Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Monastery of Obazine

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From volume 11 of the work.

104621Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Monastery of ObazineEdmond M. Obrecht

Located in the Diocese of Tulle; founded by St. Stephen of Obazine about 1134. After his ordination St. Stephen, with another priest, Pierre, began the eremitical life. They attracted a number of followers and with the sanction of Eustorge, Bishop of Tulle, built a monastery on a site granted them by the Viscount Archambault.

Before 1142 they had no established rule; however, in this year, St. Stephen was clothed with the regular habit. He had Cistercian monks train his followers in their mode of life, and affiliated his abbey to Citeaux (1147). The number increasing, several foundations were made. Among the most illustrious abbots of Obazine were François d'Escobleau (d. 1628), Archbishop of Bordeaux, and Charles de la Roche-Aymon (d. 1777), Cardinal Archbishop of Rennes. The monastery was confiscated by the Government during the Revolution (1791). The abbatial church, partly restored, now serves as a parish church.