Category:United States senators
Members of the United States Senate, one of the two chambers of the Congress of the United States, the other being the House of Representatives.
Pages in category "United States senators"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 311 total.
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- Author:Edward Dickinson Baker
- Author:Tammy Suzanne Green Baldwin
- Author:James Barbour
- Author:Max Baucus
- Author:Thomas Francis Bayard
- Author:Michael Farrand Bennet
- Author:Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858)
- Author:Douglas Kent Bereuter
- Author:Albert Jeremiah Beveridge
- Author:Joseph Robinette Biden
- Author:Hiram Bingham (1875-1956)
- Author:Hugo LaFayette Black
- Author:James Gillespie Blaine
- Author:Newton Crain Blanchard
- Author:Richard Blumenthal
- Author:Lisa LaTrelle Blunt Rochester
- Author:Kit Bond
- Author:Cory Anthony Booker
- Author:Jonathan Bourne, Jr.
- Author:George Sewall Boutwell
- Author:Barbara Levy Boxer
- Author:Michael Kent Braun
- Author:Sherrod Brown
- Author:William Cabell Bruce
- Author:James Buchanan
- Author:James Lane Buckley
- Author:Theodore Paul Budd
- Author:Aaron Burr
- Author:Richard Mauze Burr
- Author:Harold Hitz Burton
- Author:Robert Carlyle Byrd
- Author:James Francis Byrnes
- Author:John Caldwell Calhoun
- Author:Maria Ellen Cantwell
- Author:Ben Cardin
- Author:John Snyder Carlisle
- Author:Thomas Richard Carper
- Author:Robert Patrick Casey
- Author:William Morgan Cassidy
- Author:William Eaton Chandler
- Author:Zachariah Chandler
- Author:Robert Milledge Charlton
- Author:Margaret Chase Smith
- Author:Salmon Portland Chase
- Author:Rufus Choate
- Author:Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
- Author:Dan Coats
- Author:Thad Cochran
- Author:Norm Coleman
- Author:Susan Collins
- Author:Kent Conrad
- Author:Christopher Andrew Coons
- Author:John Cornyn
- Author:Catherine Marie Cortez Masto
- Author:Thomas Corwin
- Author:Tom Cotton
- Author:Larry Craig
- Author:Kevin John Cramer
- Author:William Harris Crawford
- Author:John Jordan Crittenden
- Author:Rafael Edward Cruz
- Author:David Daggett
- Author:Steven David Daines
- Author:John Claggett Danforth
- Author:Thomas Andrew Daschle
- Author:David Davis
- Author:Jefferson Davis
- Author:Jean Noël Destréhan
- Author:Everett McKinley Dirksen
- Author:John Adams Dix
- Author:Christopher Dodd
- Author:Elizabeth Dole
- Author:Robert Joseph Dole
- Author:Pete Domenici
- Author:Joe Donnelly
- Author:James Rood Doolittle
- Author:Byron Dorgan
- Author:Stephen Arnold Douglas
- Author:Charles Daniel Drake
- Author:Ladda Tammy Duckworth
- Author:John Foster Dulles
- Author:Richard Durbin
- Author:Chuck Hagel
- Author:James Henry Hammond
- Author:Wade Hampton
- Author:Martin D. Hardin
- Author:Warren Gamaliel Harding
- Author:Thomas Richard Harkin
- Author:Kamala Devi Harris
- Author:Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901)
- Author:William Henry Harrison
- Author:Margaret Hassan
- Author:Orrin Grant Hatch
- Author:Benjamin Hawkins
- Author:Joseph Roswell Hawley
- Author:Joshua David Hawley
- Author:Robert Hayne
- Author:Martin Trevor Heinrich
- Author:Isaac Hill
- Author:Mazie Keiko Hirono
- Author:Gilbert Monell Hitchcock
- Author:George Frisbie Hoar
- Author:Samuel Houston
- Author:John Eager Howard
- Author:Cordell Hull
- Author:Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter
- Author:Kay Bailey Hutchison
- Author:Timothy Michael Kaine
- Author:James Kerr Kelly
- Author:Mark Edward Kelly
- Author:John Edward Kenna
- Author:Edward Moore Kennedy
- Author:John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Author:Robert Francis Kennedy
- Author:John Forbes Kerry
- Author:Andrew Kim
- Author:Angus Stanley King
- Author:Rufus King
- Author:William Fosgate Kirby
- Author:Mark Kirk
- Author:Amy Jean Klobuchar
- Author:Jon Llewellyn Kyl
- Author:Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II
- Author:Mary Loretta Landrieu
- Author:James Paul Lankford
- Author:Frank Lautenberg
- Author:Patrick Joseph Leahy
- Author:Joshua Bryan Lee
- Author:Michael Shumway Lee
- Author:Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794)
- Author:Carl Levin
- Author:James Hamilton Lewis
- Author:Joseph Isadore Lieberman
- Author:Edward Livingston
- Author:Henry Cabot Lodge
- Author:Kelly Lynn Loeffler
- Author:John Alexander Logan
- Author:Huey Pierce Long
- Author:Trent Lott
- Author:Richard Green Lugar
- Author:Cynthia Marie Lummis
- Author:William Maclay
- Author:Stephen Russell Mallory
- Author:Edward John Markey
- Author:Roger Wayne Marshall
- Author:Thomas Stanley Matthews
- Author:William Gibbs McAdoo
- Author:John McCain
- Author:Eugene McCarthy
- Author:Joseph Raymond McCarthy
- Author:Claire Conner McCaskill
- Author:John Little McClellan
- Author:Mitch McConnell
- Author:Samuel Douglas McEnery
- Author:John McKinley
- Author:Robert Menendez
- Author:Jeffrey Alan Merkley
- Author:Barbara Mikulski
- Author:Zell Miller
- Author:Roger Quarles Mills
- Author:Sherman Minton
- Author:Samuel Latham Mitchill