:Vere Gordon Childe
- Author:Noam Chomsky
- Author:Albert Curtis Clark
- Author:Barrett Harper Clark
- Author:William George Clark
- Author:Paul Augustus Clement
- Author:Henry Fynes Clinton
- Author:Thomas Oswald Cockayne
- Author:Francisco Adolfo Coelho
- Author:James Wilfred Cohoon
- Author:Francis Henry Colson
- Author:Domenico Pietro Antonio Comparetti
- Author:John Conington
- Author:Robert Seymour Conway
- Author:Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare
- Author:Albert Stanburrough Cook
- Author:Lane Cooper
- Author:Edward Byles Cowell
- Author:William Alexander Craigie
- Author:Howard Crosby
- Author:Franz-Valéry-Marie Cumont
- Author:Edward Micklethwaite Curr
- Author:Amos Noyes Currier
- Author:Georg Curtius
- Author:Antoine Fabre d'Olivet
- Author:Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge
- Author:Martin Luther D'Ooge
- Author:André Dacier
- Author:Anne Dacier
- Author:Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann
- Author:Thomas William Rhys Davids
- Author:Bernard de la Monnoye
- Author:Jean-Baptiste-Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison
- Author:Wilhelm Deecke
- Author:Roy Joseph Deferrari
- Author:Phillip Howard DeLacy
- Author:Pierre Desfontaines
- Author:Hermann Alexander Diels
- Author:Wilhelm Dittenberger
- Author:Heinrich Theodor Dittrich
- Author:Eric Robertson Dodds
- Author:Karl Domanig
- Author:John William Donaldson
- Author:Robert Kennaway Douglas
- Author:Samuel Rolles Driver
- Author:Louis Marie Olivier Duchesne
- Author:John Wight Duff
- Author:Louis Dutens
- Author:Alexander Dyce
- Author:Jacques Philippe d'Orville
- Author:John Maxwell Edmonds
- Author:James Chidester Egbert
- Author:Benedict Einarson
- Author:August Eisenlohr
- Author:Alexander John Ellis
- Author:Robinson Ellis
- Author:Peter Elmsley
- Author:Frederick Thomas Elworthy
- Author:Karl Elze
- Author:Oliver Farrar Emerson
- Author:Johann August Ernesti
- Author:Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa
- Author:Henri Estienne
- Author:Robert Estienne
- Author:Karl Hermann Ethé
- Author:Hugh Gerard Evelyn-White
- Author:Edwin Fairburn
- Author:Henry Rushton Fairclough
- Author:Arthur Spenser Loat Farquharson
- Author:Charles Ernest Fay
- Author:Edwin Whitfield Fay
- Author:Fidel Fita y Colomé
- Author:James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
- Author:Jeremiah Denis Mathias Ford
- Author:Edward Seymour Forster
- Author:Agricol-Joseph Fortia d'Urban
- Author:Benjamin Oliver Foster
- Author:Herbert Baldwin Foster
- Author:Harold North Fowler
- Author:William Sherwood Fox
- Author:Tenney Frank
- Author:Charles du Fresne
- Author:Ludwig Heinrich Friedländer
- Author:Frederick James Furnivall
- Author:Richard Förster
- Author:Thomas Gaisford
- Author:Thomas Gale
- Author:Johan Hendrik Gallée
- Author:Saadia Gaon
- Author:Alan Henderson Gardiner
- Author:Moses Gaster
- Author:Karl Friedrich Geldner
- Author:Richard Henry Geoghegan
- Author:Gordon Hall Gerould
- Author:Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius
- Author:Johann Matthias Gesner
- Author:Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve
- Author:Peter Giles
- Author:Clarence Willard Gleason
- Author:Nelson Glenn McCrea
- Author:Terrot Reaveley Glover
- Author:Frédéric-Eugène Godefroy
- Author:Alfred Denis Godley
- Author:Ignác Goldziher
- Author:Israel Gollancz
- Author:William Watson Goodwin