Category:Translators as authors
Pages in category "Translators as authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,441 total.
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- Author:Ivar Aasen
- Author:Edwin Abbott
- Author:Evelyn Abbott
- Author:Ezra Abbot
- Author:Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
- Author:Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat
- Author:Patrick Abercromby
- Author:Mitchell Abidor
- Author:Harry Arbuthnot Acworth
- Author:Louis Adamič
- Author:Charles Darwin Adams
- Author:Francis Adams
- Author:Adelardus Bathensis
- Author:Cyrus Adler
- Author:William Adlington
- Author:William Affleck
- Author:Nils Georg Agander
- Author:Mary Prichard Agnetti
- Author:Grace Aguilar
- Author:Douglas Ainslie
- Author:David Mitchell Aird
- Author:Varahaneri Venkatesa Subramaniam Aiyar
- Author:Anna Akhmatova
- Author:Sergey Timofeyevich Aksakov
- Author:Bozorg Alavi
- Author:Richard Aldington
- Author:Jean le Rond d'Alembert
- Author:Esther Frances Alexander
- Author:Joseph Addison Alexander
- Author:Vittorio Alfieri
- Author:Abby Langdon Alger
- Author:Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- Author:Maulana Muhammad Ali
- Author:Syed Nawab Ali
- Author:Marie Jules Paul Allard
- Author:Mary Helen Agnes Allies
- Author:Alfred Richard Allinson
- Author:Francis Greanleaf Allinson
- Author:Petrus Alphonsi
- Author:Ernst Altschul
- Author:Michele Benedetto Gaetano Amari
- Author:Henry Frederick Amedroz (1855-1917)
- Author:Émile Amélineau
- Author:Henri Frédéric Amiel
- Author:Rasmus Bjørn Anderson
- Author:Dan Andersson
- Author:Lancelot Andrewes
- Author:Lorrin Andrews
- Author:Anna Mitrofanovna Anichkova
- Author:Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron
- Author:John Anster
- Author:Johann August Apel
- Author:William Foster Apthorp
- Author:Agnes Robertson Arber
- Author:Jakub Arbes
- Author:Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot
- Author:William Archer (1856-1924)
- Author:Cristoforo Armeno
- Author:Margaret Armour
- Author:Andrew Campbell Armstrong
- Author:Edwin Arnold
- Author:Thomas James Arnold
- Author:Charles Robert Ashbee
- Author:John Marks Ashley
- Author:Robert Ashley
- Author:Philip Arthur Ashworth
- Author:John Bertram Askew
- Author:William George Aston
- Author:Charles Milner Atkinson
- Author:Florence Gertrude Attenborough
- Author:Henry Attwell
- Author:John James Aubertin
- Author:Wystan Hugh Auden
- Author:François-Alphonse Aulard
- Author:Otakar Auředníček
- Author:Aurobindo Ghose
- Author:Sarah Austin
- Author:Edward Bibbins Aveling
- Author:Sylvie d'Avigdor
- Author:William Edmondstoune Aytoun
- Author:Eugene Howard Babbitt
- Author:Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac
- Author:Leonard Bacon (1887-1954)
- Author:Roger Bacon
- Author:Nathan Bailey
- Author:James Black Baillie
- Author:Robert Nisbet Bain
- Author:Theodore Baker
- Author:Cesare Balbo
- Author:Emily Lydia Baldwin
- Author:Frederic Henry Balfour
- Author:Marie Clothilde Balfour
- Author:Hugo Ball
- Author:Susan Helen Ballou
- Author:Konstantin Dmitriyevich Balmont
- Author:George Bancroft
- Author:John Shaw Banks
- Author:David Douglas Bannerman
- Author:Henri Auguste Barbier
- Author:Elizabeth Ann Ashurst Bardonneau
- Author:Giuseppe Marc'Antonio Baretti
- Author:Francis Foster Barham
- Author:Arvède Barine
- Author:Maurice Baring
- Author:Thomas Charles Baring
- Author:Sabine Baring-Gould
- Author:Mordaunt Roger Barnard
- Author:Daines Barrington
- Author:Sarah Tracy Barrows
- Author:Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire
- Author:Rosamund Bartlett
- Author:Alfred Baskerville
- Author:John William Basore
- Author:René Maria Joseph Basset
- Author:Panna Lal Basu
- Author:Ernest Stuart Bates
- Author:Stephen Batman
- Author:Charles Pierre Baudelaire
- Author:Josef Baudiš
- Author:Charles Baudouin
- Author:Louis Narcisse Baudry de Lozières
- Author:Juliette Bauer
- Author:Chrysostom Baur
- Author:William Bavand
- Author:Clifford Bax
- Author:Helton Godwin Baynes
- Author:Samuel Beal
- Author:John Thomas Bealby
- Author:John Isaac Beare
- Author:Piaras Béaslaí
- Author:James Beattie
- Author:William Beatty-Kingston
- Author:Percy Beaumont Wadsworth
- Author:Lewis White Beck
- Author:Bede
- Author:Aphra Behn
- Author:Francis Cunningham Belfour
- Author:John Belfour
- Author:Aubrey FitzGerald Bell
- Author:Clara Bell
- Author:Eric S. Bell
- Author:Maurice Frederick Bell
- Author:Nancy Regina Emily Meugens Bell
- Author:John Bellenden
- Author:Henry Adams Bellows
- Author:Thomas Bendyshe
- Author:Theodor Benfey
- Author:Elizabeth Ogilvie Benger
- Author:Walter Benjamin
- Author:Charles Edwin Bennett
- Author:George Hamley Bent
- Author:Gerhard Friedrich Bente
- Author:Richard Bentley (1708-1782)
- Author:Berechiah ha-Nakdan
- Author:Friedrich Wilhelm Bergmann
- Author:Alexander Berkman
- Author:Leopold John Bernays
- Author:Herman Bernstein
- Author:Benjamin Shepherd Berrington
- Author:George Ricker Berry
- Author:Walter Van Rensselaer Berry
- Author:Sasha Best
- Author:Augusta Bethell
- Author:John Thomas Betts
- Author:Annette Susannah Beveridge
- Author:Henry Beveridge (1799-1863)
- Author:Henry Beveridge (1837-1929)
- Author:Henry Bewerunge
- Author:Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna
- Author:Martha Dickinson Bianchi
- Author:Grace Bigelow
- Author:Jacob Bigelow
- Author:Maude Ashurst Biggs
- Author:Dino Bigongiari
- Author:Syed Ali Bilgrami
- Author:Jamshedji Hormasji Bilimoriya
- Author:Henry Billingsley
- Author:Charles James Billson
- Author:Thomas Bilson
- Author:Charles William Bingham
- Author:Hiram Bingham (1789-1869)
- Author:Robert Laurence Binyon
- Author:Édouard Constant Biot
- Author:Thomas Birch
- Author:Philip Birnbaum
- Author:Abu Rayhan Biruni
- Author:Elizabeth Bishop
- Author:Edwin Björkman
- Author:John Stuart Blackie
- Author:Anna Blackwell
- Author:Jean-François Bladé
- Author:William Hume Blake
- Author:Edward Henry Blakeney
- Author:Robert Bland
- Author:William Blandie
- Author:Steen Steensen Blicher
- Author:Mathilde Blind
- Author:Henry Ferdinand Blochmann
- Author:Alexander Alexandrovich Blok
- Author:Mary Blouet